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tell me about your awful horrible evil family
my is alright, i'm awkward and live with my mom so i really only have contact with my mom
Tbh i can't even say that they are evil, they're just retards with good intentions. Still doesn't change how much i suffered due to them, but i can't entirely blame them for it.
>paternal side
My father tried to kill the family about 20 years ago. Never seen him since. He comes from a family of alcoholics. His mother and youngest brother are the only alcohol-free family members and taking care of the family lands. All the other brothers pissed away their marriages and live alone. I have not seen many of my cousins in decades which makes me feel blue.

>maternal side
Moms had mental health issues for years. As a girl she was the unwanted twin of a second boy in the family. Never respected equally by her own mother. Her father died before I ever was born, more trauma for mom. Moms eldest brother has a wife who dislikes us so I have not seen them in about a decade. Her stepsister left us on the streets to look for an apartment in the 90s. Her twin brother is the most sane person of the bunch and always welcoming.

Deep traumas and deep shame from all of this shit and growing up in poverty. I did not have my life all straight till I reached my 30s. Still struggle with some everyday things. I have noticed the two good uncles mentioned shaped my personality with their examples more than anyone in the world.
When I was 3, my father tried to commit a murder-suicide by driving himself, his wife and his two sons off a bridge and into the water below, and he almost did, but he changed his mind at the last minute and backed out. There was a lot of screaming and crying. Mom told us to never talk about it under any circumstances and after we gathered ourselves we saw a movie as a family. This is my earliest memory.
When I was 5, my father stabbed my mother in the chest 49 times after a particularly explosive argument. He committed suicide in prison 6 years later.
After he murdered our mother, my brother and I lived with our uncle for a while until he overdosed on a combination of sleeping pills and medication he had been prescribed for severe pain from injuries he'd sustained in the marines in the 90s. He would always talk about what a miracle it was that he could walk at all, even with a cane. Whether or not that overdose was intentional is kind of a mystery to us. It happened shortly after he learned about his brother's suicide. He otherwise seemed pretty cheery for a nearly crippled divorcee. I don't miss him at all. He was a pedophile.
By the time the overdose happened, my brother was 18. He had been working his first job for about a year and was saving up to move out. He was very reluctant to take me with him but he eventually cracked after I begged him enough. He'd grown to hate me and initially wanted me to become the state's problem but there were complex legal issues that prevented that. I was 14. Just after my 18th birthday, he lit himself on fire and nearly burned down the apartment complex we were living in.

I'm the only member of my family left. I'm 28 now. My life has been a nightmarish string of turmoil, anguish, death and funerals.
My stupid roastie mom took away my laptop once
>I'm so good... somehow I got a shitty family
Nah. You got the family you deserve.
You will ALWAYS reap what you sow.
Jesus fucking Christ anon. I'm sorry.
>my mother
Lost her father due to some kind of psychopathic schizophrenia because he tried to kill my mom my grandma and my aunts, they had to run away from where they lived and live in "secret" whenever they went, my mother developed a terrible trauma thanks to that but she has managed to get over it after her father died like 4 years ago
>father side
My father has too many issues with its own father because is a asshole a liar and a monster overall, nobody in my family tolerates his shit yet we can't do anything against him, and the father of my grandfather was also an abusive piece of shit who went to get milk when my grandfather was a teen and came back like 10 years ago to have a place where to die in. He died like 2 months ago at age 96 or 97.
This guy spends 90% of his time in his room with his door closed. He always seems to have a bad attitude when he does come down. He says almost nothing unless its to be critical of something. Also, im pretty sure he's a drug and alcohol addict.
That guy is me.

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