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would a femanon from here actually fly out to my place and take my virginity? am 23 and from eastern europe. my birthday's gonna be in september and honestly all i want is to lose it in a cool and memorable way with a girl from here
>This slave from serbia or some shit thinks he's entitled to sex from a femanon
morbidly obese western tard hands wrote this
romania, transylvania region
So some girl is supposed to pay thousands for a trip to some random country she might get murdered in order to fuck some random incel she met on /r9k/ for his birthday? KEK.
just get an escort nigger
that's lame and boring
Don't get an escort, try your luck on dating apps. You're not gonna get anyone cuter from here than you'd on tinder. Good luck anon I hope your bday goes well
-femanon who lost her virginity as same age as u
faceti sex incelilor
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siiigh you people just don't get it. i couldn't care less how cute someone is if i'm not attracted to their personality at all. people on dating apps are so boring and lifeless and we never have anything in common. i don't even have the energy to talk to them or pursue anything because of that. at least i have some sort of common ground with someone from here, like both of us being losers who (maybe) have dealt with some awful stuff in their past which brought them here. i'm sure you see where i'm coming from, right? or do you just care about how someone looks and that's it? might as well get a sex doll at that point
kek so true
just fuck some Gypsy girl you dumbass lol
btw I used to live in Pitesti haha
>just get SUPER AIDS bro
you can't do me like this...
take her on an AIDS test then
she'll vanish with all my belongings before i'd be able to do that
cunt you only look for excuses
I have a white Romanian friend who fucked plenty of Gypsy girls and didnt get robbed nor got AIDS. Dont take any valuable things with you then and dont fuck her in your house
go to local nerd events near you like cosplay conventions or arcades. inb4 some excuse about you can't and would rather rot here
i was mostly joking earlier, but in all seriousness i'm not really interested in having sex with some random gypsy girl for reasons i stated here >>78295451
>inb4 you'll call this an excuse but
there are no nerd events, conventions or arcades where i'm from. trust me, i would love to go to any of those, and if they existed here, i wouldn't waste my time on this board and have fun there instead
then why do you ask a random femanon? You want "true love", stop asking for random sex then
i mean, i'm not really interested in a relationship. i just wanna lose my virginity to a girl i consider cool. shrimple as
>avataring with Kai and Domon
are you sure you're not American

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