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it doesnt even just "feel" like everyone is against me anymore its just factually correct. the social stigma against me as a person is genuinely threatening. i have so many negative traits attached that i just never really feel safe anywhere it fucking sucks, i havent even done anything to hurt anyone, and i do not wish harm upon anyone, even people who want me dead. i dont want to feel like this anymore. im not even sure if theres anybody else who feels the same way. there was *one* other, but then they had to stop talking to me for "security reasons" (likely that they were getting harrassed and had to abandon ship)
i just wish there was someone who could provide advice or at least just give me company in these trying times. i do not want to hurt anyone, i never wanted to hurt anyone. i just want to draw and play video games and be friends with pleasant people who are genuinely interested in me as a person. i have no idea what to do i just want to cry but i have since lost the ability to do that because making loud noises like that got me beaten as a kid and my body just refuses to let it happen anymore
i probably sent this image before im such a fucking disappointment
>it doesnt
*It doesn't
>its just
>the social
>i have
>i just
>anymore it
*anymore. It
>i havent even done
*I haven't
>i do not wish
>i dont
*I don't
>im not
>theres anybody
>there was
>i just wish
>i do not want
>i never wanted
>i just want
>i have no idea
>what to do i
*do. I
>i have since
If I could fuck your butthole right now in an effort to comfort you I would
this is about what i expected. im glad theres at least a chance of *something* coming out of this. even if the chances are so little.
what's wrong anon? what's going on?

i know what it's like to have everyone against you

however if you're a pedophile i literally will not talk to you
Hello anon, why do you feel like this? What negative traits?
>i just want to draw and play video games and be friends with pleasant people who are genuinely interested in me as a person
That doesn't sound unachievable, seems pretty reasonable
What do you like to draw usually? Have any drawings to show?
I post drawing threads sometimes, I like sketching with others
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>if youre a pedophile
no, i do not condone abuse. like i said i do not wish to see anybody get hurt.
>what are these negative traits?
a number of things, generally just being weird, i tend to like thinking about things that most would swear off thinking, theres plenty of things i will draw that would certainly come off as plain indecipherable if not shocking. many things i partake in when it comes to fiction are things that most would imagine to be inherently malicious, which is a normal assumption to make, but not a right one, especially for cases like me who, again, do not wish harm upon anyone.
>have any drawings to show?
i typically draw just whatever comes to mind, and when i say whatever, i mean whatever, even if its an idea that disturbs me or is socially unacceptable. i was scared at first but realised that as long as i am responsible with what i make i shouldnt have to feel ashamed. and with this knowledge, i tend to mostly draw little chibi mascot type characters anyways.
i do sort of beat around the bush about what exactly i am, i apologize. i have terrible trust issues. (probably for good reason, i am pretty much always in hot water, i need to be very careful about what i say and what i associate myself with)
>animu pic
Gee I wonder where you went wrong
I think that person who left for security reasons was me because I did that recently. If so, please know it was completely unrelated to you and that harassment wouldn't have stopped me from talking to you.
im very happy to have met you, even if briefly.
Me too, you have good taste in video games, articulate your opinions well and you texted back quickly and with enthusiasm. This kind of seems like fate now, so if you would like to talk and hang out, my email is felikszmei@pm.me I know, email... but I really can't use Discord, at least for now. There is something very important that you would want to know, so if you're willing I'll tell you about it.
thank you so much, especially for your bravery! i could never just post my contacts in 4chan like that teehee

im genuinely so happy youre willing to talk to me more. it means so much to me. i love you!! (not in a creepy way >w>;)
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sent!! i hope it came across fine...
I like your art!
I don't get it, horror and disturbing art isn't that stigmatized anymore?
It isn't the 15th century or something
Why would this make you a pariah?
I'm terribly curious to be honest and kind of want to be friends, that other anon seems to think you're cool too
What games do you like?
Bumping in case OP comes back at some point
Still curious
Alright, have a bump from me too in the name of friendship
>horror isnt as stigmatized anymore
its not necessarily horror, but that is a part of it, some of my horror tackles more disturbing or "detailed" depictions, i.e. erotophobia and other reproductive things (depicted on the bottom left of the page is an overgrown fetus as a beached whale)
some of my ocs are straight up just anthropomorphised genitalia, and i dont do it to be shocking or funny, its just a genuine interest to me. this kind of behavior is considered very "freaky" in today's public.
>what games do you like
there are many things, i dont really have a consistent genre, theres some surface level ones like pizza tower and cookie run (ovenbreak), but then theres more obscure games like kero blaster, changed, or yume nikki (i know yume nikki is kind of popular nowadays but nobody seems to "understand" it u_u)
i play for several different reasons, i value gameplay at absolute most but sometimes story and just general interestingness can make it easier for me to enjoy a game (for example, changed has many puzzles that you simply will not find out on your own without a guide, one of the puzzles involving literally just guessing your way through it. i normally just dont touch a game after that but the character designs and worldbuilding keep me interested, and its a bit easy to put aside when you memorize everything, especially considering the upcoming "special" version that heavily improves on these flaws (this is another reason why i am hated, changed is seen as nothing than a perverted fetish game by the public, so being a genuine fan of it leads me to having to deal with aggressive individuals alot, even if i never intended to be "horny" or anything))
i'll name a few more for funzies

the upturned, isaac, meat boy, baldi, brutal orchestra, battleblock theatre, TTYD, pikmin (preferably 2 or 3), pretty much any non-newsoup mario game

i did feel a bit strange when i mentioned my initial list of games, it felt a little "empty", i came to the realization that i spend so much time thinking about my *own* game projects that i sort of forget that i dont really have the chance to play them yet (because im too lazy and tired to work on them lol), so it feels like ive been playing them in my memory since i think about them so much
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That still doesn't sound like it would inspire pariah status, but I can picture people (normies) being uncomfortable with genitals etc. in art, especially if it's not pornographic and appealing but rather disturbing or strange
Artists and other creatives tend to be more open minded about stuff like that
>some of my ocs are straight up just anthropomorphised genitalia
I thought of picrel, anything like that?

>Yume Nikki
Very cool, I like it a lot. I've some Yume Nikki fangames too
Never heard of this. Sucks if you really like it for its non sexual aspects but you get dismissed because it contains that stuff.

>the upturned, isaac, meat boy, baldi, brutal orchestra, battleblock theatre, TTYD, pikmin (preferably 2 or 3), pretty much any non-newsoup mario game
Your art style makes sense with all those indie games, in particular isaac, meat boy and battleblock, in mind.
>i came to the realization that i spend so much time thinking about my *own* game projects that i sort of forget that i dont really have the chance to play them yet
You're a game dev too? Wow, that's so cool. What kind of game are you hoping to make at the moment?
>pathetic thread image and filename
>woe-is-me the entire time
>smol bean the entire time
>self-victimizing as a way to get attention

If you want people to want to talk to you, OP, you've probably heard before that you need to show an interest in them first. That is true. People will be much more likely to return the favor if you provide THEM company and not make it about yourself.

That being said, and I don't mean to hurt you here, nobody wants attention or comfort from someone they view as being beneath them. Stop being so fucking pathetic, self-victimizing, and self-centered. Charisma is a trait to be cultivated just like strength or grace.
not quite, though i do like designs like that. most of my designs are more "compact" and "to the point", typically taking one simple idea and fleshing it out but not in a way that adds many more details, so rarely do i make characters with so many "features" like that, especially if they get in the way of locomotion or other basic biological functions (i tend to like putting "reasoning" behind all my creatures, like, why they came to be that way and how they work with their anatomy, you can see the pikmin in me surfacing here teehee)
thats not to say i never make stuff like this, though. sometimes when i just feel in an artsy mood with no real goal or worldbuilding in mind i draw oddly specific creatures that look like they cant assume any other pose hehehe, in that aspect i would say i am pretty inspired by heironymus bosch and his oddly specific creature designs that make you wonder "what would this look like if it was moving?"

>what kind of game?
many different things, micromanagement, platformer with an emphasis on combat and manipulating the enviornment as well as enemy design, an action puzzle game (works kind of like mario and donkey kong but that was actually entirely coincidental, i have never played that series until very recently) that kind of works like punch-out in the sense that your first playthrough is figuring everything out and every subsequent playthrough is thoroughly investigating it and trying to get as efficient as possible (also has an emphasis on enemy design, all my games are very enemy focused teehee)
Make sense that you'd do more functional and easier to animate designs since you probably do a lot of your art with game development in mind!
Do you do 2D or 3D for your games, primarily?
mostly 2d, im a bit anxious to dip into 3d due to having to learn a whole bunch of stuff about modelling just to get it to work. one game im working on plans to run on a 2d engine and only house 2d graphics but still function as a 3d game because coding it is easier than modelling stuff imo

i feel like modelling wouldnt be too difficult of a thing to attempt but im really technical and nerdy so its hard for me to get into something and not ask a billion questions about it and not make much progress until i understand literally everything
Iphone users basically cant use punctuation here as it reads as foreign characters.
I feel you, I used to do 2d animation a lot and then tried 3d and I hated it because there was too much to learn when it came to the software etc.
I hope your game projects go well, and don't be so hard on yourself, you can definitely find friends who accept you
Just don't give mean people the time of day
Did the anon you emailed get back to you? Are they gonna be friends with you again?
>Did the anon you emailed get back to you?
>Are they gonna be friends with you again?
i think so!

hmmf,, you mentioned you wanted to be my friend earlier, but im kinda shy to share my contact, if youre too shy to share yours i think i might do mine for you hehe
It's okay, you can add me on d*sc*rd

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