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>a 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm (DOI:10.1111/and.14053)
how do robots measure?
I'm a bit over 18cm.
the same, must've gotten it from my italian grandmother.
19cm length, 15cm girth
I'm Italian and mine is about 19 cm.
I'm also bisexual and have seen dozens of cocks and yes 17 cm seems to be the average size.
Small dicks are relatively uncommon here, which is why Italian women just expect you to have a monster cock and if you don't you're considered a freak.
The Italian stallion meme is real for a reason.
Italians aren't particularly tall either so their dicks really stick out.
the study measured the average height as 5'10, the same as a white american
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im italian and under average penis size, fuck my incel life
it's not about penis size
women do sex tourism in italy and greece because of what the men look like, not because their dicks are 2.1cm longer than yours
I thought they were manlets?
average height is 5'9, which is pretty much the same as the rest of europe
dont they prefer 6 foot +?
Average height in Nordic countrys is 5 11
Why do old slags do sex tourism in nigger countries instead of pajeet or SEA or central/south America then?
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penis measurements
>be Italian robot
>13 cm length 15.5 cm girth
What went wrong bros
height is only one part of what women like
women do sex tourism in southern europe because the men are tanned and masculine and hairy and sexually aggressive
men in northern europe might be taller, but they're pale and less masculine and have more of a polite culture.
If you're already going on vacation, sourthern europe is great because you have the sea, beaches, good weather, good food, better history, etc. It's attractive as a travel destination in the first place, but then also women like the men. It doesn't matter if then men are on average 2" shorter than in northern europe, there's still plenty of tall men.
Women wouldn't do sex tourism in india, SEA, or south america because it's way more dangerous, more foreign, and because western women don't like asian men very much.
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From the study it seems smokers have more girth?
>Each patient was given detailed and illustrated directions on how to measure their penis (erect length and circumference) in flaccidity and in erection, from the lower base to the distal penile tip. Most men measured their penis while alone, using hand stimulation to become erect. All measurements were performed under similar environmental conditions (air-conditioned room and at temperatures varying from 23 to 25C).

Self reported measurement study. Into the trash it goes.
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All the Italiacels in here bragging that they fuck this.
Don't kid yourselves. There are no attractive female sex tourists in the med. Attractive females don't need to travel for sex.
bonepressed or not? also was the study measured bonepressed or not, I'm too lazy to check
Eh, I prefer developing countries because your money goes further. Just be careful about not going to dangerous ones
It's reportedly self-measured so take 1-2 centimeters off, you get 15-16 which is bang average in any first world country
Below that you are small everywhere besides India
so women like darker things like bbc?
wow thanks schlomoberg
In italy we use cm not foot, so the 6'0 meme is 180cm
>italy is thailand for women
i find italian people extremely annoying. for me "thailand for women" might be eastern europe or germany because men sound attractive when speaking german and slav languages.
What about if she goes to Mexico? Please answer
Those poor Italians...
18.2 long, 12.4 at the thickest
god fucking damn it this is what I could've had if I was born male
this is what life took from me
>Most men measured their penis while alone
> meaning self reported stats
Essentially a dickflation
Why would you lie in an anonymized study? Are guys this retarded? Is the researcher going to bang them or what?
>Note to self, never go to italy.
Feels like shit to have a below average while being mostly italian-gened
so you believe the average dick around here is 7.5"x6"? cause every dick size thread that's the average.
no and everyone here are fucking liarss
I'm italian with a 18cm x 14cm thick dick and I have never held a woman's hand.
Italians don't have the huge fat pads that americans have so bonepressed is basically the same as not
your time will be upon you spaghetti people
I'd rather my wife go to Italy for vacation than Jamaica.
BWC cuck>bbc cuck
nobody tell hin.
there's a reason why wop and wog are so similarly spelt.
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yes I'm sure all these italian guys answered honestly
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So adjusting for that the average Italian dick size is 5 and a half inches.
>Most men (62%) who've measured their penises say it's between six and seven inches in length (from base to tip) when fully erect. Specifically, the average penis length of our participants is a self-reported 6.18 inches. When we asked female participants to estimate how large their partner is, they gave us almost exactly the same answer: 6.17 inches. This indicates that women likely believe what their partners tell them or have heard the same information on average penis size as their partners.
>When you ask men directly about their penis size, they will almost always give you an average of 6.2 inches. However, this number is flawed: because of how much penis size influences a man's self-esteem and self-worth (where large penises are viewed as better), men almost always over-estimate.
>When measured directly by researchers to minimize the numerous biases that come with self-reporting, the average erect penis size is closer to 5.1 to 5.5 inches.
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Bloody true. I met a Canadian and an American girl in Milan before Covid and, oh boy, the whore in them was strong. I did bang the Canadian tho.
I'm italian and its 13.5cm RIP
no you would be a short midget that would be invisible.

Whenever people talk about men they generalize a extremely small percentage of them.
I'm italian and do you think italian men are just fucking around hordes of women begging to be coomed inside? no.
It's literally just a few gigachad that hang around all the time in tourist location, they are extremely attractive, muscular, good jaw, tall, hunter eyes etc...

grass is always greener
is it anonymous survey? because myself i would report my 14 cm as 16 if it wasnt anonymous.
Whores cant tell what is left and right they are not going to measure you with a ruler.
can confirm this is a lie
italian men are just better at passing femoid shit tests with inexplicable and sudden violence
Nicotine does increase testosterone as long as you're getting NAC in your diet, so it makes sense
source on that please
>nicotine can directly affect testosterone levels
These show the correlation between nicotine and testosterone. As long as your nutrients and vitamins look good, your body metabolizes it healthily, though if you smoke normal tobacco, you're going to get all the carcinogens, whereas just the nicotine is probably what one would want.
>NAC affects testosterone
NAC and nicotine work synergistically with one another to increase testosterone.
Nothing you linked adresses how this combo supposedly interacts. That healthline article even says results are conflicting as for nicotine.
mines smaller but thats because im brown and not white
You gotta look the hot nurse in the eye and tell her your dick size nigga you really think people are not gonna add an inch or two
There's two articles for the nicotine not just the one. You may have missed the pubmed?
>Nicotine binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain, resulting in the release of a wide range of neurotransmitters
I'm bang on six inches which is just over 15cm. Defintely feel small. Honestly I think 7 inches is the minimum for a respectable penis, 8 is ideal though.
There's a long list of pro porn stars with 6 inch dicks.
He is probably a fake 6 incher with bone pressing, angle frauding and ruler frauding and rounding up on top of that
Nicotine also constricts blood vessels and increases the risk for erectile dysfunction.
Odd, that's literally my size, and I'm neighboring Italy. Craziest yet is that my parents say I look kinda asian, so normally you'd think I'd have more Turkic genes in my family tree.
Jerking off every day increases the risk for erectile dysfunction but I don't see you putting your dick back in your pants.
check em
>thinks italians want to fuck ignorant tourists
Why would we want to mingle with women who view us as nothing besides an exotic vacation sex wise?
every poster here has a 8"x6" dick and faps 5+ times a day.
I wasn't questioning that, I was just making an observation :c
The same as the wops apparently but I am 3/4 Scottish abd 1/4 Palestinian

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