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Why tf do white men not give a fuck about their women choosing black men. Im not even a demoralizer I just can see whats clearly going on
What shit bait is this? They very much do care, only cucks don't
why do you care? what's going on and why is it worth caring about?
White women aren't worth caring over honestly
Bottom tier females

If the niggers want to eat the slop that is white women let them, I don't get mad at pigs eating trash either
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You posted le epic heckin race bait again! Well done fellow redditor.
>"our" women
>Oh no! Look at this tragedy! We lost a whore to the niggers!!!
They can have it all they want lol
i honestly prefer a woman who has only fucked black men before me because its clear she loves me for me
if she fucked a white guy before me she is probably just settling because she couldn't hold down chad
this is first of all literally not a thing that happens on a widespread scale, and virtually every coal burner chick is a trashy whore so it's not like she would've made a good romantic partner anyway
If they care, whats being done?
I care because black men dont deserve our women and id rather it be me fucking hot white women instead of them? How are you even questioning this?
Enjoy your sour grapes mentality
You must not go outside.

Its already incredibly rare to see a pretty woman (aka a white woman whos above a 6/10 and is skinny) so why would I want to share them with black guys
They're not 'your' women and you're just making baseless subjective assertions about who 'deserves' what. There is nothing concrete in your assertions, just insecurity projected onto the rest of us. A woman saying all men should die because they are violent scum is just as valid under your logic. You're so wrapped up in your hatred and insecurity that you create a self-fulfilling prophecy by whining like a little bitch online instead of actually pursuing the white women you whose racial purity you claim to care so much about. Instead you're hoping the strong arm of the state will make it illegal for white women to date outside their race. Total cuck mentality, why would anyone want to be with you?
White boys are cucks with small penises and they love they women getting blacked
Where did I claim to care about racial purity. Notice how you claim im projecting yet end up being the one doing the projecting. And yes if they are part of the white race they belong to white men. Women are a form of property and resource and its always been that way. The human populations evolved separately, whether youre willing to admit this or not. And who said anything about what I think politically? You seem to be turbo triggered by this topic and decided to sperg out whilst accusing me of doing the sperging. Absolutely hilarious
Im not white but you sound like a faggot bitch. Yes they are his women. You sound like the sort of faggot cuck that would eat the creampie out of his girlfriend while saying "BRO SHE'S NOT MY GIRL CREAMPIE HER ALL YOU LIKE."
Fuck you, faggot cuck. Cucks like you are why I hate whites. Eat shit. I would fucking behead you with a chainsaw after I ate your intestines if I ever saw you in my favela. Faggot white cuck.
I've met multiple women who specifically would not date black guys.
>crying about white women dating black people and acting like they are property along racial lines isn't caring about racial purity

suck my dick faggot

women conceptualized as property was a specific historical development and has not 'always been that way'. read a fucking book

triggered bitch? project harder lmao
>why do you have functioning survival instincts
white "men" like you get raped and castrated where i live faggot. come here so i can fuck your ass and break you in as a good little girl. you fucking faggot cuck
A specific historical development that arose independently in every major culture on earth? You sound like a retard.
lmao that you think your malnourished favela scrawny ass could do anything to me. I will single-handedly pick you up and make you my personal cock sleeve. After I've wrecked your sissy bitch asshole I'll make you lick my cum along with your shit and blood off the floor and you'll thank me for the meal, faggot.
Nta but that was the gayest shit Ive ever read
we're not allowed to.
people are so brainwashed they think you're the problem for speaking up when literally every other race would lose their shit over their women choosing others.
lmao your white. know your place you fucking little bitch. if i find you you will be my sissy pretty queen you little faggot. white men love lgbt and tranny. thats why it's most popular in white countries. you will be my tranny queen you fucking pussy white bitch. your asshole will be a holster for my brown latino cock. you faggot white cuck
i will pump so much cum in your asshole that your colon will be permanently bleached white. you will bleed out of your ass and it will be a red tsunami that will coat my cock. then i will pull out of your ass and make you lick it clean like the little white bitch you are. choke on this brown cock you little slut
im already hard thinking about domesticating you bitch
liberalism is the "centrist" ideology now
aka everyones a libtard
i clicked on this thread and read through it and that turned gay pretty fast
>random libtarded white guy who hates racism and misogyny offering his ass to random brown favela schizo
>You posted le epic heckin race bait again! Well done fellow redditor
maybe this website is just filled with closeted gay young men
Theres something wrong with white guys they basically have no male instincts. Im a black dork yet retch seeing a white boy touch a black girl meanwhile lots of white boys think us touching white bitches is fine.

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