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when will basedservatives stop being whiny faggots?
>the party opposed to the one I vote for is literally Hitler
Why are Americans so hysterical?
thats the thing, theyve always been so
I don't know who that is, but this reads like satire on the democrat reactions to Trump, nobody cares about Harris this much.
civil war, civil war civil war, civil war.
yes but does he condemn israel?
Tim Pool is a shallow, unsubstantive, grifting retard, and his followers are all sub 80 IQ mongoloids
Unreal that he has the level of reach that he does
Think republicans feel the pressure. This should be in the bag for them since the murder attempt but Trump is so shit they no longer think so.
Kamala literally has over a dozen new ads playing on jewtub calling trump an "existential threat to our democracy". Whose the real whiny faggot here? I havent even heard trump complain about literally almost being assassinated.
He's been crying on truth social every day and also pussied out of a debate against Harris just now

This is your God, btw.
You are such a brainwashed NPC. He didnt pussy out of a debate, he just isnt going to waste his time debating her if shes not the nominee yet. She hasnt secured the nomination. As soon as she does, he'll debate her, and she'll get her fucking shit pushed in because she cant debate to save her life. All she does is fearmonger and spout lies. If you unironically support her, youre fucking retarded.
Americans never fail to make me laugh with their mental illness. It's so contagious that it's happening in Europe too now.
>he just isnt going to waste his time debating her if shes not the nominee yet

Fox scheduled the debate for mid September. Bit of an odd thing for him to say considering that she will obviously be the nominee by then

>If you support her
I simply hate Trumptards and think it will be funny to see /pol/ have months long meltdowns over fraud again. I hope she cheats.
oh my god......he thinks the democratic party hasn't already selected harris as the nominee oh my god........ oh my god........... oh my god........how are......republicans......so......fucking.....stupid........did.....you......attend.....your....special.....ed.....classes?........my country is so fucked....so utterly fucked.....I wish we were hitler....you fucking retards don't deserve to fucking vote on ANYTHING GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHY AM I SURRONDED BY FUCKING IDIOTS STUPID FUCKING SHEEP EVERYWHERE ITS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THIS WERE ARE TEH SMART PEOPLE I WANT TO LEAVE I WANT TO LEAAAAAAAAAAAAVE I WANT TO LEAVE THIS STUPID FUCKING COUNTRY I"M SURRONDED BY FUCKING IDIOTS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>any place, any time
Another lie from your decrepit, braindead cult leader, Ivan.
i see youre dedicated to being a whiny faggot anon
Shut the fuck up you unhinged retard.
Like I said, he'll debate her once she secures the nomination. But thats not set in stone yet.
Please remember to dial 8
It literally is set in stone, she has the delegates to clinch the nomination and the people who rule the party have already come out to support her (Obama, Pelosi)
None of that means shit until she is nominated, why cant you get that through your thick fucking skull? The democrats already pulled a fast one by saying biden was running for 2024, then after the debate they did a 180. Now whose to say if Trump debated kamala tomorrow, and he rapes her as hard as he did biden, that they wont do a 180 again and choose to nominate someone else? Id tell you to use your fucking brain but you clearly dont have one.
>Now whose to say if Trump debated kamala tomorrow, and he rapes her as hard as he did biden, that they wont do a 180 again and choose to nominate someone else?

Why doesn't he just challenge her, mop the floor with her, and cause the Democrats to self destruct, if he's so confident?

Even if she says no to a debate in July or early August, it will still look bad for the Dems. Also, a contested convention will be a complete shitshow that will tear the party apart.

If he was confident, he'd ask for an early debate.
You have no idea how any of this works. If you truly believe that Trump is scared to debate kamala, youre huffing gas. The truth is, debates take a lot of preparation and work. Hes not going to waste all of that effort to debate someone who IS NOT THE FUCKING NOMINEE. Thats like asking trump to debate some random fuckass. Youre basically saying "oh, trump wont debate my cousin cleetus? He must be scared he'll lose! Heeheehoho". Its fucking asinine. Im begging you, get it through your head, he is not going to waste time, money, and effort on debating someone who is not the nominee, and just because it *seems* like she will be the nominee, doesnt mean she will be.
>Hes not going to waste all of that effort to debate someone who IS NOT THE FUCKING NOMINEE.

Why not, if she'll be so easy to defeat? Just think, he has the opportunity to destroy the Dems and make them look like the chaos choice, but it's too much work? Lol.

>my cousin
False equivalency
Jesus fucking christ. Youre just taking the piss at this point. I just fucking explained to you, several times, that he will not debate anyone other than the nominee. He has zero reason to. Its not a question of whether he would win the debate. He doesnt have to debate anyone that isnt the nominee for the presidency. Its not a false equivalency you fucking retarded faggot, it is literally the same fucking thing to ask trump to debate someone who isnt the nominee, whether thats kamala or some random fucking retard like your cousin. Please shut the fuck up now. Your opinions are dogshit.
>none of the robots ITT can tell he's trolling
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
>he doesn't have to
He didn't have to debate Biden a few weeks ago either
Yes he did you fuckwad, because he WAS the nominee.
being embarrassing isnt trolling
even if you do it on purpose
>because he WAS the nominee.
No because the convention didn't happen yet

Trump should do the right thing and make the next Dem convention chaotic
Yeah youre just trolling. 2/10 made me reply. Kill yourself.
I wish we could have the old 4chan back.

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