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I can't believe we about to have our first gilf as president.
I don't think I will make it during No Nut November bros during the debates.
imagine the smell of her steamy crotch after a long day of work
she doesnt have any kids
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thinking about the sex lives of politically powerful women gets me horny
Bruh. Just imagine she comes home after BTFOing the orange clown and releases her stress by rubbing her aromatic bits all over your face using it like a scratching post for her pussy. Wouldn't that be terribly humiliating for the used guy, haha...
this is the kind of fetish your average leftist "male" has.
Are you saying that you don't enjoy the texture and aroma of some prime pussy?
It's funny that her only appeal is that "she's a black woman". It's especially funny because we're not supposed to pay attention to race and democrats can't even define woman.
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Trump actually gained support during what was supposed to be her honeymoon phase. Kamala is deeply unpopular, and nobody likes her. All the "Kamala is winning" shilling is basically being done by people who do not like reality, so they created an alternative universe where this unlikeable cunt is popular. I don't even think the people shilling her like her that much. They just hate Trump so much they fully immerse themselves in this disinformation shill land.
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>They just hate Trump so much
Nah, they're just trolling migatard idiots and /pol/shart election tourists like you. I'm a leftist and putting camel toe on the ballot was unironically the most retarded move humanely possible. This country is utterly fugged.
>I'm a leftist
Stopped reading.
He gained support after almost getting Crooked but its gone, Kammy is polling good with indies and ex-Trump people
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>Did you cum for Mamala today?
The media focused on the one faulty Reuters poll showing she was leading she was leading. Trump leads all other polls. Funny, most other polls were also designed to favor Democrats but Trump still won.
Her big naturals are making me reconsider this whole border situation maybe we should send more money to Ukraine

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