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I'm her fan now
Its a shame she is too ugly to get a white bf
Who knows. She going with the "super based and racist" mating strategy. It might work for her.
i'm white and i would marry her and make hapa babies. she's cute. nothing ugly about her.
She's pretty in an ugly kind of way desu
What are you talking about? White men love 2/10 asian females. Only a matter of time until some old fat 5/10 white guy wifes her.
She hates fat people. She makes fun of them constantly. She will probably find a skinny white guy with a recessed chin or something. Then all the tweets will die down and she will stop torturing the African Americans.
i unironically want to fuck the shit out of awkwafina. god.
>too ugly to get a white bf
I would plap any asian that looks like her or even slightly uglier. Idk who this is but asians for some reason can be decently ugly, while all other races the ugly ones are nasty
Being racist sucks, got liked by another black girl today and I can't put her through a fucked up relationship where I am saying racist shit.
She is cute and she's not even dressed up well here.
She is a qt pie
Just have sex with her and bail.
Man you are retarded. I wish I had cute ebonies like that messaging me.
Just wiggermaxx, get in shape, get a job, your own place, a car and you are already ahead of most men especially black men.
Well racism stems from self-hate (much like every other thing that goes wrong with people). You could get laid if you just push through shit that doesn't really matter.
>get a job
eh... never mind.
I just got back from Taiwan and you really come to appreciate just how beautiful white are once you go to Asia and see what the average person walking around looks like
She looks like guy from two set violin. This is why I could never actually date Asians.

If you've known enough Asian guys in life you'll find that most Asian women without all the make-up and filters just like slightly female versions of their male phenotype counterpart.

In fact I remember someone posted a supposedly super hot Asian girl here. She looked exactly like my childhood friend it was fucking uncanny yet everyone said she was super hot.
Got to pay to play

>gay leftist incel blabber
I want a wife and kids, not to get laid. I already have done that and it is unfulfilling
You're trolling. White people usually only get the ugly ones lmao
Thats some pretty extreme cope.
>Racism comes from self hate

Racism comes from love, are you retarded
An Asian girl that's married to a White man even made a video explaining it lmao. She talked about how under Asian beauty standards she's ugly, but White men had different (lower) standards for Asian women.
She can't get a white bf. I know this because every time someone tells her she is too ugly to get a white bf on twitter, she feels compelled to respond. This bothers her obviously.
Nobody gonna say who it is?
WOW a single Asian girl. Meanwhile Asian kpop stars lust after white men. kek. Its a major cope.

Sorry but white men are the top of the food chain. This is a white mans planet, you just live in it.
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Nah, white men just don't mind a wide jaw. In Asia that's ugly, in the West it is elegant. Women with jaws are not ugly. Asian men are just retarded.
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>Nah, white men just don't mind a wide jaw. In Asia that's ugly, in the West it is elegant. Women with jaws are not ugly. Asian men are just retarded.
does this mean this girl is hot in asia?
>WOW a single Asian girl. Meanwhile Asian kpop stars lust after white men. kek. Its a major cope.
And how many of them are married to white men and how many of them are married to asian men? I think you're the one coping lmao.
Also, nice Reddit spacing fag
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I have a perfect example for you. Just the other day someone posted picrel and every comment was "she looked better in the before." Now, which version looks better in Asia? Obviously right, that's why she got the surgery.
Just a reminder to the coping ricecel itt. Out of the last 30 Asian miss universe winners, 28 arer wives of white men.
So let's get this straight. White people are ONLY 8% of the global population. White people are about to no longer even be the majority in their OWN countries like the US, with the UK, France, Germany, etc soon to follow suit because they keep letting migrants in. Germany's birthrates are even lower than Japan now. Meanwhile Asians make up 60% of the global population and have homogenous countries with almost no racemixing and darkies... Yeah, this whole "white mans planet" thing is pretty much just cope lmao.
It is the white man's planet because Asia subscribes to white beauty standards.
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leave my waifu alone
The historical roots of Asian beauty standards and colorism can indeed be traced back to class distinctions rather than racial preferences. In many Asian societies, lighter skin has traditionally been associated with wealth and social status. This is because those who were wealthy did not have to work outdoors and were thus able to maintain a paler complexion, whereas those who engaged in manual labor, such as farming, had darker skin due to sun exposure.
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Asian beauty standardzz 1/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 2/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 3/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 4/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 5/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 6/10

There haven't even been 30 Asian winners. We're just making shit up now? Is that how desperate we are?
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Asian beauty standardzz 7/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 8/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 9/10
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Asian beauty standardzz 10/10
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I guess these are white people then KEK
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I like how even white zoomers are trying to copy Asian fashion and get wolf cuts/two blocks now because kpoop made it popular
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You are an idiot and do not realize that hairstyle was popular in the Western world long before Koreans adopted it. Everything you do is copying the West. Even your music.
Now go paint your face white, shave half your face off, get a new European nose, put the contacts in, and copy the hairstyles of white men from the early 2000s. Maybe you'll get some pussy.
That's not the point, retard. It's only popular now because Asians brought it back, and two blocks were always an Asian thing lmfao. Everyone's been trying to copy Asian aesthetics lately, including women with the whole fox eye make up thing, but talking about fashion to a bunch of neckbeard 4chan users is pointless.
>y-you are copying us copying you
i agree troop. just to 1up you, if we're talking about southeast asians (which nobody is) that are also annoying unfunny comedy writers/actors, i'd fuck mindy kaling. i'd fuck her with my woke bwc & i would enjoy that shit
I wake up with a thin nose and white skin. Get fucked, faggot. Putting all that retarded shit on your face. Imagine.
Are they really walking around with their nostrils zipped tied shut like that? Fucking hell. Asian women are brutal.
No way you guys are actually this gullible and retarded. These aren't actual routines that people do, it's a trend for social media lol, they're meant for entertainment.
Yes, we are such a minority yet we conquered the world and our legacy is still here today. What clothes are you wearing? You can accept it, you can cope but deep down you know its true. In fact thats your entire leftist narrative, that whites control the world its just a matter of the morality of it.
Why do Asian people wear suits instead of kimonos? Why do Asians drive cars? Kek, japs can't even go a sentence without using English loaner words
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They love their railways. Ask them where those came from.
>Asian fashion
>a suit
>a jacket
>a bowtie

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finding asians that naturally fit a more westernized face shape is extremely rare which is why asians go crazy for those types.
It's so wild, right? Everything they know is European. European influence is so ingrained into them they just see it as the default. This is how they are able to convince themselves European have no culture. The only culture they recognize are sub-cultures that branch off from the main culture that is European.
Most of Asia was invaded and occupied by the French, Spanish, British, US in the 19th-20th century.

Then people are shocked Asians there picked up European culture.
Nobody is shocked, as already stated its a white mans planet.
This is reductive and only demonstrates that you don't actually know what contemporary fashion is, let alone Asian fashion is. I'm talking to a 4chan nerd though, so I'm not surprised.
WAS a white mans planet.
>4chan nerd
You are so cool, bro. Show us your kpop makeup routine.
No, and you're correct I don't know what Asian fashion is because nobody gives a fuck irl outside of your ricecell coping bubble.
Still is. Japs, Koreans worship whites as already established and Chinese children build slave over my shoes for pennies so Chad can easily spend his days surfing in sunny California while fucking Asian and white women.
KEK, my condolences.
>whites control the world
Left looks better to Japanese men. Basically every actress over there.

Right looks better to Koreoids. Basically every K-poop idol (because they're manufactured to be so).

More proof that Japan is white and a lost tribe of Evropa.
This is fucking tragic bro
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i think she's cute thoughever
love me a asian neet femcel
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we just need asians with GIANT BOOOBS

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