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Men don't exist anymore, its all entitled man-children now, I've spent years looking for a masculine male and I've never found it, hell, some of the simps are closer to being in their secure masculinity than those raging incels.
A woman were telling me how I was "so masculine" and hinting that she had a crush on me so I cut contact with her and spread lies that she was talking shit about me to get her to leave me alone.
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yeah no masculine man would do this so I guess she was wrong, a masculine man would just say "thanks, im not interested" instead of backstabbing her like a jewish rat
Women gave the masculine men of prior generations the slip with feminism. Foids made it clear they don't want "toxic masculinity".
It's your own fault, holes. Take accountability for your fuck-ups.
Well, she shouldn't have compared me to the creepy dude she always complained so much about. Tit for tat.
Nice quints.
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nice quads myself
do you read? I said SECURE masculine. do you want an insecure feminine? no, obviously not, unless you're mentally ill.
I'll take you're not around retards anymore. thanks
>I'll take you're not around retards anymore. thanks
Of course I am. I live in America. It's impossible to not be surrounded by retards.
This. Why would any young man or man even want to express masculine behavior when theyre just either going to get taken advantage or having criticized for it. This is just another case of woman dealing with the consequences of their actions and they can barely handle it
The men of the past were secure and masculine.
You retarded foids destroyed that by demanding equality and feminism.
Now there are only cucks and soiboys left.
Enjoy bitch, you did it to yourself. Stupid cunt.
What do you consider masculine traits one needs to have?
>women start behaving like men
holy shit you are fucking retarded OP
this is why women should never have been given rights
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Maybe try Syria.
>tell entire generations of men that they're all trash and not entitled to women and that women are better at everything
>tell them women do not want to be approached and that all forms of masculinity and sexual aggression are toxic and will get you accused of sexual harassment or rape
>make it so a woman can accuse you of rape later on even if she consents
>make a point to push women in education and all fields of the job market
>barrage men with demoralization and unattainable male attractiveness standards like being tall and lantern jawed with hunter eyes and a big dick and huge roid muscles
>essentially make the average man a second class citizen
>surprised they're all neurotic and fucked up when even the slightest slip of emotion from a man can be the difference between getting laid and getting dumped and called a pussy faggot
you did this.
Not OP but feminism isn't holding you back from being masculine because you couldn't be masculine even if you tried, you're probably a skinny/skinnyfat/fat shy NEET loser faggot that doesn't know how to fix shit around the house
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men are insects
and I like to squish insects
you sound like a faggot tranny lol
waaah waaah xer is offended
women aren't feminine either. Why should men be masculine?

You get the men you deserve you stupid fucking bitch. Prettier, kinder, smarter women got the good guys while you roast the fuck away. And why would men be masculine and worthwhile for you when you're all they can get and its not worth it.
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but I won't squish a ladybug because that's a LADY!!!
thats why I didnt look for a masculine man, I looked for a man who would be 100% loyal and loved me, and I found one

he is a neet though, so if he doesnt get a job in 3 months, I will break up with him and just give up on men forever lol
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oh, so you go outside, Im sorry to hear.
>noooo you can't demand not being beaten and treated slightly better than a nigger nooooo
I'll do it again until your kind behave properly, stupid scrote.
>emotional control
>is calm
>problem solver
>Doesn't think as much about sex, mostly busy with his hobbies
>actually being lawful good not pretending to be lawful good and then joke about rape or murder
>they don't have to constantly talk about how masculine they are like they're trying to convince you or others
shitty list but I tried
Never claimed I was masculine or trying to be masculine. Plus, the word has completely lost its meaning and is just synonymous with a man that can be used

> lesbianloserlurker
Man you sound lame
i go to the gym, drink liquor and beer
im still a man-child though
If you have never fixed a leak, changed a light socket, used a welding machine, used a woodsaw, etc and can bench less than lmao2pl8, you might as well transition
If you're a NEET might as well commit seppuku
Women behave like men because you stopped behaving like men. if you made feel safe she wouldn't have to overcompensate
women do not know what they want. they cry about feminine loser men and then get their lives ruined by dark triad chads over and over but still cry about incels. it's so bizarre.
yes retard the word "loser" is literally in my name of course I'm lame hehe that rhymed
Retarded foids can't do shit alone, you always have to rely on a man. Look at how dumb bitches like you just lost their abortion rights in America, and no one gives a fuck. You can't do shit except piss your pants with your stinky period blood.
so you want an emotional tampon?
>wwwaaaahhh waaaaaahhh i can't get a perfect chad!!!
>i will torment and bully incels because i am so mad that chad won't fuck meeeee!!!
the thread.
can modern roasties cook? sew? be feminine?
but i dont see you complaining.
you dumb, faggot, leftist tranny. cant wait for you to commit suicide when trump wins this year lmao.
You stupid foids don't know what you want. What group of people has been pushing for the downfall of patriarchy and toxic masculinity for the past decade again?

Why are women so dumb, bros? Like a bunch of fucking nigger cattle incapable of even the most basic of thoughts
Huh, I'd say I'd fit that pretty decently, except for the sex part, because one of my hobbies is basically gamifying smut. I like how unexplored game design is in combination with NSFW stuff. Like turning AI chatbots into lewd DnD games for example.
Men behave like women because you stopped behaving like women. If you made feel valued he wouldn't have to undercompensate.
I could try if they don't follow that cringe misogynistic religion.
first point is already pure retardation, not reading further
thanks nona
they're pretty big and annoying, need those lead dispensers to get rid of them in fortnite
are you doing any effort to make her feel feminine? or didn't even pass the flower test?
that's a good strategy, the loyal part is practically impossible if you look at men nowadays, hope he find a job nona, he should do his best so he can provide for you and make you happy
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>first point is already pure retardation, not reading further
so i hit a nerve clearly. i accept your concession.
None of those things tell me you aren't a manchild.
>loyal part is practically impossible if you look at men nowadays
Men aren't loyal to you because you offer nothing of value besides a warm wet hole. Why would I be loyal to someone who can't do a third of the things I can do, is emotionally unstable, and can't even keep her legs shut?

Women stopped being valuable the moment they gave their pussies up without asking for a ring. The best part? Other women did this to you, men simply gave women what they thought they wanted
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hysterical feminine response as expected
>you dumb, faggot, leftist tranny
post body, I could crack open your skull like an egg with a single punch, then I'd chew your brain and make bubbles with it like bubblegum
not OP
I can cook and clean, I can sew, I dont wear slutty clothes, I read books and I am a virgin
Still no masculine men around, and the only guy willing to marry me is a neet >>78285633
How is that fair? If he wants to marry me and have children, he should contribute to the household. Children are expensive. We need to buy a house. I am willing to have a job, but if my husband doesnt have any and just sits at home all day, how is that fair? If he was at least making money from streaming games, okay, but he doesnt even do that.
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> need those lead dispensers to get rid of them
These Nonas complain about men being violent and then say stuff like this lol. Theres no consistency in this thread whatsoever. It just a bunch of angsty women bending the meaning of their words into whatever they find convenient
Men don't exist anymore, women don't exist anymore, all that there is is goy cattle to consume product, and then wait for the next product
lol lmao tranny larping as a woman
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mace em with a giant can of raid
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men nowadays can only punch wall and play CS:go
straw-man, every male including feminine loser men are dark triad so no matter who she chooses she's going to get abused by a male with the maturity of a 14 year old
>she has to choose to be cheated by an ugly fagg or a mid dude who showers
You're offering?
>waaaaa stacy don't want me waaa
the reply.
I can cock, sew and I am feminine. any girls into lolita fashion or cosplay do them with way more skill than I can. also why are you being a /pol/tard fuck off no one cares about your american soap opera
>except for the sex part
> I can cook and clean, I can sew, I dont wear slutty clothes, I read books and I am a virgin
All of that is negated by the fact that you spend your time on 4chan which is not very feminine behavior. Also, you dont sound feminine, you just sound like a normal adult
>there isn't a CHAD who's CHAD enough for me, the internet roastie with a 3 digit cock count
bait thread. you're this bored on a friday huh? would bet a million dollars this is a troon or teenager.
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faggot little feminine italian manlet pussy
i would fuck you up and then rape you in your asshole until you bleed like a little woman out of there
you faggot wop pussy. you're not white and you're a little manlet bitch.
how tall are you? you little greaser bitch. i'm 6'3 so you better be ready to choke on my dick after i finish fucking your ass.
>no u
no! u!
>no!!! you!!!
If you want a guy with no strong interest in sex that's probably very hard to find. Why is it even that big of a deal? Inherently it shouldn't have negative impacts on your relationship unless it leads to other negative behaviours down the line.
>assumptions the post
you're all fucking boring
>nice quads myself
can you guys stop? please read this:
>they don't have to constantly talk about how masculine they are like they're trying to convince you or others
Settle for a submissive feminine man with emotions :3
No one cares, you are ugly and entitled which is why you are a femcel. Stay lonely and then suicide.
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This whole entire thread is just you coping with the fact you cant attractive any Chads because you cant even express a hint of femininity at all. lol instead of improving yourself to be more attractive and feminine, you choose to complain and whine about it because its not handed to you.
> inb4 improving yourself to attract Stacy
Yeah guys dont care about that stuff as much as you Nonas believe and most guys here arent even virgins
>you dont sound feminine,
ntn but lol? what does she have to do? put emojis in between words like a tranny? you're a retard.
>I can cock
tantrum spotted, can of raid emptied
I posted in other threads and no one answered, its not bait its an opinion, know the difference
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waaaaiittt what is the teeaaa the girls are fightingggggg!!
porn addiction is very ICK and they end up wanting to get pegged or cheat by looking at camwhores or subscribing to OF, it simply never ends well so they best I can do I look a man who isn't that interested, it also helps for them to abstain until marriage
christ, just suck each other off already
nice love handles, you're halfway into your transition
you have zero definition btw, lose fat
>how tall are you?
I'm 6f and I could genocide your entire bloodline with ease, unlike you, I don't have repressed homosexual fantasies, I would just exterminate you like a pest
Maybe dont spend time arguing with strangers on 4chan? Try to think a little next time
You're looking at this in the wrongest way. People are children. They are just grown up children. Men and women alike. When you consider that there isn't much difference between a kitten and a cat, you will understand.
>oh, so you go outside, Im sorry to hear.
yeah it's unfortunate. I would rather not deal with anybody at all.
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stand back everybody, this is their fight
more assumptions, I don't want chad, I like FUBs
but I'm bored :c
>People are children.
I get exactly what you mean and its in fact a valid point, but I have to pretend to be an adult and feminine, why can't they be self aware enough to act like a healthy masculine?
So do you not use any material to get yourself going? No smut novels, nothing?
Also, I don't think the logic holds. I'm interested in kinky stuff because I find it mentally stimulating and I like trying new things. So my porn consumption is more of a result of my preferences than the inverse. I have no issue using my fantasy, or using AI bots for storytelling for example.
So I don't think you should look for guys who aren't into sex, but maybe guys who share your specific sexual preferences? Like if you prefer things to be vanilla look for someone who also has that preference.
Nah, baby. I'm as masculine as it gets. That's why I'm a virgin at 24yo. Only extremely masculine guys with impeccable discipline, such as myself, can menage to accomplish such a feat.
Yeah Im gonna stop replying to a retard that cant even own up to itself
Pls be in Florida
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>smut novels
I had to google search what that word meant, I didn't say that, I am posting in a yellow board after all, the internet will force you to see porn unwillingly, but I won't seek it.
>mentally stimulating
I like being mentally stimulated but I don't think i'd choose 'smut' for that.
Openness to experience is different an you don't need to be very sexual to be open to try new things.
I didn't say asexual, just not preoccupied with sex
slightly funny but you broke:
the >>78285827 point
thank you for announcing your departure anon, I'd be worried if you suddenly went missing
I'm here to talk shit this isnt /soc/
>slightly funny but you broke:
>the >>78285827 point
You don't get it sweetie. Only a truly dedicated and masculine man like myself can maintain such a healthy 900 Ibs frame. You don't see such feats of masculinity everyday. Better shoot your shot, or I will be gone forever.
Another whiny roastie thread
I'd love to sleep in your tummy but your "im the price attitude" is overpowering mine
Now you're getting it. My mommy's basement (very masculine place btw) is waiting for you. I reserved a spot for you between my hardcore gaming pc and my stash of gaming juice. But better make it quick, because my abode is constantly besieged by a ton of other girls.
With smut novels I'm talking about erotica.
Also, I didn't mean to imply asexuality, I'm just trying to pinpoint what exactly you are looking for and what the actual boundaries of your issues with porn are.
So far all I got from you for negative effects is that a person who is interested in sex or porn might end up liking fetish stuff you don't like feeling cheated on if your bf looks at other women for sexual purposes.

But that's why I asked if you use nothing to get yourself going, since if you do I'd want to know why whatever you use is ok, but other porn is not. Also, I want to if it's not conceivable to you for a guy to watch porn, it has no negative effects on your relationship.
shut up and get in the rape cave where a thousand delights and a world of pain await
No you see she needs to equate watching porn to her physically cheating on a guy with CHAD.
The Chad meme is silly. Women like good-looking guys what a shocker. Thank god I'm able to self reflect so I know the major reason why I have issues dating is that I'm not very social, hate advertising myself, and have male-dominated hobbies, instead of going "women hate me because I'm not a model"
duality of man

complaining incel on his way to transitioning >>78286135 vs. non-complaining lonely man realistic about his circumstances >>78286180
I'm a simp and thank you we are the apex of modern masculinity
I will never troon out like you did. YWNBAW.
This is the way
>tranner starts projecting
What a miserable creature
It's the opposite
They love toxic masculinity and hate faggots who express their feelings and shit
They say it backwards in order to filter betas
Why do you think sociopaths killers and all those kind of men have zero issues getting pussy? While incels are all sensible ultrachuds. Doesn't make much sense does it?
women arent feminine around you because they have to be masculine because you dont have it
Don't forget to dilate. You don't want the wound to close.
you immediately assuming someone is trans is another reason why women avoid you
its so weird
This is the truth feminine men and trooners refuse to realize. All boils down to this kek.
these mfers will keep making excuses and blame everyone, ironically it shows how feminine they are and they dont egged realize it
>all this bullshit
if it means I have to simply fuck a bunch of women and accept that they will never truly have the capability to have a ltr, then so be it
again excuses
women are capable of long term relationships, they just dont want one with you
instead of accepting that youre the problem, you blame ALL women and that is feminine itself because its such an exaggeration yet you will refuse this and will never have self accountability, very feminine
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I'd slap you so you'd behave and stop bitching, but then that can be used against me as society, laws, and pretty much all institutions favor women.

So, no thanks. Lay on the bed you made, as you've probably voted or supported feminism in one way or another.
this femnon gets it.
no it's because a lot of them are just bpd morons who need constant stimulation and excitement
grow up. you don't want a guy you treat as your equal or a friend, so stop expecting to be constantly pampered. if you make the decision to leave and act stupid don't expect a guy to try and chase you in the era of sexual assault accusations
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all pretty fIowers MUST describe the shape and smell of her pusspuss to continue posting in this shitty thread
Idgaf about what you said but that's a sick costume
im a guy

if you feel like you have to hit a bitch then youre a bitch
then right after youre victim mentality shows itself
institutions dont favor women, you guys just make shit up because youre angry at women

you just did it again
holy shit
this is why youll never win
women dont have bpd, theres some with bpd but to say all, complete cope

i dont want a guy because im not gay
women want a man they can follow, tjey cant follow all the weak males
women expect guys to chase because thats what the average weak bitch ass male does, chase and thirst for pussy like a desperate bitch
sorry then, assumed femanon because of lowercase and your posting style. but if you aren't a femanon, bf material.
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nothing to do with sexually matching. I simply believe a man should be occupied with his hobbies instead of masturbation.
hopefully men will get it right eventually and look back and see the old masters had it right to begin with, its very very simple, love and respect women, provide and protect.
are the sociopaths killers getting pussy in the room with us?
It's the trans-phobic schizo, ignore him, he'd call himself a tranny if he had amnesia.
t-the solution is [doing something retarded that only benefits me instead of acting right]!
oh I wonder what kind of women anon ask for LTR
oh! there it is! he only goes for stacies and girls who aren't interested in LRDs or him at all! what a silly guy
>women expect guys to chase because thats what the average weak bitch ass male does, chase and thirst for pussy like a desperate bitch
If you're a man and you don't initiate the approach with women, you'll die a virgin
this is my thread and you have no saying here
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it is! mantis are cool too
>women want a man they can follow
that's probably the hardest one. my whole life every time I've given a man a chance to lead hes lead me do jump off a cliff after him. like ffs not even minimal common sense.
>he only goes for Stacies and girls who aren't into LDRs
no, it's because I go for average women who want LDRs. Id kill for one person who I can be with who isn't some demented psycho or extremely ugly.
wanting a passable girl who truly likes me for me doesn't mean I want "Stacy" or any of the other crap you hallucinate.
>the solution is doing something retarded
if decent women who want a ltr aren't into me wtf do I do? I've noticed it's not down to looks either.
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sorry I got terms confused, I meant LTR
>if decent women who want a ltr aren't into me wtf do I do?
I only go for LTR and sadly we have to be picky, if I see there's something that doesn't alight with the guy then I have to skip, we could have pretty good chemistry and in the end, if you have some sort of mental illness, addiction, no stable job, or anything that cues to me that you're not going to be loyal in the future then I have to suck it up and forget my own attachment.
I guess you have to take care of yourself then. Enjoying equality yet? No? Too fucking bad, belts and ropes are cheap so go buy one and use it.
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>you aren't a real man unless you give me free stuff, defend me, simp for me and do stuff that exclusively benefits me in general.

If being a real man is being allowing yourself to become betabux cannonfodder then I'd rather not be a real heckin man-tm, the Ukraine war has shown as all what the reward is for carrying our your traditional duties whilst women are held to zero obligations.
i talk to women but i dont chase the pussy
mfers chase because theyre so thirsty instead of pursuing
chasing is when shes not interested

one cat i know of, he says this real shit, 'lead her or leave her'
>I guess you have to take care of yourself then
women are taught how to do that since young while our brothers get pampered til their 30's.
>go buy trope and belts
I didn't get born to cater to your every whims while you offer nothing except maybe your vagina in return if I'm lucky
when youre a man, women cater to you
your language exposes you
Well if you take Andrew Tate's redpill teachings for example, that regulates the human population because it cuts down the birthrates. I kind of have a problem with people claiming that's not ecologically evolutionarily normal
Ive literally never been a man. Im just a skinny NEET twink with long hair that occasionally traps around to get some human contact
Im filthy and havent showered in days

I dont understand how men do it
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>you aren't a good woman unless you do stuff that exclusively benefits me in general.
You sound pathetic
stuff like this makes men sound very homosexual
>life is made easier
>people dont need to adapt to harsh life anymore
>people dont adapt to harsh life anymore
>women: "where are all the guys adapted to harsh life?!?!"
>women: also literal children who never had to adapt to harsh life because they are taken care of
Men are simply where women have been for eons now. Things will only get "worse" under your view as we approach post scarcity, but you refuse to adapt and still want stone age brutishness because women have been in the stone age even when we left it
The weirdest part is that I used to be quite a popular normalfag. Im just tall and somewhat handsome but it just wasnt me and I got burned out from masking my autism and now I cant do anything

It feels like a huge waste of potential. Let this be a lesson to everyone that autism cancels out any physical chadism. Im not masculine. Im an autistic faggot
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>secure masculine
>andrew tate cope
pick one
It's the same shit, if you're initiating the approach you're "chasing" women, period
introducing yourself isnt the same as chasing women
you think that because all you do is chase
Unironically hit the gym
retarded post, what a waste of trips
You used the word pursuing which is literally synonymous with chasing, some men are succesful chasing women, some will never be
although I agree with you in that sub5 men should accept they're subhuman untouchables and should stop thinking they can have sex without paying
No being cute is the only thing I got. It fits my personality. Nothing more offputting than a chad whos a pussy
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Remember anon
You don't hate women enough
average men shouldn't reproduce in general, the point of men being the most retarded and the highest iq is because we get a lot of different mutations, we should only allow, basically chad, to reproduce, what makes you worth of spreading your seed? definitely not being a fucking NEET
chasing ads pursuing arent the same
chasing is trying to force attraction, pursuing is mutual interest

> although I agree with you in that sub5 men should accept they're subhuman untouchables and should stop thinking they can have sex without paying

i never said anything of this
sub5 ads all that shit isnt real
its made up by dudes that dont talk to women
those mfers go online, post on incel circles, then those losers, who are guys, decide if a woman will like you and their bitch ass goes along with it
fucking morons
Your biggest problem is that you're an autistic bedrotting sperg with zero discipline, hitting the gym and actually putting effort in it will give you an idea of what you should be doing as an adult male, don't just become a gymcel doe, you have to extrapolate that discipline into the other areas of your life
You're normiesplaining so hard, I'm not even unnatractive but I've been friends with unnatractive guys, and if they don't "chase" women they'll literally die virgins, they can't "pursuit" women either because no one is romantically interested in them, mind you they're not shut in losers with zero interests, in fact they're autistically good at their hobbies because unnatractive men are forced to be good at their craft, their lives are all stick and no carrot
your loser friends experience isnt reality
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ladybugs are kinda cute, like some foids out there.
Cope and seethe, fag. Im unsalvageable and im sick of people saying gym will save me. Im malnourished and poor and unsightly. I love rotting.
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>ITT: people posture as more masculine, desirable and with less effort than each other over people theyve never and will never meet under the guise of baselessly presented standards by a person who probably isnt even female, nor would it matter if they were
Also, ew.
yeah nevermind, you're too far gone to be saved
You said "I dont understand how men do it" here >>78287292, I don't understand how people can hate their gender and themselves so much to end up like you, it's downright incomprehensible to me
it really is and they have fully accepted it
there we have it, something worse than a feminine man. please detransition.
well then you guys are just losers then
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You sound retarded and have probably only claimed this from the comfort of your keyboard
ok so they pass the "busier with their hobbies than with masturbation" check, what about the other stuff? are they shy?
Why do perma-normies not understand this? Im a failure because of autism. I will never make it so just let me rot and interact with other failed fags
You people never belief the depravity till youve seen it
ok so you basically admit to being eugenics level picky, and then wonder why some guys resort to saying fuck it and just screw women that want to screw them? I'm not waiting around any more for some cunt like you who's overly entitled and assume shit about me based on some random superficial nonsense you've cooked up in your own head.
who'd want to be stuck with a nag like that anyway
that's LLL for you, she's a shitposter
Is the only advice fags can give gym or transition? Ive got 0 energy, no spoons, im not gonna obsess with either trennies or trannies
>you admit to being eugenics level picky
to be fair I'm a special flavor of woman, I doubt any other girls agree with my views but I know deep down all men do and that's why they're mad
>what about the other stuff? are they shy?
they don't even try to talk to girls anymore, by your logic they should be drowning in pussy right?
>because of autism
Autism alone doesn't explain it, you have other issues
wait I dont understand, are you a nona? trying to be a man? or ?
>who'd want to be stuck with a nag like that anyway
also to throw more sticks into the fire, I have a problem with men falling in love too easily with me.
Im literally a truecel, have been hikki for a while even. Im a dying breed on here
well I can't tell from a 3rd party talking about them. there could be something genuinely wrong with them
you didn't answer, also what kind of spoonie are you?
>there could be something genuinely wrong with them
Yes, their appearance, they're balding, short and ugly
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normal niggers begone.
All of the women described in this thread are normoid nigger scum.
You. Should. Not. Be. Here.
You're not welcome.
That includes normoid men too.
Additionally, the lesbain, you don't even want men.

All of you, vacate r9k.
Take your weird hug box elsewhere
balding as in anger issues, excess masturbation or naturally?
kek no quads for you frogoid
Honestly one of the best, due in no small part to its succinctness, descriptions of this current situation Ive ever read
What is the exchange rate for LLL in this economy
One of them started balding at 22, the other was already balding when I met him
Who actually thinks this. These stupid made up boogeymen have ruined intimacy among other factors perpetuated by touchless stubborn loners
I already said I was a guy
>but femi-
I sometimes trap around, like I said
>youre trans
I was confused for a woman at times and didnt like it. Wasnt me. And im not looking for more obsessions and BDD and failing just another gender role
Women cater to handsome and/or very rich men. Nothing to do with masculinity as was implied in the op.
Interesting to see that having self-respect makes you a homosexual these days.
I have come to realize how much I actually enjoy my solitude. I no longer feel like I need a woman, or need to be loved.
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Anons. What is a Man. What is a Woman. What factors are needed for these concepts to thrive untainted.
higher than the Japanese yen
unknown I see
oh that's why you're wearing a bra, I forgot that part. well, seems like that anon recommended you to exercise, eggs are easy protein, you can still be cute and manly, lots of girls I know like that
cool man good for you

camaraderie doesn't exist anymore

even in "professional" and "educated" settings men act like catty backstabbing bitches who will literally betray everything for a whiff of sex and money

everyone are just overgrown egotistical children
the current system is breeding sociopathy at high speeds. There's no more "higher good of humanity", men nowadays pretend to be virtuous and act on nothing but degeneracy at close doors. yes it goes way deeper than "secure masculine" but I don't want to sound blackpilled.
there's no value in manning up unless you are autistic and want to live innawoods (which is pretty based desu)
our bodies just fuck up and masculinize us but basically everything i want to do with my life i could also do as a woman but iwnbaw
the more advanced civilization gets the more eroded gender roles gets because sex differences are evolutionary and we're being taken further from the environment we evolved for
i would rather be a femcel neet than a man working hard on the field

>>except for the sex part
the traits you want are correlated with a high sex drive
you want a male with healthy/above average T levels male who also somehow doesn't have one of the most obvious effects of testosterone

>what you should be doing as an adult male
okay but most of that is the same as what people say an adult female should be doing

mogs me
>I am a mentally ill Chadosexual

Its not really a bra, just literally snapshot of what I wear rn while I post online in this insufferable heat.
I hate to sound defeatist in the face of such a positive and well meant message, but I just dont have the capabilities for it. When youre autistic, the whole world comes at you at an alarming speed, at all times, and there is no turning that off. Natural sunlight, eating, most fabrics are just unbearable when overstimulated. Actual autists like me just arent for this world

I just rot. I like people who rot.
>okay but most of that is the same as what people say an adult female should be doing
nope, men today are doing what women were expected to do + the traditional male things, otherwise everyone's houses, infrastructure and entire cities would be falling apart
Most men are genuinely trying to make something of themselves in the career world but women always get priority and get hired/promoted over men. These men are actively trying to improve their own life but women intentionally make it harder so that women can benefit. This is the equivalent of breaking someone's legs and then insulting them because they couldn't win a marathon
And you're a retarded cunt
Well if it's more about a person having hobbies, then I don't think that's that difficult. While I like NSFW stuff and tinkering with kinky stuff I also have plenty of other hobbies for example, like making music working on games, playing nerd games with my friends, going to fighting game tournaments around Europe etc.
So it's more about being well rounded then?
sounds like someones tired of hearing about how childish women are, but cant think of a good counter argument
the man works 14 hours a day
she damn well better have all that shit done daily and suck his dick after
>the traditional male things, otherwise everyone's houses, infrastructure and entire cities would be falling apart
yeah but that's considered a class issue rather than a masculinity issue. a lot of men are told to get white collar jobs to make income instead of working on infrastructure or construction
adult men aren't just told to be laborers they're told to grind money
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>Actual autists like me just arent for this world
alright. I think I get the idea, I guess rotting isn't so bad.
yeah right.
>I'm not like other women, the post
you're probably not special, and I take back what I said about you. you seem kinda obnoxious
>yeah but that's considered a class issue rather than a masculinity issue
And that's why white men are getting cucked by brown immigrants, white men aren't doing manly shit anymore
Gender roles are bullshit. Men shouldn't need to be masculine and stupid femoid bitches shouldn't need to be feminine. Fuck gendie rolls and fuck traditionalism in general, it is literally killing people
>you're probably not special
I am not, and I still get people wanting to be stuck with "a nag like that"
incredible list
>please do everything for me. be my emotional tampon, fix everything so i don't have to, be a mindless NPC who follows orders, and most important - don't ask me for sex!
so you contribute nothing. you want a "masculine" man with no feelings, so you aren't being emotionally supportive. you don't want him to have a sex drive, so you aren't offering that either. you maybe, at best, cook and clean. this may come as a shocker to you, but doordash and a housekeeping service is far cheaper than a live in spoiled bitch.
I'm >>78288698
just wanted to say I'm trans btw
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that reminds me of when I was a kid and was forced to dress up in a bee costume for carnival and I was so fucking mad because my friend got to dress up as a wizard with these cool ass blue aqua robes
If you standards for the porn thing is just the man not being porn addicted and having nothing else in his life he's passionate about your standards are completely reasonable despite what people in here will tell you.
Of course it depends on how these standards express themselves, but I can't judge that without knowing you.
>white men aren't doing manly shit anymore
because they don't see the value in it
idk i'd rather be a fembot than a man
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i bet all men look like insects when you're a 500 lbs landwhale stranded on a chair in front of the pc

lets have a moment of silence for this brave big lady for having the courage of making such a daring comment despite the fact that her life is an absolute gutter of shit
you in particular are a roach
Try /v/ oldfag gaems, those guys are bucked up and ready to have an enticing night
guys will want that with almost anyone who's not fat and is somewhat attractive (and not a washed up bag)
me in particular would never even lay my gaze upon you abominable creature of darkness
>imagine getting rejected even by a roach lmao
lower your standards whale
maybe a nice young protozoa provider will take you

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