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Do Indian men seriously think we want them..? Where did they get this idea from? Is this just trolling or are they serious?
none of what you said was important to me except the fact you're female
you mfs have to be the second most annoying people on the internet. shut up.
it's annoying how you can sense a fob Indian from the way they type, and it's a similar story for you. I'm not sure what it is but the slav way of just blabbing questions off shotgun style is really annoying.
shut up. noone cares about you, noone wants to date you.
literally no one fucking cares
>inb4 you're indian
Every time I see someone talking shit about slavic men and women I just know they're jealous of our culture and genetic lottery.
Lmfao, keep projecting more.
I care.
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>I just know they're jealous of our culture and genetic lottery.
I'd rather die than touch a black guy, and I'd still have a black bf before an Indian bf

sorry not sorry
I just don't know why Indian men think Slavic women would settle up for them..
They saw pictures of their retarded shit-eater cousin who paid for a prostitute in eastern Europe and then think they're totally going to be able to marry a woman who looks like that.
bitch you think we care what you think about indians? we will just rape your white ass bitch there's nothing you can do about it. white men are cucks and fags they cant stop us from raping you. what are you going to do call little timmy on us? hahahaha
why do women say this?
what makes a black dude more attractive than an indian dude when they look pretty much the exact same except the black dude has a wider nose?
Because Indians also have the weird cringe culture and personality
not the ones that are born and raised in the west right? those ones dont even have an accent
I've known a few and they still behave weirdly. They're either incel-ish and awkward, or they try to overcompensate and being social and outgoing, but it's just awkward and cringe.

But none of it matters any, since black OR Indian, neither one I would ever, ever date
shut up bitch you can open bob and vagena right now for Bharat india
Hmm no, but I'll step on your face, that's the best I can do
Slavs aren't white tho
bitch you do femdom on me that is still sex
but you say you wont sex black and indian man?
white women always lie
Me stepping on your face, is sex to you?

Hooollleee fuck Indian guys are beyond pathetic
if im hard and jerking off then yes its sex bloody bitch
whats next, stepping on balls with heels isnt sex?
Basically because of arranged marriages indian guys have ungodly confidence
>lmao they hate us cause they ain't us
read what I said. it's the way you type that's annoying as fuck. and it's not a coincidence that you think your own shitholes are impressive, just like Indians from India do. and that place is a shithole toot. Indian
noones jealous of anything.
and why do you think they behave weird? literally look at how people talk about them lmao.
either way their issue is chasing women they see as quieter and more traditional, who funnily enough turn out to be bigger whores than women who seem a bit outgoing at first.
bruv this isn't really an Indian guy is it? do you really say "femdom on me" and not feel ashamed of yourself?
look man, if you can't speak English well, stick to other ESLs. once you stop making yourself look like a dumbfuck online, you'll notice things slowly changing.
but sir how would my english improve if i speak with other fellow indians
As a slavic girl myself, my experience with what race of men Slavic girls like the most is mixed. I like white and asian guys, sis like white and black guys, ex friend was asian only, few classmates where only in black and white. But I never saw slavic girl who likes indians. Maybe western european, but slavic? Nah. Realistically looking most of slavic girls marry slavic men or foreign white men, mixed couples still exist tho, but its always black or asian.
I would be down to dating a foreign man, but I feel like it's kinda difficult for them to understand slavic people. You just have to be born since childhood to understand us..

for example I saw tiktok of american girl in a vacation (in my country) complaining how many men (and some women) here were "too much impolite" about her looks or something. The truth is, we aren't impolite, we just domt hugbox...
I guess that's why slavic people are so hated.
I'm proud to be slavic but it absolutely sucks sometimes.
>slavs aren't white
Why is my skin fair white then?
If I'm not white, what am I?
ok so you're a troll then. not sure how this isn't obvious but ig most people don't really care
>Only russia is Slavic
Fat amerimutt moment top kek
im a real indian, i know we speak english but not all words are english we use hindi words for some thank you
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>he thinks eastern europe would've been any better if not for western euro gibs
>If I'm not white, what am I?
Racemixers arent white, they are kicked out of the community.
ive literally never heard slav women liking niggers
and i was literally born and raised in serbia
what type of slav are you? if polish then i can understand since theyre nigger lovers (filled with american culture)
stop trying to act like you're in control, jfc. the fact is you don't know how to phrase shit properly in English and it has this characteristic "funny" sound to native English speakers.
I'm still convinced this is a troll however. either way whatever, not my problem
>anyone I don't like isn't white
I am a white man and would never date a stupid dumb bitch who wouldn't date indian men. Racism is garbage.
Based. Men have to defend their kind unironically.
I am defending humankind. Other bigotries like sexism, classism, homophobia, and such are also bad. All I want is equality. Sucks that women are so hyper-supportive of any sort of social stratification there is, when it comes to who they fuck. We also see this with bitches refusing to date guys without a college degree, guys who are bisexual, etc. Bitches love hate and inequality. Bitches want the whole world to burn as long as it means their cis het white straight billionaire gets to be happy and fuck them. It is disgusting
>>anyone I don't like isn't white
youre clearly not the slavic woman i was replying to but instead some type of indian brown pajeet nigger so dont reply to me
white people can decide who is and isnt white, just like how black people can decide who they want to excommunicate from their race (uncle toms)
I like slavic, foreign white and asian men the most.
Black skinned people just aren't attractive to me.
But my sis like black and white men lol.
Also I'm not from Poland
>I am a white man and would never date a stupid dumb bitch who wouldn't date indian men. Racism is garbage.
Post hand with timestamp...
Bisexual men are usually just gay and have constant cock lust. I see why women wouldn't date them.
you said your slavic sister and slavic classmates find niggers attractive
thats impossible, slavs dont like niggers that much
especially since theres no niggers in slavic countries
literally where are you from
Yeah they like black men, probably because they are rare here.
>where are you from
I don't like sharing this online but I grow up in eastern europe and I have been here my whole life.
just say the country??? its an anonymous website lol wtf
at least say the first few letters
> I like white and asian guys, sis like white and black guys, ex friend was asian only, few classmates where only in black and white.
Why do you sound extremely similar to me/ people I know lol? Are you from the Balkans by any chance?
That's just a stereotype. stereotypes are bad. women's bigotry is bad, as is yours
Kek. You look like a little bitch. No wonder you hold such liberal faggot views. You fucking cuck.
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I agree with him, racism and bigotry is bad.
>women's bigotry is bad, as is yours
So I'm a homophobe because I call "bisexual men" gay (which is true) ?
Like seriously, most of bisexual men call themselves bisexual just because they don't want to accept the fact that they are homosexuals. So they fuck trannies and men and call it "bi".
>no time stamp
GTFO larper
Don't use language like that, that's disrespectful. Also looks don't matter, what matters is what we are on the inside, and you are full of hate. That's not nice. You don't need to be like this
>So I'm a homophobe because I call "bisexual men" gay (which is true) ?
Bisexual and gay are different things. Gay men are attracted to men, and bisexual men are attracted to men and women. Also the idea that gay men as a group are a monolith in terms of how sexual they are is a stereotype. Not good.
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No women even thier own desire shit-jeets
they're a repulsive combination of the barbarity of niggers and the cunning evil of jews along with being a filthy discussing people
White people really need to start removing these liberals from their communities and force them to live among the diversity they advocate for. I'm serious.
There's plenty of nice Indian people just like there's plenty of nice people of other groups to. Also not nice to be anti black or anti jew. All people are people. There is one race, the human race, and your bigotry will do nothing but make more suffering. Of course that's probably what you want
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you're a needy one aren't you?
>All people are people
Unless they have XX chromosomes, right?
I think indian guys can look pretty cute and huggable but im a fag and it seems only w*men's opinions are important here so.
Though granted I would be concerned with the curry scent
Women are people too. That's why I don't do the "bigotry of low expectations" and act like women are incapable of being decent and supporting equality and lowering their bullshit standards and settling for incels. They can do all of these things. The fact that they refuse to do so just makes it even worse, knowing that they are capable of being decent people and just refuse to be decent anyway
>Bisexual man
>Only fuck men and trans "women"
>Only attracted to dick
Noo bigot you don't understand I like men AND women! Women don't need pussy to be women
quads of dgaf
indians are as wanted as their offbrand versions, the gypsies. that is, not at all. except maybe by police.
Bisexual men can be attracted to cis women too dude. Why are you obsessing over trans people so much? Are you a chaser?
uhh women don't owe men shit, incel
also it's funny how a large chunk of the anti-indian hate is coming from white women, I bet in the 60s they acted the same towards blacks (pic related), but now that they're a protected class and considered cool they have sex with them and treat Indians like subhumans
lol adults still act like highschool teenagers, life is a popularity contest
>uhh women don't owe men shit, incel
Women owe men equality and liberation just like men owe women the same.
>also it's funny how a large chunk of the anti-indian hate is coming from white women
Yeah a lot of white women just want to protect their own privilege while pretending to be progressive for clout

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