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Girdle Ness lighthouse edition
Corr a new bread
Just took a crap did i not
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Works on my machine dee lads
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Looks like you could do with a new one lad. That thing is on life support.
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The synchronicity continues, I also have a laptop with a broken hinge, though it doesn't look as bad as that. I'm amazing that's still even working tbqh.

>tfw should be on me new laptop rn but some wagemong fucked up me order and had to send it back

It not right what happen.
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I wonder how she's getting on in south east asia with her boyfriend. You certainly wouldn't be able to go to some of these places alone as a female. I hope she doesn't get typhoid fever.
Mine isn't broken physically but it goes pink if I move the screen. It's also killed a lot of pixels doing that. Sucks for me.
>tfw your nearly 20 years old laptop struggle to plays youtube at 360p
>tfw only 2 gb ram
>Windows 11

You need to put GNU/Linux on that thing. Fuck Windows. Fuck OSX.
Why not upgrade? Seriously? You can't be that poor. You can buy a refurbished 8gb laptop for like 150 quid.
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This olympic ceremony was some very heavy-handed shit kek, not exactly subtle at all. Didn't expect them to go overboard with it like this, it shows they're emboldened and don't really care about people calling them out on it
I don't have much money and have not worked in a long time.
Tried to fix my sleep and only woke up a few hours later than I normally would.
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Try some o' that melatonin me liddington
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>Safe and effec-ACK!
corr finkin may start the melatoninibba ingestationtoil early
Cannot be arsed, nay, i cannot be
spent 140 bong on a taxi because I couldn't be arsed waiting for the 7:30am train
at least I'm home
Made Achmed's day as well
Nasty hangover, it not right
Ruthmong should become a taxi driver
Probably gonna regret having ingested this apple turnover thang

Fuck it doe
Will wait here for a while
No identity documents for a driving licence lad.
No rest for the weary, work in 25 mins de lads
Get that graft on lad. Hope your getting ot?
Having a coffee myself. Breakfast in an hour
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I have nothing against mid, nerdy girls. They're rather cute. Don't know why Chads always go for them skinny, tall, blonde Stacy types.
They have something against you though
20+ year old IDE HDD making some strange noises lads.
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They don't know me lad. I'm just a fan.
Pressing the pedals all day will be harsh on his unshod feet
watching britain vs spain in the wockey
britain currently winning, it lush
Youre not a fan youre a stalker
Fuck you nasty mong.
need an update on ruthmong's sleep schedule ASAP
a shambles, like everything else in his sad excuse of a life
Better but I will be asleep probably by 6pm.
Solid lill wuttington there
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women's diving on
Soaking of laptops, I'm the market for one too. It lush.
its a start de lad, congrats on making an improvement in your life
10.30 and my wife's father cracks open his first beer, very grim.
Men's hundred metre nappy piss event coming up lads. I hear Sean is the favourite for team GB.
Nonces receding hairline bean head event this evening lads. Apparently a certain britfeel regular is looking to take a medal home for this one.
Ruthmong only uses Linux because his laptop specs are dogshit. proof that Linux is for nonces and poors.
Took my car to the MOT and they broke my indicator, refused to fix the issues that failed the MOT, and told me to come back in a week????
>tfw no money for a new laptop
>tfw no smartphone
>tfw everything I have is starting to break
>tfw no shoes
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Might do some holiday planning. Well I've got a passport haven't I?
What will Ruthmong do when his 200 million year old laptop fails?
Fucking hell. Crazy bitch starts assaulting a man filming her legally. Hope she doesn't get away with this. Immigrant security cunts not showing their SIA badges either.

How did you overcome the countersignatures bollocks?

I'll use my games console maybe.
SSM stinks of shit.
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The feets will callus up as they get used to it.
>I'll use my games console maybe.
That's pretty grim. Can't be a fun experience trying to navigate the web on a xbox one.
It's an almost full Edge browser lad. They overhauled it a while back. Won't let you download or upload content anymore, though.
Tyrant children calling up LAA. Not right.

Wonder what other gimmicks ruthmong runs
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Ruthmong, check this out. If you've had a passport since a child and kept it renewed as it expires you don't countersignatures. 4x lush.
Harassed by children and bin men. It's not right.

Why didn't he just hang up?
I know that but obviously I didn't have a child passport. It's over for me. I've given up getting a passport long ago.
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He's not hurting anyone. He just likes the bin lorries.
>Edge browser
>being willingly spied on by MS

No thanks.
He's got them learning difficulties this one. Very sad to be 24 and bullied by kids still.
Is that really him?

It's that or stay in bed all day.
Stay in bed all day, you'll be happier.
No I'll be bored and go mental. It's best I keep productive.
Rather stay in bed than give my data to MS. Xbox One is literally a modified windows OS. Fuck that. Linux or nothing.
When you realise you don't care about clothes, going to restaurants, watching films at the cinema, going to some loud concert/festivial and shopping in general there's not really a lot of incentive to go anywhere. This is how normies occupy their weekends usually.
And no it's not depression. It's all rather expensive and pointless.

Apple thang went down surprisingly well

No idea why

Got another thang sitting inna fridge but i'll save that for later won't i
Lollers uses linux, thats all i need to know.
This. Every piece of normies advice is predicated on already living a normies life and thinking normies thoughts. If you don't care about any of that then it's meaningless.
>Haha bro just go out to a concert or something!
Bet the ladies are wetting themselves over him and his interests.
You Linux mongs really are the mongiest and I respect it.
Fucking sad innit. Why can't I just go for a hike and enjoy nature with someone? Why does it always have to be about a man's status and how much money he can spend to prove his love? Really feels like 99% of people fall for consumerism and are addicted to spending money on shit every weekend.
Not a single female emptying the bins. Females really do want all the fun, easy jobs don't they? Least I can have my easy life by choosing not to work at all.

Lowest temperature semen event tonight. Team GB are going to clinch another gold here
several auditors are there also. proper chavfest in london today.
chavs better than browns and blacks
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SSM talking about going out with Helen and a few other mates earlier.

He's going full normie mode.
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Sister putting some fish fingers in for me. It lush.
Go dig up your dead dad's grave.

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Lol, I met the cameraman in Early July. He's black too
Just had a fish finger butty for lunch. Corr it was lush was it not
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That line always makes me burst out laughing
The pancakebergs hath been ingested, hath thy not? Shall henceforth begin the cumming ritualberg.
Tommy Robinson is a kike worshipper but most of the people at that rally are just normal decent people, a couple of chavs no doubt but a tiny minority
go back on the stream his like mixed race
>cumming ritualberg
My plans too lad
I have the house to myself for once so I can close all the windows and watch full length porn at full volume and get naked and stickyberg. Going to be a cumming for the ages.
qt negress spotted
Me and FBR wanking each other off. Lush is it not
She's be objectively attractive if she dyed her hair a normal color. She's out of your league incel
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that's an old pic of laurel

she looks a lot better now
She's objectively very attractive. Not just your mousey looking nerd like Lauren.
This is the official live stream from Tommy

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Lauren is a businesses woman. She's doing things with her life. Poor Laurel is working a 9-5 office job on minimum wage.
You're pathetic. You know nothing of these women. It's all just conjecture on your part. Creepy stalker.
Lauren runs a digital marketing and influencer management agency with another ASMRtist.
productively pissing and moaning on britfeel day after day, night after night?



I am in the pub because I'm an alcoholic loner.
Tempted to order a cheeky dominos, gotten my appetite back. Flu is being beaten back, get in de lids.
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The pub is a good place to meet like minded allies, no?
No one in /britfeel/ will ever run their own business.
Wouldn't be caught dead with that fat leech.
I don't come to the pub to socialise, I want to sit in silence and observe others.
Weird thing to say, there's at least one person here who does. I'd imagine overall its about 4-5
Why are they flying Israel's flag too?
Name the 4 to 5 business men.
the march is anti brown (immigration) people
No one in /britfeel/ will ever matriculate at Oxford
Jews are based now.
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Bishops finger smeIIy finger
No one in /britfeel/ will ever lose their virginity
Never mind, I saw the prices. 25 fucking quid and 3 quid for delivery. Fuck that.
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(((Tommy Robinson))) is bought and paid for. On companies house the EDL changed names at one point from "English Defence League ltd" to "English and Jewish Defence League ltd"
Lost mine when I was 13 pal
I was seriously thinking of applying to Oxford as a mature student in the future.
Passed 4 separate Palestine stalls/demos in town today. Almost everyone at them was white. How can these people be bothered
tommy proper patriot

OOOOOOOH tommy tommy
Lost mine at 25 to an escort
was eyeing up some punts today but nothing good within a 30 miles radius. Weekends are dry though
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>to an escort
Doesn't count lad. You're still a virgin
If you didn't go to University aged 18 (19 if you did a gap year in Thailand) don't bother. It's over for you at that point IMO.
Not really. I'm now 31 and married with a sprog
Why don't you change your name from Penis to literally anything else
My adoptive parents already changed it to 'Dennis', but because they kept accidently calling me Penis they changed it again to 'Greg', then as an adult I changed it to 'Gregg'
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Last week was a very good week. Can't see another week coming along that good for a while. But it's all random anyway so who knows
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The bean head cut.
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Wonder if Tim Eldridge is an incel
All the cool guys are incels.
>I'd imagine overall its about 4-5
Out of a dozen posters, don't think so lad
by good week you mean sat in your room for 16 hours a day spamming britfeel with gimmicks and personalty drama?
i used to for like 3 months until i realised it will fail, went crying to my old bossman and he gave me my job back
Imagine being so low IQ you happily use Edge. Why are normies so stupid?
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Indeed my laddy
id rather have that one whos hair is two different colours desu
>went crying to my old bossman
Quite grim way to word this my lad
Tim Eldridge and Toastie are both top shaggers
is spotify worth it? got a driving job and im bored shitless of listening to random radio stations and want some proper tunes to bang out on my 4 hour runs, if spotify is shit then what else could i use?
you must be a very lonely man, I pity you
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*pees in nappies*
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*riles up posters that aren't even here*
HelperNonce will be here later to see it
pre-pwnage posting is it king?
I'd probably be far happier if I stayed off of 4chan.
is spam mong fat?
I am the most successful businessman who has ever posted on /britfeel/. It may be a modest accolade but I am proud regardless.
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When's he getting another PS5?
Probably. Doubt he's a healthy weight
Lollers successfully runs a darknet CP forum
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Mark is putting all his money towards
a Harley Davidson Fat Boy now.
does he go outside?
Unironically yes. It was one of the best /britfeel/ weeks in a while, but I'm glad it's over because I couldn't keep it up. Not just that loads, discovered loads of new music, weather was reasonable for the most part too
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Looking forward to the motorbike arc desu
I don't think 300k a year is modest, it's quite a monumental success really
>SSM kills himself on a 2nd hand harley davidson
big lad is going to go out in a blaze of glory
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She needs to get her braces already and she should stop tying her hair back. It's not a good look for her.

Scottish lass is more attractive to me and has better hair/eyes.

Nah lad she doing a marketing career. You get a decent salary from that as you progress. Far more respectful way of earning money and it's not minimum wage. You need a degree and I believe she has a master's.
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>oh this is lu-
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I don't care about women's smiles. They don't need to be perfect for men.
Twolls getting the bus while SSM rides around on his Harley. Oh it lush
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Now Ruby...all brains. No Chad will want her unless he really digs nerdy types.
Many a woman has had that view of him.
she looks like something from wallace and gromit
Very likely that she has never seen a penis.
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why don't you get a marketing job, dosser?
Looks like the neighbour girl who fancies Wallace. Haven't seen them in a while.
Oh I'm sure she has. Lots of lads at Oxford University.

Nice pic lad. I would but it requires degreemaxxing and us British lads simply cannot afford the privilege of adult education.
You have a thing for girls in oversized glasses
if she joins CIPR she can countersign your passport
Weird how I grew up in a council estate and I got a degree...
Chartered Institute of Noncery
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I really like them glasses but they've only started wearing these style in the past year or so.
>gonna cut down on the drinking
>no more sandford lane
>gonna sell my gadgets and buy a camera
>do some birdwatching videos
>do some walking videos
>maybe finally get to see some Monkey World
*1 week later*
Back to buying overpriced shit on credit and selling it to cex. Back to buying unnecessary gadgets to own the trolls. Back to drinking constantly. No bird vids. No walking vids. Still no monkey world

Even DBZ didn't continue an arc this long
Has SSM ever mentioned getting a bike licence? The daft cunt does realise you need to do a couple of tests to ride big boy bikes?
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Mark should become a CAMRA member now that he's renewed his RSPB membership.
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Sprogless Wagies are in for VERY rude awakening in 2025
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>become a CAMRA member
Imagining I'm a woman and what type of guy I'd go for. If I was autistic and incapable of discerning reality from fiction, I'd be a prime candidate for trooning out.
Fear not, poor little NEETs with not a penny to their name need not apply.
Imagine him thinking he's hot shit riding round on a dax 125
Arbrothy sperm in a little vial in a freezer
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I shall now rest
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I wonder would it survive?
Im sure they have weight limits lmao , If he does get a bike he is 100% going to die , a 125 wouldnt cope with his frame and anything bigger is going to get him into big trouble

>implying any of this is actually going to happen and its not just another wild drunken fantasy that will never be mentioned again
Oh he mentioned it did he? He'd be riding it pissed on day 2 and wrap himself round a tree
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Need to know for 2 years. Don't be daft.

One of the lucky ones. It's all too expensive these days.
it's been decades now and people still don't understand how student loans work
If it were that fucking easy and cheap every one would be doing it. You have to PAY for college past 18 too.
It is that easy and cheap and everyone is doing it
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Y do I even drink, as far as not even hangovers etc bt when I thought of the money to reward investment
Last night alone was like this
8 beers in tesco, minimum 15 quid, a few posh cans in there, bottle opener take it to 20 anyhow
Spent 20 quid on disposable vapes just cus I happened to be there too
OK then just before 10pm I ran down tesco again 20 quid on a bottle of gin
Then I went chinky 10 quid curry I got (nicest part of the whole night desu)
Cigarettes shops was closed by time i went for that but the ones I already had another 10-20 quid n I wouldbe got more if shop had been open
I mena it adds up when that's just 1 night kek
Not like i only been doing that 1 night a week kek
For what purpose?
I just get sad and wreck my sleep pattern. Awkward sleep at 6-7am ALONE for the same money I could have slept with a woman in my bed probably. Really fink about that one. At least with the money I'd save off booze for eben 1 week. Mental. Yeah so am off the drink now for all August.
Cute apu
Thats a cute piccy too
Sir Frostington Jackzworth esq.
Degrees are pointless for the most part. Of course you need one if you're going to be a Doctor or a Solicitor, but for pretty much everyone else they are a waste of time
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Always a good laugh when someone harps on about their degrees and you gently remind them that you both work the same low skill wagie shit for the same pay except one of you isnt paying off massive student debts

It pisses them off big time
You'd have to be a right mong to go to university these days
If they're working low skill wagie shit then they probably aren't paying off a student debt either

Once again. People still don't understand student loans
When a Gradsoy brags about their salary, bear in mind their take home pay will be a lot less than you assume
Really. Do please explain why you think this is the case
Can't imagine him to be skinny when he never goes out, likely a fat shut in 2bh
Because a Gradsoy will only take home about 3,100 a month, compared to 3,300 for a non-Gradsoy
probably balding too i reckon
Assuming the non-Gradsoy can even get the same job
>overweight shut-in balding loser
Whoa he's literally me
Unless it's a Doctor or a Lawyer, then likely he can
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>He's a gradsoy
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>He doesn't have any silly letters after his name
That description fits many /britfeel/ men
reminder frosty jackz was just a hhl character
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I thought frosty was a Smirnoffbro character
smirno was a HHL character
Made how Tommy Robinson looks so like HHL
Well at least we know Smirnoffbro was real
did frosty ever post his empty canz?
BritNormie was an Andrew character
Probably do the same amount of coke also
Made how you don't have any formal qualifications
I wonder if HHL has any paddy ancestry. I know Sunderland has a bit of Irish immigration, he looks like Tommy Robinson who is a paddy
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>He's a minimum wage driver
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Is Ruth watching Paris 2024?
Corr she's quite fit. Would
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I wouldnt have the courage to get a prostitute until I was already drinking and maybe a wee diazepam bt then its almost like I'm getting date raped on purpose. Quite erotic in a sense. Whar kind of psychopath would be able to do it fully sober though.
Almost everyone who is not a thick cunt has a degree lad. So everyone IS doing it
Remember him mentioning getting a bike last year. He was talking about touring Dorset on it
She will definitely be watching the men's 100m sprint.
You don't half talk some nonsense lad
Reckon he's a uni drop out
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She's just your run-of-the-mill australian bint. Nothing special. Much better look british bints.
I only know one intelligent person who did not go to uni at all, and even he is working on an open uni degree now
Nah I would have never dropped out. Got my degree from a top uni
Well I'm probably a bit thick. I struggle with maths. Round here it's just mostly deano plumbers and builders.
I stopped doing maths at 16. Still got a degree
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Dirty lass then.
You need to do A-levels maths to get into university.
honestly a mong job with zero responsibilities and no human interaction is the comfiest shit ever, i miss it greatly
>honestly a mong job with zero responsibilities and no human interaction is the comfiest shit ever, i miss it greatly
same lad, crawling out of the lazy neet lifestyle was the worst thing i ever did
How can you struggle with maths. It's literally just memorizing some basic tables, and then remembering how to edit equations and wank

Obviously I'm not talking about actual real high end maths which is something else and really difficult, but it's never this when people mention "I'm bad at maths"
I've spent years here and not worked at all. I really can't see the point working. It doesn't make me happy.
gonna play some project zomboid for a bit then
Just have. I've always been much better at English.
>How can you struggle with maths. It's literally just memorizing some basic tables, and then remembering how to edit equations and wank

Maths and physics teacher here. It's a combination of things. Some kids find visualising numbers and equations really hard - they really struggle to imagine rearranging an equation in their minds eye (lots of people literally dont have a minds eye or an internal monologue- yes really). You have to find ways of working around that like getting KS3 kids to use a formula triangle. Can be really bad for them if they rely on shit like that though in GCSE though.

The other factors are home culture and bad teaching ideas- a lot of parents dont really push their kids to work hard (white working class families) and memorization is seen as bad and old fashioned and conservative by some teachers and parents (white middle class families).
The reality is, you need to get kids to memorise the basics of things so they have the tools to then think logically or creatively. However, learning things by rote takes repetition, is hard work and can be boring so if the kids dont like practising memorising the key tools/basics and act up then teacher gets blamed.

Welcome to the education system.
You certainly do not lad. Big misunderstanding on your part
The great britfeel piss up starts at 4 PM
fucks sake do we have to?
You are mistaken lad
>mistaken lads ITT
Literally nothing else to do
alri fine ill get pissed with you
Me and HHL shooting fat ropes across this face
Think you are on the wind up to be honest. If you are being sincere, look up entrance requirements at universities. If you are taking the piss then get a hobby
Are you joining our piss up, teach?
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I only drink when SSM does
larping drinklets you never post your drinks
This is my hobby
Wonder if he's going down the lane this evening
thought lane had been cancelled after he talked about wanting to shag another lad and arsonist fantasies?
SSM was out drinking last night so probably not. He doesn't like to drink two days in a row
Shippy should read this
Kek I really enjoyed that livestream
Based, hope HHL joins us
Only thing you're shooting into is your little tissue.
HHL can't get hard. Erectile dysfunction is the cause
>One officer said they needed to speak to my husband

Why do they always presume it's the man? Women can be nonces too.
SSM almost certainly suffers from erectile dysfunction too
It is almost always the man, and on the rare cases where it is not, the woman confesses
shall we start drinking now then? ive not even had anything to eat yet today
Probably a Windows user. Can't believe the wife still wants to be with a nonce.
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Why are we drinking? Are we celebrating something?
Nonces in the olympics.

If the wife gets a better offer from someone else she'll probably leave him. And then it's really easy for her, she can just say "I can't deal with your nonce past" and then shack up with the new guy guilt free. And if someone else doesn't come along she can just stay with Nonnyboy.
anon has declared a piss up starting at 4pm, its 6 points on your dosser license if you dont join in
I want a comprehensive list of all trannies in the Olympics so I can watch and hopefully see them BTFO of women
Need Sean to get on the wooze and make an arse of himself for my entertainment
At least we know who Shippy will be supporting.
Doubt he will be drinking alcohol any time soon after his meltdown the other night
I don't have enough booze to start drinking now lad. Might start about 7pm
Kinda turning into a bit of a ruthmong tbqh. Starting to understand his points.
Ruthmong plays an exaggerated character based on himself
No doubt a noncey Edge user.
True that. He's clearly a NEET and an incel who likes ASMR, but the stuff about him never showering and having no shoes is clearly bollocks.
They should arrest the woman also if no one confesses but they don't. Both of them had access to the internet.
I agree. No way there's a man with no shoes, on a 20 year old laptop who only showers once a year. The mong is taking the complete piss if he expects to believe that.
I don't shower though because of depression.
I don't believe people when they say they "have depression" unless they've been to a doctor about it. Have you?
why would a doctor confirming it make you more likely to believe? They aren't trained psychiatrists, and even then, there's no consensus among those people
I'm not saying the doctor has to confirm anything. I'm saying if the depressed person doesn't seek help then it's not really depression, just an excuse for poor character. A genuinely depressed person would do anything to feel better. A lazy person avoids seeking help because it would take away their excuses.
I know I am depressed. I don't feel happy much. I know myself better than any shrink.
You don't feel happy because you have a shit life of your own making. Nothing to do with depression. You're just facing the natural consequences of a lifetime of inaction.
You do not understand depression. It makes you lazy and hopeless. I don't see a way out of this.
You know the way out of it. It's through getting psychological help. You don't want that because then you couldn't blame "muh depression" for everything.
That Sainsbury's Spicy Chicken pizza I had last night really did a number on my guts. I can usually tolerate spicy food but whatever the fuck they used did not agree with me no sir.
Did Mark actually admit to shagging a man anywhere or is it a Britfeel LARP Special?
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Yea, he unironically did talk about shagging men in the 90s and about wanting to shag some other youtuber during a drunken rant like a week or two ago.
He did say that yeah but he was just taking the piss for attention, as he often does. He had a thing a few years ago before he met Helen where he was going "I'm bi-bi-bi-bisexual, yeah. Going to meet men for sex."
>Back on the Omegas
Money must be tight for the Mak
he doesnt get ssm donations anymore
This lad will die before Mark. He doesn't eat. You can tell Mark still eats a lot because he's a fat cunt which will save his life.
I doubt there's ever been a time in his life when money wasn't tight.

Well... this is one of the most pathetic things I've seen in a while
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Got that refund from Amazon.
Amazon is good. Spent 300 quid on a computer chair once. Had good reviews and everything. It was fucking awful. Worse than my zoomer-racing chair thats 8 years old. Made an absolute mess packing it back up again. Got every penny back, ez
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The waptop? You gonna get another?
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You running a scam similar to ssm
I always buy from Amazon if I can. Their refund policy is second to none.
yeah if I think I might need to return something, it's Amazon all the way

what are you going to buy now?
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If some1 is well enough to call up a doctor sleep good enough to make the appointment leave the house go speak to them etc etc then they're not really depressed either. How bout that one
Get in
richer sounds are good too. headphones stopped working after a year, replaced them without doubting me at all.made me choose to buy a new telly from them instead of the bookies
That's hilarious and kinda hot too.
humiliation is a gay fetish. Come on lad
You are mistaken de lad
Sorry lad I can't help it. The bit where she said "cry about it" was very hot.
Sorry mate this is the TMAU support group and our condition goes hand in hand with a humiliation fetish. If you don't like it then leave.
Ok lad I understand. I'll go. *I go to the coat rack and pick up my jacket.* Just before I go, I want to say that I appreciated and valued our time here. *I put on my coat* Well, bye then. *I open the door and leave*
I'd rather sell my arse and fart out me cock.
wearing gay clothing
Got me a Daim Diary Milk. I said I've got m-me a D-D-Daim Diary Milk. A Diary Milk. Daim. I said a Daim D-Diary Milk. Oh it lush. Ooooooh it lucks, lush.

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