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Why do men and women have such unrealistically warped standards for one another?

well, you see, men would still fuck the no makeup girl if she really had no makeup
i think its just the people you see online
what matters is what you like
learn to format your messages you autistic retard
you can blame social media for that
if a girl posts an edited low makeup selfie and says "no makeup" ofc guys will think that's what women look like without it
male standards for women
>don't be fat

female standards for men
>be 6ft or preferably taller
>be handsome
>be fit
>have a big dick and be experienced and good at sex
>make six figures or preferably more so i can go on vacations constantly
>own a house and know how to drive
>be social and outgoing with friends
>be active on social media so i can make my friends jealous and post lots of stuff with a hot guy
>be my therapist and emotional rock and never show weakness
that's just off the top of my head.

yes. exactly the same.
speak for yourself about standards

i dont care what women like, im her type now
Is this the list of your requirements for your gay bf?
get new material, bro
no my standards for women are don't be fat, but that's unrealistic and misogynistic. meanwhile all that shit for men is valid and if a man doesn't have all that he's trash and not worth dating according to women.
my body standard for men is:
>be extremely skinny
>roughly 5'7-5'10"
>ideally older than me, like late twenties

when it gets more unrealistic is the part about me only liking men who are in a certain "subculture" basically. but being too much of a shy hermit to go for such men. i blame myself ngl.
nobody gives a shit faggot. go to the gay general.
you still type like a fag, even women are less bitchy than you
im obese
almost 26
also i am latinx with wavy/curly hair
women are absolutely hysterical and unhinged when they don't regularly get chad dick, then take it out on less fortunate men and blame them.
>they don't regularly get chad dick
again you are only thinking about chads dick and how you wanna blow him
nah women coming here and regularly telling us we'll never measure up to their ideal chad is what made me like this.
Boggles the mind that this is the guy accusing others of being gay lmao.
not a faggot, faggot.
get it together then and lose the weight fattie.
>lying for simp attention
>will literally just leave this place when she gets a chad then will come back here to shit on men if he pumps and dumps her
it's all so tiresome.
what subculture though?
whatever one has the most chads.
And women fuck out of shape chads all the time. What's your point?
it's more about me about seeing a thread that says "all women prefer THIS" and just coming to say i don't prefer it, because i don't. you can keep crying about it all you want.
a pretty small one, i won't say more than that.
lmao this guy is definitely gay for chad
all women are absolutely NPCs and you're no different just because you want to lie for attention from lonely losers. you're a stupid slut and everyone can see right through your lying ass.
women? do you mean trannies and do you really care what they think?
Be nice to others you rude person
Momoa in OP's pic is not out of shape. You are delusional. You cannot get that natty without very good diet and gym routine.
you keep obsessively posting about Chad, that says a lot about you, fag anon.
>inb4 more whining
women being obsessed with chads makes all nonchad men neurotic and insecure yes i agree.
>admits getting infected by the memetic mindvirus
glowies now live rent free in your head
kys retard
>young women preferring the best men in their area is now all a meme and not real even though i see it daily

get fucked, my message is coherent
Your plebbit formatting is still cute
Outside I see young and mid/ugly couples all the time. You have severe internet brainrot, tranny.
women would all rather line up and share one chad over giving a single nonchad a chance.
Read >>78286622
These fucking zoomer trannies here shouldn't have been given smart phones at 12. Absolute mental illness.
i'm 32 and have been mindbroken by being ostracized my entire life and hated by women because i'm ugly and not tall.
>Absolute mental illness.
social media induces autism in kids and you see now the consequences of that
Ignored and hated are two different things. Your ego makes you think you're hated because at least then you'd be cared about. But actually women don't care about you. You're just pretending they do because it makes your manlet ass feel important.
>homoerotic fantasies about men
>i wonder why women dont think im a real man
women will share a winner that have an entire loser
i would have a piece of steak than a whole bowl of dog food

women dont hate you
you hate yourself but your feminine self has to blame someone instead of having self accountability
>lol u ugly
>u short because u not tall
>u don't deserve anything nonchad sit down be quiet and kys
wow look at how right i was once again.
Nice how the manlet troon keeps ignoring the point that he's mentally ill for thinking women actively hate him. In reality they just don't care, simple.

Cope and rope, whiner.
>i would have a piece of steak than a whole bowl of dog food
You're just agreeing with him, though. In your food analogy, chad is a piece of steak compared to non-chad who is literal dog food.
sub 6ft is a manlet.

sub 8"x6" is a dicklet.

sub 8/10 looks is ugly.

all this male privilege is so great guys. i love being a nonchad and dying alone a virgin.
Not everyone is as insecure as you, self hating troon.
i'm just repeating what this board and women tell me.
i never said any of that you stupid bitch
literally proved me right again
youre so feminine and thats why women dont want your cock

chads not real
women would share a real man than have an entire feminine male to themselves
You aren't though. Have fun roping in 5 years.
literally doing it again
zero self accountability
and you wonder why you lose and keep losing
my hate for women will ensure i outlive you all.
women have never told you that
you just want it to be true because of your victim mentality

mfers want pussy yet hate it
why would you want something you hate
fucking stupid
incels have 75iq
gorillas are smarter
But women's perception about what makes a man masculine is based almost entirely on what he looks like. If you have a weak chin and bug eyes, acting assertively will only make people hate you, hence why men with such an appearance never act in such a way. If you have a good face, you experience the opposite throughout your life. If you claim this doesn't matter, you're clearly just being dishonest for the sake of rhetoric.
women literally avoid me because i'm ugly and only 5'10". i can't magically undue the mindfuck women have gone through in the past decades to only lust after chads.
a womans perspective on men is the sum total of all the weak, weird, creepy, thirsty, desperate, emotional, and stalker males, when she meets a real man, its a reality break for them because a man is none of those things
stop blaming your appearance for your weakness, again, youre making excuses
because if you were the perfect specimen, youd still be a bitch because of your mindset

lol people arent thinking about you stupid
you remind me of this incel from an incel mini documentary
he was crossing the street and was like
>everyone hates me
>theyre all thinking of how ugly i am
lmao and you wonder why a bitch doesnt want that near her
looks are all that matter and they shape your entire life and trajectory. anything else is cope.
again, excuses
incels dont live in reality
asylums need to come back
the opinions of faggots and/or transvestites don't count. Real women only want Chad.
you'd like that, woman.
>because if you were the perfect specimen, youd still be a bitch because of your mindset
I thought it was worth a try to see if you could break character for a tiny bit of honest dialogue, but I should have known anyone this obsessed with spamming this board wouldn't be capable of that. Hope you are at least getting paid to do this and you aren't actually that pathetic.
>jason mamoa caught bulking inbetween roles
>OMG dad bod haaa!
it's all so tiring
men look better when they're bulking
good looking and tall men do be conventionally attractive i agree. has nothing to do with bulking.
It's actually much worse than "no makeup". You can put on a minimal amount of makeup to hide blemishes in a few minutes. If a scrawny guy wants to acquire a "dad bod" on par with this, he'd need years of good diet and weightlifting and possibly even roids without the right genetics.
no, i specifically mean bulking
an ugly or short guy bulking will not magically become a chad. you fucking moron. he's just an ugly fatass.
The don't be fat standard shouldn't even be there. There are plenty of men who like fat women.
bulking is different from being fatass, absolute moron lol.
you're a fatass with muscle hidden under your fat. still a fatass.
The main issue with the Twitter screencap is that most men actually are attracted to mediocre women with no makeup. Women, on the other hand, don't really care about the average "dad bod" and thus won't fuck unless you're extremely attractive.
Wrong, this just shows you're an uggo who only goes for women out of his league.
My post was mostly from a perspective of assuming both give an equivalent boost in attractiveness because it's easier to compare the effort than the result. But yes, a 5/10 woman who doesn't wear makeup is in an infinitely better position than a 5/10 man who is actually out of shape.
youre showing how unstable you are
i never said any of that
you just proved my statement that incels dont live in reality

unlike youre bitch ass, i keep everything real, no masks, no deception
im definitely obsessed with spamming, fuckng stupid
pathetic for keeping it real?
ESL, too. Grim...
esl where? the second section, i hit enter to separate it. its not supposed to be a big sentence, its statement after statement
Women don't have unrealistic standards, the guy there is effectively what you call a dad bod
Casual reminder that Jason Momoa married a single mother (because he presumably couldn't do any better) and it still ended up with her leaving him.
so? why are you worrying about another man
he married his childhood crush iirc.
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>Lol why are you keeping on topic in this post

Are you retarded or a tranny or something?
what you said has nothing to do with the post
why do you guys bring up trans? its weird
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>Literal image of man in question in OP
>has nothing to do with the post

Even I don't hate women enough to consider them to be this retarded. This has to be at worst some mentally ill tranny or at best, an elaborate troll.
the post was about womens perception of they find attractive, it happened to have jason mamoa, it wasnt about mamoa
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Jesus Christ, I can't believe I have to spell it out to you. I'll forgive you if you just happen to be autistic and not recognize nuance.

Jason Momoa was considered to be one of the most attractive men in Hollywood. That's why the image was there. Point being, having the status and looks as he did, he couldn't even hold down a single mother in a relationship. If he couldn't fulfil the standards of women, (let alone one from a demographic of undesirable women, being single mothers) then what's the point really.
he married some hag he was obsessed with growing up. literally his own fault.
Doesn't change the fact that women still think he's not good enough for them. Women are extremely good at virtue signaling, but you hardly ever see them put the money where their mouth is.
this just proves that looks money and status is bullshit
you cant negotiate attraction
sex is the most powerful biological factor
he could have got any young hot woman but he chose not to willingly.
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Let's be honest here. If he couldn't get an old hag with a child in tow, what changes does he have with an 18 year old model.

The only time I see this happen is when rich Arab royalty hire women to humiliate themselves by being literally shit on.
Nta but isn't DiCaprio getting a new 18 y/o model like every week? And I wouldn't say he's much more attractive than Momoa. Some men just have their own preference, and sometimes that preference seems to be mentally ill women.
are you being retarded on purpose? there's even rumors that they were both cheating. you seriously and honestly don't think a rich sex symbol celebrity like momoa can't get any hot 18 year old of his choosing? are you actually insane? fucking frog posters man, you're probably like 15. you cannot comprehend how much young pussy celebrities get.
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> you seriously and honestly don't think a rich sex symbol celebrity like momoa can't get any hot 18 year old of his choosing?

And yet he doesn't. The best he can do is literally another divorcee. He's just dumpster diving the dating pool.
Why are you acting as if these physical factors aren't real and as if they're a meritocracy that you can actually work on though. Kill yourself.
>and yet he doesn't
so you just don't think celebrities a lot of the time fuck whoever the fuck they want? do you also think tom brady got "cucked"? lmfao, fucking actual kid. grow up.
this anon is an actual mentally ill tranny.

r9k has lost to the troons, it's over.
his point is that men would fuck average or below average women with no makeup. you need to the guy to be above average in all situations or at the very least be desired by other women
Because people are ignorant and cannot live outside the entertainment sphere of social media, same thing goes for their mothers with television.
im not acting like anything
theyre not real because literally billions of dudes in human history havent had any of that and had no problems with women
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They can fuck whomever they want but in the end of the day none of the women will want to stay with them. Not that much different to getting prostitutes desu.
alright. i'll make sure to laugh at you specifically when momoa marries a girl whos sub 25 and you seethe for weeks.
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>literally billions of dudes in human history havent had any of that and had no problems with women

Uhhh anon... I have news for you...
>look ma i'm posting studies that can't be replicated again
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>when momoa marries a girl whos sub 25
>and actually stays married for 10+ years

Please, don't threaten me with hope.
>dumps her for a newer model
oh no. what a tragedy for the roastie.
this doesnt prove me wrong
theres been billions of people and billions of men throughout the ages have no problem
>theres been billions of people and billions of men throughout the ages have no problem
>Just that you're not statistically likely to be one of them

Oh let me breathe some of that copium
>Billions of people never got cancer, bro. Stop whining about having stage 4 Leukemia.
what copium? you just put words in my mouth
i never said this
you losers start making shit up
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Please convince me how I can be one of the males that actually become reproductively successful and not the other 16 failed ones.
because you were already successful in the beginning because you reached the egg
you beat out millions of your brothers and sisters to reach the egg
if you were a failed male, you wouldnt have been born and would be the semen dribbling down her leg, no disrespect to your mother
To nobody's surprise, the low-IQ ESL cannot understand the concept of analogy
i only speak english
thats not even an analogy
im tslking about why women arent offering you the pussy, you start talking about cancer
you loser focus on hypotheticals instead of reality, its weird
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>Actually believes competition between sperm is the same as competition for female selection.

Nigga, the egg didn't choose shit, it just accepted whomever got there first. Women don't work that way.
Holy shit you actually don't know what an analogy is. That's fucking incredible.
That's because that anon is either severely autistic, is a retarded tranny, or a deliberately obtuse asshole. Either way they are just farming (you)'s.

Well that, or they are deliberately trying to be retarded in order to derail a discussion because they simply don't have a rebuttal for sound argument.
what you dont realize is that the mfer chose
it chose to never quit
it chose to say 'fuck my millions of siblings, im getting to the egg'
it chose to bring itself into existence

women love getting chosen by a man

what you said wasnt an analogy you stood bitch
>the guy to be above average in all situations
This isn't remotely true though.
dad bod is the most common shape men have
makeup is totally fake and is hiding womens commonality
The dude on the left's body is literally just "don't be fat". I haven't seen the inside of a gym in ten years and my body pretty much looks exactly like that, with a little more bodyhair.
weak b8 m8

no yous for you
Lol I can just imagine this fat fuck looking at himself in the mirror and being so deluded he thinks he looks like Jason Momoa in that pic
Left is literally just right with more fat. Right is cut with almost no fat but huge muscles, left just has fat on top of the same muscles and frame
I have seen plenty of married men that don't fit most of those "standards".
You faggots always repeat this stupid list, and no, it's really not true. If those are true, you'd also have to agree that women are expected to do a lot of things societally, to the point where we expect them to have zero independence ("no tattoos, no piercings," despite of course, just like the male aspects mentioned, men loving those).
They're also "just off the top" of your head, because you are a faggot obsessed with being antagonized by women. A woman could name a billion fucking things expected from her sex, but you'd still want to pretend we men just want a thin woman, despite this board going on tangents about literally anything women do (stacies are thin, why aren't they desired here? I wonder).
Despite going on a bit of an unfocused rant you just ended up agreeing that the only thing women need to do is not be fat, which is incredibly easy.
Television, movies and internet era has made a whole lot of people permanently delusional. Unrealistic expectations will ensure you're always miserable. Wanting your looksmatch is reasonable and a lot of people will never even get that much.
>Momoa in OP's pic is not out of shape
He's fat like a pig, garbage body.
>stacies are thin, why aren't they desired here? I wonder
>(source: it sounded good in my head)
>juiced and bulking
>"dad bod"
>juiced and cutting
>"six pack"

Meanwhile normal dudes with normal bodies: crickets

I don't even care, I just wish women didn't think they were being so charitable when their "man bod" is just an equally roided dude with some body fat.
dad bod* not man bod
Men's standards are low, females are high. Bitches needto lower their stanadrds and settle for me
It really is motivating knowing that all of my gym effort is going into getting a body that most women will consider to be below that of a "dad bod"
You literally can't answer the question. You always (and by "you" I mean the r9k hivemind admittedly), go on about roasties and stacies being worthless whores, but by your own fake standards (they are fake because you demand a lot more than just being thin,) you SHOULD love them. I mean, we humble men just want a thin woman, don't we? Fucking faggot.
Nobody here would turn down a "stacy" as long as she isn't a massive whore lol (even if she were, only the most principled robots would still say no). Being a whore is something you need to go out of your way to do in the first place, so I don't see how not having sex with random men every day is some impossible ask.
Two can play that game.
Women's standard for men
>don't be a rapist
Men's standards for women
>be shorter than me so I feel manly
>have perfect symmetry
>have a cute small nose
>be white or asian
>have the perfect curves but only fat on the sexy areas
>be a virgin but also a worthless slut who'll do anything in bed with you
>don't have tattoos
>don't have piercings
>don't dye your hair
>don't have a more financially stable job than me
>take care of the kids forever
>be a good cook
>wash all my shit
>never be hysterical (aka have problems to talk about)
>abandon your friends after marriage
>never have male friends because my dick is so small I get scared easily
Did I get all of them? Huh, faggot?
>The earth is round
>>Heh. Two can play at that game. The earth is actually flat. I am very smart.
All women have the high standards, chads have high standards while the rest of us don't. And lol, females get with plenty of chad rapists who keep getting a chance
>and know how to drive
Youre right about everything else but this is a very reasonable thing to ask for
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Notice how when reversed the men's standards for women can be summed up as "Don't do bad things" Where women's standards are "You must be at least the peak of everything"
i am mentally ill and scared of driving.
The six pack is actually less attractive because it shows you lack healthy fat and would die of starvation in a survival situation. Not just that, but you look insecure and obsessed with your body.
get medicated or something, driving is not hard
>get in the giant dangerous heavy vehicle and go fast with other retards who could kill or mangle your body in an instant
sounds fun uh huh. i guess normgroids all have a death wish.
If you can avoid bumping into people on the sidewalk, you can avoid bumping into people on the road. Hundreds of millions of people do it every day.
those people are not me, it will happen specifically to me someone will end up killing me or mangle my body if i drive. that is my luck. nothing good has happened in my life and driving will just bring me further misfortune.
You have to kill your competitors and create a pile of their skulls in your farmhouse estate like farmers from that period did, until the Chariot Chads show up and kill you and take all of your women
nobody has those standards
literally nobody

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