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i'm uncomfortable with having a bf but i still want sex but i don't want to be hated for being a slut
Is this how the dog pill comes around?
dogpilled again
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You are just a fucking whore, like all women. Unable to commit, just want your hole ravaged by chads.
only chads exist to you

and they won't call you a whore to your face at least
i want a bf but im uncomfortable with having sex i am the yin to your yang
dont let the sexless losers get to you
they call women a slut when she says not interested or no thank you
if you want to fuck, fuck. sex is natural and pussyless mfers really believe that its somehow hurting a womans psyche or 'spirit'
>he thinks its the men she's worried about calling her a slut
naive fool
women love sex and love talking about sex
they brag to each other about the dick theyre getting just like how men tell their dawgs about the bitches they fucking
Why not have a fwb then
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Dw femanon I'll be your fuck buddy, we can have all the sex you want and keep it a secret so if anyone asks if your a slut that gets fucked by alot of guys you can lie and say "nah I'm a virgin" and I'll keep your secret.
just get a husband, no problem
you dont need to be married for sex
OP does if she doesn't want a bf and doesn't want the consequences of slutitude
so she doesnt need to be in anything to have sex
consequences? sex is normal and natural
idk why people think sex is bad or is hurting the person in some way
>i'm uncomfortable with having a bf but i still want sex but i don't want to be hated for being a slut
crazy bro ngl I skull emojid to this one
Assuming there are actual females here
where do I go to meet you
she's behind you...
I'm in my anti-femcel circle, she cannot harm me.
anon you should take the stopcaringwhatanyonelsethinkspill and do whatever you want lol
Solution! Kill yourself! :)
It's not slutty to have sex with your bf, sweetie-pie. It's a beautiful and bonding activity. How old are you, btw?
find a cool guy you like and trust that will wait until marriage
>wait until marriage
Pure christcuck retardation. Don't you have some "reformed" hoe to take care of?
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It makes sense even outside of a religious context. There's a reason it was the standard for such a long time. Whether it's one night stands or multiple long term bfs (same thing except in slow motion but with added feels and memories) all this sleeping around and sampling the flesh buffet has done far more harm than good, for women AND men. People become worn, jaded, and hollowed out by meaningless casual sex, racking up their body count and giving their best to somebody who was just taking them for a test drive essentially until they've got nothing left to give. I'm far from perfect myself nor am I trying in particular to be some sort of total moralfag, it just seems apparent to me that while nothing is perfect or guaranteed of course, waiting until marriage has the highest chance of leading to the best outcomes and most long term happiness. It makes sense from a woman's perspective too when you consider that the type of man that's willing to make that commitment is far more likely to be the type of guy that actually cares about you and the family you'll create. It's better to build a relationship on a foundation of real love and trust instead of raw sexual attraction (which is important too, don't get me wrong) and the sex will only be better and more meaningful for it actually. Not to mention it must be pretty amazing to share a unique, special bond of mutual love with another person, knowing that you belong to each other and only each other, not weighed down by the baggage of pointless hookups or failed relationships. idk, if you're just tryna get your dick wet or whatever then I guess all of this is irrelevant. Clown world go brrrrrr or something
He's already taking care of one such soon to be "reformed" hoe
There's no such thing as a born again virgin
No hymen no diamond, simple as
That's not very Christian of you. Once you confess and have your sins forgiven, you're basically a clean slate, and it's a sin for you to judge them. Only God is allowed to do that.
Forgiveness without change is also not Christian.
You are right about one thing though. Only God can judge you and he does that on a daily basis.
Whatever he catches you on, he will judge you on.
But she's reformed. She's done with hoeing and is now ready to settle down. It would be wrong for you to judge her for her past, which she's already been forgiven for by the Lord.
Just find a guy you can turn into your slave.
Now let's talk about the most important of all questions.
Has she forgiven herself for her past?

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