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Reminder that women will hate almost all of us simply for existing
what's the race of the men doing those crimes though?
But men get murdered way more than women? Why is a woman getting murdered by her partner more attention-deserving than a man getting murdered for whatever reason? Also, doesn't she know that there are children starving in Africa?
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Th-that doesnt matter...
>But men get murdered way more than women?
She would literally just say "good" and still claim a moral high ground. I don't think people actually understand how putrid these women are
don't care, still voting kamala
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>Exclusively date low-inhibition abusechads
>Never interact with 95% of men because they don't give pussy-tingles
>All men are abusive
Foid logic
everything is always about women. only women matter to women, hell only women matter to 90% of men. men are completely and utterly disposable.
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>the men who can't get relationships are to blame for violence in relationships
women would say:
>but women aren't murdering those men!
Yes, men are murdered by other men more. The fact that they are still murdered more is still there, and even then, men don't act like neurotic and paranoic bitches around other men.
Picrel is how sub 8men must conduct themselves in every facet of their lives. Revenge must be carried out on femoids
Its not really surprising femoids don't care about male loneliness, bc it's not their problem. That's how the world works people don't care about stuff that doesn't affect them.
Instead of being angry at foids for not caring about our problems the better solution is to not care about their problems, not help with them, or ultimately assist in making their problems worse.
Think of it, there are many legal and safe ways of incels to get revenge on femoids for being hypergamous and ruining everything, but what must occur first is is the mass blackpilling of men.
The more men join our ranks the more effectivley we can wage our revenge, what ever that might entail specifically. We're in a good position in that regard, more and more young men are involuntary celibate every year due to hypergamy. The stats beat that out.
The main obstacle in our way of mass blackpilling every sub 8 male is censorship, how can large incel forums and yotubers exist when censorship stands in our way. Once we meaningfully address that we will thrive...
If we blackpilled men numbered in the millions we could definitely take measures to make women's lives worse.
They really won't. Men and women hold grudges against each other, but normal people keep them in check and don't lose their temper for no reason. Twitter is a cesspool of fringe attention seeking losers, be in men or women, I don't give a shit what they say. Every sane hetero woman has a healthy outlook on men, incels should find a better way to cope.
speak for yourself
you bitch asses talk in a hive, fucking sheep
I don't care what some twitter whore that got raped by her dad has to say about men
too bad most modern women aren't sane. tell a modern woman that murdering unborn children is wrong and they'll fly into a rage
The best way to piss a woman off is ignoring her. I'm a normalfag and not that bad looking but still fucking hate women. When I see an attractive one I just fucking ghost them, even when they try to make eye contact. Of course, pretending to be a stalker at night is always a good laugh too.
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Why so antisemitic, goy?
Everyone has a twitter account.
>hey guys I cherry picked a blatantly obvious joke comment on a website ran by jews, am I original and funny now??
bcs women are retarded. if 7 and below men disappeared and women had to share the 8-10 men left in the entire world, they would gladly take that over talking to a man that does not exist in their eyes. i hope this takes effect in coming years and shapes the relationships so that women's perspective shifts. i need them to know they are as replaceable and as "average" as men they find disgusting are. it will be a blast.
I'm antisemitic because Jews are genital-mutilating scum.
This will never happen, there is no alliance and simps exist.
Women want 90%+ of men to disappear, drop dead and the more intelligent ones think you should be happy being some eunuch beast of burden that just does the work necessary to keep all of the shit they take for granted going.
For incel who are despised by women depriving them of our presence probably won't do anything to them. Unless they want you to simp like the image in>>78287011
In that case ignoring them is best.
All simping form men must stop, but the way to do that is to blackpill sub8 men. We used to have large rapidy growing incel YouTube channels and forums, like braincells. Now they were all banned and censored. Thus, finding a way to spread the blackpill despite censorship must be a number one incel priority.
Yes pretending to be a stalker is fun
I must bump this thread for incel kind. I am a highly competent and thoughtful incel. Under my leadership I can restore the incel community to its golden age
Abortion isn't murder. Humans that haven't even taken a single breath, haven't felt even a glimpse of consciousness, are not worth much. The alternative to abortion is many unwanted children of low quality genetic stock (most likely).
No, twitter's most prominent users are not representative of average people.
The women you see irl also use the internet, retard. Its not 1995.

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