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You have to be this tall to post edition
Qott: would you rather date a boy your height or do you prefer height difference? If you do would you rather be taller or shorter?
Previous thread: >>78273680
Ok which one of you faggots...
real top shotta > real top shota
I guess faggots have died out and maybe that the best outcome
I'd rather a bf my size but it's not very important
I'd rather date a girl because I'm straight
>tfw no bf that feels existential dread if he loses an argument
Height difference, I don't care whether he's shorter or taller but it's cuter that way.
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Storyanon stop posting yourself outside of this thread, you fat attention whore
i hate this gay website
Given the diminutive stature of your average poster here I'm tempted to ask if manlets rage is a real thing you feel?
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Taller I guess but mnwehh most people are taller than me anyway I wanna gnaw on a tall nice man
Only if they feel self conscious about it meow
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>Qott: would you rather date a boy your height or do you prefer height difference? If you do would you rather be taller or shorter?
I'd prefer a height difference. I'm not a big guy so my bf wouldn't have to be really tall just a little taller. If my fbf is the same height that would be fine
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this could be us nigga (height)
I accept the fact that I'm a 6'6 man and am comfortable with it... unless I'm standing in a bus or in a backseat of a small car
>tfw no tall bf with back problems
>even faggots are heightpilled
Brutal, cant even get a qt twink bf because I'm 6'0.
My god I want a short top bf so bad. It would be so cute.
The world was made for me
I'm satisfied with my height
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Sigh, what did I do wrong this time?
Minimum preferrable height for bf probably 5'10 ir so, if any taller even better.
New personalityfag drops in 10 days
I feel like I'd either want him to be shorter or taller than me, either is fine
If he was just at eye level with my all the time I think that would actually make me kind of uncomfortable
Short people really underestimate how hard it is to do some things as a tall guy. I didn't choose to have back problems.
Probably crying over non issues more than usual
kiwi has a BFE asmr channel with 50k subscribers
We have to stop his exponential growth before it's too late..
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Good thing they invented a fix for that: working out you fucking pussy
I'm very lazy I'm just eating apples this whole next week instead
my height but if the is a difference it should not be like picrel and i'll be the shorter one. reminds me of when i was in primary school and had to comfort my (straight) crush and i had to get on my tippy toes just to put his head on my shoulder
Back to sulking all by myself I guess. Idk, I whine a lot on here, always been emotional and a little dramatic, can't help that my family's genes are screwed up.
need soft cheeks to bite gently :(((
petition to change the thread name from /r9gay/ to /r9closetedagptranny/
sigma ligma
>Three posts in the last 2 hours
r9gay is dying
Too busy today to post sorry
I prefer /r9g/
Busy day at work anon number >>78286225
need a bottom /r9gay/ bf in quebec
sadly still here and it's a grass mowing day. Store first to grab some soda since it's on sale. Going to try and fight the urge to get fast food on the way back.
need blond uncut strong rapist husband who takes fat neet shits in quebec
would you teach me french quebec anon?
Being able to listen to youtube while working is a life saver. I'd die of boredom otherwise.
Grass mowing day? How are you not going insane?
>tfw no bf to hold hands with all day without stopping
Where would a bi-curious man in northeast Florida go to meet femboys and fem twinks asking for a friend
move to southwest florida
How many fags from here would it take to beat this guy? I can't do it alone for sure.
Though dont get me wrong. I believe on 1v1 only
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i wanna know where /r9gay/ stands
A dude with that cat thing pfp was really rude and racist to me once
Fag is a derogatory term can you maybe stop using it thanks hun
You really prefer g*y over Fag? Really?
Can any of you autists here confirm?
i am a goy so i dont see a problem with it
Yes, Goy only mean nations. I meant the damned sodomites with "g*y".
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Did he look something like this self-portrait i drew?
i am a guy too
Total Jeetshitter Death
Billions Must Flush
ideal bf pairing
Stop acting smart you little...
No I just saw the pfp. Idk what he looked like. Do you Mongolian features?
>Do you Mongolian features?
If you mean thinking about rape all the time then yes I do have mongolian features
Does the video imply that the blue fly is both adhd and autistic? Or the brown one is autistic and the blue one is ADHD?
the big fat bald guy? i reckon he'll be dead in the next few years from all the terrible foods and steroids and drug abuse. he's not gonna make it to 40. regardless, if you're a healthy adult he's never gonna catch you in a foot race. mock him at will and watch his little penis shaped head bulge
I dont keep in touch with politics so can anyone explain this.
I meant the guy was from some Central Asian Mongoloid population.
I meant the Martin guy. Also I meant taking him on, not running away like a bitch.
>I meant the guy was from some Central Asian Mongoloid population.
lmoa, pot calling the kettle black
democrats want a female black president but kamala barely qualifies as "black" and she's also pro-choice. there also hasn't been a recent national tragedy that pertains to the oppression of a particular demographic, one that kamala could be seen as championing for. she's just kinda there.

i don't care about politics either but that's what i could gather.
Actually he would be way more fair skinned than me and that gives him a superiority complex.
anyone can shoot him, that's easy. if you're talking about strictly a fist fight that's pretty easy too, weight lifters are notoriously total shit at fighting. they lose to people who don't even train. slow, no range of motion, no skills, no real chance other than maybe sitting on you until you get tired, like any fat guy trying to fight.
>see more posts since I last browsed
>it's poo xittering up the thread
Die to death no one likes you you useless piece of shit
But what point is he trying to make? Who the fuck is this guy saying random things?
He probably felt intimidated by you in light of penis size statistics. He was scared and confused. I suggest you apologize
I am bored. Also stop being racist. I dont like repeating myself.
Have you ever fought one? Fit coped by saying that muscles help you in grappling and you are dead if you get caught.
Well it was a fag server but noone brought up dicks. Also I am sorry.
Ye but people who know nothing about fighting get impressed by physical appearance. One calf kick and he would start crying. I guarantee he wouldn't be able to stand after less than 5 kicks.
Dick size is always implicit. From this exchange alone I know yours, and you probably know mine.
And apology accepted.
This is like playing minefield. I hope you anons have redeemed themselves because I havent seen any shota post so far.
Digital littering rakesh do not redeem
Traditional feminism? Sure. Modern day feminism? Nahhh man.
I believe in completely separating the male and female population, physically
where does that make me stand on feminism?
What's r9gays favourite Ryan Gosling movie?
yes weight class and muscle matters in grappling, specifically wrestling, but that's moreso between equally matched opponents. technique also matters in grappling, in fact more than boxing since you're handling all kinds of leverage and center of gravity and positioning etc. bigger guys are easier to unbalance and roll for example. i used to wrestle with the super heavyweights sometimes because they didn't have many partners their size
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how did you manage being so intimate with all these fit guys and not have boner all the time
Isn't there difference between sports and actual fighting? This sounds like Olympic kinda wrestling. Also do you still wrestle?
>Punch Cat
Well the music does encourage such behaviour
idk it just wasn't like that. my body was in a working mode with high stress and tension, not a relaxed pleasure mode.
What's fappenin forum
If a huge muscular guy pinned me to the floor, I would get so hard
Ok I think i must give some context because the clip is cut short. So this dude was being beaten up and he thinks of a hot girl he kissed. He gets hard and the bully thjnks he is a faggot who enjoys getting beat up.
that's another good point, i wasn't wrestling with anyone cute it was always other huge muscular guys like me. imagine if you were wrestling with another waifish twink like yourself, would it turn you on as much?
Why did you ignore my post. Not like I mind it or anything.
If I overpowered him yes. If I lost I would probably get mad instead
My Twitter feed is full of c*ts. Sickening. Why do humans like these things so much. Every fucking people is doing it. Am I the only one immune to Toxiplasma Gondii?
Cant even escape r9gay cancer on twatter
I got fast food, burger king, which has upset my stomach and now I don't feel like mowing. why do I do this to myself?
Wtf is this lmao
we resorting to posting twitter bullshit now? My has the thread fallen.
The post is hilarious. You probably didn't even check it out. Also I do feel like a cunt posting them when noone else is taking any interest in it. I am bored though, like I don't wanna sleep :'(
Stop blogposting where you don't belong maybe
Retard jeet posting his feed again. Grim.
Saar please relocate Saar>>78287546
Stop giving him attention and maybe he will stop posting yeah?
Well I am watching Heaven's feel right now. Also Twitter posting isnt blogposting. Also I only act like a r word when I am bored.
No. Also the O word. It's gross.
Everyone was ignoring him for days and he still posted. What made him leave was collective shaming. We can do it again, so shut your newfag retarded ass
Its not shame. Its called being a decent human being. Enough for today anyways.
If you were decent human being you would read the room and see no one likes you here. Why stay at a place you are not welcome? But no, you want to change it and used to constantly cry over established thread/board culture which begs the question why were you still there when you don't like it and no one likes your crying or spam????
Need a /r9gay/ themed name for a character for the new PoE league. Any ideas?
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What a blunder from the 80s. I love 80s music but Loverboy sucked.
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mango sapling progress day 4
no one cares about your mango spicboy
You could've been my bf but your feet are ugly :(
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cute mango sapling, anon
what's his name?
I saw a dude ask for a big mac at burger king, you ever get that confused?
I never meant to keep it in the dark
I know it doesn't mean much coming from me.
dreamed of mom again when I laid down for a nap.

I went downstairs and there she was acting like nothing had even happened, she told me dinner was ready and we say down to eat. During dinner I tried to tell her what happened but the words wouldn't come out until I finally woke up panting for breath. Why must I be tortured like this?
is she dead or what
He killed her and hid the corpse beneath the floor like that Poe poem
A little suspicious how he always said that for years before the fappening actually happened, it's like the media was trying to condition us.
My mom did die but she died at the hospital and is buried in a cemetery.

My stamina has fallen back and I only got half the grass done before I had to come in for a break. Before I was doing the whole thing in one shot.
how trashy would it be to leave a half cut lawn off to tomorrow? I just don't feel like finishing.
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Meow going home playan hypermall ttrpg tomorrmeow yay
fuck it, half cut lawn until tomorrow now pizza teim.
hypermall hypermarket
Beat chapter 3 in ys 9. I'm going one chapter a day so far which works well as I always get to the Ed before getting too sleepy
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I guezz a hypermall would b a mallvwith only hypermatkets

Word of The night:
hypermarket still sounds weird to me. I know it's a legit term but not one I'd use. Closest one would be supermarket.
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I like the second half of Dark Souls but I wonder how a blind dragon read normal sized books or what the Four Kings' tax policy was
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Ghost Entry Egregore
That's what the iron pineapple librarians are for you buffoon
I haven't done papa john's for a while but their website doesn't tell you the wait time before you order and I don't want to be waiting an hour. uhhh the choices of a fat ass.
papa john's is fucking disgusting
get red swan
>red swan

no such place here. choices are pizza hut/domminoes/local brand.
local brand, then
or dominos if the local's bad
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Ah so when they're not out kidnapping people they're reading Seath bedtime stories

local brand is good but fucking expensive. 22$ for an ex-lg. Looks like it might be dominoes then.
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It's a honest bar
I burn that tin
That vitamin
That thing-thing
I stretch the line skin-thin
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pizza is honestly the best food ever invented
if I had to pick one thing to eat forever, it'd be pizza

I eat so much pizza both frozen and fresh that it's lost some of that magicalness to me.
Chinese fo me
I used to fucking love chinese food before I stopped eating meat
sadly they don't have many veg-only options
I have never had Chinese in my life. mom wouldn't have ordered there if she was starving to death for fear of 'spiciness'. Anyway think I'll splurge on the local brand, I haven't had them since last year.
Chinese people invented tofu
They're raging carnivores but they still have the best vegetarian protein options on the planet that don't taste like ass
If you haven't had chinese by 30 it's all ogre
let's see 40 bucks at the store today, 20 bucks for gas, 10 for lunch and now 22 for dinner. this is what I've spent today. Any bets as to how long it is until I'm broke?
Just give it all to me instead
I'm homeless / live in a van and haven't worked since November
my monthly budget:
+$625 welfare
-$100 phone
-$120 wine
-$180 weed
-$60 gas
-$20 gym
-$145 pizza & snacks
I also have about $8K in credit card debt but I'm just ignoring that since I can't pay it and I've given up lmao
so who wants me
I do
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Why spend so much on wine when you can get cheaper drinks and why is your phone bill so high? Still going to the gym is commendable
bring back debtors prisons I say
imagine being that mentally cucked by society
I bet you don't have insurance for the van either. I hope you get pulled over.
2nd wealthiest r9gayer
how tf is your phone bill $100
are you streaming gay porn in hd
probably has a time of the line phone and a fancy unlimited plan.
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Would you, theoritically, date your future bf if he was perfect and did everything you wanted, but had a abnormally small micropenis?
is he willing to to bottom? I'm vers so if yes then no big deal.
No he's a top only and you're a bottom only. (theoretically)
yes that doesn't really matter
the top only part is what bothers me, regardless of size
I'd need at least a 10/90 split
then no, I want to feel the dick in me.
bread has a micropeen wtf
oh it was a pretext for attention whores to namedrop themselves my bad
fuck this thread
imagine you have no home internet, because you have no home
do you think he might have an unlimited data plan so he doesn't have to live in the McDonald's parking lot forever?
just buy a fat antenna and graze on public wifi, preload your pornos
>boomer neighbor came over to ask me why only half the yard was done
>told him the mower broke
>he offered to fix it for me tomorrow
>mower is not broke I'm just lazy.

well shit, what the fuck do I do now?
Tell him to mind his biz
break ur mower
reload from your quicksave
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Flee to Hong Kong so you'll never have to see him again
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HOA mafia seems pretty hellish
I think I'll say 'well it's working now. Don't know what happened yesterday'. He'll likely leave it at that.
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>tfw no bf to listen to me complain about any scene in Godfather 3 that Coppola's daughter is in
The film has other problems but she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag
why did you answer the door
ignore him. he doesn't exist
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That business with Tom Hagen dying offscreen, whatever happened there
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Godfather part one is one of the shittiest movies ever, pure garbage. Same level as Heat.
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Heat hate will not be tolerated in this thread.
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For me, height is a slight preference. I care more about muscle, money, temperance, and wisdom
I prefer fag over gay, desu. Queer people don't own happiness, and because of my shit job and obnoxious family, I'm unhappy 70% of the time
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If we're getting things off our chest then I did not care for Red Dead Redemption 2
>tfw I'm pretty sure I'm only gay due to growing up in foster care
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Heat is bad and boring
So true sister
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>tfw no bf who isn't afraid of conflict and won't tolerate slander against Heat
Buying a burner tomorrow to aid in committing a lot of fraud
i wish my best friend would have fucked me, he was so big and strong and handsome and ppl would say we were like an old married couple when we would argue and i love him so much
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I did not ask for your disgusting bottom opinion, whore. Pipe down.
live to life
wtf im not a bottom, im a brat
my boycherry popped now im bleeding like story >.<
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What's the difference you should die all the same
had free pizza and free alcohol today
why haven't you kys yet
hot hot hot
pls be my bf
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I'm trans if that matters meow
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no penis, not interested. im a faggot, not a bishit
I paid 22 bucks for an ex-lg pizza. It was good though. Cassano's for those fellow ohiofags who might know of it.
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What's so hot about that keep it in your pants sheesh
It didn't say trans man fag
>What's so hot about that keep it in your pants sheesh
it's hot when guys are demeaning and say they don't care about what you're saying
you're a trapezoid eww
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You got issues, can it cringelord also stream Ulver - Childhoods end
Can I please have some attention? I'm feeling really bad today.
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Eyes hurty very eepy bye forum
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Nyaameow hereugoes
i miss him so much
why are straight guys such fucking heartless demons
it's like they get off on stringing along their gay friend so they can feed off of the emotional labor and praise and attention without ever intending to reciprocate
and they're so handsome and warm and loving and it would be so easy to be together but then they drop you whenever it's convenient
why couldn't i just be straight
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Port might just be my new favourite drink being strong and sweet. Enjoying a slight buzz instead of being hammered is also rather nice
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Imagine letting a straggot lead you on
had some gin & tonic and vodka & tonic and sprite & rum and some orange liqueur
still sour over the ukrainian autist huh
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No he's mad at the rich white straightoid retard he met at a beach who had a girlfriend and 3DS is seething that he didn't dump his gf immediatly and marry our beloved little parasite on the spot
i haven't talked to him in months that anon is not me
never go for a guy who shows any interest in anything but other biological males, they will always leave you for those with holes between legs. always.
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If I am being quite honest I don't mind being left as long as it was fun as long as it lasted meow
r9gay would never do that... never
it's been over a week since my gay friend ghosted me
he was my closest friend for over a decade, i loved him before i even knew what love was i just thought we were really close friends and that i knew him better and mattered more to him than his girlfriends and that he loved me and we would always be together

just like my dad too honestly
After having pizza for dinner I am now eating chocolate icing from the jar. why even try anymore? Might as well just enjoy my way out.
nobody cares storytard unless you're buying us something cool
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And you tried to abuse that relationship for your own gain. You are not the victim here.
i didn't abuse the relationship, i was entirely respectful of him and never once came onto him or made any advances.
>victimblaming yet another victim of the straight menace

Liar. You are LYING.
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You only get let down by expecting too much. I have no sympathy for retards who extend their hand into an open flame, hoping for warmth. You got reap what you sow. Eat your porridge.
he shoved me against a wall and choked me, and i didn't even beg him to fuck me
he complained about another gay friend asking to suck his dick, and i comforted him
i never did anything inappropriate, bc i loved him too much to hurt him like that
Yet you are here whining about missing him. There is no reason to trust anything you say.
jeez you sound like a typical bitter "blackpilled" incel
have you ever truly been in love? that love doesn't just stop or go away
we would be married right now if he were gay or i were a woman
i will feel the love i have for him until i die, and it's so overwhelming and intense that it feels like a searing flame and that the rest of my self is a husk given life only to bear witness to its intensity
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>unironically using incel as an insult
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If being realistic, respectful and observant makes me blackpilled incel then so be it. Does not change the fact that if you set yourself on fire to feel warm you are beyond saving.
>implying you're the one who choose who you fall in love with
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Very interesting totally not cliche discussion but which Castle Crashers knight do you main and which would you bf? For me, it's probably orang
Yeah, and the problem is that you're only talking about your needs and wants and feelings even though he is his own person. I have nothing but contempt for parasites like you who give with a spoon and ask with a ladle. You're an insect.
i don't know who hurt you but that's a very sad worldview anon
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Not relevant in the slightest to what I said seethe to death you locust
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>Thinking of people other than yourself and respecting them is a sad worldview
Idk what to say kill yourself I guess. You are beyond saving.
Coming from this particular faggot that's a bit amusing innit
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I am beyond good and evil this train has no hinges so we're gonna fuckginf swivel off track boys
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>tfw no autist bf who also can't keep up with conversations
even if you ignore me I'm still going to blogpost.
Respect is a two way street and besides none of you would be considered human anyway>>78292999
Doxxing and murdering every ohionigger just because
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I wondeur if I could of been less insayne if my life was different or maybe it's just the autism all the way down m e o w
i do not respect autistic people they should all die probably idk less spastics in da worldo
>would you rather date a boy your height or do you prefer height difference? If you do would you rather be taller or shorter?

taller but I'm already a height maxer so 6'3 + but might be asking too much, height won't factor in as much as long as I don't have to crouch to kiss him because that would be akward
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Being a human is overrated anyway I'd have been much happier as a panda or galleon
Tallfags just can't stop mentioning how tall they are like biscum can't stop mentioning they're subhuman pests
Shameful really
>he shoved me against a wall and choked me
admit it, that turned you on
what events led up to this and what happened afterwards
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So trve I can't not mention my humongous height of 166cm every five secons i am so talllll
>mfw finnish tranny is taller than me
Not very hard to out-height a spic thoughbeit
Not a tranny and also hang yourself manlet oh wait you can't reach the noose lmaooo
metric is a dumb system there i said it
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What's dumb about it? That it makes sense?
I met a guy today as a straight guy and yeah. I am straight for sure
I can't understand how gay people look at normal heterosexual sex and say "no thanks I'd rather have shit on my dick and die of AIDS"
Retarded bait, out
>doesn't measure things with boyfeet
Yep it's shit
Mald about it foreigner retards
i don't even register that people might be baiting anymore because there really do exist people that are genuinely that fucking stupid
doesn't apply to r9gay anons anyway because this is an oral and foot only general apparently
Aint no boy have feet 30cm long that's a whole ass man
i regularly fantasize about a strong handsome man ejaculating inside my rectum
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I regularly fantasize about a man killing me gently, like putting a frightened child back to sleep
i had the alcohol equivalent of maybe slightly over 4 beers and i didn't even get tipsy
I drank double that and only feel slightly tipsy.
>acquired 200 dollars
I wanna buy another jacket but it's 90 degrees here in Cali right now.
I despise cicadas smash them all with heavy rock
>he shoved me against a wall and choked me
while it's alright to have fetishes like that, I don't get it personally (choking is weird but yes please to getting shoved against a wall) but it needs to be safe, sane, and consensual sounds like that psycho motherfucker did you a favour buy removing himself from your life he'll show up on the news as a serial killer in a few years
yes this assessment is from one random incident we don't have the context for and yes it is completely factual
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TFW no cicada bf to be with me all day making spooky noises

shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii shrii
that should be the jackets are discounted because there is low demand, best time to buy one no?
what are you thinking of getting? jean, leather,bomber?
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A medium brown bomber and a black leather one maybe. I always come up with outfits before buying clothes.

I might go thrifting soon, why not.
if you find dicks and fictional furry men attractive, but not real life men, what should you do
maybe grow up a little
>wait, is it working now? bro this piece of shit didn't turn on last time
>wow it is working now, what was the problem? you didn't do anything? then how is it working now?
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seems like that pic isn't just a meme, on here at least
3 days without masturbation after years of doing it compulsively, sometimes I feel so horny I think I'm gonna lose control but in the end I manage to suppress the urges, aiming to only masturbating once a week.
>pathetic gayboy wonders why his straight friends don't want to fuck him
Obsessed meowch?
These two post, when put together, tell a story
Cliche cliche cliche *yawn* die to deaf
Hypocrite whore, we need hue to interrogate both of you
Should've ignored him. People who don't feel love/or have crushes on the daily will never understand you
I only played blue I think. I don't like experimenting much in games you can choose more characters. I just pick one and stick to it. Epic game tho
You are such a sad piece of shit. He literally said he didn't pustue anything DESPITE his feelings you projecting mongoloid. If that isn't the opposite of what you are crying over here then I don't know what is. Doesn't make his FEELINGS go away you sad, stupid retard
Everyone constantly talks how short they are in here, what do you mean? (Evidence right under your post!!!!)
I haven't seen a tall spic ever and this means they don't exist
I agree, this is why you try to understand would they post it in a place they know it would cause outrage and other factors. It's always best outcome to ignore it, even if not bait it's so dumb it doesn't deserve the risk of giving them the satisfaction
And what's the issue with that?
Depends. If you're an incel and women hate you, you could potentially have alot to gain leaning into homoeroticism and conditioning yourself to the real stuff. And except for the effort exerted afaik there isn't any real tradeoff being bi rather than straight, no matter how much /pol/ keeps sperging about degeneracy and shit.
Since you have a degree of interest in males already, it's probably doable.
If only anon had better looking feet :(
I never got drunk, though I don't drink, fee times I was drinking a bunch of cocktails when forced to go to social events
i think my internet activity is severely impacting my mental wellbeing
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Which fetishes are alright and which are not?
literal shit
cum swirling
everything else
Evil grooming piece of shit. What's funny is types lie that will never go for real guys or will feel disgusted by homosex after it, leaving actual fags heartbroken in the process
>sub/dom dynamic
Not allow:
Everything else
>no bondage
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Chill down my dude lmoa
Anon should be able to experiment especially if women are being difficult for him and he already enjoys the male figure. If he finds he doesn't like it he can always quit and begin simping for roasties again. It's not like I'm telling him to chop his dick off or anything. I'm sure he is a big boy who can make big boy decisions.
It probably has
Try to spend less time on the internet, set alarms to control ho much you do it, take breaks, look for different things to do in your free time, some exercise could help too even if it is just light cardio
>bf is top only with you
>he was bottom only with his ex
what does it mean?
You are his princess
It means you need to stop posting ASAP.
>tfw no spic bf with a micropenis
I haven't actually seen any of his movies that I know of, but I like his band Dead Man's Bones
What? spics have huge dicks
t. spic wielding 16.5 cm
How is he gonna top me with a micropenis?
This doesn't actually solve the problem since story will just have to mow the lawn again after this, which he doesn't wanna do.
I am usually all for deciet, lying and dishonesty but in this case the best option might be to tell the truth, or part of it. Say you got really exhausted all of a sudden while mowing and had to stop, or earnestly explain that you've been having some trouble with your leg recently and say you were too tired to continue. If you're really lucky the neighbour will feel bad for you and might offer to mow your lawn for you.
>does everything you want
>except x
maybe bread isn't mexican then
I only mowed like a quarter of my lawn on Monday and it's been all week you'll be fine if it sits for a bit
I'm more Jewish than Mexicano
No best option is to say it started working somehow. He can't admit he lied now.
you have a micro peen lol
it's 6 inches buddy
I like the lightning one cos of the really overpowered move. I also at some point believe I had the dlcs but I lost them somehow, during that time I really liked playing the smith (?) guy. Also I liked playing the ice guy a lot cos freezing people is fun and I somehow made beat the 2nd boss (the furry one, is that the second?) alone with that character through sheer luck.
Someone tell vedool there is a problem withy ai
Waking up with tummy issues :c
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I just remembered when one of my ex's told me his abusive dad got fucking shot in the head by his mom. What the fuck.
Hopefully someone shoots you in the fucking head next you normalnigger piece of shit
Hopefully you'll go/go back to sleep and stop being such grouch when you wake up
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>tfw no bf who brightens up my day like a sunlight maggot
Is your sun setting anon?
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>he said
And you're stupid enough to trust him even if his current predicament implies something happened between them? Fool. Beyond saving.
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Try my friend loving all the things we used to do
I realize there was not very much to love
But that's no reason to go on living in the past

Try my friend doing all the things we used to do
If you could color me, it would be darkest blue
Give me another chance
I'll love you more than in the past

It's up to you to do the things I want you to
Don't question me
It's gotta be this way

Please my friend hear me out before you have to go
It's time you understand
I think you ought to know
Give me another chance
I'll love you more than in the past
chuu - chocolate is a cute song i like it

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