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its really impressive, so much hate in such a small body
why are manlets always so unhinged?
smaller women tend to be unhinged, too. maybe their body is too little to contain their rage.
it's always to compensate for what they're lacking and to feel like someone that deserves those things
He's dead now. I think he has a stroke or a heart attack or something else caused by constantly being angry. I watched an interview with him once where he said when he would get too mad he would go out in the woods for hours and just bash trees with one of those little novelty mini baseball bats you get at souvenir stands.
i just love this video so much, is such a classic example of how pathetic men under 5'8" are
this is one guy
what about all the others who don't sperg out
I am 6'3" btw
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Imagine living in fear of the average man every day. its like a chihuahua, its a defense mechanism against the big and scary world you live in.
Short people, short tempers.
Why did he get taken down again? He was just sperging out wasnt he, not actually getting physical or anything right?
he started pushing a random dude and another one stepped in
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>I am 6'3" btw
The only thing as worse as being born a nigger is being born as a 5ft and a swarthy wop.

I sympathize with him. I'd be pissed off 100% and angry too. Imagine being harrassed all your life on being short and on top of that you're sub 2/10 ugly bald man.

I have experience with this, not because of any physical deformity that is visible but having a below average penis and skin problems which make me unlovable. There's nothing you can do really.

The bagel man is an incel saint and martyr, he's on the same level as blackops2cel, oreoman and hamudi.
holy shit this place fucking sucks, every fucking thread gets hijacked by dumbass incel theory
I found the interview with him from the next day. It's pure gold. He talks about bashing the trees, calls himself a modern day Martin Luther King and a "prophet", says he lives in his van, and basically rants for 9 minutes about how nothing has ever been his fault... A true work of art
its always the same bullshit, victim mentality just to excuse their pathetic behaviors, midgets are entitled pricks just like the incels
Apparently, some scientific studies that short men are more likely to have dark triad traits.

Really makes sense that they would go mentally ill trying to cope.
This guys is peak incel theory though retard. Constantly getting shit for what you look like, getting shit for being mad about it. The guy is forced to play a game where he always loses.

He's right. All normoids deserve punishment.
Incels are the same level as medically disabled. It's a physical disability and a mental illness all in one.

Worse than PTSD.
i do genuinely feel bad for him despite how pathetic he was
It's all about personality and confidence bro. The dude just needs to be more confident until he gets tackled into the afterlife by another tall dude.
you are not sick, just pathetic, grow up bitch
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This happened like 6 years ago, shut the fuck up. This guy probably went through puberty and gained a foot in height in that amount of time. Little guy is finally an adult. Finally, I can buy some bagels at the store without causing a scheme. He has waited years.
Incelism is a mental and physical disability, sometimes both it just depends. It's worse than PTSD.

Incels deserve gibs to cope with the mental anguish.

Society inherently relies on men reproducing to continue upkeep.

If 80% of men in 2024 who are zoomers past age 20 have never had sex, there is no future, hence society collapses. The whole reason society exists is because the majority of men had sex, this no longer exists.

It's over.
Had enough experience with midget narcissists like him to have any pity for him.

Nah, he's cringe and not entertaining like some of the other guys you mention.
fucking kek
right there is something wrong with them
Thread is filled with women lol.
He is absolutely right. Women HATE short men. Men mistreat and look down upon (tch) short men. Society finds it okay to bully them. He just had a rough day and all the pent up stuff just blew off.
Bullshit, taller men are more likely to be manipulative and cunning this is why the majority of CEO's are tall men
>why is this human who has suffered a million times more than i will ever comprehend upset and even angry?
if you don't have empathy you are a nigger. aka "imagine someone punched you".
>why are manlets always so unhinged?
Why'd ya think? He's probably been treated like shit his entire life for being short, and now for being bald.

Fuck off, it's you who's trying to hijack this place you fucking normie moron.
If society shits on you every day of your life, one will be perpetually angry about it.
Same deal with never being able to get laid. It destroys a man's mind.
I'd think that any robot would understand that.
Please just stop the unreasonable manlet hate i am already miserable enough
Wasn't he just an actor that pretended to be mad i think he was exposed a while ago
Don't take this site seriously bro, for your own good

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