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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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There was a thread in /out/ up for ages full of joke posts but after I posted mine it got deleted minutes later so nobody saw it but it's a true story so...

>Parents were divorced when I was very young
>Brother went to live with my dad, I had to stay with my mother
>Couple years later I finally get to visit my dad and brother in California, summer break from school I get two whole weeks
>Dad was too poor to afford a babysitter so he would take me and my brother to work with him in the mornings
>He worked at a Tum-A-Lum before he moved I'm not sure if it was the same company but it was another lumber yard
>My brother and I would drive forklifts around and explore, normal kid stuff
>Third day being in California, we arrive to my dad's work
>He makes a comment: "Huh, (name) is here early." and shrugs
>We go into the yard
>My brother did donuts in the forklift while I rode on the back until he threw me off
>I tried to drive, I got scared and nervous and let him drive more and I rode on the forks instead
>We watched dust devils, they were huge, taller than the lumber, I remember pretending they were tornados and like we had to find shelter
>We shared Dad's lunch with him, a whole raw tomato, two hardboiled eggs, a couple raw white mushrooms and a shake of some kind of seasoning salt from an unmarked white shaker, we split between the three of us
>Rest of the day uneventful

>Work day over, we head to the car
>Dad had to get water out of the trunk for the radiator, it had a hole in it, we had to stop at every rest stop along the way when he picked me up to fill it with water
>He stopped with the water in his hand and was staring at the truck that was there in the morning
>He asks if either of us had seen (name) at all today
>We said no, he normally came to say hi when we were playing on the fork lifts but he didn't
>Dad starts walking to the truck and we followed him
>We got to the door and he suddenly yelled at us to go back to the car, he never yelled at us before
>We didn't move because we didn't know how to react
>He opened the door and his co worker was laying in the front seat decomposing, he had killed himself in his truck either that morning or the night before
>I don't really remember having a reaction, I don't think I really understood what was happening at first, I was only 7 or 8
>It sank in once we were in the car and my dad was visibly shaking
>Can't get the image of that truck completely fogged up in a hot california summer because of a decomposing body that I walked by multiple times
>The body of somebody I didn't know well but I had met

Really sticks with you. I'm in my 30s now it's still a pretty vivid image. I could paint the gravel parking lot with just my dad's white car and that brown truck 20 feet apart, right next to the gate. Right next to the security booth. Right by all the cameras.

Nobody saw a thing. Nobody knew.
i'm not gonna read all that but that's crazy bro. really, wow.
You've never found a body before?

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