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I noticed some of you lads like to larp about socialism.
Is this the kind of society you'd like to live in?
>Spies reported every relative or friend who stayed the night at another's apartment. Tiny holes were drilled in apartment and hotel room walls through which Stasi agents filmed citizens with special video cameras. Schools, universities, and hospitals were extensively infiltrated,[23] as were organizations, such as computer clubs where teenagers exchanged Western video games.[24]
I'd just like to live in a society where my tax dollars actually went to things that benefited me and others. Like paying for roads, healthcare, and education.
I mean, they hate Nazis but Nazis were literally Socialists.
>Schools, universities, and hospitals were extensively infiltrated,[23] as were organizations, such as computer clubs where teenagers exchanged Western video games.[24]
This is already a reality, no need to larp on that.
>but Nazis were literally Socialists.
they weren't, the SA got decimated because of that
Their government was literally Socialist, Brudi.
>Their government was literally Socialist
just because they had socialist in their name didn't mean they were actually socialist, ronny
>government controls goods and distributes it to the people
I don't know man, sounds pretty Socialist to me.
Doesn't refute op's point.
I feel like in socialist society I would have better opportunities for higher education and treatment for my many problems which I dont get in capitalist society. I dont like the society I live in.
then link to the socialist policies they had
You would be singled out for your high IQ and either indoctrinated to their line of thinking (GATE) or completely destroyed [Zersetzung]
There's no room for self actualisation in a socialist society. You are just a cell within a body. If you start to do things for yourself, you're identified as cancerous and the state will move to eliminate you.
Germany then had free healthcare and free education.
Are those the horrifying socialist policies you guys are so afraid of?
introduced by bismarck
>free education
started with the weimar republic
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In North Korea, they have hammer, sickle and paint brush. The brush differentiates it from other flavors of socialism because it represents the intellectual. Intellectual work is considered as equal to physical work there which is admirable even if the works are in strict regulation by the authoritarian regime.

I understand that when it comes to music and books their society is highly regimented on what is allowed but a socialist society merely has better opportunity for working class people to prosper in it.

Most important works of literature are about class struggle even if they dont outwardly acknowledge it. Literally the very first work of Homer which the canon originates with is about a selfish monarch disrespecting his own best soldier and taking his gains from war his captive bride from him. Literature and art are inherently anti-class.
No, I don't want the government to be so involved in peoples' lives is all.
I know, but he could've gotten rid of it for being socialistic. Not only that, Hitler was a member of a socialist party at first too.
What's the source on that? Radio Free Asia?
>I don't want the government to be so involved in peoples' lives is all
So you want to be raped and poisoned by corporations instead?
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Fuck off. Both are shit. If I could I'd want to live in a small nomadic tribe with a chieftain who is related to you and just wants the best for his people.
You are intellectualising it too much.
The problem with a socialist society is that it must distribute power among the poor and the rich and the stupid and the clever. The only way this can happen is with a strong, iron fist, ever watching surveillance government which will inflict severe punishment if anyone disagrees with the system.
>book written by Reagan's communication director
they just let anyone write shit about the USSR huh
>The problem with a socialist society is that it must distribute power among the poor and the rich and the stupid and the clever.
You don't understand socialism or how socialist societies have worked historically at all. And I would for sure say under capitalism there are a lot of stupid powerful people.
Stasi and west Germany admit to it. There's no secret.
Also a lot of the agents who worked for the stasi fled to the west and started working for western security services. Good night.
Here. Read pic related. It is about Marxs criticism of left wing despots and I agree with it.


Socialism would be perfect in a less totalitarian method but the problem is that the US and other capitalist nations make it so that they have to be totalitarian as a defensive measure against invasion.

If the US werent occupying half the globe I think that nations like Cuba and DPRK would liberalize somewhat.

Also keep in mind that in RoK, porn studios are also illegal and watching movies or media from the DPRK is also illegal but the media just doesnt portray that the same way as vice versa.
He meant to say wealth but he's absolutely right. Wealth distribution never works. Ever.
A Reagan official + people who have an incentive to badmouth the old regime for brownie points aren't particularly reliable to me, sorry.
>If I could I'd want to live in a small nomadic tribe with a chieftain who is related to you and just wants the best for his people.
Well that's literally not happening. So pick left or right. There are no other real alternatives.
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>Well that's literally not happening. So pick left or right. There are no other real alternatives.
There is.
>There is.
There isn't. It's not happening.
No it doesn't work even if he meant power or wealth. He has a very poor understanding of what socialism actually entails. It's not about making all people "equal", especially not between "the stupid and the clever", that's a Cold War era child's understanding of it.
>Wealth distribution never works.
All societies distribute wealth. When you give an employer your labor and he gives you a wage that's a percentage of the profits from that labor, that's distributing wealth. When a landlord raises the rents to drain their tenants dry that's distributing wealth. When a billionaire dies and leaves his vast fortune to his children that's distributing wealth. And it goes without saying that all existing capitalist societies have governments that distribute wealth. Figuring out how to distribute resources is arguably the primary function of all societies that have ever existed.
This board can have surprising good discourse at times. Incel IQ is probably a thing.
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>It's not happening.
It will happen. One day.
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Luxury communism will happen once machines and robots make all manual labor obsolete. Your Linkola-ist Nazi fantasy however wont happen.
You are fucking insane. It was obvious to everyone except your totally deranged self that I meant redistribution. It totally switches the argument.
>Your Linkola-ist Nazi fantasy however wont happen.
One nuclear war is enough to set humanity back to zero. It's not a fantasy.
I would like to live in Western Germany where the communist threat in the East brings the fear of God into every bourgeois folk there.
>One nuclear war is enough to set humanity back to zero. It's not a fantasy.
We'd be back up to the late 1800s technology wise before you know it.
I want to live in west Germany where political assassinations and kidnappings are the norm.
Resources are limited, especially the ones needed for technological advancement. The luxury everyone has today will be gone. Globalisation and trade will be gone. The set back will be felt forever for what could have been is no longer achievable. Full recovery after would basically be unachievable.
Bump. This is what your government can and does do to you at any time. I'm not talking about any point of the spectrum. If you're to the right, or the left, this shit happens. And has been documented so. If you don't fit the cog of the machine, and worse, if you are saying or doing things which might disrupt the machine, the machine will destroy you.
As insane as it is, everyone deserves to know this.
Modern intelligence gathering in the West works by saturating the population with spies so I'm not sure how this is an argument against socialism exactly
Marxism-Leninism was a failure. Marx said that we need to take over the state for revolutionary purposes and initial war and immediately destroy it

>In socialism you have no rights!!!

My autistic ass has never had a "right" in my entire life. I get cops called on me just for walking outside because I'm "creepy". So I welcome socialism because it won't be anything new.
I don't think you guys are appreciating the irony of OPs post. But I guess there's the beauty of it.
The dystopia which is described in his soviet nightmare, is an indisputable fact in our lives now.
There's a 50% chance you're reading this very post with a camera pointed at you
Surveillance has been normalised. We are cattle, and we chose to be.
If bad actors decide to use this surveillance against us, well, we only have ourselves to blame.

Who the fuck even asked if we wanted cameras pointed at us all the time? Was it for the convenience of a "selfie"? Lmao.
Just join the police when the fascism kicks in.
Better than niggers and sandniggers roaming the streets and state-enforced homosexuality.
don't waste your time arguing with retards and just read Blackshirts and Reds

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