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Why is that hard for boys nowadays to understand that evolution requires elimination? Yes, we might go for the taller, more attractive men, but a thousand years from now it will all make sense, there will no longer be ugly men out in the world, and eventually everyone will be able to get laid.
Not only this bait is retarded but doesn't even follow basic human genetic evolution
Women are the ones creating ugly men. Ugly men are already not reproducing and are just a biproduct of dysgenic women reproducing because men will fuck anything.
Ugly womanlets must also be kept from reproducing then. Filtering short people also basically means you're just filtering all the brownoids, so we may as well just sterilize all non-whites in western countries.
Why is it hard for girls nowadays to understand that civilization is the opposite of evolution, and only exists based solely on the condition that all men (even the short ugly broke ones) get to breed? These men keep the power grid up and the power grid is the only thing that separates civilization from a true state of nature (women getting fucked in rape gangs and Chads getting slaughtered by competition).
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Counterpoint: India currently has 1.4 billion people and it is steadily increasing. For every white male that doesn't have any children, an Indian will have 4-5. You people are just evil. Stop trying to justify it.
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A thousand years for now all men and women too will be retards thanks to sexual selection
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If only India was the main problem.
True. Women are the ones with incel genes.
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Foids will fuck attractive chads in their prime then settle down with some ugly betabuxxer soiboy like pic-related in their 30s and shit out a few ugly incel kids to repeat the cycle.
Foids are evil.
If you wanted eugenics we'd have to eliminate women with bad genes from the gene pool by neutering them at 18 years old
Humans suffered at least two near-extinction events in our past. We have dangerously low genetic diversity, among the lowest in all the animal kingdom relative to our population.

We need everyone reproducing all together, the "good" and the "bad", at least until we can fully figure out genetic engineering.
time baiting is time that could be better spent masturbating, my nigga friend
get some bitch to lay on you and youll feel better
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Girl, if the NWO get's its will, there will be no more women in 50 years. Humans will be made in factories, and as the elite wants strong, intelligent, emotionally stable citizens, they will all be created as males.
>implying that humans or the planet will survive more than 1000 years
Yes, go for all the dumb men who are unable to think for themselves. It's for the betterment of society!
>tfw literally too smart for sex
I don't know if it's true, but it's a little obvious that the vast, vast majority of people who have children are literally retarded.
there won't be humans in 100 years just brown orcs
1000% increase in 300 years is insane. Africa, India, & Mexico needs to be bombed
the problem is a combination of converging ahistorical trends. the one is that the species has a built-in excess amount of men that are expected to die young through conflict, hunting, exploration, etc. but they are no longer doing so thanks to stable, peaceful societies.
the other is that women were never the ones selecting men for their genes, it was mostly just a matter of what man was around her that was willing and able to take and keep her. at some points it was more than 10 women reproducing for every 1 man, meaning small minorities of men were able to consolidate power and breed all the women. it's not like all 10 of those women thought this was the hottest guy or something, THEY weren't selecting him, he was grabbing every pussy he could and no one could stop him.

so now we are in a situation where we have all those excess men AND the women are the ones doing the selecting. so of course you can imagine the outcome.
Its 2024 muh evolution is an outdated argument
>only the dark skinned countries need to be bombed
your chinkophilia is showing
Organizing our society around the false idea that women are choosers and that their instincts will result in better genetics has been a gigantic failure and we have been losing IQ points for generations because of it. The reality is that women have completely unevolved partner selection mechanisms, due to not being subject to any selection pressure. On top of that, human society does not reflect human biology and there is no reason to believe that humans instincts would be beneficial in choosing a partner. It's sort of a naive eugenics you people preach. Instead of humans taking control of our own destiny and controlling genetics to make living according to our values easier, you naively believe that nature itself is just perfectly tuned so that whatever you personally value most must be the result of any natural process, that the world which you want to create will just pop out of thin air if only we let things play out. Actually retarded.

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