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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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>recent news about government shitting their pants and whine cuz "muh incels" are the new scapegoat now
>suddenly, a massive flood of demoralisation threads and just blatant femaleposting about deboonking/hating incels in general
I'm not a schizo, but just a week ago it was more chill on board than now. Maybe government bot farms are now shilling against us too
Counterpoint incels are fags and the internet was better before your shitty culture took over imageboards
It comes and goes. This board is favored by troll groups because its relatively unmoderated. Write a decent filterlist and you can get rid of 95% of it since its simple spam.
Counter-counterpoint: You are a newfag from 2018 who is in fact the most cancerous thing to ever happen to the entire internet and you're probably brown too
Incels were always on the internet. I'm an actual oldfag

Because of covid more women are online than ever. So obviously they will fight against insults. But the exposure is good. It means less births
I've been here over a decade longer than you're guessing you zoomer newfag retard
You must have been on /b/ because we had more incels, more vocal, ten years back. But just calling themselves robots, awkward, losers, hikis, neets, virgins, loveshy, ect. Only the name is newer
What are you talking about, we had this for years now.
Newfags who watch internet historian really get hung up on the definition of incel thing. They really think it wasn't the exact same shit just without the term incel.

In fact the term robot and incel is almost 1:1 the only difference being robots are more autistic oriented while incels are more looks oriented. Both have always hated women.
Yea. I completely agree. When incels got big, they called robots/autistic people who mingled with them mentalcels, if they judged them to be attractive enough. And mentalcels are generally pushed out if they refuse to take the blackpill eventually
There are other types of mentalcels, schizoid, schizophrenics, the voice hearers, etc. But it's a lot of autistic people who can overlap with blackpilled incels because of dating problems
Like, how I would imagine this situation
>"Why do we not breed? Who is responsible for that?" - says big government boomer guy
>"Incels, sir. They are bad on the Internet and harass women or something, idk I'm not into that shit I just ask my subordinates to do research"
>"Well, do something, so we will have a reason to steal gov money again!" - yells delusional boomer
>then officials trigger bot farms to word "incel" and hire shills to push their agenda in society
>in the next year they will announce it publically, making everyone who's not serving the pussy, NWO and don't want to die for Israel an enemy of the state
>since normies are already indoctrinated by shills, there is no cry about incels/neets/undesirable when they will be hunted down
I mean he's kind of right. Incel and normies ideology overlap because autistic people took normie culture and modified it to create incel culture. All you have to do is listen to Andrew Tate. He's a perfect example of an autistic person who took normie culture and modified it to be exactly what normies want, so the birth rate would plummet, if they want to admit they caused it and wanted it or not. That's why the word incel means involuntary celibate. The involuntary part means someone else, outside of themselves, is choosing that for them. Which makes total sense, because consent
>In fact the term robot and incel is almost 1:1 the only difference being robots are more autistic oriented while incels are more looks oriented.
And it's an important distinction Reddit incels are otherwise complete normalfags, which is why they shit up the board.
The most powerful incels are technically normalfags, from a certain perspective, because they are extremely wealthy
First it's "I'm just rly smart, I swear" but then it's having to beg Gaza not to prosecute us for human shielding war crimes because the local police refuse to fall off our dicks
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>but just a week ago it was more chill on board than now
Internet trends and fads sweep through all of social media, and 4chan has been included in this for nearly 8 years.

The days of being detached from the normie-net are long over. Also it's a well-known fact a third of internet content is completely fake (generated by non-human intelligence), and it simply suits whatever is currently being discussed or whatever forced discussion is being imposed on the internet.
Well the big difference between reddit and here is that here is anonymous. That's the big difference between anon chan boards and anywhere online that requires a profile. And that's been brought up in court relentlessly. But chan boards were expressly designed to be anonymous
Schizophrenia sucks man. I have a gf now but I'm always afraid my insanity will mess it up. Just because you have a gf doesn't mean everything gets solved
>took over
Man you must be some of the newest of newfags.
People were calling each other virgins when this site wasn't even reliably up.

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