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Can /r9k/ accurately describe a chair?
Any object that can provide a place to sit that isn't meant for anything else.
Are stools chairs?
So I can't put things on a chair?
You can, but that's not it's primary use
So a couch, a bench, and a beanbag are chairs? No
A chair is an object shaped with a number (could be one) of legs supporting a flat surface, potentially with a cushion, and a backrest
s h itting device
Okay go fuck yourself retard
Okay so what does a chair become when you put things on it? What does an object, like a chest, or something else you can sit on, become when it's main purpose happens to become a place to sit?
Too broad. If you're Indian enough, that definition can apply to anything
That definition still includes couches and benches though
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>Okay go fuck yourself retard
>What does an object, like a chest, or something else you can sit on, become when it's main purpose happens to become a place to sit
But it can't. You can use a chest for sitting but the chests purpose was to store things in it, which is why it's a chest and was designed that way.
>Okay so what does a chair become when you put things on it?
>What does an object, like a chest, or something else you can sit on, become when it's main purpose happens to become a place to sit?
An ottoman. Are you really that uncultured?
This thread is probably made by feds to collect data on us and drive us into schizophrenia. I hope you jump off a bridge glownigger.
okay, the lock on the chest is broken and there's nothing inside. the theoretical family uses it in the mudroom, solely for sitting and changing their shoes
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Legless Chair
I'll have to add: that is made to support a singular person.
Though that would be a fine addition to>>78289523, it would be an object which presents a place to sit in for a single person
>An ottoman. Are you really that uncultured?
But you don't sit on an ottoman do you? That would make it a chair, and not an ottoman.
Nta but it's still a chest, things don't change what they are just cos you use them differently.
Now if you used to wood and metals from that chest to make a chair, that would be different.
Is it really a chair at that point? Doesn't seem like one to me.
A chair is whatever people call and recognize as a chair
That's not a chair, a chair elevates you so your legs form approximately a 90 degree angle. That is a Japanese tradition which is unrelated to chairs in general
Okay the chest is locked and never opened, and is directly against a wall for back support and has a pad on it to sit on.
>But you don't sit on an ottoman do you?
I'm not supposed to sit on my ottoman? Since the fuck when?
Until it has arms and legs, its a god-forsaken ottoman.
All of those things are chairs, yes
so all chairs must have legs and arms? I don't think that's true.
dunno, but if it's a good place to sit it's a chair
If someone asks you to get them a chair and you brought them a full couch or bench you would look like a retard
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Check it out, I just bought these chairs.
A chair is any object that is specifically designed or intended for a person to sit on.
nta but why would I bring them a full couch if they asked for a chair and not just a dining chair? I would bring them the smaller option of course, unless they wanted to help me move the bigger chairs like a couch or a bench.
No but I refuse to consider a chest a chair until it has either. Its an ottoman until then >:O
well yeah you brought a single person a chair for multiple people of course that would be dumb
These are indeed chairs. They are piece of shit chairs no one would ever want to use as chairs, but categorically chairs nonetheless. In the same way that Farrah Abraham's "music" does technically count as music, but
Stools are a subset of chairs, as are benches, Muslim prayer rugs, and Japanese zabuton cushions.
yeah but you already made it become an ottoman instead of a chest, but it's a chest, but it's a chair. what seems to be the problem?
I would probably say that a chair is something that's designed for a single person to sit on, and that's also designed primarily for convenience, and possibly secondarily for comfort.
yeah but some chairs that are big enough for two peoply can only seat one so
I don't understand what you're saying. Could you perhaps rephrase it?
Chairs refer to options for a single person. Nobody sane calls anything that seats multiple people a chair, that's why there's other names like couch or bench or booths. Even a beanbag is called a beanbag chair since it seats one
My encyclopaedic knowledge of furniture :c
>I don't understand what you're saying. Could you perhaps rephrase it?
A chair that is suitable for one may be also be suitable for several smaller people. Would it stop being a chair if the smaller people sat on it?
Benches are basically just big chairs bud
A chair is an elevated single-occupant seat with a back. Contrast with a stool which is an elevated seat with no back. Contrast with a zabuton which is a seat on the floor with no back. Contrast with a bench which is an elevated multiple occupant seat with or without a back.
it should say in your encyclopedia that if an individual sits on something it becomes a chair
this rock on the trail is my chair
>A chair that is suitable for one may be also be suitable for several smaller people. Would it stop being a chair if the smaller people sat on it?
No, because it wasn't designed with that as it's purpose. In the same way that you can use a hammer as a bookmark, and it wouldn't stop it from being a hammer.
But that hammer became the best bookmark there could possibly be.
You can use it as a bookmark, but it's still a hammer, because it was designed for the purpose of driving nails into things by hitting them and doing so effectively and efficiently.
Alright but where the fuck did you put my bookmark? I've had it for ten years.
No then it would become a seat. Duyyy
It's my bookmark now >:)
Son of a bitch - give me back my h-... bookmark!
No I would be having a seat, but it is definitely a chair
No its a rock you're using to sit down, therefore it's a rock you're using as a stand in for a chair, and a seat
tried but any description i came up with had exceptions. its like featherless biped.
a chair is a chair
you can tell by the way it is
>therefore it's a rock you're using as a stand in for a chair
so it's a chair lol
A chair is the thing-in-itself
Do chairs exist?
a piece of furniture intended for a single person to sit on, with a place intended for them to lean their back against. If the backrest is absent, it is a stool.
a beanbag(also known as a beanbag chair) is a chair, yes.
A couch and a bench are not chairs as they are designed for more than one person. A chair is intended for one person to sit on.
Good answer.
All of those things are types of chairs in my book.
An official position of authority, usually in an academic or religious setting.

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