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They just figured yall incels out again


"Unwilling to accept that the fault lies mainly with themselves"

The fault for poverty lies almost entirely with the poor themselves, if you expand the concept of fault to include personal defects that one never chose but which one definitely personally possesses. But while I blame the poor for being the way they are, I also expect the starving to *hate* those who are not starving. It would not be reasonable to expect starving people - even people who are starving because they are moronic fuckups - to love the people around them who are prosperous.

That means that it's absolutely pointless for these women to argue, "Well why can't you just accept that the problem is that you're ugly and short, and that means that what is happening to you is your fault, and you should leave everyone else alone?" That's simply not reasonable to expect. You should expect them to hate you, in exactly the same way that I expect poor people to hate me.
This is nothing new but these homosexuals have no solutions other than crying about it and insulting us.
Why did the previous thread disappear?
Did the tranny jannies delete the last thread because the replies were getting too based?
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It must have been a mistake :)
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Just an oopsie poopsie
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Everyone should be caught up now :)
I had such a nice comment written up, but the thread was deleted before I could post it, and now it's gone forever :(
plenty of people in poverty work full time, sometimes two or more jobs. if a job pays like shit it's not their fault
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Yup nothing new here. Just a bunch of people making assumptions about a group and filling the gaps with their own narrative. And of course, men are at fault here and women definitely have nothing to do with it and neither does their environment
Why does human empathy gets completely disabled when people are dealing with loser men?
Because of feminism. According to it, men have hyperagency, so if they are in a bad spot, then it's their fault, because everything in society is set up to prop them up and put them above women. This type of thinking is of course retarded and divorced from reality, but a lot of people think so.
this an 18+ live stream right,
What the fuck are you talking aboot, m8?
wonder what causes men to be driven to regressive worldviews, really wonder whats causing this one. yeah, no just label these guys bigots and call it a day, don't interrogate how you can help or what people continue to be drawn into such movements. no middle ground, no compromise, no discussions, really just lets keep the gender war raging. sure it'll end up well for you.
as a loser man, i honestly find it pathetic when i see another loser man, and i know there should be some form of solidarity, but it boils my blood. this fags on my team? this guy here, really. maybe its in seeing a reflection of myself, how i've come across before, yearning, needy, spitting in the face of masculinity, and over what, pussy? no one fucking likes me wahhh. even though im prone to these depressive pity parties, if i see a guy doing it, i immediately start making fun. i don't know.
The entire incel debate is this simple
>Men who are incels have cognitive distortion of what women really want
>They oversestimatw the importance of height, physical attractiveness, and finances, while underestimated qualities like kindness, compassion, and humility
Yet what this argument fails to do is account for the fact that some fat ugly manlet will have a much harder time getting a gf or any other type of relationship regardless of how Kind and compassionate he is than Chad ever will regardless of any of Chad's personality characteristics
You misunderstand empathy. Most people are only empathetic to those who can provide some value to them or to society. Children have the potential for that, and women can always provide something, but loser men with no prospects are essentially useless to the group and therefore there is no reason to consider them as people, since the only way to get them to provide something is dehumanizing them and turning them into slaves. So its really just a natural reaction to maximize the survival of the species.
Nobody forced them to choose a low paying job. If they had a good personality (high conscientiousness) they would have worked hard and chosen a better paying job. Povcels are povcels by choice.
So basically there is no such thing as humans being good for its own sake
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>unable or unwilling to accept that the fault lies largely with themselves
stopped reading right there
No. Even religious people who help the poor and destitute are doing it out of fear of divine punishment, rather than true compassion (which doesn't exist).
>fault lies largely with themselves
How? Please explain. I careermaxxed and gymmaxxed with zero positive results and I know gig-economy losers that have never touched a weight who have no issues because they're literally just tall and attractive.
>You're starving?
>The fault surely lies mostly within yourself
I hate these simps so much.
The idea that women reject most men for no particularly reasoned basis is incomprehensible to them.
If a therapist calls police will it be instant or after I am home? I plan to die by cop. Never saw a therapist but know they are snowflakes.
Childless women get all the support in the world so you're wrong. Childless women(that never will have kids)are way more useless than a loser single man
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>it's YOUR FAULT as an individual when 50-90% of men are viewed as Not People.
lmao the fact they're talking about Andrew Tate as if he's relevant shows these are total midwit dilettantes who read a couple scare articles written at the 8th grade level about I.N.C.E.L. and think they're well-informed. These "people" are niggercattle
Even if she is barren, her pussy is still valuable to some lonely men. If she is some 90 year old granny, people would still support her because it makes them look like better people, but they would be much less likely to if there is no one watching, which is why the elderly people often die friendless and alone.
Can confirm. I am quite generous with my time and money, but it's purely to lubricate my relations with other people since I lack charm, charisma and a convincing tongue.
>walls of text
That is a toxic mentality, you should be gainly employed and able to take pride in yourself. That's what people in the middle of the Great Depression wanted, employment and dignity.
Do you give to pozzed top-down astroturfed "causes" like niggers/brownoids in general, gay and tranny to appear like a Good Person (TM) (can't use the actual trademark symbol since nonstandard characters get filtered, what the fuck) like so many others do?
The difference is they got commensurate compensation and today you get a wagie job where you pay almost your entire take-home pay to support just yourself living in rented shithole and paying for other necessities. There is no hope that you will be able to achieve normal life milestones, and the boomer meme of "working your way up" is long dead with many employers firing employees just before they qualify for bennies and then having the audacity to try to re-hire them afterwards due to the general precarity situation. It is literal wage slavery.
Yeah, things shouldn't be like that. You should be able to build a house with a few thousand dollars like in the past.
No, just people I know directly.
You forgot the parenthesis around "they"
That kind of explains it all, LOL.
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I've figured yall Redditors out
you're all just some kinda gay
>Unwilling to accept that the fault lies mainly with themselves
This is actually a great point and if followed through with this logical conclusion she would be a conservative who hates niggers but she isn't and won't be. Women can't logic
Wrong, brown immigrants provide zero value to the average person (or even reduce their value by offering a cheaper alternative to piggies looking to cut costs on labour) and working class women still vote for them to be allowed into the country and receive more state benefits. Society shames any man with low social performance and incels are just the extreme version of that.
People need to realize that using big words doesn't make them smart
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>Most people are only empathetic to those who can provide some value to them or to society.
>brown immigrants provide zero value to the average person

>by offering a cheaper alternative to piggies looking to cut costs on labour
NTA. Doesn't cheap labor mean cheaper goods? I thought that was the whole point of us moving a lot of our production to China.
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>cheaper labor = cheaper goods
Then why is half our shit made in China?
That's a false equivalency to begin with. There's a reason why the cheaper goods are being produced in loose-labor-laws China and not the west. And I don't see browns lining up to enter China, and if they do then that's not our concern anymore.
>Everything wrong with your life is entirely your fault because you're a bad person and too weak to change that.
This has to be one of the most demoralizing things to say to anyone, even traditional Christian theology at least follows it up with Jesus forgiving you and washing away your sins. This is just Christianity with no Christ, AKA Satanism.
it's just a typical woman behaviour to shift responsability to someone else.

Every time a woman does something wrong she cries and avoid responsability.

This is why they should not be allowed in position of power.
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women don't see average men as "people".
thats why they dont care, they are predisposed to follow societal norms. Promote marriage and monogamy and they will largely follow it. Promote promiscuity and single lifestyles and this is what you get.

It doesnt even matter how "good" the men is, the only thing that matters is how good he is compared to the top. Even if every single man was fit AF they would still sort themselves into a standard deviation curve.
>Ignores sexhaver criminal gangs
So that the jews and greedy boomboom oligarchs who listened to the jews can pocket the difference. Show me any case where the prices of goods went down because of this specific factor. You can't. What you get is just improved manufacturing techniques unrelated to the offshoring that make it faster or cheaper to produce a thing.
Voting has nothing to do with empathy. Women vote the way they do because they want to conform.
Cheaper goods doesn't mean shit if they get stolen 10x as often
one of the most insulting things you can do is hand wave someone's genuine problem as "ohh patriarchy" or "ohh feminism" and have the train of thought end there. i think invalidation is what radicalizes people in either direction.
You "forgot" to add reasons for your arguments. An argument, if no source is provided should, at least have a logical reason for it being so. Otherwise, how can it be shown to be so?
>blame victim: female
>blame victim: male
>Heh, it's likely their own fault.

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