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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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How did you losers ruin this board so fast?
Man a few years ago I used to lurk /r9k/ while bored in class and have fun with all the threads about Bianca Devins and shit. Even the threads back then about momcest were way better than what goes on now. Why are there unironically faggots and femoids infesting this board? Board is genuinely unusable since every other thread is some tranny posting some faggot shit that no one cares about.
What a shame, I hope all of you faggots die ASAP and that Vladimir Putin rains a trillion nuclear missiles upon your families. Fuck you bums.
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I masturbate to cuckold chastity porn
End your life ASAP punkass nigga
I think it's just the board consistently getting worse. Even just the start of this year was better. It's pretty shit, so many threads will have been bumped off because of some retard fucking foid or a troon
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No internet forum lasts forever, my son. Once the hordes catch wind of it, they invade and change it forever. Most forums I used in the 2000s are long gone or so different they don't resemble what they used to be (Something Awful GBS).
Fuck normietards they ruin everything. The problem for me is it doesn't seem like there's many replacement forums to use or any that can match the peak that 4chan had.
Rapid exposure shilling the board out to normalfags for entertainment in the form of popular reddit, twitter, and youtube pages dedicated to sharing greentexts etc in the mid to late 2010s, which caused an influx of people who didn't belong and changed it vastly by virtue of being horribly boring normalfags
Happens to every board that becomes too influential
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fag threads have been here since before that literal-who discord roast got slashed; a non-insignificant amount of mentally ill losers are gay or have gay tendencies, who woulda thunk.
foids infest anywhere that might talk about them or be interested in them, as is the nature of the foid. the more chuds that get irritated at foids, the more foids double down on co-opting this board as a space for foid-centric arguments and conversation
protip these exact style of thread whinging about a nostalgia for days past on the board arent any better, they dont go any where or really contribute a conversation that hasn't been had. your perception of the past is sweeter than the reality actually was.
pandemic brought in a shit ton of normies who instead of venting in the usual reddit thread or discord channel just come onto here
You're a liar and a shill and you should kill yourself immediately you stupid faggot. I remember when the worst thing I'd see when visiting this board were the porn ads. Fag threads and faggots like you were nowhere to be found on this board just a few years ago, end of story. This isn't a nostalgia thread this is a wtf happened thread.
/r9gay/ has been around since 2017.
Cope, seethe, lurk moar etc
yeah thats why its a tourist redditor spam
don't be proud of being this much of a newfag, shut up and lurk
The moment you acknowledge females you ruin your board. Rule 30.
are you having fun with your mid life crisis grandpa?
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It's the fucking political shitshow.
When leftists have a board, to discus the benefits of communism and how they identify as unicorns and stuff, right-wingers don't go there. They just avoid any contact. But when right-wingers have a board, lefties go there and start riot and culture war. That's just their nature. They always do the opposite of what they claim with their virtue signaling, they talk about tolerance, inclusivity, unity, and a minute later they yell their insane hate at everyone who isn't left and say that all right-wingers are nazis and should get shot. And you can't get rid of them, they will follow you wherever you go, because their whole self identity is about hating you.
Do you understand that jannies are trannies right? We don't moderate this board ence we can't gatekeep it
Ehhhh, the old spirit of r9k is kinda gone. I think people forget that the board wasn't really ever filled with quote unquote "incels". The board was filled with school shooter sympathizers, misanthropes, outcasts. The ostracized virgin dregs of society. That's why it wasn't the "incel uprising" in the past, no, it was Beta uprising. The original spirit of the board was that of the disenfranchised beta. The beta, or as our board identified ourselves, "the robot", could be an incel, but was not necessarily an incel. The robot is a much broader concept. Thus you had a greater variety of people, many cross-board posters and the like. You see, these normalfags, these pitiful incel faggots, stacies who think life's purpose is putting on makeup, chads on the beach living it up, are antithetical to that very spirit of the ostracized outcast. That excitement and creativity that blanketed the board at the time was supported by the camaraderie and feeling that us lone robots had finally found "our people". The internet had connected us and we finally found something we belonged to, something that had similar values and ideals and thoughts and interests. That's lost now.
Robots I don't think were ever really coherent or unified in terms of politics. There was moreso a hate of normalfaggotry and a unifying front when it came to being of the type of people that were bullied, ostracized, etc.
Robots didn't do anything wrong. A surge of LGBT faggots and Indian posters is what did this board in.
this boards been like this since 2017 at least, arguably even more tranny shit back then. and even more board "celebrities"
I mean, nerds have a tendency to be unpolitical (at least it was like that 10 or 20 years ago) but now 4chan in general is known as a right-wing place.
I'm pretty sure nerds are primarily anarchist, be it left wing or right wing because they can't and won't participate in organized party politics.
I think it is decent if you ignore all the faggy shit. But it's true the incel/robot era is gone. Generally the blackpill "movement" is dead after it went mainstream last year. I'm wondering where all the robots left to.
Not nerds my man, the outcasts that filled this board in the past were rejected by even that group. The modern phenomenon is called the "quiet kid". People who were labeled that used to fill this board, they had similar life experiences and thus bonded and found camaraderie in that. They finally had found "their people", and the energy that came from that resulted in greater creativity, at least as much creativity that could be mustered from a terminally spurned, depressed, bitter, and angry group. You had interest larp threads and collaborative writing projects like those old infinite apartment threads, liminal space fiction which was actually dated before even the idea of "the backrooms, and may have actually inspired it. I mean think about it, it would make sense that liminal space fiction would spawn from here, neets and hikkis and the ostracized, stuck in their rooms all day, surrounded by the horror of liminality in their everyday life, and they try to create escapist fiction about it.
I wouldn't call them anarchists, they're certainly not mad-max type wariors. You could call them libertarians (but leftist libertarians are basically a contradiction as leftism wants a big-brother government).
the timeline you speak of was already down in the dump
did you miss the literal spam of tranny porn that was going on then?
now the board is almost clean in comparison
fucking faggot OP
Vodka Putin Balaika
Death to all JIDF shills.
You'll pay the toll for what you've done to my homeland one day.
Yeah, you know the type who espouses personal freedom when it comes to himself but not when it comes to others.
Calling others shill, now are we? They're not sending their best.
I'm willing to bet you're a disgusting hideous ugly jewess who doesn't even get passed around as the Barracks bunny cause your colleagues are limp wristed faggots and even they do not care about your existence at all.
All you do is mundane boring shite day in and day out while you imagine yourself to be some sort of brave warrior defending your homeland against PalestiChads and HAMAS.
Even your ally Ukraine duped you and supplied them with weapons via the black market. Everybody knows HAMAS is a Russia's terrorist organisation. I wonder how that works? Two nations warring on each other can at least agree on one thing -- you are a repulsive freak of nature that everyone naturally wants to kill you like some sort of lowly monster.
Hmmm, I wonder what flavor your pussy stinks. The hot desert climate probably cultivated your puss puss to breed a whole new culture of jew-bacteria parasites that leaves this stinking rotting aroma. This must be why your NCOs wish to keep things strictly professional with you
I've been here since 2012. I was just stating when /r9gay/ truly began.
this board saved my life in 2013
and now with faggots like you here I fear young men are not getting the same privilege I was
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>I fear young men are not getting the same privilege I was
no young guy ends up here anymore, the engagement of this board is currently at 2009 levels

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