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Why does jerking of to 2d art and 3D/SFM not make me feel nearly as bad as when I jerk it to irl porn?
U feel u dont deserve real women because internalized self hatred.
because brain recognize fake pussy images as fake. brain do not understand real pussy in magic screen, think pussy is at hands reach, brain sad because another unga mating with pussy instead of you
can i have the name, and idk just jerk it who cares you are already fucking your hand how worse can you feel
Because you know that you're supporting nips/western shut-ins instead of jews.
IRL porn involved real people, 2D porn does not.
When you say bad what do you mean? Like regret? Disgust?
because with 2d you are contemplating the ideal form of sexual attraction extracted from reality which is by definition incomplete and unsatisfactory + 3d women naturally reflects all your bad experiences with humanity back at you like a mirror
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More tired, like having a light hangover
With 2d this doesn't happen at all, I just crank it out and I'm ready to take on the rest of the day after cleaning up
2D is closer to the platonic world of forms
You talk to much women anon? Ever lay with one? If not then maybe its a sign of an unmet need
jerking it to drawings is not as immoral. it's like a loophole.
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Outside of work and family not really, and I'm a virgin.. Obviously, I'm posting here about porn.

I don't really have that much interest in people IRL, feels impossible to even meet someone I'd even WANT to talk to.
It adds a extra level of escapism and disconnect from real women and yet still fulfills your needs in the intended way. It's no surprise rendered porn is becoming more and more popular. Once AI gets a lot better it will probably be the mainstay of the industry and 3dpd will plummet in revenue.
every real person who does porn represents a person who is dead to their own humanity. it's terribly sad.
Real life porn feels "evil" to me, if that makes sense. Like Satan is on my side spurring me on.
Real life porn is vile and made by vile people
>woman does solo/with husband porn because it's fun to her and she gets extra money
>uses that money for good causes/helping to raise her children
Many things can be abused, it doesn't automatically make them bad.
Because looking at dicks is gay. I recommend joi or solo
theres a lot of emotional baggage with irl porn even if theyre actors theyres still real people doing that stuff. still it sucks you have to feel guilty for meeting your basic needs
Just shut up, jew.

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