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I hate being lonely but I'm too scared of men to date.
You should be scared, bitch. Kys
Why are you scared of me
I want to protect you
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Why? What could we do?
I don't know, abuse me? My dad was abusive so I never got into dating. I feel scared passing men on the street let alone having to talk to you guys.
I'm not a bad person, sweetie. I would love to take care of you, and help you grow as a person. Sweet girls are worthy of all the love.
See, this is why we need feminism.
We just want to cuddle and protect you fembot it's not right for you to be scared of us.
Unless you piss us off then we will savagely beat and rape your ass and you will learn to love it.
I'm apprehensive on dating too because my ex lied to me about a lot of shit to get me to get sexual with her, and didn't even want something longterm. People lie, deceive, all that shit and it's hard to get out of that rut once you've fallen into it. The only advice I could give is finding ways to learn about a person that don't give them direct contact with you, I think online first meeting later isn't a bad idea if they're in country, or even better regional. And when you meet up choose public places you can't be cornered in. Best of luck.
>My dad was abusive
Oh no :( poor baby. I want to hug you and stroke your hair.
im like this but im scared of girls
>but I'm too scared of men
>"my retarded whore mouth with get me bitch slapped."
>"I might get physically corrected when I dismiss my boyfriend's sacrifices and decide my immediate gratification is more important than his suffering."
>"I'm scared that if I try to leverage my body for benefits he'll just take it."
>"I'm a retarded orifice who was never taught by my daddy that I'm a female and therefore should obey the man I'm with."
Surely the 30 yr old socially maladapted NEETs on this board wouldnt abuse you and hurt you, no noooooo, this is a great place to poast about it
I'm not a NEET, and I'm 24, thank you very much.
>We just want to cuddle and protect you
A lot of men just want to fuck and forget about any woman they find attractive. Stop lying/projecting to femoids, bro.

t. 22yo virgin male
pump and dump
coom and vroom
why do foids get so upset at that? it's not like their roast beef flaps are worth settling down with anyway
Would you be upset by a playboy toying with your feelings? a couple of fleeting sexual encounters but he holds back on a relationship?
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>why we need feminism
>why do foids get so upset at that?
They don't if that was a chad (empirically proven a shit ton of times by my 6'3" brother)

That's where bitches need to stop lying about this whole thing too. Nobody minds having sex with a good looking person, but building relationships with them (if their personality is shit or you were just used for sex and they don't see you as their romantic partner) is not an option, obviously.
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If you're a virgin and not entirely insane, then I would fix you.
>I hate being lonely but I'm too scared of men to date.
I genuinely feel bad for women in these situations, it's unfathomable to me the fear you must feel.

I can walk alone in the middle of night, losing a freedom like that based on gender just feels weird.
date a woman
>I can walk alone in the middle of night
Must be nice not living in a multicultural area
Here's how I'd date if I wanted to be ultra-safe as a woman. Start online or in local hobby communities.
Get to know some guys in the community and be very observant of their behaviors, take note of how they handle conflict especially.
Do this for a while until you find someone you like and observe and interact with them for long enough that you feel comfortable around them and are relatively certain they aren't abusive and then express romantic interest towards them.

It sucks as a guy who isn't abusive nor wants to use women for sex too, because there is no easy way to signal it to make yourself stand out from trash guys, so all you can really do is consistently try to be a good person.
>proven a shit ton of times by my 6'3" brother
I'd honestly kms if I had a chad brother. How do you manage?
you deserve it desu, now fuck off
A dog once bit me, I'm not scared of every dog I see.
Most people at the end of the day are normal & boeing.
You're probably right to be scared and better off alone. Unless you're secretly a 8+ stacy you're probably not going to meet a guy worth getting involved with these days realistically. Even if I was a women I'd still probably be volcel because most people geniunely suck in the current era and are too selfish and immature lacking emotional intelligence and empathy for a worthwhile relationship.
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i'm too scared of people to date too
i want to go on dates but i don't want to have to kiss anyone and certainly not sex them until i know i'm ready
i feel like nobody would want to keep meeting if i didn't put out though
in summary, avoid black people
>i feel like nobody would want to keep meeting if i didn't put out though
damn straight
going to be honest with you, men prefer the company of other men in all things except sex
to us, women are more boring, irrational, dumber versions of men with interests completely separate to ours.
so the only thing we want you for is for your holes, and that's pretty much it.
if you refuse to put out, aint nobody got time for your shit.
I'm a dude and I would prefer my relationships begin as friendships way more than getting quick sex. But at the same time as a guy, you are told that if you don't make things sexual and romantic fast enough then women won't see you as a dating option in the future. So what are you supposed to do as a guy?
why not go out with people as friends so you don't have to worry about intimacy escalation? you can still enjoy your time with others that way
but anon i am a man
why do you act and talk like a 14 year old 'asexual' girl on tumblr
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shit nigga idk
So date women
Why didn't you figure this out by now op
same (gay)
if I have to risk getting hatecrimed to get laid I'd rather just stay at home tbdesu
this but unironically
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im scared of women, where's my attention? should i make a thread?
nope, incel freak. We're too busy comforting shy, adorable femanon rn. Anyone else can go fuck themselves
this is exactly why OP stated she was scared of men
>nope incel freak
>t. simp
yawn, you're both idiots

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