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Discuss, r9k. As someone who grew up with weed and just recently started drinking, I find the effects of alcohol just overall more enjoyable
weed because it makes music more enjoyable
used to abuse both. Now I'm sober since 2018.
do you know radiohead?
sure do anon, but I like stuff like this when I'm high
I on the other hand am wondering whether weed is a healthier alternative to alcohol.
Alcohol is a garbage drug.
alcohol gives you hangovers that can incapacitate you for an entire day, makes you fat and causes a chemical dependency that wrecks you physically and mentally in the long term.

a single drink or two is nice from time to time but as daily copium weed blows it out of the water in pretty much every aspect
alcohol is literal poison anon, yeah, weed is much healthier, especially if you take it as an edible, not that smoking it causes that much damage either since theres no tar like tobacco
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Try water instead
I like stuff like
You definitely shouldn't drink alcohol daily. As for weed, I have no experience, but apparently weed will worsen your brain function and performance for some time, so I wouldn't do weed daily either.
Weed can unironically turn people into full blown schizos even with short term use. Alcohol takes decades to cripple someone and its only when the person really abuses it
weed is worse for my brain
alcohol is worse for my body

that's it really. Overall I enjoy weed more but I can only be high alone and I have to control the dose to not have a panic attack.
I enjoy drinking but for me that feeling of being totally immersed in whatever you are doing while high is literally unbeatable. It's escapism in it's most pure form to me.

However if I want to function as a person I simply cannot be a stoner. Weed makes me totally sluggish mentally the next few days and I'm already adhdoomer to begin with
I'm not an alcoholic but I've never seemed to have these hangovers. I'm 30 and can easily drink 10 beers on a saturday night and then get up the next morning and ride my bike for two hours.
The only time I've had a genuinely incapacitating hangover is when I've had like a full bottle of scotch and a six pack
that's just high tolerance from being in the early stages of alcoholism
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Ive been smoking for well over 10 years at this point and i feel fine

>no shizo behaviour
>no panic attacks
>no anxiety about silly shit like going to the store or talking to people
>still get up everyday and go to work

Fucking lightweights, its just a plant anons
>After a long day at work
Brother, you are making so many assumptions. I used to work as a pharmacy technician, which was a scam job where you do 80% of the work of running a pharmacy while some fucked makes 5x as much as you just reads off a screen to patients. You think they're really knowledgeable about medications, it's just memorizing or reading off something called kroll care. The only way I could get through the day was if I was stoned. Now I collect neetbux, fuck you capitalism.
did you learn anything cool or useful about drugs at least?
I like a beer after a day of work, but I'll indulge in both. I've also abused both at times. Don't do that, use responsibly. Treat Marijuana with respect as a sacred plant, and use alcohol with caution. 2 beers for me is a good limit per day.
Yeah, I was there for a year. I learned that literally 10% of my city is on antidepressants and dying of cancer is horrible. Also finasteride or w/e it's called for hair growth can cause permanent irreversible erectile dysfunction. My eyeballs popped when I was reading about that, it's pretty commonly prescribed. Also there was this antibiotic that's given as a last resort that can attack your muscles and tendons and cause permanent paralysis. That one was ciprofloxacin? Some of the medications were horrifying to read about.
also, it's impossible to ignore the reality that if you are doing this job, you are directly responsible for the opiate crisis. there were multiple patients who were getting 250+ oxys at a time and you get people trying to scam them every. single. day. you got people calling in on the regular experiencing opiate withdrawls because they have been cut off. i just couldnt do that anymore. you got homeless drug addicts littering the streets and its impossible to ignore your contribution to that after a while. job was stressful for the pay, idk how people get through that sober.
>>78285878 This thread again? Holy crap... https://voca.ro/14dmGM2TjCXz
weed because alcohol will make you fat
I drink often enough but haven't smoked weed in years. Hearing about the psychosis thing has turned me off it..Had a couple anxiety attacks with it, which I never did with booze.
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I can't drink alcohol too much because the hangover is too much for me. Even if I drink a bunch of water before sleeping after a night of binge drinking, I won't get the headache but u get the tired body hangover. And it always seems like I'm not back to my normal energy until after 2 full days. Never get this feeling from all the weed I smoke tho.
But I will say, even as a stoner who smokes everyday, weed is fucking boring if you're smoking it indoors. Its so much better to smoke weed out innawoods. Many ppl say "weed enhances stuff!" But there ain't shit to "enhance" in a dingy 4 cornered room, go smoke outside then there will be something to actually enhance
largely a matter of preference.
prefer alcohol myself but arguing that one is inherently better is like arguing about strawberry vs vanilla milkshake.
had a period where i tried drugs as if collecting pokemons and while weed was one of the most disappointing and least enjoyable in my own opinion i still think its bullshit how its illegal and people figure you're a junkie for smoking it. i was seeing what the fuzz is about and realized there is no fuzz, its just bullshit over nothing.
>and people figure you're a junkie for smoking it
That was all just propaganda to demonize it. The real problem the govt had was that ppl would grow and sell it without paying taxes.
You can sell harmful, addictive and deadly drugs all you want, just as long as youre paying taxes on it(ie: pfizer, purdue, j&j, etc)
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>Also finasteride or w/e it's called for hair growth can cause permanent irreversible erectile dysfunction.
Why can't dudes just embrace going balled, or at the very least shorter hair? Both beat patchy looking hair or permanently breaking your dick
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>weed makes music enjoyable
>listens to obscure JRPG soundtracks

Of course weed makes you enjoy something so fucking gay.

>alcoholic here
I was an alcohol abuser until I turned about 24
Then it started to become a problem. I have really bad social anxiety and booze was a crutch I used to get me out in the real world. Then I realized I was becoming a lot like the very people I despised because of my drinking habit.
I traded the bottle for the bong a few years ago and dont regret it at all. Im able to cognitively function without looking like a total retard and I feel completely energized/not about the whole time. Weed is a miracle drug when used correctly
whats wrong with obscure JRPG soundtracks?
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>take edible
>wait for it to start kicking in
>start knocking back pic relateds
>enjoy 3-4 hours of 60 IQ

The best Friday night experience.
I had pretty bad anxiety/paranoia and even a couple of panic attacks my first few times smoking weed as a teen. I just got over it after a while. If weed made me freak out then I was weak, only way to get stronger was to overcome it. Which I noticed did help me with my social skills ironically enough, I used to be scared of even looking people in the eye.
This sounds like some gay shit they would play in a mall food court or hospital waiting room.
who gives a shit? both
Well good for you, but you know everyone's different. Nobody knows their own predisposition for freaking out or going schizo. Someone could have a family history of mental instability and heritable predisposition for mental illness without knowing it and fuck their whole life up. Just like some people can get cirrhosis from drinking only for a few years - genetic tolerance for drugs is highly variable. Plus there are all the different substances we are now consuming inadvertently (water full of hormones and plastics, food full of sketchy ingredients) are also affecting this. Cirrhosis is actually becoming more common among people in their 20s despite drinking not increasing overall.
I like it!
if you can manage both at once its awesome
but alcohol totally fucked my blood chemistry so weed it is
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>links more gay jap shit
>4 minutes of my life Ill never get back

If you want to reach enlightenment you must seek the darkness.
As above so below.
Sit in a dark room, put on your favorite wizard outfit, and smoke a blunt or two while listening to this masterpiece

both give you erectile dysfunction (temporary)
one destroys your brain and makes you slow
the other gives you a beer belly

its better to just jerk off instead
not to mention both make you create more estrogen directly or indirectly
altough gooning will make you into a feminine sissy bitch tranny
so all are bad!
Alcohol destroys your brain too.
cause its a toxin? i do remember that toxins and i guess alcohol too can go from the liver to brain, i think through spine?
thats why you get drunk, the toxins from the liver act on your brain or something
>i think through spine?
With the blood, idiot. And yes, the toxic shit created by breaking down ethanol is what makes you feel drunk.
>with the blood
why would liver blood be in the brain?
sounds inefficient
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Do you have brain problems? Anything that gets into one of your blood vessels will soon be all blood vessels, distributed across your whole body.
How healthy is vaping weed with a dry herb vape compared to smoking?
Alcohol sucks ass by yourself
i used to do a lot of weed and beer
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>needing to go outside
This is my canvas, and I can create anything I need on it
I have never tried weed without being drunk, so both
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I would likely pick weed if it was legal and and not too expensive in my country but since it isn't I'm an alcoholic and have recently started drinking nearly every day. I would prefer using a less harmful drug but it's just not possible with how expensive they are here. It doesn't help that I have alcoholic genetics and can be a real fucking fiend when I really get into being fucked up. My record is going through 20 grams of weed in two weeks. All in edible form.
It's dependent on the amount you drink and some people like you and me are not prone to getting them so we could drink those ten beers everyday without any problem until the withdrawals start to appear...
Tolerance doesn't help much with hangovers. Try chugging a liter of liquor in a day and you will feel like dying the next day regardless of anything...
Weed is an aphrosidiac to a lot of people. To me it enhances anything sexual by 10x.
I might be a degenerate alcoholic but holy shit guys. You can find about all this stuff through internet and you guys are just both blantantly wrong. My philosophy is that if I'm going to ingest a psychoactive substance I will understand why and how it works before doing so. More safe that way.
Liver is what breaks down toxins and other stuff in your blood. Alcohol is one these toxins but ethanol itself is what gets you drunk. The byproducts of it combined with your brain coming off a psychoactive substance are what cause hangover.
I mean think about it. The liver takes a while to process the stuff. If you take a medicine that only starts working when breaken down by it it will likely take more than an hour for it to start to work unlike alcohol which starts working within minutes. As an example: edibles work differently because the THC is broken down by your liver after being eaten and the byproduct is not only more potent but also has a longer half life which means it will make you stay high for longer.
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i dont like either
weed makes me schiz out and alcohol isn't fun when you're alone
i trip once a week on shrooms instead
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opiate/oid chads represent

Drink a beer and smoke a joint, basically like three of each
Neither. Do Chinese research chemicals.
both suck honestly but id rather have a single drink than a little toke
weed ALWAYS makes me lethargic as fuck when it wears off
just a drink doesnt give me a hangover

lsd is the best drug and everything else is just shit honestly
opiates, a coffee and a very slowly smoked cigarette over weed and alcohol
god do i miss them
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this is also my preference, but increase the alcohol intake and decrease the weed. both at once, and only very rarely consume either one of them alone. it seems many people don't care for this.
nowadays neither
While I was younger , alcohol 100%
Tried weed only once and puked like 8 times
The fact that potheads are almost universally slow retards doesn't help
Between those i would choose weed, but id rather just have dmt and not either of those 2bh
I enjoy alcohol and it'll only make you fat if you eat like crap and don't exercise. Nothing against weed I just prefer the former
i use alcohol as daily copium. (5-8 drinks a night)
2 drinks in as im typing this
i never have hangovers, unless you count having to wake up 3 hours later and you're still slightly drunk
i recently went on a backpacking trip where i consumed zero alcohol and i had zero signs of withdrawl.
for some people (like me) the immediate negative effects are not noticable
i am aware of the negative effects on your long term health, but at the moment idgaf desu
i am active and healthy enough outside of this habit to not worry about it
not if you avoid beer and drink cheap liquor
Weed is better for you but if you're a miserable or anxious person it often just makes you worse while high. Alcohol euphoria and relaxation is much more reliable. Besides, the whole "weed is healthy" crowd seems to conveniently ignore how common pesticides are in commercial and illegal weed in many states which is absolutely horrible for your brain and body.
Booze. Used to be weed, but there came a point where weed doesn't relax me anymore, it just makes me crazy and paranoid. Made the switch a few years ago
Good for you, man. I fucking hate substance abuse and wish I could free myself from it
One episode of suicidal psychosis was enough to make me quit weed forever. Alcohol might be worse for you, but it's better for the mind
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Weed. Hooch is degenerate and makes you unhealthy.
Weed is better overall and more interesting, but sometimes you need alcohol's more powerful sensory and emotive effects to chill you out and relax. At least for me.
This 4chan post contains a classical-style sculpture of a man's head, which appears to be modeled after a Greek or Roman figure. The text accompanying the image reads: "Weed. Hooch is degenerate and makes you unhealthy."

Here's an explanation of the post:

Image: The sculpture likely represents an idealized form of human beauty and strength, often associated with classical antiquity. This imagery might be used to convey a sense of traditional values or aesthetics.

Text: The phrase "Weed. Hooch is degenerate and makes you unhealthy." is a juxtaposition of two statements:
"Weed": This likely refers to marijuana, a substance often debated for its health effects and legality.
"Hooch is degenerate and makes you unhealthy": "Hooch" is slang for alcohol, particularly cheap or homemade alcoholic beverages. The term "degenerate" is used pejoratively to suggest moral or physical decline. The statement implies that alcohol consumption is harmful to one's health and possibly one's character.

The post seems to promote the idea that consuming alcohol ("hooch") is harmful and degrading, possibly in contrast to consuming marijuana ("weed"). The use of the classical sculpture image may be intended to evoke a sense of returning to traditional or idealized values, suggesting that avoiding alcohol and potentially embracing marijuana aligns with a healthier or more virtuous lifestyle.

In essence, the post uses classical imagery to criticize alcohol consumption, labeling it as unhealthy and morally degrading.
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blessed autism post. good shit lad.
This follow-up 4chan post contains a few key elements:

Anonymous Post: Like most posts on 4chan, it's anonymous and part of a thread, responding to an earlier post (likely the one you previously showed).

Image: There is a reference to an image (400.jpg, 43 KB, 474x595), but the actual image isn't shown in the snippet you provided.

">>78294566 (You)#: This is a reply to the post with the ID 78294566. The "(You)" tag indicates that this post is directed at the user viewing it (in this case, presumably you).
"blessed autism post. good shit lad.": This phrase is praising the previous post, calling it a "blessed autism post." This is 4chan slang, often used ironically or humorously. In this context, "autism" is not used in its clinical sense but rather as a compliment within the 4chan community, implying that the post is highly detailed, passionate, or shows deep interest in the subject. "Good shit lad" is informal praise, reinforcing that the original post was well-received.

Overall, this post is a typical example of 4chan's unique and often irreverent style of communication, showing appreciation for the original message that was posted.
A couple Sapporos at the end of the day is very nice. Slow drinker, so I never get hungover or properly drunk. It just makes me happy.
I can't get fired from my job for destroying my health with alcohol, but I can get fired for taking a single puff of thc
Actually most alcoholic brain damage people are familiar with is from alcohol blocking the absorption of crucial vitamins like thiamin

That happens to people who drink around the clock, especially those who don't eat when they're not drinking
None, I will not take those destroyers of my body or be in any form other than total control of my body.
I like both but these days I will just have a few drinks on a Friday. After smoking every day for years, and then going on a break from weed. When I try smoke again I get very uncomfortable anxiety so dont really enjoy it anymore. Here is one of my favourites to listen to when I used to smoke


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