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The culture war has killed my enjoyment of it entirely and it has bled out into the real world as well. The reasonable response to annoying internet progressivism was hijacked by grifting conservatives who want a Christian theocracy and now these are the two options you're forced to pick between. Zoomers are knee-jerk reactionaries, impulsive, idiotic, oversocialized, psychotic.
What's wrong with theocracy anyway? Sounds fucking ideal. Kill faggots, enslave women and expel all foreigners.
Fuck off. The left has been pushing the Overton window (and thus the "middle ground") further and further for the last 200 years. It's high time for a correction.
Example #1 of the retarded impulsive knee-jerk reactionary


Fascists are the same as the communists you hate and I hope you all kill each other.
both of you are retards, fuck centrism and fuck conservatives
its not a coincidence that all academia moved left, its because its the right way to move
>fascism is the same as communism
dumb bitch
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Anon, if you still didn't realized that a fucking communist revolution is about 2 inches away from the US now, no one can wake you up ...
>dictatorship of the proletariat
kill yourself
The internet was a frontier. And like all frontiers the rest of the world catches up, large corporations wrestle it from those that tamed the frontier then sell a bastardised, plastic version of it back to the people for profit. Look antbthe Wild West, cowboys. They were once real hard people who tamed the landscape. Now theyre plastic toys and tv shows. Its the frontier theory, humanity needs a lawless, untamed frontier to push into. The problem we will face in the future is that space was the next frontier but its the corporations and billionaires that are taking us to space. There will be a McDonalds on the moon before tourists even start getting there. So what happens then? We will all be trapped with in a corporate system with impenetrable borders. There wont be an alternative to the system, there wont be a place outside of it for people to escape to. Human reach will be defined by what corporations and billionaires allow humans to reach, based on whats profitable. The frontiers were always a place to escape the mundane, corporate aspects of society. Its like on fight club

> When deep space exploration ramps up, itll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks.

Anyway yeah the internet is dead. It died when people figured out how to make money off of it. Thats nothing new but the thing is that they learned how to make money not off of selling a sense of hope an adventure back to us like they did with the Wild West but by selling us bitterness, division and self hatred.
People like you are just insufferable than the people you speak of. How about you quit the fucking internet and live a simple life? Go play vidya offline and stop bothering people with your nonsense.
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Imagine how horrible things would be if there were no landlords, no usury and no mega corporations poisoning your food and land. What a horrible fate. Thank Jesus and Elon Musk that I am still free to work for less than a liveable wage and own nothing and have no social safety net. The challenge only makes me grind harder. Take a knee with me fellow patriot and we will recite the Lord's pray, knowing that capitalism is the system of government that God and Jesus Christ wanted man to live under.
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Some political education:
Fascism is not exactly the same as national socialism, but national socialism is - you guess it - a form of socialism. There are basically 2 types of socialism: the national and the international. International socialism wants to abolish nations and create a central world socialist government. De facto this is comunism. National socialism wants to keep nations, with a national socialist government in every nation. The rest is basically the same, 1 party dictatorship, prison camps, secret police, torture, executions, mass surveilance etc.
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Seriously, you should read his book.
Every idea and group seeks to maximize its spread. A one world communist government would be indistinguishable from a world where everyone was a Nazi or a capitalist or a monarchist or an anarchist. Other than the details of day to day life that flow forth from policy.

The communists claimed to want a one world socialist government but in practice they tolerated a lot of independent communist countries especially Yugoslavia.
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>A one world communist government would be indistinguishable from a world where everyone was a Nazi or a capitalist or a monarchist or an anarchist.
Well ... no. These would be very different worlds.
where are the active libertarian forums/groups/message boards?
Depends on the definition of libertarian. I would define it as "alt-right", compared to the right coservative, who is not so focused on individual liberty but on following tradition. in this view being a libertarian is the opposite of being a liberal (what is of course crazy, but that's how it is now). So if you have a bord where libertarians and liberals mix together, there will just be fighting going on.
The internet is not unsalvabable whatsoever. It is actually very much alive. Web-forums, IRCs, gaming commuities, social media, information, entertainment are all more accessible than ever. AI was a bit of a black swan event which threatens to pollute everything, but things are still ok
Oh, stay away from arguing about politics, especially on the internet. It is worse than a waste of time.

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