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To femcels of the the board can you invite to your femcel discord server. I just actually curious how yall act. btw I'm a moid, so take that what you will
when do we tell him it's all a larp and/or a bunch of troons
Disgusting vile whores of Babylon
AmericanDante is my discord
board is ruined forever and ever
ok so there are actual females that go on this board, but none of them are actually "cels" in fact a lot of them are more promiscuous than the average woman and have higher body counts lol, most of them have BPD and are very hypersexual
yes because this place is normie central and zoomer girls think 4chan is chic and cool now
I mean, I see femcel as batshit insane women who will use sex as a crunch to stay with their partner. I also think that they have very low self-esteem, very, very clingy, and hate the Moids mindset. Basically an incel but they have sex.
who told you this most people still think 4chan is just /pol/. Also, the people who browse 4chan and stay aren't "normal" people
Who they having secks with????
they have low self esteem because they're fucking chads who are obviously using them for their bodies but they can't resist, then project this bitterness onto all other men, the "BPD thot who fucked all the chads in her area" to "radfem that hates all men" pipeline is very much a real thing
Damn im so glad im not a woman.

What happened to the normal ones that hid their dysfunctional minds?
>What happened to the normal ones that hid their dysfunctional minds?
well the topic of the conversation is women who go on 4chan, normal women don't even know this site exists let alone go on here, only damaged bitches go on here, this is why BPD is only in like 1% of the population yet basically every female on places like 4chan or discord seems to have it (this is also the same reason we have so many trannies too, as most trannies are also hyper online and mentally fucked up)
I don't use discord and i have two friends.
Well that makes sense, also a lot of women do have mild bpd because society isnt as healthy as people think it is. Society affects women much more than men. For better or for worse.
Can I be the third?
yeah because women are way more social creatures than men, and basically no female friendship is healthy they're constantly finding drama about each other and talking shit about each other
not even "chads" they often already have no social skills, are very jealous of friend groups, couples and etc. This cause them to latch on to anybody that gives them the smallest bit of attention so they can feel wanted. I saw this shit happen in college. This guy, who was a fat nerd mf, bag this hot girl who is awful to begin around just to be just obnoxious she will parrot everything he says, not a single thought of her own very vapid. She will scare off any women or anyone who took up a bit of his time or that just came close to him to point the members of his club, including the males told him just don't bring her to the club anymore mind you this was a Nerd club. When he broke up with his her, she just bombarded him with messages and tried to convince him with sex told him just to block her and avoid her as long as possible.
>Can I be the third
Men can block most stuff out. Women cant. Thats why you say something, she will bring it up to you 3 years later to fight over. Women also like ruin other women. Yea go sleep with all those chads.. yase kween you go girl!
I've legit seen women tell other women to start doing stuff like onlyfans, and yes the woman suggesting it didn't have one herself
I'm starting to wonder if the story this BPD girl told me about her being "ostracized from my entire friend group in high school and graduating with no friends" actually had some merit or she was just a victim of girl drama and that turned her into a broken mess that gets very sexual with any man that gave her remotely any attention (including me, although I ended things with her because I just couldn't handle the constant mood swings and being used as a therapist in exchange for sex)
>Yea go sleep with all those chads.. yase kween you go girl!

This is not exclusive to just women men do this shit just in different ways. The red pill warped people mines to think men friend groups call each out when fucked up this not the case. Men friend groups often fizzle out in a short period of time. Also, do that go kween shit but just hype each other up to make a bad decision. Men absolutely talk shit behind each other, but most men don't have more than 1 or 2 friends and often sprinkle some good qualities when they do so
We know, you all gaslight each other and sleep with the same dudes
funny how feminism has ironically just given harems to abusive misogynist men
Chads and bad boys, because its the only thing that gives them tingles
What is the red pill? Men should have standards or is that contributing to the oppression of women? Men should know their worth drizzle drizzle
Women make too much porn and then wonder why men would rather beat their meat
There are different red pills, its mostly non white men that are bitter they cant get white women
What makes you think we all have a discord? JFC, I'm glad I never went into that degeneracy bullshit.
It's an easy platform to talk on tho, regardless how else am I supposed to get into DMs with a femcel? I wanna get a gf not get scammed by achmed on telegram or something.
How do you even know its a woman
By eventually sharing what we look like to each other? The timestamp face pic is still undefeatable in terms of verification.
doing a video call works too
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Ok cool I can do that too, now I just need to find a cute femcel to message.
I can literally pay a girl to take timestamp pic for $10
Alright dude what are you gonna get out of me then? Your gonna ask for cash I'm gonna say "yeah nah", I'm gonna unadd and now your down $10

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