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>be me 25 year old white man living in weimerica
>I'm a 4/10 in looks maybe 5/10 if I lose weight
>never held a girls hand
>never kissed a girl before
>never been in love
>whenever I see a woman my age in public I don't even look at them
>I'm unlovable yet I want love
>not only am I broke, can't afford the things I want I don't even care about social status I just want to enjoy my time on earth and have happiness
>want to become a buddhist monk and believe the whole mantra that happiness just cause suffering
>I've literally never been happy, and I'm still suffering so the whole religion doesn't even make sense to me

Ok what the fuck happened for things to turn out this way? Is this just the way it had to be?

I'm constantly pissed off, negative and I realize how unfair and rigged life is. I know some can have it worse but I've literally never been happy in life once in my life. my life has been just pain and misery.
so basically you're living the average male life right now
can relate
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I don't see things getting better, I really don't see it getting better.

Not only can I not afford the things that make me happy, I'm stuck with the things that are actively making me unhappy like not having a brand new gaming PC
>I'm constantly pissed off, negative and I realize how unfair and rigged life is
This is your problem right here, and you will never be happy so long as you have this mentality. The only solution is literally gaslighting yourself into being content with what you have and what your lot in life is. You will probably never be rich, you may never find love, but you can at the very least be content. Stop chasing happiness. Its literally no different than a drug addict chasing the dragon.
At least you still have your male privilege ;)
OP may have never had a father figure but i hope he doesnt go around seeing bootstraps "JUST GASLIGHT YOURSELF BROH" posters and inserting them as a father figure
Basically your life belongs to you and many forces keep you from fully realizing that. Many forces try to hold you down and keep you from ever tasting self actualization, including fear and anger and etc. Emotions are likecurses, and the people who perpetuate them are like witches and evil wixards. The internet is obviously filled with these types. Politics is peak mind sorcery. Id recommend you to regularly audit your mind thru meditation to see if anything is there that isnt helping you, or is hurting you and if it is the do what you can to expel it from your psyche with time. Your psychis flow SHOULD exist purely to benefit -you- (and your allies, if you have tem, but since you rpobably dont, just think of number one, the man in the mirror, YOU)

Buddhism for westerners is a meme, been there done that. YWNBAB. Happiness and dopamine treadmill are completely different things btw. The dopamine treadmill is just like fentanyl, its just a mechanism to hijack your innate potential for happiness and use it against you.
>>whenever I see a woman my age in public I don't even look at them
i did this for years and years but since i turned wizard i do the opposite, i just stare at them, i stare at their tits and asses and i stopped giving a fuck
their appearance and fun body parts are the only thing for me to enjoy about them so i enjoy staring at them
>I'm constantly pissed off, negative and I realize how unfair and rigged life is. I know some can have it worse
that's the key tho, just keep comparing your life to the worst people around you
reads crowley once starter pack bruh
ive never read crowley once before in my life.
isnt it funny how any time anyone says anything based in truth the glowcrabs come out of the woodwork to make snarky comments in an attempt to invalidate it. Every single time. Whether they are glowies or just ignorant and bitter i dont know, but theyre just everywhere.

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