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Explain to me how two 13 year olds having sex with each other is fine but its suddenly wrong if one of them is 20
Feminism has introduced the coencept of "power differential" in relationships, when it used to be the norm.
Thats too much of gap, not in age per say but brain, when we are growing up we grow mentally aswell so 16 with 24 is huge unlike 24 with a 34 for example.
too much of a gap for what? wheres the issue?
The 20 year old is farther in development and predatory.
If you don't understand the problem this means that you are probably a manchild and still 13 years old on your head
>The 20 year old is farther in development


sure im a manchild now why would it be wrong for me to fuck a 13 year old
>sure im a manchild now why would it be wrong for me to fuck a 13 year old
Your little manchild brain would never understand why
bc its like smurfing in low elo
That means there isnt a problem?
I mean the problem was brain development.... so... hmmm if he isnt grown up mentally its ok?
I dont think you really want to make this point lmao
There's no actual reasoning. It's just christcucks/feminists getting upset because men naturally prefer fertile women.
they still have the libido of an adult
And now libido is the factor?
So... if iam asexuell... then its suddenly ok?
asexuality doesn't exists, thats just trauma
So if i have trauma its ok to be with a 10yo as a 30yo?
I'm not going to make that argument
you still have the libido of an adult dummy
Then what even is your argument?
Looks like not much prevailed.
According to whom?
So if i only fuck her once a month its ok?
Come on you dont make any sense
i think hes just stalling desu 13 year olds are hornier than adults to begin with so the argument is nonsense
it's not okay for two 13 year olds to be having sex with each other. It's illegal. It's just that it's rarely ever prosecuted.
Still illegal. Minors should not be having sex. They are too young. Studies have shown that people who have sex young face a variety of issues later in life such as poor self esteem and depression, are more likely to face social stigmas, and are at greater risk of being exploited or engaging in dangerous activities with people much older than them.

There are reasons these laws were passed to protect minors. The context is lost on us, but just because we don't know why the fence exists doesn't mean we should tear it down.
>According to whom?
Having an attraction to teenagers is not okay.
He doesnt know me though.
He is also pretty dead
Not a trustworthy source to determine my libido i think.
he know you more than you'll know about yourself
Looks like he is a big baka and druggi...
Wouldnt trust him.
Ofc its nonsense.
People just dont like logic and reason.
Otherwise retarded shit like feminism and careers for women wouldnt be a thing.
Plenty of time to go after that if you are 30 and your children you had with 16 to 22 are in school, but none of them are able to think.
It acually is, who is telling otherwise?
Aoc is 14 here.
>Aoc is 14 here.
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You just yelly that your gf doesnt get the 10 and under discount :D
Indeed, germany it is.
then you can't still fuck them du sohn einer dirne.
>It's illegal
this is a moral argument plus its legal in plenty of places plus no on would ever be prosecuted for that

>Studies have shown that people who have sex young face a variety of issues later in life
they dont
"If one does not exploit a underdeveloped brain"
You have to learn how to read.
>Elternrechte bleiben natuerlich bestehen
you still have to ask her parents, in which case her dad would beat you up
"Bist ja ziemlich reif fuer dein alter"
Fortune favours the brave :DD
you are probably not even brave enough to leave your house
Cant work from home though...
Strange assumotion since iam at work atm.
I think a good gap is when the man is triple her age. But he has to be a real charmer.
>Thats too much of gap, not in age per say but brain
Wouldn't that be a GOOD thing? Would it be better if the 13yo boy still in school knocked up the 13yo girl and all 3 of them died of poverty? Or would it be better if a 45yo man knocked her up and properly provided for them? It's weird you think the better situation would be for the 13yo boy to get her pregnant just because you don't like the idea of the 45yo man being smarter and more experienced. But we all know why. You just don't like the idea of the man guiding the girl to be monogamous and avoiding hypergamy. You like the idea of the 13yo girl destroying herself because you think her freedom to make bad decisions is more important than her wellbeing under an older man's control.
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I agree. There is too much power gap. The teen girl has way too much power over the young men they deliberately manipulate.
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Because they're a pedophile nigger who should be raped and killed

No I will not elaborate thanks
OP you can't just post succubus prison and not get a (You)
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It isn't wrong
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I would have 100% had sex with a fully developed 25YO woman when I was 13, I certainly was not jerking off to other 13 year olds.
All things are neither inherently "right" or "wrong". There is only what is determined to be permissible or impermissible based on group consensus.

But you will learn more about this concept once you get to highschool social studies class. If you have any more questions please direct them to a teacher or trusted adult.
it is not fine, it is destroying both of their development, but since both of them are of the same age, it is not as fucked up as an adult praying on a 13 year old.
Lesson: both should be banned and have no place in a healthy society, but pedophiles should be castrated and jailed for life
>Automatically assumes the older person is a male
>No mention of female pedophiles and all the damage they do to those poor little boys.

And that's why the easiest way to tell these knee jerk reactions are fake outrage. Because as soon as you reverse the genders the pussy pass comes into effect and a choir of normies saying "nice" can be heard.
when did I ever mention male you illiterate fucker? Both men and women can be castrated you low IQ braindead pedophile, both male and female pedophiles should be castrated and jailed for life.
>Women can be castrated
Just take the L dude.
yes they can, I was talking about chemical castration you idiot
goddamn, I feel like pedophiles are creatures with the lowest IQ in the world
I really never got this. The idea behind the age of consent is that the vast majority of minors don't have the capability to understand the responsibilities and risks behind sex, primarily the fact that if you have sex you're opening yourself up to having a child which you're definitely not prepared for at that age. By this logic then, you should also prevent minors from having sexual relations with each other as well because they can, you know, even more easily fall for the consequences of sex with each other.
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Someday the masses will understand
shinobu was made for rape correction
Okay, probably not the answer most people want, but here goes.
13 and 20 isn't even that fucked up. I knew girls in my class who lost their virginities to 24-year-old dudes when they were like 14. The 8th-graders in my school were sucking high school dick. I knew a bunch of little sloots who'd mess around with older boys who had cars. I remember a 12-year-old friend of mine furiously jerking off a 19-year-old friend of mine in the backseat of the Jeep. My sister got caught sucking dick when she was like 12 and my other sister walked in on her. I did the math and I'm like 90% sure my own parents would have been like 16 and 11 when they met.
Basically my whole life 13-14yo girls have been trying to get older boys to jizz in their mouths. That's not even a moral statement, I'm just saying that it happens a TON.
because the 20yo has a lot more relationship experience and sexual experience and they're older smarter and they have a job and car and apartment and all o fthat let's him manipulate her since she doesn't have the experience to know what he shouldn't be doing
>what he shouldn't be doing
What should he not be doing?
consider this thread.

Many people talk about how they had young sexual experiences, and did not feel any detriment at the time (or for many many years later) until they learned the influence of society: at which point they look back and feel remorse/disgust.
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Sometimes, I think that plebbit is worse than this place
explain how it is suddenly wrong if one of them takes out their cellphone and starts recording
13 - 20 is absolutely pedo region. you have a person who is out there learning about life and someone who is still half-retarded. the point where the conversation is stupid when someone is 16-17 and 20-22 once you cross the age 16-17 your shared experiences start to cross more, so it is not as weird as people make it out to be. ofc i am not saying anyone who is over 25 should look for someone 16-17, thats still weird. think of it as chapters of life and where they start to cross and where they stop to cross, makes this easier
i'll explain it to you when you stop using a proxy
My ex lost virginity at 12 or 13 to some 40+ old fuck. It's repulsive. I don't remember but I think it was consensual.
sex and knowledge of the world and experience have nothing to do with sexual relations
as long as both parties have secondary sexual characteristics its just fulfilling a biological need
how does having more assets automatically mean manipulation? if that were the case itd be unethical to date outside of socioeconomic class which is a preposterous idea
once secondary sexual characteristics are developed most girls want to have sex, theyre not always and in fact most of the time arent just manipulated into doing something they dont want to do which seems to be what youre trying to say
i wont because its not
slutty child
two 13 year olds together is not fine. They both can't consent so they technically rape each other.
Ultimately this is what happened. Its been memory holed but 20 years ago this used to be so common and accepted that I was called a faggot freak for saying that I didnt approve of it. Now normalfags are doing what I used to do, but pretending that they always did it. Normies are Pretty awful even tho theyre finally right on an issue.
The thing about development like >>78283620 said is that it also apies to people the same age, even though normies dont say that its predatory it still is. Realistically its predatory to not date somebody you are equal to in most measures
If you are a manchild you also shouldnt fuck someone your age though, because that puts the burden on them. Your essentially forcing them to become a sex predator in order to date you
and adult too. She had 250+ body count. They all are the same. Don't fall into their lies.
Its a really bad law though, because its just basic biology. They will be doing eachother no matter what. Its like trying to criminalize birds squawking
What? You dont have to ask the parents. Thats not part of the law
Enjoy reading.
Yes you can retard. Read the actual law.
Kek edit this but with a german flag on the chud guys shoulder
>gay sex fantasy
Cringe and homosexual-pilled
How is basic biology destroying development? Why does the age of one party suddenly make it worse? You havent explained that
That also implies that the same experience, intelligence, and asset gaps with increased age are also just as bad. And the truth that no normie wants to admit is: they literally are. It is immoral in both contexts
The actual reason?

Because we would have tonnes of adult men aggressively pursuing young schoolgirls and that really isnt good for society as kids are really stupid and can be manipulated so fucking easily.

It just is not good for society.
These are really super specific and none of it is based on biology, just about social norms. Your argument basically automatically includes people who have not hit any milestones by 25. It should therefore be considered just as immoral for 25 year old NEETs to date 25 year old women. Normies dont want to admit it, but its true. It would be a form of pedophilia for women to date us.
What about adults who can be manipulated easily? Women especially. All women can be easily manipulated, anon. And there are men out there who can be manipulated crazy easily too
Why can't they consent? They seem to possess the mental faculties.
Manipulation implies deceit.
Where does the deceit lie in these scenarios?
Weird to assume two 13 year olds fucking is fine.
Because a 13 year old is literally retarded and and are controlled by hormones. They do not fully grasp the emotional toll a sexual relationship brings, and how fucked up you can get if you are not careful.
A 20 year old should be able to have a fuller grasp on consequences and should also be less vulnerable in case something goes wrong in the relationship.
Fucking a 13 year old makes people assume you are taking advantage of their hormone addled retard brain to get your rocks off.
While there are rare exceptions such as your brain is also retarded, but society needs to make very generic rules that will fit 99 9% of peole rather than taking things by a case by case
>They do not fully grasp the emotional toll a sexual relationship brings, and how fucked up you can get if you are not careful.
So isnt better your first time being with someone older and wiser than someone equally retarded?
OPs post is obvious ragebait and should be ignored but this is true.

Thanks to feminism women can't help but make everything about power and dominance, and sex is pretty much the one weapon they can use to get whatever they want.
Women can't stand when a younger woman has sex with an older man because she's generally not doing it out of a sick need for dominance or control like the majority of women do these days because the man is clearly the more mature and powerful in that situation.
It's ironic really, everyone is so convinced that any man who goes after younger woman is a predator but in reality most men that do that are just sick of predatory bitches that just want a meal ticket/vulnerable human being to rip down but be able to keep around.
Why is it bad? Is your sense of morality dictated by the law?
All of this is pretty much proven wrong by research. 13yos do in fact know the consequences of their actions.
No because
Kids should not be fucking
If it does happen I can be seen as two retards making a mistake together.
Rather than one taking advantage of another.
The earlier you start fucking and the more partners you have the more jaded you become and make you less likely to be willing to commit to a magnanimous relationship, and like it or jot, a magnomanimous relationship is the best state to raise kids in
I was once 13
I did not think of the conciquences of my actions.
I only thought about what was good in the moment
The meme reddit reason: 2 teens of the same age will have roughly the same experience and be roughly the same size so it's not as icky

The real reason: parents don't want to gamble on some older loser stealing their kid from them and taking them to Beijing. This is why they are considering raising the aoc now and other age based laws because daughters and sons are staying home longer and parents want dominance of their legal property so to speak.
My one rl sexual experience was jerking off with a classmate when we were 13, and I've been a KHHV since, and these days I desire nothing more than a monogamous relationship.
I don't regret it though. The memory helps me cope, makes sex shit seem less intimidating and unreachable, even though it was a long time ago.
Are you black by any chance?
>original post
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Did you ever reach orgasm while you were masturbating?

Tell me all about it.
Yeah I dont feel like writing up some fapfic for you. We cummed but not a lot, you don't shoot big loads at 13.
I am not asking about cum but about pleasure. Did you touch each other's cum? Did you cum on him or viceversa? Did you cum while watching him fap?
its literally just sex lol
Look, if you need to coom you will have to help yourself.
No I was just a teenager
I was such a shit head that my parents started having to get creative with my punishments.
Broke a window once because I was hitting rocks with a baseball bat and I I was grounded from eating anything except bread and water until the cost they saved on my food paid for the window.
It took me until I was 17 or so before I realized hey if l don't act like a spergy retard people might like me more.
No such thing
When you have sex you brain releases chemicals made to promote permanent bonding.
Casual sex really fucks with that shit.
not gonna lie, same.

I never understood the concept where suddenly its consent if a person over 18 fucks someone 13 its unacceptable but two 13 yearolds fucking is suddenly morally acceptable?

well unfortunately legally its not acceptable and theres been cases where theyve gone to juvie for it but that actually requires parental intervention.
it's not from a moral standpoint but laws don't care about moral dictation
this is why its bad
if low value males understood just how much they are missing out they would collectively chimp out.
So they make it illegal so it's a fair playing field for everyone.
Same reason why despite older men knowing that young boys want to have sex with older women and say "nice", it's illegal because it screws up the mental development of all the boys who don't get chosen.

You can already see this happening with MGTOW, incels, blackpill, redpill. Men becoming increasingly aware of how massive sluts women are and how so many men are only blind to it because women find those men disgusting so it's like an entire hidden world to those men.
>So they make it illegal so it's a fair playing field for everyone.
lol so you gotta hold everyone else back because some faggot can't handle the truth? That's like saying no kid in the class gets to move to the next grade until every single kid is passing. Suck my mother fucking dick, you're HOLDIN ME BACK
Hmmm. I am hearing a little bit of african american music playing in the distant background.

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