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Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?

Turned out as nightmarish as you might imagine.
I drink malt liquor from my little bag on the sidewalk. After I'm drunk enough, I create social interaction.
Always go in a group, its already difficult enough for a huge extrovert never mind a
R9K goer
its not as bad once you and people you are talking to is drunk enough
>Ever tried to go out to a bar solo
>and interact with randoms?
no that would be too awkward, even for someone as socially clueless as me
Everyone is in groups. Ever sit down at a table and then a stranger approaches? Even in coffee shops it was hard to approach women. Maybe if the bar had the superbowl on or like GoT then you can attempt to start a conversation
even normalfags don't do that and only go out with friends. you did something even they fear
I go to bars solo almost every weekend. I usually just enjoy the vibe even if no one talks to me.
I dont like to drink in public at all. It just leads to trouble.
>Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?

LOL never go to normie social places alone
How do you do it?
What kinda bar?
How long do you stay?
I went to a metal club to solo interact with randoms. The first 2 times it was really awkward and I only talked with people on my way back.
The 3rd time I just came early, talked to some guy in line, bought a drink, talked to the same guy near the bar and got hit on by some cougar.

I don't know it's just opportunity RNG.
>ever tried to mingle with wrongdoers?
Yeah. It sucks.
Pretty much this, things have to randomly go right if youre on your own. Having a group though gives you a safety net
I feel like being in a group is only useful if the people in the group are more extroverted or have more social connections than you. Going in a group of introverts who also don't know anyone just makes it so you stick together and don't interact with anyone else.
At least alone you can focus on looking for opportunities.

Unless your group is just having a blast, because then at least you had fun together, so who cares.
Isn't it normal for Americans to talk to strangers?
I just look for sports bars that have a bit of an older crowd. 25-40ish. I walk in and take a seat and either watch sportsball or be on my phone. Usually I'm not the only loner there. Most times I stay until about 12:30-1:00am.
i decided to go to bars to get wasted once upon a time and during my stupor i interacted with randoms but it was kinda clear they didn't really want to tho despite me being pushy.
its one of the worst feelings i've ever had knowing i made people uncomfortable.
I've done it a lot, very hit or miss.
I used to do that when I worked, but as a NEET I don't see a point in going to the bar. I don't need a third 'relaxing' space. It is kind of fun I admit. Never talked to anyone.
Yeah I get it. It's not for everyone. I just got tired of drinking alone in my apartment. Even though most times I end drinking alone at the bar, it just doesn't feel as isolating. The only times I don't like it is when a bar is so packed there's no room.
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Did it a few times. It's more depressing than just drinking alone at home.

This. The few times i did manage to strike up a conversation the alcohol just worsened my already shit social skills to the point that it made people clearly uncomfortable.

What always irked me about the "just put yourself out there bro" shit. 95% of what normalfags go out and do hinges on weather or not they have people to go with.

Probably about the same as it is everywhere else. We don't run around chestbumping eachother on sight, but i can't imagine you guys just never make small talk with strangers.
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Uh.. no? Drinking is bad for your health, I don't drink.
I once went to a bar to see one of my only friends play some music as he is a musian. While I was there a woman approached me and asked me repeatedly if I was OK. I asked her why she was asking me this questions and she eventually said I looked miserable and thought I was going to get drunk and kill myself or something.
>Ever tried to go out to a bar solo and interact with randoms?
Once. Someone reccomended a bar and I went one night after working for weeks. It turned out to be a gay bar. Well at least for that night. Saw a homeless guy who was a regular where I worked. He was deaf and asked for a drink. Then I started talking to some thick Latina. Maybe bbw I guess. She ended up giving me head in her truck while the homeless guy was in my car and stealing things out of my glove box. Then when I asked to let me run to the store to grab a condom she told me no. Either we do it now or never. So I cummed inside of her pussy.

Never saw her again after that..
Nigger what group lol
Yeah. It was shitty the first few times, but I'm getting better about it. Literally just start talking about anything that isn't weird.
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I'm 26 and I've never been to a bar or club
Its like degenerates and cost money
Why the fuck would you repost this? I saw this on /b/ first/.
God no. That sounds horrible. I've never stepped foot alone in a bar unless I was picking up some food to go. My brother on the other hand goes to a bar by himself all the time. Ended up becoming friends with the head chef and now has a special sandwich named after him there.
Back from earlier in the thread. I'm at a bar right now ha
I tried going to nightclubs alone it sucked

Being social only got enjoyable for me after I got my first serious gf
Mostly miss. The types of people who to to bars alone that are open to striking up conversations with other randos are rarely the people you want to talk to. Some people (myself included), will go to bars alone to read or work on shit (I'm sober now, so not anymore), but generally don't want to talk to other people. I used to drink a lot, and I mean a lot, and yet, I've had very few random interactions with chatty outgoing patrons that haven't been an absolute chore.
i go if there's a band or event i want to see or something. i think it'd be a miserable experience if i was doing it to try and socialize with strangers. i just focus on enjoying myself solo and people dont talk to me very often.
post pics anon-sama
>Ever tried to go out to a bar
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Here's a pic for you
youre just bad at communicating yourself to people
i always wanted to go to a bar at happy hour and talk to people
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>that purse and phone in the background
Congrats mate. Still can't figure out why normalfags come on this board desu.
you have to be really drunk to do that
interact with? absolutely not. I enjoy just being round people sometimes, though, even though I hate trying to directly interact with them. I like to sit at the local bar and soak in the atmosphere for a few drinks before walking home with a nice buzz.
Trust me. I went to this bar in particular many times before anybody talked to me. If it's any consolation I'm still a virgin but I'm stealthing among normal people now. It took a long time. And I feel I feel good for it.

I've made great friends going solo, getting high was the key for me, hell, although social interaction still scares me a bit I gotta admit it also has it's benefits
Hey, baby steps. Fake it till you make it. Pretty soon, you'll be it before you even know it.
What did you say to her?
I started doing it last year during summer when i was on vacation and wasn't drained from work
I went to smaller bars out if town first just so that if i fuck up and act like a total sperg no one would recognise me once i try that shit in my hometown
It was weird everyone was going around in groups and also everyone stayed in their groups no one branched out to ralk to someone else
The bar lady asked me if I was alright and i just said yes
It was loud and they had trouble understanding me
*m thinking of going again this Summer when my family is out of the house for 2 weeks and this time im going a bit later and stay for atleast way past midnight when the people are properly drunk and ready to talk to strangers
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Ive gone to the bar with people I know and hated it
but I always make things better because I am cool and smart
so how am i supposed to even meet people to go out somewhere when i dont have friends to begin withj?
Not to a bar, no.
Soloing bars is a blast if the stars align with my energy. I was in another state for a wedding a few months back, jetlagged to hell and couldn't sleep at midnight. Hotel was in a quiet neighborhood, across from the PD, wasn't worried about getting mugged or anything, so I walked next door to the only open bar. Place was New Orleans themed, had good mac and cheese, I had a little cup and a sazerac and just people watched until I was finally tired. First time I've felt like an adult where I wasn't getting fucked by bills or taxes.

Second case wasn't solo, but I visited my hometown a while back, spent some time with a buddy in a bar my parents used to frequent back in the day. Go to the right kind of dive, easy as shit to be social. I ran into a girl I had a crush on in middle school, she looked almost the same, according to my buddy I probably could have gone home with her if I wanted. I'm only that social party guy with that specific friend but it's not a crazy reach in that place. The time I visited before I was in cargo shorts, a freddy freaker t shirt, and a dad cap that said "pure of heart, dumb of ass" and a girl still tried to get me to leave with her.

Only skill I can recommend is learn how to elevator pitch your interests. If you can sell what you like inside a minute, you're interesting enough to humor. Just connect and enjoy.
This is retarded, museums rip, it irks me I can't just go to them anymore now that I have a girl who doesn't give a shit about dinosaurs or mesoamerican civilizations. Love her but man, we went to the Smithsonian and it was a crime how we had to rip through the natural History museum. They have so may cool ass rocks there and all she wanted was a picture with the lame ass diamond. You go to museums cause it's cool, you go outside because the air is fresh and the grass feels good under your feet, you get a drink because it tastes good. Enjoy the life you have, you might as well. All the other shit comes if it comes, that doesn't mean you have to be a pathetic sack of shit because you're missing one thing.

I'm getting married, I don't even know enough guys to have a full set of groomsmen. That shit only happened because I know how to enjoy other things and occasionally go outdoors. You don't have to slay poon every time you walk out the door for it to have value.
>What always irked me about the "just put yourself out there bro" shit. 95% of what normalfags go out and do hinges on weather or not they have people to go with.
Pisses me off every time. I hate normiecunts so much
you will eventually meet some tards if you're gonna be drunk and obnoxious enough

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