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I follow this Death influencer called Hospice Nurse Julie. Her whole schtick is being all death positive and saying that death is usually painless and chill. Anyway I watched her video on Glioblastoma and she was like "this is one of the most horrible ways to die." Straight up says you basically die terrified and in agony. A friend of my family's died of Glioblastoma a year ago and the people close to her when she died like, can't talk about what they saw. What kind of fucked up shit is going on with Glioblastoma?
its just a tumor in the brain anon. you cant do surgery on the brain. we're advanced as fuck and can do all kinds of crazy shit with technology like opening hearts or shooting invisible waves into the air to make phone calls wih people across the world. but the brain is too complex to just "open up" and take something out. best case scenario is chemotherapy (youre fucked) or radiation therapy (youre equally fucked). they also tend to recur so even if its removed youll likely be treated for it again multiple times before just dying anyway.

as for the symptoms it's basically just brain death or nature's lobotomy. sometimes seizures or vomiting but not really anything so horrifying that you wouldnt speak a word of it. id imagine something like brain maggots or a flesh eating disease would be "unspeakable" but brain cancer? not so much. kinda odd
you absolutely can just take it out. the problem with glioblastoma is it tends to be hyper aggressive and really finicky to remove in its totality. Plus the personality changes. I was lucky.
>t. got glioma taken out
the fact that we know almost nothing about our brains is what scares me the most
you know almost nothing about our brains, the people who study them know quite a lot
Interesting to know that I'm replying to a man who'll likely be dead in a few years.
Hope you lived a good life and will live the rest of it good as well, anon.
hardly. and if you're left handed, they know literally nothing, since left handed people are excluded from brain scan studies cause too complicated.
when I was in high school there was this kid who I really hated because he was a ridiculous overachiever. he had never gotten a B in his life, he was studying to be an engineer and planned on going to MIT once he graduated. he was also a musical virtuoso and was very interested in obscure history. he made many genuine attempts to befriend me but I had a lot of trouble concealing my disdain for him. I resented him for making me feel stupid whenever he was nearby and I held that animosity toward him for a long time. it was never intentional, he was never deliberately condescending but still.
at one point while I was talking shit about him to a friend who was obsessed with paganism, satanism, witchcraft and the occult, he asked if I'd like to perform some rituals with him to manifest his downfall, and even though I never really believed in any of that kind of stuff, I said yes anyway, because I was bored and it felt like a fun way to pass the time.

we lit a bunch of candles, we held hands and recited incantations about illness and unhealth. within a few months that kid developed a glioblastoma multiform that killed him in less than a year. he wept about not wanting to die very often. watching him wither away so rapidly like that was one of the most horrifying things I'd ever seen.

I still don't necessarily believe I 'caused' that but still, what a wild coincidence. I think humans brains are built to disregard coincidence and seek patterns. what I did bothers me on a subconscious level even though consciously I know I really had nothing to do with what actually happened. I should've just gotten over myself and been kind to him anyway. he was a very lonely kid.

I constantly worry I'm responsible for his passing even though logically I know that's not possible. the guilt never lets up.
I'm not scared of diseases because I know the true nature of disease. The medical industry lies about how diseases work to cover up the fact that they cause a large portion of them
it was just a small benign glioma. Had it for 6ish years before it got taken out. Only grew by ~1 mm. I've got all the cell adaptions which denote long chance of survivability. I'll probably live into my 50s. Hopefully. Thanks anon for your well wishes.
Death is absolutely terrifying though. Anyone who says it isn't is lying to you and themselves.
It's an extremely invasive brain tumor that is notoriously difficult to fully excise. It has consistency of jello(?) and tends to grow deep into surrounding healthy tissue. Many cases where removal is not an option.
I did a ritual and ended up having psychotic episode and anxiety attacks
For weeks
With RNA vaccines we might see possibility of cancer acctually being cured

essentialy they get dna piece of tumor create nano particles that attach to tumor which illicits an immune response that will get rid of tumor
Yeah your brain is slowly being crushed against your skull from the inside out until you die, it is pretty awful, I really can't imagine anything worse to be honest. If I ever got diagnosed with it I would probably commit suicide the same day.
Wow, you're a piece of shit. You deserve to live with that guilt. "Seek patterns" my ass.
We know a lot about brains, but they're still the most complex objects we are aware of.
The universe works mentally, and truth is oft stranger than fiction. It's unwise to mess with black magic. Many people attest to the power of the law of attraction, but attraction may not always be good things.
>The universe works mentally,
no it doesn't. your mind doesn't exist apart from the physical reality that it inhabits
I watched my grandma slowly degrade from brain cancer. Her family went against her DNR wishes.
If I get diagnosed with brain cancer, I might attempt some treatments, but if it's not working I'm taking a long walk off a tall skyscraper.
People can often get what they want when they focus on it; this isn't hocus pocus, it's just keeping your goals in mind so that you work towards them.

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