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so did the blackpill die because:
>there are just too many happenings in 2024
>these young blackpilled men have just grown up
>the movement has been exposed as a psyop

what is the reason?
The black pill is going strong. It just became too popular so now there is a lot of grifters and larpers watering down the original truths.
the blackpill has never been any more relevant than it is now, even normies are picking up on it
Blackpill is the same shit as the discord troons grooming robots. Fags preying on vulnerable people.
Blackpill's still doing well because normalfags refuse to admit that maybe, just maybe, some of the issues with the current dating situation are women's fault.
Younger generations cope with the blackpill by playing it off as an ironic joke. It's strange though because it's not a joke at all and is actually reality. I think it's pretty deranged.
Theres nothing more to talk about. You got the blackpill, you go do other stuff. You don't sit around circle jerking like the MGTOW guys.
ha thu is so sexy damn
anon is a lucky boy
The Black Pill never died. It became absorbed into the culture.
It is now depressingly widespread for men to be automatically incel and poor; whether they can find a wage-cuck position, or not.
It's just a fact of life now.
>>these young blackpilled men have just grown up
>>the movement has been exposed as a psyop
ive seen too many ugly guys with gfs/wives to believe the blackpill stops you from reproducing. but one blackpill truth i have seen, repeatedly, is ive never, ever, seen a girl get excited about a guy that wasn't chad. the only time her eyes light up, her heart skips a beat, and she loses her composure, and goes way out of her way and normal behavior to get his attention, is for chad. no exceptions. so if youre not chad your best outcome is a girl settles for you because you're a good guy that will stick around. idk if that counts as a brutal blackpill tho
I think because once the blackpill really sets in, it becomes so that there are no more words left to say. You just quietly suffer, with a battlefield between your ears.
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>the same tranny that said the blackpill is real is also saying its dead
Lol, make up your fucking mind you faggots.
yeye ok virgin azn fever spammer
It became mainstream so the blackpill counter movement lost its purpose because all the normies are blackpilled now. Talked to an older lady yesterday and even she told me people are too superficial nowdays.
why would you not be yellowfevered lmao
Why do you keep posting the same image over and over? Any ugly white guy can get laid in those countries. It's meaningless if you can't get women of your own race.
>so if youre not chad your best outcome is a girl settles for you because you're a good guy that will stick around. idk if that counts as a brutal blackpill tho
We all know this, single guys just refuse to settle because we refuse to be cucks.
>of your own race
irrelevant. men's natural instinct is to spread his seed all over the earth
Like any cult based on irrationality and lies it withers away quickly.
Because the blackpill is just laziness and spite disguised as something worthwhile.
>"Did you know that people think attractive people are attractive? IT'S TRUE, I SWEAR!"
is not profound, unusual, or something 99.9% of humanity already knew
>"Therefore all women are evil and I can't have sex because I am only 5;9"
That's just fucking retarded and it worthy of nothing but mockery.
Incel Myth #40 - more than 1% of men are incels
Why would you be? Unless you are some kind of weaboo

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