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I just got back from SEA and holy shit... the spammers here were right

heaven on earth. I was approached, I was matched in the hundreds, I lost my virginity, I went out with more than 30 different girls, all while avoiding hookers

No girl has pressured me into a relationship or even hinted at being a gold-digger. They just wanted to fuck a foreign dude.

I am appalled. Something is wrong with western "women", their hormones specifically. Girls in SEA just wanna fuck like normal human beings and they're not chadonly

Yes. Absolutely. You can cry, scream, or you can go to SEA and experience it for yourself. Holy shit I just wanna go back. Those $3,000 saved since last year were worth it. It was Thailand and no I don't even speak their language and they don't seem me to want to. I suppose they actively look for young foreign men which is rare cuz most foreign dudes are bald beer-belly 50-year-old divorced sexpats so a young dude is a commodity there

I feel like a Chad now and I'm sorry I don't belong here anymore faggots. All I'm saying is, you can do the same.
OP what if I'm not into having sex with girls from another race except literal model-looking edge cases that are not going to like a guy who looks like a buff goblin who is not much taller than the local men and bald.
Are you the same guy who keeps making these threads?
>not into having sex with girls from another race
you've been brainwashed by /pol/. it's a natural male instinct to go out and spread his seed worldwide with as many exotic women as possible. genghis khan wasn't thinking about ethnicity when conquering millions of tribes. and racemixing wasn't a thing for reasons of logistics and logistics only. plane traveling has only been available since the 70s and even then it was expensive and inaccessible. nowadays you can learn pretty much about a country before going there, save up money and have a 2-week dream trip impregnating tight asian pussy.

hell you can even test the waters by using travel mode or a vpn on dating apps.
thats my life story except with japan and not sea
cool story, i still wouldn't fuck a nonwhite.
>Girls in SEA just wanna fuck like normal human beings and they're not chadonly
wow, women in a pre-feminism state. well, sort of, they are still whores, but better than over here at least
I was in japan 5 years ago with a friend and I didn't really interact with any women. What did you do there?
>What did you do there?
OP I felt like this before 4chan existed though.
Thanks very helpful, I mean where did you go to socialize, or did you just use apps?

Or are you Shinzo Abe's ghost trying to scam me into raising japans birth rate?
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yeah dude you're totally epic like genghis khan and not a pathetic loser that can't get laid in your own country with your own women
just dont be an ugly austist and put in some actual effort in pounding some japanese cheeks
and i really wouldnt recommend impregnating anyone
>Tr/a/nny post
into the trash it goes
its probably by one guy that never actually leaves his mommy's house. his posts are always obviously made up
normies literally joke about losers like the OP. can't get laid in your own country so you have to passportbro with your tail between your legs. kek i'd rather stay incel than resort to that shit
remember kids, white man fuck nonwhite girl - good
nonwhite (especially dark) man fuck white girl - bad
I wish I was white so I could fuck jap women, I fucking hate this shit
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I've always preferred how Asian girls look but I'm far too shy to travel to a different country and there are no Asian girls really around me.
White dudes who travel to japan can't fuck japanese chicks, they only get prostitutes or filipinos
youd have better chances with japs as a korean man. whites are rapidly becoming undesirable in nipland
true story
I wish I was white so I could date any asia/SEA girl

>thanks god for making me a black manlet
this is r9k not r/asianmasculinity
I actually can't stand these retards. They will live in the West and mate guard women from the other side of the world. It is just a bitch ass move.
Japanese in Japan never gave a shit that I fucked Japanese girls, while gook leeches who ran to the West act as if I raped their sister.
So should I try to go to India for a year and fuck as many Desi chicks as humanly possible? I like miscegenation c:
My life story, but with Korea instead of SEA.
I'm a white dude who learned japanese. It doesn't seem like JBW works that well in japan nowadays. If you know japanese you'd probably get something, but ehh

Also most of them want to get married they don't want casual sex or a casual relationship
>Japanese in Japan never gave a shit
Japanese don't confront people IRL, they mostly just talk shit online.
nah tons of redditors who dont know japanese go there and have casual sex
but casual sex is not really any harder in the west people are just more confident there
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I can't be the only person who finds SEAmaxing utterly grim even despite being white. You're getting a temporary ticket to see what attractive guys get in your home country, but it's all ultimately fake. Like a drug trip of sorts.
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>but it's all ultimately fake
Really? Because I see plenty of guys live in the Philippines now with their wives of multiple years. When does it become fake?
>I'm a white dude who learned japanese.
>just trust me bro
in a lot of cases they only want the money or visa
Every woman from the Asian continent is the property of white men.
From watching a lot of amateur porn it seems like jap women are definitely the worst in bed
They just sit there and do nothing but make annoying squealing noises
Id rather go to china or SEA if I just wanna get laid. dunno about korean chicks
In a lot of cases, women in the West only want money.
Hey man, if she's happy and I get to gape her every day after I get home, does it really matter if she's in it for the cash or the visa or whatever?
kek, who cropped my qt out of the pic. She's the best part.
>/r9k/ after their 4th year of marriage to their pinay wife
pure cope
just fuck older women bros its the solution
This guy she is married to is black btw. That matters because blacks in America have the worst divorce rates across the board no matter who they are married to.
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>mfw my dream around age 20 was to study abroad in japan
>and meet a qt tomboy and win her heart
>and kiss her in a romantic moonlit/ocean scene
>i even made plans to study abroad in japan
>got ruined by corona 11 days before the flight
>completely lost interest in jap chicks now
Hey man, it's either getting stabbed or divorce raped. For me, getting stabbed just costs a lot less than getting a lawyer
/r9k/ is full of spiritual niggers who can't get through college, do drugs, and struggle to find housing though
Imagine not growing old in a Japanese mountain village with your waifu.

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idk, i'm to deep into the blackpill shit at this point. If i went to a foreign country and women suddenly started throwing themselves at me i'd just feel repulsed. The illusion is dead for me.
the vast majority of 4channers cant learn japanese
a lot of them cant even leave the house
I did learn japanese. I even found a japanese e-girl to date me over discord. She was crazy. Most japanese girls willing to date foreigners are crazy in some way
i bet you cant even pass the n1
Idgaf about the jlpt. I had hours long discord conversations with a native in pure japanese. if that's not fluency idk what to say
I'm retired so I get to do drugs, all the other bullshit is below me though. But I am about about to go to college in the next couple years off your taxbux >:D
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>decided to pick up foreign language
>picked russian of all fucking things
>while weebs are off banging their jap harem, best i can manage is going to some depressed post-soviet state and getting accosted by local unemployed youths
I'm don't live in the US, but sure. Have fun in uni
I've learning Japanese for 3 months now. It is overwhelming but I watch this Japanese girl streamer and it helps because she speaks in both English and Japanese.
Nice, sounds like we're both big wi(e)nners. Fuck the US on God bro. How good is life wherever you are?
based, fuck white women roasties
don't tell me you are retarded enough to bring a girl from SEA and marry.

what's so hard about the idea of going out and fucking multiple different girls for fun for years? why do you need "marriage"? you're pathetic.
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>>while weebs are off banging their jap harem, best i can manage is going to some depressed post-soviet state and getting accosted by local unemployed youths
Saltem secunda lingua tua hominibus viventibus adhibetur
Not great, it's Canada lol

I got a teaching degree, and I'm working as a substitute for a few years so I can save up and try to get a job at a school in SEA
The good thing is that uni is super cheap here and I don't have any debt
So wait, you're trying to move out there? Honestly sounds like a move. Everything (especially housing) is super cheap over there, right? Ughgh I'm already jealous of you anon, I'm proud of you
the only matches I got in Tokyo were from other tourists, asian women fucking HATE me

>6'1, lean, brown hair/eyes, clean shaven
>Something is wrong with western "women", their hormones specifically. Girls in SEA just wanna fuck like normal human beings and they're not chadonly

You're an idiot kek. YOU ARE THE CHAD in southeast asia. They're still beckies thirsting after Chad, just under a different setup.

ALL women are the fucking SAME. EVERYWHERE. Idiot.
These idiots go to SEA and end up being taller than 90% of the men, wealthier than 90% of the men, higher status than 90% of the men
>bro something is wrong with women in the West. SEA women are complettely different
I babyfacemaxxed and went to Japan
I'm 25 and people ask me if I'm a minor.

It's weird because Japanese women loved it. I wasn't expecting that. They're kind of messed up but I loved living this dream in Japan and can't wait to go back.

I just find it interesting how they're into androgynous men, and not into rugged chiseled jawline chads.

I am a chinlet who gets NOTHING in the West or South America. But in Asia I was getting flooded with attention.

I'm skinnyfat, have a skinnyfat belly but very little fat elsewhere, and have no muscles at all. People call me skinny.
Would date a 40 year old jap woman. I don't even care, they are hot. I'm 19 years old btw.
If I had to put money I'd bet you'd do great with jap mommies. I don't know the fucked up reason why this is the case but I love it.
it was great for me too, finally got a wife a few years ago

no low IQ screeching niggers women, no dumb white cunts, no feminism
That's the case with all Asian women except the Filipinos.
I'm not white so I don't get to experience this, but I'm happy for you lol.
Did you not look around at other japanese dudes & how they're dressing?
They basically look like faggots compared to western guys. they're very effeminate
you just know she has a high af body count
I cut her some slack cuz she was probably tricked by feminism into working to death and not having kids. now her looks are fading but she got really lucky, usually women like that have their looks fade by 24.

their mommy fetish is probably them wanting to take care of someone
to add to my theory, I can confirm she would act a lot like a mother sometimes, she wanted me to lean on her lap and would caress my hair and face

we keep in contact sometimes but not deeply cuz I can't touch a screen and esex is boring after a few times
did you ask her about her body count or previous relationships?

also what the fuck is wrong with you posting some womans face on 4chan

are you literally soulless?
>previous relationships?
she's been in 3 relationships that I know of but I would never have the balls to ask her about body count. I'd assume it's less then 10 but you never know.

>are you literally soulless?
Lmao you could probably work at a host club if you have that sorta look, and get paid to flirt with Japanese women.
please kys
imagine how bad it would feel for her knowing that you just violate her trust like that all the time
>Femoid "backpacks" around Europe and gets railed by hundreds of strange men in hostels
Wow she's discovering herself wow you go girl.

>Man has sex with a foreign woman

It's funny how white women turn into race realists with opinions so extreme that Hitler would blush as soon as dudes start fucking foreign women.
>>Femoid "backpacks" around Europe and gets railed by hundreds of strange men in hostels
>Wow she's discovering herself wow you go girl.
nobody says this
everybody knows
Bro, chill. No one cares for the privacy of the asian sluts here.
well then you should all kys
Taking a 9 inch dick from a Danish guy in a Czech hostel is "discovering" yourself thoughever.
sounds like youre interested
How long did you stay and how much money did you spend? I'm planning to take this trip but it would feel too trashy for me to just go there to bang hookers. I want to get a nice apartment to stay in with a pool and a gym, and I want to actually travel around and check out some nice/different places. At the same time I would intend to bang a few hookers as an insurance policy to be 100% sure I still have a good time even if nothing else goes particularly right.

Ideally I'd like to stay at a nice place for 2 months, hang out at the beach, see some monasteries and shit and fuck at least ~10 times. How much will this set me back
I have cervix bumped enough foreign students and backpackers to know exactly how it is.
everyone knows how it is bro
every single person with a brain knows women who travel alone or in groups of women only are huge sluts who are not wife material
100% this, the funniest thing is the dudes almost always record it and post online
did she let you suckle her booba
nta but my much older wife lets me call her mom and do whatever i want
shes older than her and im younger than him
imagine living in Tokyo, 20 years old, still wet behind the ears with your milky middle aged Jap business mommy coming home in her business outfits.
she would come home at like 8 or 9 and have one day off a week at most
yes very much so. small boobies but delicious either way. Surprised that her 45y old skin is still smooth.
Loser Back Home is what they call us because we are undeniably a winner in Thailand and Vietnam.
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just get an older woman in your own country its easy and cheap
I used a lot of meetup.com events in Tokyo to socialize
I also found English language comedy shows.
Women everywhere are in it for the money
#1 reason for a man to divorce a woman is she cheated, Infidelity
The #1 reason for a woman to divorce a man is he lost his job, Unemployment
heaven on earth. wow damn
ew white women are not it.
Yeah, I was under the impression that Japanese people don't fuck, they just work 60+ hrs a week, eat sushi alone while on their phone, and commit suicide for fun.
bro trolled himself into NPD... many such cases
the blackpill is a fake deathcult.
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Didn't exactly trip and fall into blackpill stuff randomly one day, wandered in and noticed it matched shit i already observed in life. Was already a fuck-up well before i started into doomposting.
>normies are making fun of yooouuuu!
Wow that changes everything. Pussy
>Girls in SEA just wanna fuck like normal human beings and they're not chadonly
says the white chad. im sure the average hard working sea man is getting tossed around by women also, right? don't act like they're women just because you're being favored now.
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go to asia and setup an onlyfans. heaven on earth desu
>says the white chad
nah i was an incel in the west and even south america
this guy knows how to live.
((feminism)) caused those problems here. Thats why femoids are so entitled here. In som SEA countries they are still very religious and traditional and thats obviously a good thing.
Also I just wanna say: TOLD YOU SO. Go out to SEA countries and bring back a nice SEA-monkey girl
I just think them growing up poor makes them more humble. Western women are spoiled brats.
are those real divorces or are they paper "divorces" to get on welfare? The US system really doesn't incentivize being legally married when money is tight.
cope loser passportcel, western women will never be attracted to you
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>western women will never be attracted to you
ohh nooo how can I ever recover from that? now I only have tight asian pussy from asia! what a horrifying state of affairs!
is it no odd that the fattest most anti-feminine demographic in the world acts as if they are the number 1 prize?
This thread is fake besides some Japan weebs. This type of thread is often shilled. They don't even give any specifics, or even a country in the OP.

Dating apps are for losers and actually a quite a bit of effort. Chad travelers do things differently and fuck tons of legit whores while gaining the respect of the community.

Even this delusional fuckwit is really invested in "virtual dating" hahahaha just fuck off with your backwards culture, loser. Onlyfans isn't the real thing. I am the real thing.

Nevertheless these threads have an agenda and are created by wimps. Try going to the Dominican Republic first or something.
>It was Thailand
>or even a country in the OP
>doesn't even read the thread

You are a retard lmao. Nothing you say has any relevance after that. Goodbye.
Well, I don't really listen to people who type like faggots. You'll never get the real SEA experience. You're worthless, kind of like driftwood. That's what comes to mind. I don't care to explain further, even though I could.
>No girl has pressured me into a relationship or even hinted at being a gold-digger. They just wanted to fuck a foreign dude.
I hope you understand these girls literally just troll the streets for foreign men until one eventually marries her. They understand being too forward about it scares the bros so she subtly fucks like 100 foreigners per year until one of them wants to settle down for her. These girls aren't retarded, they know what they're doing, and you are the prey.
>you are the prey.
sign me up faggot
These threads and the "move to Japan!" threads are such pathetic fake bullshit. You're probably legit 16 years old and have barely ever left your hometown. I had really hoped Zoomers would be less pathological liars than my generation but they seem to be even worse and even lower effort and stakes.
every time I fantasize about travelling SEA to coommax I lose interest because I just know I'd want to kms myself in the flight back
it would be futile unless I brought a wife back with me but that's ridiculous and stupid to do
so I just masturbate the idea away
SEA is not only about girls. go travel while you're young regardless of money., it'll be an experience of a lifetime.
Traveling sounds like a great way to end up roping as a socially anxious sperg
Daily reminder that the way asian women see white men is the same way white women see black men. The hoes of either race love these foreign men
Serious question, how do i emigrate to sea? Idc abot dating since i am too ugly/poor for sea girls but i just want to have a comfy life in a town like chiang rai. I was a subsitute teacher for a few weeks and now i work in banking.
lurk trv
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shit is so cash. the sex is great and the seething it causes among western bitches, especially the fat old white chicks with purple hair and ugly tats, is the cherry on top
bro if you want white women they are all yours I could not give less of a fuck
brother I hate driving to work, let alone committing and planning international travel
yes my anxiety will neuter any enjoyment from being in an unfamiliar place. like I said unless I brought one back it would be a net zero
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This is exactly how an Arabic Chad feels when he comes to Europe. White women want my dick. Even married women ask me for sex while their husbands watch.
No for real how do i emigrate there. Trv never helped
every country is different, just google how to emigrate to whatever country your heart desires. A lot of guys who go to Thailand use the retirement visa but you have to be over 50. Others get hitched with a local and get a marriage visa. Work and study visas are also a thing but I think for the former you have to be employed at a company that has operations in the country
>emigrate to whatever country your heart desires.
>do that
>just have 150k on the bank and a remote job
And since its neigh impossible to get hired by a company in sea i guess its over

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