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Would any of you fembots give this incel some pussy to stop him from roping?
Yes. I will. Got a link to that forum?
no. suicidal ugly men make women as dry as the sahara.
So do delusional copers who become gymcels etc. What's the difference?
>26k posts
>gave my dad an ultimatum
Just tell your dad to give you some playstation or something instead facial surgery money
Kinda crazy how his parents will say there were no signs or why did he do it when they eventually find his dead body.
no, i have a hardline against talking to clearly mentally ill men who will obviously not receieve psychiatric treatment. also im below average in looks so he would probably just seethe that im not stacy or something, and wouldnt even see me as a human being.
There's no way a >man like this wouldn't absolutely chimp out during or after it, no woman can be stupid enough to take a risk with him.
what is an sn?
Im not a incel but girls rejections are enough to make men suicidal. Thats why its better not to approach.
>but girls gave you a signal!
But did they? Girls glance around and it doesnt mean anything
Whats an "SN"? Based on the context its some kinda medicine mixture/poison that kills you?
Shotgun maybe?
Link to forum nigger?
i wouldnt want to date any man i havent already been friends with for at least a month and i cant imagine even being interested in anyone who i havent known for a decent amount of time . i dont know how normies just approach eachother. is it because everything is just based off of vibes that you can inherently read as a non autist?

rejection does suck but it seems like a normal part of life to deal with and what everyone goes through at one point.
Not a femoid, but If SN is what I think he is talking about, he should die rather peacefully. I am ordering some for myself in December.
Looked it up, its short for Sodium Nitrite. Drinking it will kill you quite quickly through decreasing the ability of your red blood cells to carry oxygen.

incels.is, newfag
Lower your standards and stop being such a trad picky bitch. Fuck you
salt that you put in a solution(water) and will kill you
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>killing yourself over not being attractive enough for non existent bitches
>>female kind of suicide attempt
Sodium nitrite, it's become a popular suicide chemical because how easyish it is to get.
Rejection after rejection is what makes guys suicidal. Average to above average men do a lot to attract women. Women dont understand how much effort and time men spend on attracting you women. Its not a rom com flick!

Also getting to know a woman is instant friendzoned. I rather be rejected than friendzoned
i don't really have high standards im just not attracted to anyone/want to date them from just looking at them. i have to know their personality first.
>Rejection after rejection is what makes guys suicidal.
this makes sense
>Also getting to know a woman is instant friendzoned. I rather be rejected than friendzoned
so are you supposed to get to know eachother while dating? i don't understand. how do you even want to date someone you don't know? how do you know you will be compatible?
>i don't really have high standards im just not attracted to anyone/want to date them from just looking at them. i have to know their personality first.
Your standards are high because you are a woman, you are all like that. And you don't give a shit about personality other than shit like if he's hot, confident, masculine, dominant, and all that other bullshit that has nothing to do with being a decent person or not. Your standards are bullshit and so are you
I think it makes sense for women to have somewhat higher standards than men because women risk getting pregnant, getting raped, getting sexually assaulted, and are at a higher risk of STDs (due to female anatomy). however, i think a lot of what you are assuming about me isn't necessarily true. i don't care too much about looks. personally, i care more about personality, similar outlook on life, and similar moral/political values. each person has a different level of how much they care about looks for both men and women.
Ong this is peak zoomer fr fr
Nah. We are supposed to have equality. So you can lower your standards. Its also funny that females complain about all those risks but then go for the type of men more likely to cause those problems while rejecting the men less likely to do those things
> i don't care too much about looks. personally, i care more about personality
But he still has to be taller. and
"Personality": being a dominant confident hypermasculine extroverted neurotypical
> similar outlook on life
which just means "positive and just world fallacy bullshit"
>and similar moral/political values
which just means "be a conservative traditionalist who wants to make you pop out a bunch of kids and doesn't want sex otherwise because sex is only for procreation"
> so are you supposed to get to know eachother while dating? i don't understand. how do you even want to date someone you don't know? how do you know you will be compatible?

Thats what coffee dates and walks in the parks are for. Besides most girls drop those requirements when they meet someone attractive.
>Average to above average
Below average and subhuman*
my type of man is pathetic, low self esteem, hates normies, lets me scream at him/berate him while he apologizes and says sorry , doesn't want kids, lets me spit on him, lets me cut him and lick the blood off his cuts so you are wrong on all of this.

i'm 150cm though, so i guess he would inevitably be taller than me.
No way SN would just fucking kill you instantly. You'd choke for air and suffer before lights out. Ask me how I know you're a gay nigger.
Typical female, hates equality and respect and genuine love. You just want to fetishize existing power dynamics but with you on the other side.
someone doesn't spend much time on sanctionsuicide
No, because I'm not a homosexual crying for attention. Now explain how Sodium Nitrate can kill you "quickly " or shut the fuck up forever. Nigger.
I have a 1000mg of diazepam, 600mg of an rc benzo, 700ml of vodka and get 650mg of methadone tomorrow. I didnt pay rent to buy the rc benzo (which im already addicted to, I just bought a larger amount) when I was having my monthly suicidal episode. Now im unsure if ill be able to do it and am worried I wont be able to get another benzo since this one just got banned without a replacement on the market yet. I dont know why I just wont do it. Probably because my family has been so supportive and organised a bunch of different therapy for me. I dont want to hurt them but at the same time they dont understand how deep my addiction goes plus I was suicidal before touching drugs with a few have hearted attempts.
I wish I could get pure fent like back in 2017, I ODd and it was like flicking a light switch... such a peaceful way to go...
My brain is super fucked from the benzo abuse, way more than opiates (which I can get legally now even if it's shitty methadone). If I dont make my suicide soup im going to have to have the will power to taper the benzos myself since my family live too far away to restrict me.
I guess we ll see how Sunday goes.
nobody owes him shit
he's probably better off dead
Possibly but alas I'm a Pooner degen so I'd probably not be appealing to anybody
just make sure you smoke a heroic dose of salvia before you decide to do it. life is a trip

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