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invited a guy over and he never tried to make a move. Why cant moids take a hint?
have you considered, maybe he is not into you like that
Yeah, that's pretty autistic. Did you get lady blue balls?
Stop being a stupid conservative bitch. Lower your standards, become a feminist progressive, and initiate things yourself. Its current year, and women are equal to men. Fuck your stupid trad ideas of romance, you are pathetic
not worth risking it. worst case scenario if you were to initiate is being rejected and that's enough for you to never risk it. worst case scenario for men is ostracization and accusations. if you're not initiating, it's not gonna happen.
Because thinking he's a mind-reader doesn't actually make him a mind-reader. You can't be ultra subtle with men because we just walk past that shit without noticing. If you wanna fuck next time, just be more forward
Define "invited over". You dropping hints isnt an invitation to have sex femcel
As an incel whose acquaintances are all normies, inviting a person over is universal normie speak for wanting to bang. Maybe the guy was either inexperienced or changed his mind midway through.
I'm going to guess the former then. Some crazy statistic like half of all young men are virgins or some bullshit along those lines. Men have forgotten how to get fuck, so now we need to relearn
>Some crazy statistic like half of all young men are virgins or some bullshit along those lines
This is absolutely not true. Last I checked only ~5% of men are still virgins by the age of 25, and that includes asexuals, priests, etc. We're just the bottom of the barrel. It is what it is.
If he thinks that you think of him as a friend then the consequences of him making a move is destroying the friendship. Is it clear to him that you like him?
it's inexperience but also mixed messaging from everyone. it's very easy to be led down the "women don't like men" path when we've been bombarded by
>don't approach women in public
>i choose the bear
>men are inherently dangerous and privileged
for decades. but then you step outside and see that those things only really apply to men who are extremely disrespectful and / or unattractive to them. so it becomes
>am i attractive to her or is she just being friendly?
then you reference
>i'm so tired of men being my friend just to get in my pants
and realize there is nothing about you that she could be attracted to. you'd just be creeping and weirding her out so you don't initiate. and the woman doesn't either because rejection is far too scary for an adult. this is where we are. it's over.
You need to be more clear, if you're friends then you have to be see through levels of clear
No I'm not bottom of the barrel, I just really hate being touched and talking to people. But there's no escaping ourselves. We're God's lonely men.
That study did not include Gen Z men however
I think it was like 2yo, and included men 18+. So it did include adult zoomers.
>why can't *men take a hint?
Because we don't deal in subtlety. This particular kind of gamble can be potentially very bad for the guy involved, so he chose to err on the side of caution. Do you realize how many women bitch and moan that men only see them for sex? Do you realize how many women bitch about men not actually being interested in them as people? Do you realize how many women bitch about men not actually able to be friends with women?
Do you realize how fucked he would be if you HADN'T been in the mood? Whatever you and him had going would be shattered in an instant the second you said "wait, no". So I don't blame the guy in the least.

Not only that, but men are so used to women being so cold towards men these days that it seems impossible for a woman to show actual interest in them. Any kind of flirting is just seen as courtesy or just her nature, and not an actual sign. A woman actually being into me? Totally fake. She probably doesn't want to bang, she's just being a nice friend.
why cant femoid take a hint?
We don't want you as our friend.
If we wanted a friend we would go out with a man.
If we go out with you is because we want to fuck you. Simple as.
Your worth is between your legs.
Our worth is everything we can give.
its much more likely that he didnt understand, unless he has a gf
we dont like not having sex at all, and females expect us to read their minds which we cant. both widely known phenomena
you are completely missing the point
I started out initiating things myself and now I'm conservative about sex. Only about sex. Not politically. I never even touch men, not in a sexual way, I touched a guy's butt last night with my crotch and body squeezing past him, but not to initiate sex. Now I never get laid because men are too pussy to initiate it. But it's better than feeling ugly because I have to do it myself all the time
You could show us a pic of what we're missing out on ;)
Stop being sexually conservative. Sex is a basic part of life and its not fair that you dumb bitches deny it from most men. Just get over yourself and put out for unattractive men that you hate. And go initiate with us unattractive men rather than demanding we initiate. Fuck your bullshit standards
If you want sex just say so. Dumb femoid.
I purposely ignore hints because I don't want to sleep with women who are poor communicators. You're a big girl. Use your big girl words. Christ
could be, i just went on assumption that since this is posted on /r9k/ its either fake or this woman has the nasties room and/or body for our guy to not touch her
im drunk and didnt read well, if he doesnt make a move just make one yourself, the fk is your problem?
>Why cant moids take a hint?
I second guess a lot because i'm worried forwardness might be a form of assault and breach of trust. I'm not particularly worried about being arrested or consequence. I just am told that my affection is a form of violence and abuse so much i don't really think i can express it in good conscience. At least not without a clear affirmation that it's wanted. Women don't really ever think about it because it's not tailored to you, but there's a lot of effort to teach about "consent" which in practice asserts that all male motions of intimacy are abuse inherently and you need a verbal contract between each and every escalating act of intimacy. It's kind of insane, but that's what they did. And i can't really control what they did to my instincts.
I'll be 36 in roughly 2 months, I'm older than everyone in the threat besides the lurking glowies. So no. I'd much rather feel pretty, like a real woman, by men aggressively hitting on me, while I reject them, instead of being forced to initiate all the time. And I KNOW the male sex havers reading this can relate, because they all have fantasies of finally feeling desired and getting pegged in their asses, and are exhausted trying to be masculine all the time, in all realms of life, including the bedroom
Women don't want to feel like sluts, so they won't be the ones initiating. You have to put on your big boy pants and escalate, or you will end up like me.
You are a bad person, and a conservative bigot. Your gender role shit is bad. You deserve to suffer. Fucked up that you females refuse to be decent people
Women should be sluts. just also be slutty with undesirable men. The sexual revolution is bad, it just must fully expand to the people who have historically been excluded from it
36? yeah i think i know why
I'm a far left progressive politically. I just like Dom men dominating me because I'm submissive. And that's progressive too because I'm saying this verbally with words. A true conservative woman pretends she never fucks at all period. In any way
>I just like Dom men dominating me because I'm submissive.
So does 95% of women, regardless of political affiliation.
I have been with 6 women and they all initiated. I don't care about sex enough to initiate so I am happy to just wait until the right one comes around again. I do flirt a little bit but mainly I'm just a good listener which makes women more comfortable saying what they actually feel.
Dom/sub shit is incompatible with far leftism. That shit is just perpetuating and fetishizing hierarchy garbage. If you want to be a decent person (you don't, of course), you'd get over your conservative bullshit and find a way to appreciate sex and romance with equality and without the power dynamics/hierarchy garbage
And? That's what I'm recommending more women do. Because I know how painful it is to always have to initiate. And men deserve to feel ugly and unwanted by never being touched. Only women get to be catered to, cared for, protected, and loved by getting the submissive position in intimate relationships. Grow up. Mommy isn't going to hold your hand
That's great, but it's not going to be the case for the vast majority of men. You either conform to the demands women like >>78289222 place onto you, or you stay an incel.
I frankly don't care, since I accepted the demands women placed on me, but it's pretty ironic for you to say shit like:
>Grow up. Mommy isn't going to hold your hand
When you yourself are the submissive daddy-craving child.
no, you just got trained by chad during your prime and you realised they just used you. Now you want to take it out on other men but you aint going to find anyone. Even people with that fetish will want a younger woman because they get off the power imbalance reversal.

Just admit you are stupid and wasted the best years on your life on your tingles instead of building anything meaningful.
You forgot the third option, volcel, which describes me for at least the past year. I don't know if I'm just "built different" or what but I don't see sex as a desperate need. I think people who see sex as something to obsess over are differing some other desire they can't articulate. Like a spiritual sickness, a need for a feeling of belonging, validity, etc. Meaningful relationships (romantic and platonic) fill the void a lot better than sex does.
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why can't the man feel like he is desired?
Why does only the foid get to feel wanted?
Why does the man have to risk being rejected and humiliated?
Well, that's because you lack empathy. Makes me understand why 6 girls were pining for you kek
do you understand how confusing that is? or do you just not care? you say you want to be treated equal, but then you also want to be treated like you're less than by being dominated. same with the economy. you want to be able to have careers on equal footing with men, but then you also prefer men who are above you financially. i just don't get it.
I'm a woman though. I get to be daddy craving. That's normal. Like you said, 95% of women do it. Everyone will think you are the next incel spree shooter if you want mommy to hold your hand because, just like you said 95% (or more) women want a real man, not a little boy, so more than 95% of men eventually grow up and do that for them. If they want a relationship that is. Maybe you are volcel. Or gay
>Like a spiritual sickness, a need for a feeling of belonging, validity, etc.
Hit it on the nose anon.
volcel is cope.
You are either an incel that just stops bothering or you are a divorce raped guy that will never trust a women again.

No such thing as volcel otherwise.
If that were true wouldn't I look for an ugly intelligent beta to settle down with? I focus on the hottest frat boys & football players in my college town and they all know it. And they all have varying opinions on my obsession with smelling and eating man ass
What if I was in bed with a woman, then got the ick and dipped? Am I still an incel?
I already told you that I don't care. I already accepted, made strides towards, and continue working on shaping myself to fit into the very narrow mold women force men into. I just think it's funny how much of a hypocrite you are kek
I don't think people who are dominated, the submissives, are less than, I think they are more valuable. One of the only examples I can think of is how the shamans used to eat aminita and then his followers would drink his urine. Because consuming it that way meant that they wouldn't vomit. Only the leader vomited, he's the only one who takes the pain, so the others can feel good. People don't think of submissives in a bdsm setting as leaders generally, but instead as an after thought. But that's because they don't realize how a submissive is on this subconscious mind most of the time. I do, because I took the position of a Dom in a bdsm setting up until now in life
No decent man wants to be with a woman who gives herself away, is unpleasant, and is not worth it. Besides, you're not even young anymore, you're over 36 years old.

You're a grown woman, and you still act like you're a teenager, posting anime photos on a meme forum, while complaining about how idiotic men are. Mature at once.
i don't really care about your headcanon. we are talking about reality. you are less than in a dom / sub dynamic. being dominated and feeling less than is what you're attracted to, yet you're the opposite politically and in public. do you not understand that? why take anything anyone like you says seriously? it's all a giant shit test
I don't think I lack empathy severely, though I am autistic. I do agree that this has probably worked in my favor, but I really don't think that's it. Being a good listener will get anyone far if they aren't hideous.
I live in a big city, I could find a woman to have sex with easily (as could pretty much everyone else) but I don't really feel like I want or need to. I turned down sex 2 months ago. I already feel like I belong amongst my friends. My social needs are fulfilled and casual sex does not fill the void. I don't want to have sex with someone I don't have deep romantic feelings for. Every time you have sex with someone you are fucking around in your brain chemistry and forming a bond involuntarily and these bonds do more harm than good. I don't want to give away a piece of my soul every time I get horny just so I can be a fading memory in some stranger's mind.
nope ur just a whore.
settling down is the equivalent of a child aknowledging his mistakes and trying to make the best out of a shit situation.

Your situation is more like a child lying about taking a cookie from the jar even when confronted with video evidence.

Stay delusional and keep taking chads cum, noone will ever settlefor you. As soon as the post nut clarity sets in you are just a mistake to them.
>I don't think I lack empathy severely, though I am autistic. I do agree that this has probably worked in my favor, but I really don't think that's it. Being a good listener will get anyone far if they aren't hideous.
Yeah, you're just clueless. And a lot of people on the spectrum do lack empathy, so that checks out. Unless you're just like all the other normies who reserve empathy only for women. I'll give you a hint: go to >>>/soc/ instead. You'll meet many more like-minded people there, than on the notorious incel board.
>femoid friend brings me over to her place
>just talk, eat and watch TV together but apart
>never so much as hugged me goodbye before
>would really like to cuddle and kiss with her while we're on the couch
>waiting for her to move closer to me
>she doesn't seem to be interested
>maybe I can start by holding her hand
>don't want to have an "anon wtf stop touching me!" moment
>asking her would be beta and insecure
>can't kino escalate because we're sitting a foot apart from each other
>do nothing except wait for welcome signals
>404 touching invitation not found
>awkward hug goodbye, hold her too long and I think she felt my boner
>never invites me over again
>gets a bf soon afterwards
>he's a short tubby guy with a neckbeard
>like wtf
I don't feel less than, as a submissive woman, because I have tits, ass, pussy, these things that are desired and focused on far more than the male body. Male bodies are even looked at less. Look at how much women models are paid vs male models. High fashion models. There's a massive millions of dollars worth of difference. Look at that in the porn industry, same thing, even bigger of a difference. Look at how many models on onlyfans are male vs female. A lot more female sex workers. The male sex workers who do exist cater to men, even if they are bi/pan/any sexuality where they get with women too

Every man in this thread who's married and around my age, give or take a bit, knows exactly how it feels to be forced to be masculine. You have to feel ugly by being the only one who chooses when sex happens. The only other choice you have is to look for a shotacon woman and that won't last because you will age out of her ability to want to use your old body
Maybe I'm unaware of how unempathetic I am, but idk, I really don't think it's severe. I care a lot about people and it hurts me a lot to see other people hurting. I did try soc a bit but I don't relate to them at all. This board is a lot more my style despite not really fitting in here either. Anyway, empathy aside, I am highly sympathetic to incels, I just think we're not going in the right direction to help our brothers. It seems like the incel groupthink is actually exacerbating the situation a lot. I'll say it again, I think it's a spiritual sickness differed to sexual desire. Our modern society has lost the vocabulary and understanding to explain this in a way that makes sense to people who are hurting.
>asking her would be beta and insecure
communicating what u want isnt insecure and most girls actually appreciate it lmao
Why are women so terrified of rejection that they can't even fathom making the first move?
You don't lack empathy because you have an aversion to sex. That's asexual oppression, allosexual privilege. Ignore them and don't even reply
oh sorry, you feel like your only worth is in your sexual appeal. wait, wasn't the whole goal of feminism to break these stereotypes and limiters in order to be viewed as complete humans? again, i just don't understand it. you lie and twist the meanings of words and contexts so much that you have no idea what you are in reality. and everyone goes along with it because of your sexual appeal. grim.
I was saying how submissives are not below in a sexual hierarchy; that's separate from being seen non sexually
The word "spiritual" doesn't mean anything to secular person. You may think it holds some magical woo-woo insight, but it does not. A lack of human connection and intimacy is something that a lot of people do feel crushed by, and the fact that you don't understand how certain stimuli can affect you differently than other people is why I told you that you lack empathy.
It's true that I'm not as empathetic as people who aren't autistic, but... aren't we all autistic here for the most part? I'm not asexual either, but I could probably be described as asexual-adjacent because I don't think that I feel the same urges as other people seem to. I do enjoy sex a lot in a "spiritually nourishing" context but outside of that context it seems pointless and even harmful to me.
you are below. this is like saying that a race horse isn't below the racer because it was the best horse available. you are a winner amongst race horses, not racers.
I don't think it holds any woo-woo insight, it's just shorthand for that sense of deeper meaning in life and eudemonic happiness rather than hedonic pleasure.
>communicating what u want isnt insecure
It really depends on the context. Saying "I want to touch your body" instead of just putting your arm around her and seeing how she responds is really beta behavior. The worst that can happen is that she says no and/or removes your arm and then you stop.
> most girls actually appreciate it
It depends. Telling a woman you are sexually attracted to her body when she sees you only as a platonic friend and thought you felt the same can actually ruin a good friendship. As a straight man I can tell you that I can be okay with being just friends with women I'm very attracted to, and I'm not bitter about it, I can gauge the situation and see that we both have good vibes towards each other even if my hints of interest were rebuffed. Overtly making a move when someone has given you zero indication i would be welcome is what ruins friendships
Continuation of my last reply: I do feel that same crushing feeling that this disconnective society produces. I just don't think sex is the solution. I love my friends and they love me, this does more for me than sex does.
Absolutely retarded. Both men and women trend towards preffering being submissive. But women are the ones who get catered to.
Why do you think femdom is popular?

I hate people who want their partner to adapt to their needs and desires, but won't do the same in return.
That's cool for you, but understand that other people are different from you, and they feel differently from you. So stop projecting how you feel about things onto them, and insinuate that they are somehow misguided in the way they feel.
My alters are asexual. They cum all the time but as far as I can tell non of it is to sex, intercourse of any kind, and they don't want to do that with people at all. One of their fantasies they came up with for me is that I'm a professor (that's what they do) and partially fused with them and servants bring us the bodies of their students prepared in all different ways. Some chopped up and cooked with their head preserved on the side. Some raw. But with pamphlets about what they were studying so I alone can imagine what they could have been and done with their lives but is no more. And as we eat them, we grow, until we are so big we pop them in our mouths like grapes

We have all three cum together twice. Once just me and her and once just me and him. But they fused together are both asexual because she doesn't want sex. And he is sexual when he's with me, so alone he's not asexual. And I've forced a fusion between us three by masturbating while in extreme pain. I sprained my ankle

I know why they like the cannibalism stuff, because as toddlers we were forced to be cannibals while also being molested. I believe she's asexual because we were trafficked and molested by both of our parents and older sister
You can't race horses without horses. Otherwise it's just runners
>Women don't want to feel like sluts
lol lmao, women pretend to be chaste only with beta providers
Only women can have babies though. That's why they get catered to. Because the human race will go extinct if you don't
i wasnt really thinking someone would simply say "i want to touch your body" but more like asking if they want to kiss after showing signs that would be more than platonic like physical closeness. if they are willing to makeout with u id imagine that having sex isnt too far fetched. I agree with the arm thing though and think that is a pretty good way to go about things, it just may not escalate to where u want it to opposed to vocally communicating in a mannered way.
I just don't get it how we (generalizing) can acknowledge that women being sluts is harmful to themselves and society while simultaneously feeling dejected that we can't be sluts ourselves. I'm open to the idea that I'm missing the big picture here, but it really feels like a lack of logical consistency or some kind of cognitive dissonance to me.
I said they don't want to ->feel<- like sluts, and that includes the majority of women who are total sluts. From their perspective they just invite guys over or go visit them, and things just happen, while the guys consciously have to take care of the escalation.
>women being sluts is harmful to themselves and society
I frankly don't care. I'm a hardcore liberal. You want to be a slut, then go be a slut. But also don't get pissy when some guys don't want to date you because of it, as that's fully within their right.
Agreed, actually. I'm think people should do what they want. I see these individual/societal harms as something to mitigate rather than something to prevent altogether. I just think if the goal is individual happiness we ought to prioritize and encourage the things that actually produce it.
it causes societal and individual harm because of who they are "being sluts" with. there is no logical inconsistency.
How so? Who are they being sluts with?
Not sure what you mean. Like, fucking chad? The hypergamy thing? Women do have unreasonable expectations a lot of the time and society does prop them up for it. But what can we do other than play the hand we're dealt? Society changes over long periods of time. By the time we realize revolution is needed, it's generations away. At least it produces a constant pressure for men to improve themselves, it can be a blessing if we dial down the indignance.
Females are only sluts with chad and refuse to lower their standards and spread sexual liberation to undesirable men too. Females' pickiness causes major inequality and male rage
Why can't you stop being an entitled cunt and just ask for it like a normal fucking human being?
Why not rise to those standards and then hold women to the same standards?
its simple really
if you think a woman is hinting at you and you make a move two things can happen
>you win and have sex congrats
>woman accuses you of never being a real friend and calls you a rapist
the bottom scenario is 10 times worse than top scenario is good
If you reward men for being babies, they would become as useless as women. Only women are allowed to maintain childlike qualities into late adulthood and be rewarded for it
Lmao foids are pathetic
>sex sex sex muh SEX
how about you play a video game co op with me like squad
Raising the price on a product that isn't selling well will not drive the sales up. And for the products that are already selling well, raising the price will only lead to the selling of a smaller number of units, which in this case is undesirable, because the number of units sold is the thing you want to maximize, so making it as cheap as possible is the optimal thing to do.
Because thats fucking stupid and still just equates to pandering to womens bullshit standards. No, females just need to get over themselves and settle for less.
>women not doing anything for themselves
As always, they expect men to do everything then complain. No wonder they were considered objects
I think viewing sex as a product is kind of twisted. It's something to be enjoyed between lovers. I don't want to rationalize the magic out of life by viewing things like this.
Sex is nothing but a drug for most people. It should be enjoyed with someone you love but love is kinda dead so the drug is all that's left.
i would understand if there was some form of reward for working and sucking it up. where's my house? fuck, where's my semi-affordable studio apartment? where's my friend group? where's a person i can love? meanwhile, women get rewarded for the bare minimum everywhere, and their careers are not life or death. most women see careers as something to support themselves with UNTIL a man comes along. and they thrive socially. men have to work or they will die homeless. being the average man right now is worse than living in hell
Love is not dead brother it's the spirit that's dead but it can be healed
It's just an economic model. And it's effective, because it accurately describes transactions between people, and allows us to make accurate predictions. And a model is not the same as the phenomena it describes, in the same way the word "rock" is not the same as an actual rock.
No it can't. It's over. There is such a thing as toxic positivity, quit it.
They get catered to because too many guys are desperate and don't care about anything except an ego boost from getting sex.
I know having standards as a guy makes things ultra nightmare difficulty unless you are hot. But I don't think it's worth getting with a selfish partner.
I understand the model, I just don't think adopting it is going to lead to happiness for anyone.
you love once. after your first try, you are too jaded and hurt to ever fully love another person. people don't see it that way anymore, so no one is truly in love.
This is a b8 thread, there are no 36 year old whores posting on r9k
I guess. I'd always marry a rich man. But that's going to my alters soon because they are billionaires
My girlfriend of 7 years cheated on me 2 weeks after I got off nicotine. I was jaded for a while. Been a year or two since I kicked her out. Since then I've just been reading a lot, seeing my friends a lot, and trying to improve myself. I have a better outlook now. That specific type of clueless, innocent love will never be possible again, but that doesn't mean it's over. What choice do I have other than to look toward better days or just lay down and die?
im sorry but you are too old to be considered by a rich man
same sorta spot where i got my heart broken a year or so ago and have forced myself to improve my situation. but still as you said, that innocent love will never happen again. i will never tell a woman that i love her more than my mother or that she's my number one priority in life ever again. at best you will find an interesting person that you can half-way tolerate. love happens once and never happens again. keep going because life gets better in other ways, but dating won't change.
Idk man. I think true love is possible. Mature, well-adjusted, realistic love seems closer to true love than the ignorant love we obsess over. I'm currently trying to woo a girl who has a ton of common interests and a really fun-loving, open personality. I have hope. Fingers crossed. But yeah, I'll never worship a woman again. I respect myself now.
you can for sure find mature love afterwards, but idk. the idea of not being good enough to ever have been the one being desired or valued or chased after will hurt forever. anyone you share "mature love" with will have experienced it, and likely doesn't feel it towards you. it's just another calculated obligation and decision in adult life. i hope i am wrong
yeah... I struggle with that notion too. I also hope we're wrong. I think the only thing we can do is improve our capacity to love, and I think the way to do that is through the love of friendship and fascination with individual differences. No love is ever going to be perfect, that's why it failed the first time around right? I think there is a distinct possibility that what we both experienced before was superficial and not actually our one shot at true love.
i think heartbreak leads to a split in the road. you can either go harder because you feel the potential is worth the risk, or you shut down completely and never love again. i think you're more the former, while i'm the latter. i don't feel like improving anyone else's life ever again because why do they deserve it? and if they do, why choose me? you're right in that most love is flawed though, so i guess time will tell. sounds like you have a good thing going, so good luck anon
I have legitimately not slept with girls at their house because they gave me a psycho vibe.
I think he was just feeling a bit shy. Did you make him feel comfortable and stuff? Did you ask to see his dick in a curious manner?
You described it well
This is why relationships enrage me
One and done. Thats it. I've loved once and its gone forever, I can never feel the same.
Gotta go back to arranged marriages so people aren't picking out/competing and just grow to love each other, for better and worse, like marriage was supposed to be
Either he thinks your disgusting or gay but you're both
Let me guess, you guys never even held hands before. Try that first, maybe some light petting too and later a kiss. Not every guy is as sexually experienced as you are and can skip all the normal healthy steps in a relationship, going straight to sex. Go slow you whore.
People think I'm 20. I wonder if my alters got plastic surgery but I doubt it. After I fuse with them both permanently, we are marrying this millionaire who is much less wealthy than us. But he is a genius and a multiple like we are. We will combine our wealth and from that point move forward with other plans. He's like 21 now I think. He looks & acts 16 or younger like me as well
How about just make it really obvious or state it plainly instead of maintaining plausible deniability. How the fuck is anyone supposed to know. Just initiate retard. Men have vastly lower standards assuming you're an actual hole and not a troon, so rejection probably isn't as likely either.
They get catered to because women know they are more attractive then men and don't have to touch a man or initiate to get fucked. We just look pretty and then let the men do all the work. Don't like it? Trooning out
Nah, alternative strategy. Find a woman who isn't a selfish trash human.
*Troon out

My phone auto corrects to trooning. Weird. If you don't like having to make the moves, become a woman. That's pretty simple. Too bad you will need tons of surgery because you didn't take puberty blockers at the right time though
All women want a real man. You could try looking like a little boy and finding a shotacon. She will do all the work and make you feel attractive. But that won't last because you will get too old for her to want anymore. Those are your only options. Grow up and become a man, or use what little beauty you have left to try to attract a pedo woman who won't stick around
this is 2024 sorry, women have to make the first move because if the girl actually doesn't want to fuck well this will destroy their friendship and she'll probably post on social media how he tried to rape her
Because the overwhelming bulk of those standards are literally congenital traits you cannot work on or change.
If by a real man you mean someone who is sex obsessed to the point he lets women walk all over him just to get pussy, lol. I guess you are digging your own grave.

How come it's possible to train men not to rape and be violent and civilized, but we can't train women not to be cowardly and selfish?
It's just an excuse to hold onto all the privileges of past societal standards while also getting new privileges from the new standards.
A real man is one who initiates first. Not one like OP is talking about. Who you spend months with and he still won't touch you because he doesn't know how

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