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30+ Thread - Just trying get through the year Edition

Man, I need a wfh job even if it pays the same as my current wageslave job.

Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?
gave up slaving and I'm neet. got a gf, turned out to be a massive lying bpd slut. currently dating another girl who seems much better especially in terms of her values and personality, but idk anymore.
getting a girl doesn't solve shit at least not in my case. some people were meant to either accomplish great things or die trying, because the world doesn't care about them otherwise
I've been working the same job as a software developer for ten years.
The pay is decent so I wouldn't mind staying here until retirement, even if there's not much opportunity for growth.
I'm not too bothered about going into the office every day since I only live 10 minutes away and my colleagues aren't full normos.
I generally enjoy the work but I've recently started taking unprescribed ADHD meds just to have more fun getting shit done.
It feels a bit dystopian to be shortening my own lifespan with stress and unhealthy habits to the benefit of a company so I don't intend to keep that up,
but it's the only thing I have right now that allows me to feel useful and productive.
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Ah to be young again. I got into anime in 1995. My parents would see me receiving VHS tapes through the mail from people who shared fan translations on newsgroups and BBS boards. I'd then tape a copy of their tape and send it back with a kitkat or something as thanks. I'd also send copies off to other people and get it back with something nice as thanks.

One time I got a VHS tape back with a pair of used panties and a polaroid of a girl holding my tape, making a peace sign and smiling in her underwear as thanks. She was obviously in her late teens/early 20s. My dad fucking flipped out and disconnected the internet. My mom wouldn't talk to me for months. They thought I'd joined a sex cult.

Never did get to sniff those panties. For all I know they did me a favour, she could have had herpes or something. They shredded the polaroid too.
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?
I currently work as web developer, wfh four days a week and the office is a 25 min walk. If I ever moved to another city I'd probably could wfh 100% of the time because my boss is in good terms with me.
It did grind me down at first, I had no experience and during the first 6 months I had to make an Herculean effort in order to deliver a good performance and set myself on par with my coworkers. Pretty sure that's what ultimately triggered my balding.
It's been 4 years since that, it's become boring and repetitive, but my effort level is like 40-50% of what it used to be, with little stress. During the past months I did some interviews trying to find a better paying jobs after talking with a friend and some acquaintances that work in the same field only to realize I don't really care and it's not worth the stress. Changing jobs is not going to fix any of my real problems, on top of that like I said I slack off quite a bit and I don't have anyone on my ass all day, compared to my previous job this is heaven.
Instead of focusing on work, I want to focus on more important things, trying to connect with family and old friends, invest more time in my hobbies, and actually take care of myself.
It's funny how much easier it is to get chicks if you're unemployed
Your parents are fucking psycho
I wound up with a career, in tech of course, but I'm burnt out on it after 30 years of never striking gold with cashing out on an equity sale or IPO. I figure I have enough energy for one more go at a startup, but I really shoulda taken the FAGMANpill during the boom even tho I can't stand big corpo shit
>fan translated tapes and BBS
I've always said that late Gen X/Early Millennial nerds got it better than even the mid-millennial nerds.

You got to 30+ with anime/comics/gaming/tabletop/scifi mostly intact with only the biggest of the big things being entered into the mainstream.
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Extremely based.
There's something about going through difficulties in order to obtain something that really adds to the overall enjoyment.

I would have sniffed them though
Wrote my note and have never felt more liberated
>Wrote my note and have never felt more liberated
Who's going to read it?
I'm a NEET on NEETbux so wageslaving isn't affecting me, thankfully. I wish all you working the best.
>over 30 neet and having a gf
How I fucking hate you privileged first world scum.
What's it feel like to know when the 30+ dies and you are aware that you the only one willing to make a new one?
Could always just assume they are making shit up. But I guess you wouldn't have gotten my (You) if you did.
The 19yo jewess that's half my age never responded to my message after a day, so I blocked her. Now going all in in the 44yo MILF in the hope she just needs some side cock and not a cuck step-dad. My fuck app profiles are pretty up front in wanting a lady to lay down on top of. I did get one positive response, but she pussied out. For a life-long incel, it's pretty galling that I have been getting more likes and matches since 35, but they still never speak, let alone actually want to fuck. Fuck apps are terrible and essentially created the booming male incel pandemic, but I almost never swipe and collect likes that I can match with.
Just had my late grandpa's birthday. Now over nine years since I found my mother dead in our kitchen. My dad's 19th death-iversary is coming up in a few days. A couple of weeks after that, I'll have reached the point that he's been dead longer than our lives over-lapped.
Other than that, I am just praying that the NEETbux still keep me off appointments for the next year or two, due to my collection of mental illnesses.
>How I fucking hate you privileged first world scum.
Thanks to our (((elites))) giving our jobs to you for pennies, Chang/Pajeet.
Autists in the West cannot exist in this gutted service economy.
>>Man, I need a wfh job even if it pays the same as my current wageslave job.
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?
TFW too autistic to even survive in today's jobs pool. It's all so fucking pointless. Most jobs seem to be miserable and/or redundant. Service job hell.
I'd happily WFH three days a week, if I never had to use phones; but I'm not lucky enough to find an appropriate job, let alone be the best candidate.
Personally, I just want a UBI and Keynes' 15 hour work week. Fuck this shit.
But you clearly do exist as a successful neet.
Only with great difficulty and years of constant harassment from a system that wants to throw us off it at every opportunity.
Doesn't even matter to them that there's not enough jobs, let alone appropriate jobs for autists. Whereas turd-worlders here get gibs and jobs.
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Yeah, but they're in a retirement home now so they're not my problem.
I also share this opinion. There was something really nice about strangers on the internet who shared hobbies and had little communities here, there and everywhere. We'd sometimes chat over IRC. We'd share news and opinions. If someone got a rare copy of something they picked up a pack of blanks and sent them off to at least 5 people, who would make a copy and do the same. It was a pretty great time.

I actually lost my virginity to a girl on a forum I used to lurk around. I was 17 at the time, she was 19. A few fans in our state rented out a private cinema in the state capital and asked for people to come along. IIRC they were showing History of Trunks, Ninja Scrolls, Battle Angel and Stardust Memory. It was an absolute blast. The cinema was small, maybe 150 seats and there were at most 50 of us so there was plenty of room to move around. We had half an hour intermissions whilst the cinema staff switched the tapes and balanced the sound etc. She was the one who told me about it.

Slamming ass in a motel room after 9 hours of watching anime, drinking soda, eating popcorn and trading tapes and J-Pop cassettes with nerds? Peak 1998 Japanophile subculture. Nothing the young'uns enjoy today comes close. Even pic rel from the early 00s is a distant memory now. Was never much of a gamer but went to a few local LAN parties and smash tournaments for fun. Excellent times.
working from home owns. but it is very sedentary. you can easily fall into a trap of waking up at 08:40, logging on at 09:00, working to 17:00, then just getting back into bed out of boredom.

i hated my old manager at my hybrid job, but cycling 50 miles a week for a commute was great for my health.
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>stressing and have some anxiety for two weeks and caffeinemaxx
>finally get sick at the end of this week
>getting back into studies since I actually need a job and a bigger salary than mcwaging if im gonna wage for it to be worth
>no idea what to study later in due to interest and if I'm gonna strike a balance between money/quality of life/personal development(businessmaxxing)
>having no clear direction gives me anxiety and stress
>I don't wanna think but it's needed
>working from home owns
Except bye-bye social life.
I earn enough to never leave my home except for shopping. My "friends" I haven't seen for over two years and kinda don't want to because they are low life and toxic. Feels like traveling to outer space, all by myself, never return to the Earth again. Oh well, I remember wageslaving normally, it sucks.
>lucky bastard
I say this all the time but I wish I went full internet retard back in the 00s; go to cons, attend meetups, forums gatherings, all that nerdy shit when *cosplay* still came up as incorrect on spell-check. I lived in a nerd/geek-free area so I was afraid to impact my reputation and get my arse kicked more. In retrospect, it was a violent area I would've gotten my arse kicked regardless so it was a loss on my part.
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?

I hate working but I'm lucky I ended up in a career. Crazy how 6 years ago I was an alcoholic failing engineering but I graduated 2yrs ago and got a pretty comfy office job last year.

Thing is, I miss my NEET years so much that going back to that lifestyle is my only goal in life. I'm not moving out, so I avoid debt and I'll keep living in my childhood room until my parents pass and I inherit the whole place. Until that sadly happens, I'm saving 80% of every paycheck and putting it into bank deposits and other investments. I'm already quite comfortable financially and basically don't give a shit about inflation and food prices.

Normies probably see me as a loser and there's no chance I'll have a relationship while living at home and not having a driver's license but I just don't care. I just want my freedom back. I just want to play vidya, drink beer, mess about with computers, masturbate and procrastinate. I don't want most of what a normal person my age wants. I think I might be a mild schizoid because of how little human interaction I prefer.
>working from home owns
I'm unironically thinking about going to hybrid office work from strictly working from home. I feel like there are more disadvantages than advantages.
>I just want to play vidya, drink beer, mess about with computers, masturbate and procrastinate. I don't want most of what a normal person my age wants. I think I might be a mild schizoid because of how little human interaction I prefer.
I can relate to this even if I'd like to spend my time differently but I don't think I can stomach living with my parents for so long. Having people around 24/7 is very tiring for me.
>Having people around 24/7 is very tiring for me.

They're in other rooms, so I can just close the door to my room and I'm alone. They never bother me, especially nowadays when they respect me for becoming an engineer and making good money. I even sometimes fap during the day, when I lock the door to my room. I think they know what's up but by this point they've realized I don't chase women and don't want a relationship, so they know I have to take care of my needs.

When they go away on vacation I actually start to miss them a bit after 3-4 days. I feel better alone but it's nice to have them around sometimes, especially since my mom cooks for me.
39 today boyos. Owari da.
God I wish I got into the hobby much earlier, I was at least a decade late.
>39 today boyos.
happy birthday mr.virgo
The social isolation has been getting to me. Don't go out and meet people and do things. Get a date but nice guy my way out of it leading anywhere. Feel like I should just go out and punch a woman in the face then tell her she is my GF at this point.
found out of Friday there's a restructure at work and they're halfing the headcount in my department, god I hope I get offered voluntary redundancy so bad
I mean, they may try to use money to get you to leave voluntarily, so optimize for highest profit. If you stay, they have to continue to pay you your wage, and you might even be able to sue depending on country.
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Anyone get this recommended or just me?
>nice guy my way out of it leading anywhere
how so?
kek. Yep. I was just listening to his van videos as you posted this.
in all honesty im almost certainly safe, but I want that wedge of money to quit, recruiters are constantly all over my shit and downsizing our team means im walking regardless, i just want them to pay me to fuck off
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>I just want to play vidya, drink beer, mess about with computers, masturbate and procrastinate.
literally a decayed brain, how is this even enjoyable as a boomer anymore? you lose all interests and just become a husk of a human
haven't found anything better to do either anyway
I'm gonna study again but I'm not hypergeek to go and sit there for 5 years in uni just to study physics and math
it might be over
>The social isolation has been getting to me
because hanging around normans and surface level is so fulfilling hee heeeee
not seen that one yet
From what I gathered I was too timid and didn't kiss her dealing with my own bullshit in my head. Would've been nice to get date 2 and I even went out and got her a small gift.
>you lose all interests and just become a husk of a human
I'm 30, far from a boomer. And I've aged like wine so far. Don't feel any effects and people assume I'm 23-24 when thry first see me. I even have the same fast reactions as a teen in the racing/shooter games I enjoy.

I literally still feel like I'm in my early 20s. It's probably genetics and being slim because my parents also look young and slim for their ages. My grandparents that are still alive are in their 90s and not senile.

I've also been cooming every day for the last 9-10 years and at this point I believe that's also keeping me young.
No, but
>It's fine I guess
It could have been worse. You could be alone and homeless. If your parents don't kick you out then they love you at least a little. It's good to be loved.
>I literally still feel like I'm in my early 20s
Same, but people don't assume I'm 23-24. They correctly assume I'm over 30. I looked like a skinny twink until about 28 and they aged rapidly. It's not because of alcohol or poor lifestyle btw, I have good health and I'm not fat, I just look my age.
>I looked like a skinny twink until about 28
That's still the way I look. Lanklet with a BMI of 19. Been like that for my entire life regardless of my diet. I even tried to get fatter with fast food and drinking more beer but I literally can't put on weight.

I'm also healthy, despite drinking sometimes, but I just never overdo it and I eat healthily and walk a lot to make up for it.
I see these recommended to me from time to time. Not quite sure what to make of it.
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>hit 30
>always a huge loser, parents didnt raise me but i dont hold it against them.
>suddenly father wants to parent me, at the age of 30 he decided its time to raise his son.
>this consist of doing nothing, teaching nothing, and passing on nothing
>he will ask who im fucking, tell him nobody. Its well known im a massive loser in town and never once had a girlfriend, he infact has known this his entire life and used to randomly stop in town to role down the window and ask me if im jerking off again every friday.
>he just randomly assumed i was suddenly swimming in pussy.
>started going off about how kids need to climb a tree and get off their phones.
>i have no idea what he is talking about
>ask him how to talk to women, he looks visibly disgusted with me
>he then talks to my mother who he divorced when i was 5, apparently they still fuck often, they just got divorced for no real reason at all
>she just straight up LIES to him while on speaker phone with me, saying i bring girls home all the time
>tell her i can hear her, she hangs up.
>told dad im leaving, he is GENUINELY UPSET,CRYING
>we never hangout, he never does anything with me, and now hes blubbering like a fat 60 year old asshole about how "i know i fucked you up i know i fucked you up"
>at 30 he starts this up, not 10, not 15, not 20, at 30 and only when i tell him im leaving and not coming back.
>wants a hug, i hop away from him because i dont like people touching me. The gas station workers know this but somehow he is shocked by it.
>i move out, he calls me up to threaten to not pay for my rent
>he doesnt even know i own a house now
>realize my mom had told him i was moving into an apartment, a lie i told her.
>he then told her that he would pay for my rent.
>so he could threaten me with not paying my rent, something she had not even told me he had offered.
>again i own a house now. Its fully payed off.
>they dont even know where i live

do i just block them?
Do what's best for you.

>ask him how to talk to women
Why did you do that? What did you think he was going to say that's different from the usual normie platitudes on the topic?
>Why did you do that? What did you think he was going to say that's different from the usual normie platitudes on the topic?
He said he would teach me anything i wanted, he is really good with women and always has been so i asked just to see what would happen.
It sounds like your dad is having a real panic at realizing you're not just some eccentric late bloomer.
Mine has had a few of those too. It's saddening. He tells me he's proud but as much as I heard about grandkids growing up I can never really believe him. Periodically the mask slips and it feels like I'm getting bullied hard by my own father. Daddy has no clue how much I've agonized over no gf because when I asked for help as a child he blew up about how I "needed to be a virgin for my future wife" we were a church family and the purity culture was pretty equal opportunity.
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?
I've been working in the same shitty walmart job for the past 7 years. Only the second job I've had. Honestly it's not that bad but I wish I had the drive to seek out something better or at the very least something new.
Thought at some point things would fall into place and I'd find the spark that makes people have the sort of hustle you associate with youth. I never had that. Probably caused by not having much support, living in an area with few opportunities and getting beaten down pretty hard when I tried to make things happen in my youth. At a certain point your brain just says "okay, we have to stick to what works and not take risks". Next thing you know you're getting old and age just reinforces this attitude further and you kind of give up while before you were in a losing desire with your desire to just lie flat.

It's not all bad though. The current crew I work with are pretty cool but eccentric folks, half of them are queers and that's kind of nice. It makes me feel like less of a failure because I get to see happy people who, like me, don't fit into the whole heteronormative system. I envy them. It's helped me privately explore my interest in being dominated and made into a sissy with a lot less shame. Still not brave enough to try that in real life and I go back and forth on whether I'm a real troon, a porn addict or just trying hard to fit in but overall it's positive and so I'm going to keep doing it.
Thanks for reading my blog nonnie.
But is he really that good if you consider the kinds of women he attracts, not just the quantity? Are any of them the kind of person you'd want to be with?
anon the bar is set at
im not kidding im not a good person im a loser. If escorts did not exist i wouldnt even know you could feel good with another person.
>huge loser
>Owns a house at 30
You are doing better than 99% of other 30 year olds. I know it's a meme but all you need to do is talk to women. Doesn't even matter how you talk to them or about what. Just do it.
There was one recommended to me, a older japanese guy with some title like "no friends on a friday night" and him playing street fighter 2 on a snes on a portable tv and playing a guitar. Was about to subscribe to him when I watched the second video were he revealed he had a wife and 2 kids. Mildly infuriated at that.
>I know it's a meme but all you need to do is talk to women.
It's a meme if the circumstances aren't right.
Haha yeah I felt the same way. That shit was ridiculous.
I couldn't tell what was more annoying, whether it was an attempt to garner sympathy to get more viewers (for epic youtube money) or that he wasn't satisfied enough with a wife and 2 kids.
I got that guy too, what a total scam. And he keeps making videos with similar titles. The only reason people like it is because muh Japan.
the youtube videos i like to watch are the building a hut in the woods . i really want to build a hut in the woods now lol
Since everyone is usually blogging about their life here I'm going to write up something real quick as well.
>30 now
>Literally never worked. Was an unironic, not the "hehe I'm such a hikki I only leave the house 3 times a week, hikikomori for about 5 years
>Tried getting the school degrees I'm missing but was just way too mentally ill back then during covid or so
>Still didn't give up and tried going outside more and more
>Made 2 friends but not going into more detail right now
>Went from not being able to go outside at all to meeting up weekly and going on trips as well
>No education, never worked a job, still don't have either
>Make about 100 bucks a month playing online poker so I can do stuff
My friend is a software engineer at a big company, I see all these people with their normal adult lifes, with girlfriends/wifes and good jobs. I feel like such a clown and its insanely depressing. Even more depressing than when I was a hikki without any contact to the outside world. And sometimes I realize I'm still very mentally ill. Just the thought of going to evening school fills me with anxiety. Occasionally when I go outside to meet my friends I feel like killing myself instead. Its just emptiness that I just can't shake. Pretty much my only hope in life right now is to try harder at poker by studying more and actually becoming a pro and make a decent living off it. Oh and I suddenly lost a lot of hair so I gotta get a transplant as well. Just looking into the mirror is hell. I wanted to write more but I will end it here for now.
I was about to say the former but it's both combined. Feeling the need to garner sympathy on the internet even though you have a nice life with a stable job, a house, a wife, and 2 kids is surreal and makes me mad.
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It seems like there are copycats
>absent father and overly protective mother
A recipe for success. It's almost a comedy when my father gets butthurt about my brother spending all day in front of the computer then proceeds to lay on the couch 12h a day doing nothing but watching TV and sleeping.
My gf cheated and left me. It has fucked me over badly. It wasn't as bad at first but now I'm feeling bad. It was a toxic relationship though. I didn't trust her and it's just my fucked up brain acting out. It really hurts still but I'm coping. She still tried to pursue my 2 times after the breakup but after cheating and a lot of bad stuff before, it was the only choice. A few weeks ago I started talking to this chick who lives 1,5 hrs from here. She is younger than me, has no kids and we are having a good time chatting. It might work, who knows. In the meantime I'm learning Gdscript, digital drawing and retaking lifting and kickboxing. I think that mental health has a lot to do with momentum, and talking to this new girl really gave me a new outlook in the sense that my ex wasn't the last chick on earth. It's hard not to idealize somebody when they left us, but in reality it didn't work. Hope things turn out alright to you my old buds, I'm 37 if it matters.
Disgusting. Normalfags are literally looking for any avenue to garner EXTRA sympathy.
Neither. I'm a mentally ill neet. After years of trying and failing both school and employment repeatedly, I've kind of given up. I tried very hard to be a normalfag for a long time but it's hard and I've failed everytime. I spent some time fostering skills and hobbies as a cope and it has given me some sense of purpose as well as stability but I'm too disorganized to monetize it or maintain consistency with it. Even that falls apart sometimes. Maybe a work from home job would be good. I don't want to be dysfunctional but it doesn't seem like I have a choice sometimes. I'm most functional when I'm alone at home though so maybe it could work.
You don't need to be a normie you just have to not be a neet.
I would settle for functional either way but you're right. I'd rather not be a neet.
>always a huge loser, parents didnt raise me but i dont hold it against them.
To a degree you're right but your dad sounds like a fucking basketcase.
I really dont understand why I even still exist at this point.
Its not funny anymore.
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I found a bank receipt on the ground of my apartment complex with a $60k balance. I honestly didn't expect anyone living near me to have such a balance. I'm happy for them but it makes me feel worse considering I'm in the negative.
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>>always a huge loser, parents didnt raise me but i dont hold it against them.
How the fuck do you own a house that your parents don't know about? Not only do they not know you own a house, your dad assumes he'll have to pay your rent if you move out? Your greentext makes no fucking sense.
Considering how fucked his parents are and how uninvolved I could believe it.
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woke up for massive thunderstorm, brewed coffee, joined rfd, tank left, now 30min deserter. all my friends are at sleep. what now?
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>Considering how fucked his parents are and how uninvolved I could believe it.
You have to be the same guy who wrote the original greentext, and now you're here as a sockpuppet to say "He's right you know! I can totally believe my story! I mean his story!"

How are the parents uninvolved? He LIVES with his dad who supposedly cried when this guy said he was moving out and then offered to pay the guy's rent! I wish I'd had parents like that.
You do not have to tell your father anything anon. I lived with my mother my entire life because she was easy and my father in general was very angry i didnt have vocational farmer skills born into me.
not at all i never lived with my father, he just started coming around randomly at 30 either out of guilt or whatever.
work writing as a digital nomad
travel around asia, eat great food, make love to beautiful women
hotels are sometimes pretty okay because i don't earn much, but its a perfect life for me
>Take ages to shit
>Take a while to wipe
>Realize I can save time by pre-tearing the paper, 5-6 wipes worth or more if it's post Mexican
Anyone else do super weird things that actually make a lot of sense?
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who else is 30+ and lives with their momma
Mate, believe in me who believes in you. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

>In the meantime I'm learning Gdscript, digital drawing and retaking lifting and kickboxing
Good. Are you sleeping and eating properly too?
I moved out at 30, dunno how I lasted so long. At least it allowed me to save tens of thousands
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started re watching lost. watched it back in they but thats long time ago like brand new
I feel too guilty to leave my mom she's deteriorating in health and struggles with basic stuff . without me she'd be in a retirement home within a year
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?
Gonna be making 75k EOY and will probably have 6 figures saved in 2025. The question is if I wait until my mid 30s investing and pray inflation doesn't hit too hard for a very nice house or just buy a house asap. Idk. My job could be done 90% from home but that 10% is important. I am getting paid more than my worth and idgaf. This company could very well go under and I have enough saved for at least 2 years of unemployment. I lied on my resume and I'll lie for the next job. I'll continue to do this and rake in more money. I easily see my self making 100k+ by 33.

All I care about is myself and I gotta say: once you completely abandon the normal world, life is so much more fun especially if you have the money. I cut out my parents, life long friends, and anyone who tries to get close and I'm happier and more at peace. I truly think we do not need to socialize irl as they say we do. A few threads a day and I'm good to go. I look forward to spending Christmas alone and there's a part of me that acts smug when people get uncomfortable that I can so easily say to cut out your family if they don't bring you immediate happiness and you have no financial ties.

I genuinely wish I had done this at 18 like I wanted to instead of wasting 10 years trying to convince myself I could be normie.
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I got lucky and ended up in a carer as a business analyst working from home. I don't need a ton of space or really anything considered luxury to be happy so I'm content material-wise.

I am still lonely. I drink too much, although rn it's limited to the weekends. I'm not a virgin but only had sex once at 37.
Are you Chinese? What exactly do you intend to do with all this money?
I wonder why I always wake up with a start whenever I dream of a woman hugging or kissing me?
>I wonder why I always wake up with a start whenever I dream of a woman hugging or kissing me?
Your mind is trying to access a data bank that doesn't exist so you crash back to desktop.
The 44yo MILF who liked me first two days ago and that I matched with yesterday blocked me this morning. Typical.
They like my photos, but they almost never read the profile that is pretty clear that I am unable to date, but would like a regular & intimate hook-up.
Despite being a bald manlet, there's something that is attractive enough about me, but they always bail when it comes to the action. I'm still incel as fuck.
Yes, I am obviously fucked up. I post here after all. My expectations/standards are so low that I'd happily settle for a post-menopause woman I can cum in.
My best chance was last year, and this fat 60yo 'love[d] [my] profile', and even she slow-texted and ghosted when I tried to set a meet. So Black Pilling.
There are other likes that I will have to work through, but I know none of them will want to actually fuck. So it's just elimination, one at a time.
God forbid that I accidentally get two who actually wanted to fuck. I can barely deal with going outside once a week.
>absent father and overly protective mother
Heh. You too?
My parents were fucked up and didn't live like normies, but I always knew they loved me.
I miss them terribly. Another curse of the only child.
F. I'm in a similar boat.
I'm just trying to stay on 'bux by being too mentally ill to be given appointments anymore. I'm now waiting the agonising few weeks after my second assessment to find out if I get another period of time without them (depressed, anxious, tested as 70% autistic but not diagnosed, passive suicidal ideation for almost a decade).
Sadly, staying on 'bux keeps me in the poverty trap. I am not allowed to earn money on the side and the bastards watch my bank account. So investing my meagre savings in bitcoin and gold is not really possible; nor can I fuck around with gambling to make my bills and a little spending money. Just finally trying to lean poker and dicked around with free games against the computer. Fucked up thing is that so many of us are shut-ins sitting on computers, that playing stocks every day would be perfect 'work' for a NEET, if we had enough start-up money. I could easily live on 16K a year. Just wish I could make it from home. Wage slavery in the autist's living hell that is today's front-line service economy is simply not an option for me, without roping. I tried and I failed hard. There is nowhere else for me to go. I certainly hope I am dead within 20 years, or much sooner.
Reminds me of the time I got a balance receipt and it said over 100K or some shit. Needless to say, it was an error. FML.
The one year out of 19 that I wage-cucked, I easily saved 1/3 of my income and used that as a nice cushion when I crashed back onto 'bux.
In that year, it was horrible and I was dealing with my mother's sudden death, but I somehow survived the year. I had hoped to jump sideways into a different department, but as usual there was no room at the inn and I was fucked. They also were cutting 70% of jobs in the 2010s, so any back office work that I could have done was obviously going, leaving me only with front-line hell.
I was also obsessed with saving as much money as possible; since then I realised we are all getting fucked by constant inflation and collapse of purchasing power, so keeping savings in cash is a terrible idea. It seems investing is the only way not to get fucked and yet people can get fucked even harder there.
I always rip four two-squares.
>3ply army nigguh
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Would have been me, had she not died suddenly two months before my 29th.
I found her in our kitchen. I have been waiting to die ever since.
>I'm not a virgin but only had sex once at 37.
Story time?
Hoard it like a dragon and be comfy.
>Would have been me, had she not died suddenly two months before my 29th.
>I found her in our kitchen. I have been waiting to die ever since.
My condolences.
That's actually a good way of thinking about it, 404, does not exist.
Found out my boss is leaving the company soon. This will be the fourth boss I have had since starting and the transition period is always hell. I just want to go back to being a neet
Iktfb. Three team leads changed in almost a year. It always suck when a new comes in because he always set a new rules.
>turned out to be a massive lying bpd slut
What were the missed red flags?
Lost my job a few months ago and im losing my mind the only thing keeping me sane is going to the gym and playing wow, i have been searching for a job but nothing come up im starting to think people will only hire next year
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>finally got a job that at least sort of uses the degree I went to college for in my late 20s
No more packing fish for me. Now I get to sit in an office using a computer to sell hydroponics equipment
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>big weeb
>tfw no gf even though im a doctor
I feel like I'm weirdly hovering between successful life and dysfunctional life. I can't even do shit like drive and spend most of my free time watching anime and playing MMOs.
>whether I'm a real troon, a porn addict
Post nut clarity can help with this
things that cost a quarter
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Update on this, just sent an email to a recruiter that was interested in me that I'm no longer looking to change jobs.
My job pays enough, I slack off quite a bit and I wfh 4 days a week. I also have zero will or drive to learn a new place, new people and put some actual work for at least a year till I get some credit and can slack off safely.
I'd rather focus on taking care of myself and my life than stressing over a new job for a few bucks I don't even care about.
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ice cold half liter coca-cola and cigarette outside and some nice old lady said hi to me
TFW so incel that I would happily accept blowjobs from an old woman. If she were good at that, I'd probably fuck her too.
I'd love to have my balls constantly drained by a willing woman, without any other fuss. I'd gladly give up today's young bitches for that.
>My condolences.
Thank you, anon.
This is brutal and true.
I could never get myself off, so porn is pretty pointless for me, as well as a cocktease. Reminds me of what I don't have. Only wet dreams prove that the equipment even works, so I am just fucked in the head. My ~25 years of inceldom doesn't help. I don't think I even shoot full loads anymore (TFW turning oldcel). One cope I have is, when going to bed, imagining foreplay and sex with women who gave me (meaningless) likes online, or MILFs like Dr. Melfi or Counselor Troi.
Admittedly, the paid sex I had in my 20s was largely underwhelming, so I think more about the foreplay. Kissing, massage. I have such a duller feeling with intercourse that the fantasy is just as lacking. Though I am such a shut-in that doing anything social with them, having to tapdance to keep their interest is horrifying and completely unfeasible. I just can't find women that are happy enough with lots of fucking and sensuality. I actually want to spend the night with a woman and have the morning after glow. I am just totally fucking useless when I am not indoors. Everything about me and my 'life' is a waste. A bitter disappointment that is impossible to change. Autism, depression, anxiety and introversion will keep me in poverty permanently. Inceldom is assured. Death is a release.
rewatched it when covid lockdowns hit.
it was okay but man being around when it was still airing was an amazing experience
>being around when it was still airing was an amazing experience
it was. all the crazy theories on forums and irc. good times
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>it was okay
I can't remember when but you realise at some point that they were just dragging it out for no reason.

I remember that the creators were so pissed off with people on the internet finding out what was actually happening.
>I'm 30, far from a boomer
that is literally the start of being a boomer
maybe you haven't a depressive enough period to kill your humanity yet
other than that by that time I've already not played games for a while
cooming yeah, but also declining and now a dead COCK at this age
>this schizo trauma dump
>imagine being a psychiatrist and listening to such rambles every day
imagine having energy dealing or engaging with people who are just annoying or somehow detrimental to your own life, simply fade in to the bushes like homersimpson.gif
that's my one simple secret trick
>It's helped me privately explore my interest in being dominated and made into a sissy with a lot less shame.
it's made clear to me that more and more people itt need to be offed
>poker in 2024
nigga you are 2 decades late farming off this shit, I know niggas who made 10m from online poker ages ago, brutal
>see all these people with their normal adult lifes, with girlfriends/wifes and good jobs. I feel like such a clown and its insanely depressing
yes an all of this stems from being poor, not having money is the life killer, it's the biggest and only quantifiable metric on how fuck your life is as a male, your life can't even start
moneymaxx is your number one priority, yes your mental health will also be solved the more money you get, it's a symbiotic relationship
>After years of trying and failing both school and employment repeatedly
this is probably linked to low effort and not taking things seriously (as a multiple time failure myself and one last shot left)
once all other options become worse there is not option left but to succeed
a normal wagie will save up that very fast (as a mid earning eu wagie)
can't think of anything more emasculating, solve this
it's shit
based moneymaxxer and schizoid relationships-on-your-own-terms, well I agree on not socializing with negative people
>can already feel myself cognitively declining
>can entirely see myself being a vegetable by 40
>finally get an interview for the first time in months last week at Weatherguard Windows for a data entry position
>agree to "meet with Larry at 1"
>show up and there are 20 other people there, surprise group interview
>we all have to fill out paper apps while The Emoji Movie loudly plays on a projector
>and get interviewed for 2 minutes each with the owner and 2 other hiring managers
>get rejection text 1 day later
I just want to stop being a neet
stop giving women validation by desperatemaxxing online and start moneymaxxing
>Sadly, staying on 'bux keeps me in the poverty trap. I am not allowed to earn money on the side and the bastards watch my bank account.
as I said repeatedly, being poor is the number one quantifiable metric of mental illness, this completely destroys and ruins your entire life, obviously, as you can't have one, you can't have basic things or operate as a human
I know all this too well, being fucking cucked anal raped by the gov not even being allowed to improve your situation, literal fucking hell, you MUST escape this asap
>I have been waiting to die ever since.
first, accept the realities of life, then move on with your life, stop dwelling on egotistical emotions
best of luck friendo
brutal not getting job offers before graduation in all actuality
sexo will leave you, all that will remain is money
>A bitter disappointment that is impossible to change. Autism, depression, anxiety and introversion will keep me in poverty permanently. Inceldom is assured. Death is a release.
more money more dopamine, it's the cure for depression
I recommend exercise to keep brain cells functioning
high fat fishy diet, stimmaxxing and so forth
based and redpilled for realizing moneymaxxing is the key
I remember doing a group interview at a callcenter once, it was fucking bad, also did not get it, obviously
keep grinding nigga
>surprise group interview
I would have left right there.
sounds like a humiliation ritual that the owners put on for keks
>I would have left right there.
This. Fuck that noise.
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Not much to tell haha. After posting intermittently for 3 years on /r/virginityexchange I met a woman that wanted to take my virginity. We met up, fucked, and that was that.

It would be nice to be in a relationship where I have an emotional connection with a partner. Maybe one day.
>that is literally the start of being a boomer
No. He is a millennial. You fucking spastic.
There's a surprising amount of medbros here, it's not that hard to believe.
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I got quite lucky with my wagecage office job. The way it works it's very easy to automate. So I spend most of my 8 hours a day sat on Reddit (4chan is blocked). Haven't done much work for a few months now. Occasionally I have to do a burst of stuff for a whole week setting up the automation but that's about it really. It's probably the easiest job I've ever had. Problem is that you start to realise you have no purpose in life
What do you do? I work as web developer and while I slack off as much as I can I simply can't automate stuff.
>What do you do?
marketing, specifically meta/google/youtube ads. The biggest timehog is filming all the adverts and then editing. Once they're done I just set them and let them run. occasionally i will mess around with them to fix an issue but most ads use machine learning to deliver them to the right consumers/audience now.
filling out paperwork for more neetbux, doesnt hurt to try, even if i get a ltitle bit its worth it. my eyes are like glazing over fucking paperwork
How'd you get into it?

>filling out paperwork for more neetbux
Take as much money as you can.
holy shit im still sitting here filling out the paperwork. my eyes have glazed over. but yeah, take as much asd you can. everyone should always try
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>in my 20s
>virgin loser but doesn't give a single fuck, think about viydya anime and other fiction 100% of my time or some fantasy/science fiction daydreams, completly detached from reality

>hit 30s
>still virgin loser but suddenly started having fantasies and daydreams about having girlfriend or wife, feel sad and miserable

I fucking hate it. How do i get back to my previous mindset?
>How do i get back to my previous mindset?
you dont. it is the effect of getting older.
Thanks man. I'm much better today. I always had problems sleeping but nowadays I'm taking medication to help me sleep.
You don't but it could be worse, I don't even know what I want and there is literally nothing I'm looking forward and I just try to keep myself busy both physically and mentally to avoid thinking about it.
>hit puberty in 30s
Lol it's so over, get head from a twink and pretend it's a woman
>I don't even know what I want
Why not?
I'm 29 can I be an honorary 30+ pls.
I never thought life or anything we make had any inherent meaning or point. I don't intend this to sound depressing, because that's not how I feel, but if life were an RPG I'd be the town's fool fishing at the pond and doing side quests while completely ignoring the main one.
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As other anon said, it's natural.
I found turning 30 to be pretty fucked up. A threshold that has been crossed that one cannot reverse. The passage of time and ageing is much more apparent from here on in. As long-time NEETs/incels, we realise that our life has been wasted and there is basically no going back, especially if we are autistic shut-ins.
On a basic level, I'd suggest re-absorbing the Black Pill and realising that it's over and it never began. What helped me was embracing that it was indeed impossible for me to live any another way and to take each day as it comes. I distract myself as much as possible with laptop/vidya for every waking hour. Now I'm pushing 40 and my thirties seemed to have passed by 2-3x speed. I take great comfort in knowing that I will be dead within the next 20 years (parents died in their 50s) and that it will feel sooner than it will be. The suffering will end.
big surprise on here , why do people spam this shit like they think their situation is unique
Even if you consider yourself an absolute fuck up, do you still have any drive to do something? I mean, there must be a point when things can't get any worse or you simple don't care, at that point, what's stopping you?
You ever played GTA in your PS2 and things got so fucked up, or maybe you were just about to turn down the console and said, fuck it, lets raise hell.
Why doesn't this happen irl?
God damn it, there must be a way. Some kind of deep escapism hobby that I can drown in. Maybe we will get full brain virtual reality games in our lifetime that would be great.
>Some kind of deep escapism hobby that I can drown in
I spend a great amount of my free time fishing and reading.
do you think that your ignoring the main one now?
It depends. When I was younger I always had strong post nut clarity but age has made it less and less strong as I've quit caring. Frankly at this point I fear my deranged sub fantasies are just the result of some mental complex. Imagine. You spend your whole teens and 20's agonizing over no gf, not fitting the masculine mold while having a fascination with various forms of submission. At a certain point it becomes a part of your identity and I'm no longer willing to give it up.

Honestly I should probably just start going to /soc/ and maybe I'd find somebody to explore this sort of thing irl with which is a lot more fruitful than endlessly wondering if I'm making it up. I'm also a 32yo wizzie so it's not like making connections is my strong suit soooo... shrug.

Don't most people experience the opposite? At least until they rope. Maybe I haven't hit that point yet.
it's easier to get girls who don't care that's for sure.
thought she was better than others, plus wanted to show me her body really quick. within a week
>How do i get back to my previous mindset?
You can't. It was a product of being young and feeling, even if only at a subconscious level, like you had time. Crossing into your 30s you stop feeling that way, and you can see your body starting to break down. The delusions about suddenly getting up one morning and fixing everything at once vanish. You enter damage control mode. This is why I laugh at every 20 something kid that proudly declares that he doesn't care about getting a gf.
Yes, I'm pretty damn sure I'm not doing absolutely anything to fix my main problems right now.
I spent the whole day setting up a chink handheld, reading and cleaning my fishing stuff.
As of today I'm starting my diet and working out again.
None of that will solve the fact that I'm balding but since I'm really tired about this and also stresses me a lot I'm going to see a dermatologist next week, either I get a hair transplant or shave/buzz my head.
Precisely because inceldom and loneliness in men is common as hell now and we want to commiserate with others who know that feeling.
I said how I cope; endless laptop and vidya.
I wish we had holodecks so I could fuck customisable holograms. I'd never leave.
All that JOI shit, that I cannot touch, would be pointless. Same thing with fucking lifeless dolls. I have no interest.
Get into zoophilia. Easier to score, harder to be reported to the cops.
Same, anon. Also, outsourcing over the past 15/30/50 years basically eliminated all the back office jobs that I could have done well in.
It's all service job hell now, which is intolerable for autists. Almost all work seems pointless and miserable, as well as criminally underpaid.
Most jobs are largely redundant. It's just busy-work. Fuck that. Going through constant battles to keep my 'bux is horrible. I just want a fucking UBI.
Sure, I'd like a WFH 3 day a week job to earn a little more money, but that won't happen either. Asocial hermitdom is too ingrained in me.
Same thing here. These days when I go to sleep the thought "you are already 30" sometimes pops into my mind and I get a quick rush of anxiety for 2 seconds.
Reminds me of gen-x-ers I knew in the 90s who were too indifferent / indecisive to take those jobs. Those who knew how to use a keyboard and office suite were treated like unicorn engineers are these days. Well not exactly but you get the point.
I still know one of them who lives in poverty now.
I wish I had a job actually, wageslaving sucks but things are expensive and money is desired.
Try to fix your diet and get more sleep.
Please don't entice people to do bad things, we don't need that in these threads.
>"i know i fucked you up i know i fucked you up"
My dad did this so many times I've lost track. Get them the fuck out NOW. Milk them for money you won't have to pay back if you can but get them out. They are Pavlovian conditioners. Give it a year of no contact and you'll feel amazing.
sounds like a delusional recount of events, something a whore would say about an ex boyfriend not about parents
Forgive me for sounding like a fag but when was the last time you internet-argued or even just made a mad reply? For the first time in a long time I did that on /v/ after my fairly innocuous post was criticized by the OP. It was barely an argument consisting of two-liners, but still. I got bent out of shape by the combination of subject matter and his writing style. It was like that of a 2010 tripfag to give you an idea.

It feels like I shouldn't be asking this question at this age, but if they turn it into a no-u contest, do you just let them have the last post and quit? Let them have satisfaction? On /r9k/ I suppose I am too desensitized and would just have ignored in the first place, but it still sucks having so many shitty threads around and not even protesting it. It's like invasion.
Must be years but when I get bored and don't want to do anything I sometimes start baiting and trolling for fun.
Don't worry too much.
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Hopefully it works out for you. Here on the opposite spectrum being a skellie with a real mop-head that I'm afraid to get cut. I wonder how long it will last though.
It depends. Usually for the longest time I just don't care that much. I've had my fair share of internet fights and it changes, as you age. The general culture also changes. It's much different, but also kind of the same, as it used to be.
I have also posted lots of bait threads where I want angry replies to come in and I only post the OP post and no replies. There are also times I fall asleep after a back and forth baiting with someone, and I wake up and see their replies but the thread is archived.
Internet fights are a waste of time but sometimes you can learn some things from them. You'd be better off doing something else with your time.
I'm 32 but have nothing except a 12 year old car to my name. live with parents.make 100k a year though all my money except my 401k goes to my parents. never had a gf. only got a kiss one time in my life because I decided to do what I do best a pretend to be someone I'm not.
I know /b/ has been utter dogshit for years but what is it even now?
my gf broke up with me and wouldn't tell me why and like cattle i just meekly accepted it without argument and now i can't stop thinking about her and about myself and just how pathetic it all is
>Do outings with girl from work and her male friend she always invites to say they're not dates.
>Tolerate it because no other social life beyond hyper busy friend
>Hyper busy friend does event
>Invite her expecting to talk with her thoughtout day, large busy event so can't be implied date
>She brings him anyway then sits in corner with him entire time.
>Lose all interest in talking to her from that point on.
Several fucking years of working together and she still doesn't feel safe around me. Fucking insulting.
have you tried putting on deodorant and not being a creepy nigga? Have you tried going to the gym? Have you tried not giving a fuck about random bitches? In no specific order really
>/b/ was never good
Sure but it's never been this bad, I used to find happenings, interesting conversations, image edit threads among the trash. Now, it seems like it's been actively destroyed. I mean remember /b/ used to be one of the main entry boards for anons.
Have you tried not being a retarded faggot?
Why are you talking to a more successful male in this tone? One of us is having bitch problems and it aint me
I think that when they do that the best thing you can do is to dissapear. She already made her mind and most likely had somebody else. In all honesty doing no contact is the most sensible thing you can do and the most reasonable thing you can do if you want to get her back. Women cannot fathom you rejecting them. They are very basic beings.
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Man I had my nephews over for the weekend and they just left and I feel destroyed. Dont know how parents can do that shit full time.
I work on a large farming operation. It's basically all I've ever known. We are about to get into busy season. If it doesn't rain we wind up going two weeks of 80-90 hrs/week before we get a day off. Being around a small group of people for that long makes everyone involved really irritated. Otherwise the other shitty part of it is that events related to my hobby stuff tend to start and end in the spring and fall respectively.
Got into it with my piece of shit older brother, he has multiple kids with multiple women because he got to be a piece of shit his whole life but thinks my life was easy. If I was not constantly burdened by my shitty family I would've had a shot at life but now I look forward to the day I just give in.
Played flight sims all night while drinking beer and shit posting on 2nd monitor
Wife has tomorrow off, we're going to watch a movie and relax, smoke some weed
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sorry bro, Ive been through it
youll get another, just put that chick behind you
hit the gym, get those juices flowing again, you'll get a better chick next time I promise
Besides the insane workload and having people around how do yo like farming?
I see a lot of people jaded with office work that romanticize manual labor but personally I wouldn't go back to it.
I work at a fucking restaurant and the owner is the same age as me. He gives me a lot of hours and pays me okay because he knows im dick poor, but knowing he makes nearly half a million annually makes me want to shoot myself. I also work with a bunch of zoomer women that flirt with me constantly and make me afraid of copping a charge
If theyre flirting, give them what they want
if things go south, you'll adapt, because you're a man
I know you can do it
>I never thought life or anything we make had any inherent meaning or point.
Why would that stop you from doing things?
A good part of the year I'm driving a semi so I'm completely by myself. When I do that, I basically set my own hours. As far as the the actual farming part, it has a couple benefits. It is nice being able to see what I've accomplished during the day. There is some satisfaction is finishing planting or harvesting a field. I'm always looking out at nature. There isn't much for trees though. Sometimes it feels like I'm chained to the tractor or combine cab so I suppose that's similar to being stuck in a cubicle.
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eating really spicy ramen drunk watching old youtube vids
different kind of vibe
The older I get, the more pointless it seems (shit, that could be said about life itself).
Though I may just tell them to go fuck themselves and leave.
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Just a degenerate porn board now.
For some time I have lamented how Caturday threads struggle to make the limit, or just 404.
Same thing with dubs threads. No-one bothers and it's pointless having a thread with one poster. My Bateman folder rarely get used.
There is no point in fighting the inevitable. She wasn't loyal. Forget her.
I wouldn't even have bothered with all these 'platonic dates' that obviously fuck up a man's mind and lead to inevitable heartbreak like this.
If a woman doesn't want to fuck me - and as I post here too, they obviously they do not - then I don't care to know her. Endless 'group' meets are a red flag.
Of course, women like and match with me, but still get offended that I want to fuck them. Isn't that the end result of mutual attraction? Fuck time-wasting.
Agreed. Even in the last five years it got bad.
I just don't have much of a home board anymore. /tv/ are ban-happy faggots with whiny R*dditor rat posters, /p/ are hostile elitist faggots, /pol/ can run too fast to have a conversation, /gif/ is also full of degeneracy and I got an unexplained ban there once, so I am reluctant to post as much. Even coming to this board I feel out of place, even though I am a life-long loser too. Many of my comments seem to be the final one in the thread. Rarely get pleasant conversation. Blue boards are pretty cucked.
Though these threads are pretty good, as we all have those feelings of getting older, living with disappointment and alienation. I do wonder if there will be a 40+ general someday, as I will have to post there in a couple of years time.
In my 20s, I liked the idea of being a father, but I was too incel and NEET to ever do it.
As you say, it would be too busy and it would be nerve-wracking. I learned that I really can't live any other way than being a hermit.
software dev; was going fine until i hit like 29 and my health just went to shit overnight, boom sudden severe chronic migraines. almost every fucking day.

i'm 31 now, i've had to rearrange my entire life just to be able to exist without being in excrutiating pain.

I'm grateful for this WFH gig i got earlier this year though, i can rest a bit more and I don't feel homicidal from pain and stress all the time.
F. In my single year of wage-cucking, I worked next to a successful guy who was two months younger than me. Pretty much owned his house, had a wife and two kids. Constantly fucking boasted about everything. In the mean-time, I was trying to piece my life back together after finding my mother dead in our kitchen five weeks before I started there and was coming off the back of a decade of NEETdom and struggling with the wagie life as an autist. We both made a show of being friendly and conversational with each other, but by the end we despised each other and rarely spoke. Fortunately, my other immediate colleagues were cool.
The overbearing little prick asked me a dumb question about a task I was doing and I quietly called him out with a 'FFS, what do you think I've been doing?' and he got super cunty about it. I almost had a stroke there and then, wanting to kill this fucking cunt. I felt an explosion in my head and chest and actually saw red. By some miracle, I kept perfectly still. I had to wait ten minutes to cool down enough to 'apologise' to him, but things were never the same after that.
On my last day at that miserable office he tried to take my number and I avoided it.
Turned out my two other colleagues hated him too, but he brown-nosed the management of the sister department that we shared an office with, so he was the golden boy. He even alienated his solid work-friend of a couple of years by making a crude comment to the guy's GF who worked there.
Of course, he went on to work in the rich cunt financial part of the city. It seems that only sociopaths succeed in life now.
I ended up back in NEETdom and frankly, work today is living hell for autists, so I am glad to be out of it, despite the inherent poverty.
This. Older men really have a shot with younger broads.
Not me, obviously. Though if one offered, I'd fuck them. I wouldn't want to date them (or anyone, as dating is horrible for low value men).
Isn't there any treatment you can get for that?
>work for 3 engineering companies
>just barely getting work after months of dry spells and sporadic project offers that went nowhere with my main company.
>relationship probably ending because of my need to take on random projects.

Don't be loyal to one single company when it comes to seasonal or gig economy jobs. Tell everyone you are available then suddenly that something has come up.

I went from earning $15 at this job to $30 within 2 years because I switched companies so often but fuck man shit is rough.

Hopefully life gets easier now but somehow I doubt it bros.
When I was working at shitty job a couple years back there we were talking about black nerds and how it's okay for black people to be into anime now? You would have to be an in the closet anime fan and act cool but not any more. This older guy started talking about how he did the same thing as you ordering VHS tapes through the mail , hoping this episode of DBZ he hadn't seen is the next after the saiyan saga and how he kind of got spoiled for a transformation and had to wait years to see where it was in the episode list.

My days were the golden age of youtube, I watched most of bleach there, my brother watched G-Gundam there now you can't even play the fight theme of FFX because you might get copyright/demonitized
ive tried many of them and some work better than others, lots of shit side fx; mostly just turns the volume knob down on pain but it never really goes away
>tfw your life is essentially predetermined and regardless of anything you do or any opportunities you take, you're still guided by 'fate'.
my parents are weird
they raised me weird
i couldn't reconfigure myself to operate how the world is
Same. We were raised for a world that no longer exists.
They gave all the 'real' jobs, or autist-friendly jobs, to chink slaves for pennies and society wonders why a bunch of us can't get or hold jobs.
Competition for everything (jobs/pussy) is too damned high. The only attainable jobs are front-line hell, so NEETdom is more desirable.
not what i was talking about but cool story
Fuck getting old.
>stomach problems for years
>earlier this year they get worse
>get checked out by doctor, nothing obvious wrong
>start eliminating lactose and gluten
>shitting, farting ,bloating, pain, exhaustion
>despite working out, cutting out unhealthy food and lifting heavy my stomach still feels like garbage
I miss being a retarded teenager playing WoW and Half-life 15 hours a day on a plastic chair while chugging soda and eating hot pockets. If I did that today I'd have a heart attack and my hands would fall off while I shat my guts out.
Thanks for reading my retarded blog. Yes most of it is my fault. Life sucks. Fuck me.
>not what i was talking about but cool story
Okay, dick.
Maybe your current condition is a result of your behaviour as a teenager.
I'm pretty sure a lot of hermit guys are just very tired in life and have an aversion to stress. No judgement though from me.
I think getting older is comfy (outside of health shit). I have more peace than I did years ago despite being a failure. it's gonna be ok bros
I might be saving a lot of money but I do thing that living with my parents is killing my will to do anything. The house is not very big when they get at home around 17:00 when I finish my work. My father is watching TV at high volume in the living room 24/7 and my mother just do house chores. Watching a movie, reading or anything that requires silence is out of the question. I also have zero privacy since my door is between the kitchen and living room que the pass through there constantly. To make it even better they wake up at 6:00, an the noise usually wakes me up, so getting good sleep is out of the question.
I don't really have any problem with them and we get along nice but this shit is killing me to the point that my working hours are actually the best time of the week since they aren't here.
Just let them have. I used to be autistic enough to try win arguments. These days I might entertain whatever they're saying. I let them play off themselves. Let them feed into their own righteous. The new internet, social media in particular, has a phenomenon where people are using it to feel their own indignation rile up. Then some kind of catharsis of ridiculing anyone they can hook into being their strawman. The little game they is so transparent yet they still do it even when fully aware of it. In other words they use it to hear themselves talk and be told they are right.

It must be the end result of the vote/like scoring system of social media reducing everything to binaries. The "no-u"s. Whereas in the prior era of internet, the forum posting paradigm meant nuanced wall of texts. Where the base premise wasn't a one extreme versus the other extreme until they win the war of attrition. It was more like exchanging of ideas/mindset than a no-u back and forth. Ya maybe some ideas people have are dumb but that wasn't the central focus. With wall of text exchanges there is ample points to exchange. The dumb shit is minor.

Sometimes I reply dumber and dumber and until they declare victory. At that point they haven't been responding to discussion anymore, they're relishing in their internet victory against their strawman. That's probably a reason why the internet feels like it's dead internet. Because nobody talks like humans anymore. At the outset they have point of views in their mind. Then try to hammer the other person into fitting the mold of their opposing side. It's like a linear FPS game. There was only ever one conclusion. That is for them to feel righteous. Mad replying is like getting mad at a video game. You can die and reload infinity times. The same way you can internet argue with the same interchangeable anon/pseudonym on any board or forum or social media. They might as well be bots. Of course these days a good percentage are anyways.
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>can't rizz up the teenage baddies in my class as a boomer anymore
>walk around in society with low level paranoid anxiety
I'm finshed, it's over https://youtu.be/pV7pIl3ZuSA
People realized that it doesn't matter beyond a subjective level and appeasing one's ego. I mean, sure people get really invested in the internet fights, but outside of that box, it doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. People who use the internet always liked to jerk themselves off about how smart they are but they are obviously too stupid to understand what I just said. Well, a certain portion of them anyway.
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I liked watching this 30 something guy sail and build because he was by himself in small boats unlike most. I guess it was inevitable he would get a gf since he sailed to europe. They started showing up as guides, and eventually he settled on a norwegian gf who appears in all his videos now. Oh well.
>riding the I'm gonna make it wave/phase until society ultimately crushes me for the #20054th time so far
>don't know how many hope cycles a niggas has left until it's all said and done
They are too stupid or don't care beyond obtain that self appeasement? Either way it's all so pointless.
Something notably missing from the past is that even with the smug smarty pants, those guys will give their interlocutor the benefit of the doubt of comprehending their replies, talking to them as if they aren't simpletons that need to be patronized.
Maybe it's the easiest path to self appeasement to assume everyone is dumb and you are explaining basic shit to a monkey that won't comprehend anyways and then leave with your head held high. These users can be spotted pretty quickly anyways. At that point I fuck with them or don't reply. Just close the window and move on.
I'll try to put it more bluntly. Internet people always had the tendency, I noticed, to think they are above everyone else and yet they have their heads so far up their own asses, that they can't comprehend that internet fights don't matter beyond their little worlds. Outside of the very specific boxes they experience the world in, it just doesn't matter. Yet they are too egotistical to understand this.
Now keep in mind I am also guilty of being in a lot of internet fights myself, but it's all so tiresome. Certain people realize how retarded it is, others never grow up past it. I mean I still do get into back-and-forths myself but I never take them very seriously and often times I am just baiting on purpose.
>anything that requires silence is out of the question
>have zero privacy since my door is between
Closed door?
>and the noise usually wakes me up
Ear plugs?
restaurants take tons of risk and tons of money to get up and running. and never last long
you arent owed anything, definitely not a business with tons of employees , a building and a huge infrastructure for running it, youre just a cashier/bartender man
he just wants to cry about his parents who havent kicked him out yet
dont assume he's thinking logically about his complaints lol
>had a solid job making 250k as a strategy consultant
working 105-115 hours a week, literally killing me

>quit for a new job that promised better hours, making 170k. Kinda stable but also shitty culture
>person I know IRL says I can work for the government as a contractor doing cool stuff and working really chill hours. Not my exact skillset but pretty close
>go through clearance process, takes 6 months
>quit current job, start new job
>day 3 of new job, guy who recruited me said hes being transfered, no choice, and that no one has time to train me and he doesnt know what will happen to me since contractors are supposed to be experts without training
>his replacement comes in 2 weeks, no one on my team will help me or give me anything to do, no one assigns me anything, despite desperately trying to ask people for work

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Maybe I'm autistic but this is fun
have you tried fodmap diet? it fucking sucks but it solved a lot of my problems
discord people are too vapid to talk to...
it's the government, they trim fat way slower, maybe it'll work out
>How do i get back to my previous mindset?
become a writer/some other fiction shitter
>it fucking sucks
Why? You can eat most and mostly all things that are tasty
It's not meant to be a diet you are supposed to use it for a period of an elimination diet and introduce as many things as possible but agreed
Qrd for this is reading the vertical diet by stan efferding if you want quick briefing
It probably is, but it's also probably mostly a gut flora thing. That can be amended, unlike a fucked organ. Thankfully, your bacteria are always as young as they were when you were 1 year old. They have to be cultivate tho.
I'm just apathetiic. I'm on an SSRI and have zero desire to do anything. I still wake up early everyday, around 06:30 and by 08:30 I'm done. I don't want to play video games, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want it to end.
>When I was working at shitty job a couple years back there we were talking about black nerds and how it's okay for black people to be into anime now? You would have to be an in the closet anime fan and act cool but not any more. This older guy started talking about how he did the same thing as you ordering VHS tapes through the mail , hoping this episode of DBZ he hadn't seen is the next after the saiyan saga and how he kind of got spoiled for a transformation and had to wait years to see where it was in the episode list.

Technically it "should" be easier to talk about anime and other related geek shit now but to me it feels like they only seem to be interested in the trending anime/geek thing of the month.

well just don't go below your local age of consent then silly, which is probably 16 (so not 15)
is it a focus problem? Like you want to do x, but drive disappears? Or like an ideation problem?
I get that you are worried about losing your job but if you were making 250k and 170k a year prior what are you actually worried about? ! year of work even with the government stealing more than half you would be able to survive with a minimum wage job if you are responsible with money.
thankfully my ssri works good and i still play video games and fap and have interests
try caffeine for more energy or ask for them to change your meds to something that agrees with you
why do you have to be on meds to feel like that? I do/did it for free
>but knowing he makes nearly half a million annually makes me want to shoot myself.
this is why it's important to have long term plans and exit plans
you nig'rs make an assload of money, we have straight ass salaries here but damn I just need a bit of money and the rest of the benefits could go to QoL because scaling salary here is fucking retarded anyway
getting more tired every year
>thankfully my ssri works good and i still play video games and fap and have interests
I don't know how you guys do it, I had an episode of brutal depression/derealization (undiagnosed, but trust me) and It's like I fucking broke mentally and like felt like a zombie forever after that for the longest, wonder If I ever recovered honestly and could feel again
no meds ever taken or therapy gotten either, just straight battling demons 1on1, anyway
Are you playing contra on a DS lite and PSP-1000(?)/

It's crazy how old the DS is. I remember playing a demo stand of it in a Woolworths. And Woolworths no longer exists. Wilko died a year or two back as well.
MBA cost 70k student loan to get the job

childcare is $2500/month

I have 4 kids, 2 of which are special needs and have about 100k of special needs therapies a year

current wife is in ongoing court custody battle for my stepkid which is about 70k a year in cash

mortgage payment

Sure we could pull the therapies and settle the court case, but that would be failing my kids.

we drive non-luxury cars, take no vacations, dont eat out, etc. just so many bills. all the time.
It's my teenage years PSP 2000 I got in 2008 and my n3dsXL I got in 2016. Honestly hard to believe the age of both. Don't know where my phat ds is. But I still really like them.
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>4 kids
>2 of which are special needs
>court custody battle
I'm not even gonna complain itt anymore, this nigga won
show them kids to 4chan
we'll fix 'em
yeah my life is shit

her ex is a complete psycho who lost his kids but hires PIs to investigate us and constantly makes false police reports that we have to pay expensive criminal lawyers to defend against

the kids are literal high special needs that require a full time special trained caretaker

non special need stepkid is actually really nice. they absolutely adore me and theyre so happy that im their "dad". they honestly are great, i got lucky they werent an asshole.
Get some IT experience and pick up some certs and you can have a comfy wfh job. You are gonna have to talk to people on the phone though but it really is not that bad after a little while
>childcare is $2500/month
>I have 4 kids, 2 of which are special needs and have about 100k of special needs therapies a year
>current wife is in ongoing court custody battle for my stepkid which is about 70k a year in cash
Bullshit excuses, poor people make do all the time and if you were on minimum wage with a stay at home wife the government would roll over to cover most of your living expenses. You are just bad with money.
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>250k a year
>wifin a single mother for some reason
not him but im not sure if im gonna itmaxx (soulless but high paying wagie maxx), businessmaxx (self employed maxx possibility) or socialmaxx(soul but shit pay) in the coming times.... choices choices
that is if I make it out of my current classes to make it
i mean sure. i already said that. i could pull the kids out and cut back our costs huge. but i dont want them to suffer for my failures

eh. i wasnt making that much when we met. shes great and being with her made me want to work really hard to be a better guy for her and the kid. esp the kid who thinks of me as an actual dad, and in fact appreciates me a lot because their biodad treats them like shit. wanting to do better for them made me go back and get my masters and shit and 4x my income over the past 10 years, even if i was doing 3x the hours at times.
>Get some IT experience and pick up some certs
Any particular certs?

I mean, in all likelihood he's probably LARPing. Or just some bizarre sort of humblebrag.
>found a grey hair
fuck it's over bros...
I'm balding, have multiple grey hairs and I literally cannot grow a beard.
I'm a 60 yo kid.
>>probably LARPing
i thought it's obvious it's been happening.
posting wild success stories but wait it's not all that great after all
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>Becoming fat because I stopped caring about myself and don't have any motivation to change
This is rock bottom. All I have is my wagecuck job at the office.
I mean I just left my job only to find out my new job is probably getting canned. Now I'll have no job. Like I threw away my good job before and now I'm just fuked
>I'm a 60 yo kid.
Forgot to mention I'm trans btw
every office needs a funny fat guy
thank you for your service anon
Based oldschool sitcom watcher.
Imposter syndrome is kicking in high gear. I've had a few jobs where everyone thinks I'm a excel/automation wiz because I can create workflows with basic functions and macros. Went to bigger company but got let go my department got downsized. Can't get interviews for junior level position despite having evidence I can get things done (certifications, letter of recs, contributor to mega projects). Everyone else who looked at my CV thinks my qualifications is to be blame for the dry spell. Is there really such a thing as being overqualified?
>Is there really such a thing as being overqualified?
I don't know about shit jobs but definitely wageslave jobs. I've never worked in a career but I've always had to remove my degree from my CV when applying for shit tier jobs. The logic is that they think you're gonna run off when you get a better job.
lmao get ignored, retard
There are deeper depths, wait until you delude yourself into caring, lose the weight but still end up miserable.
Night, night, until the next thread.
Your perspective makes sense. That would explain why companies hires H1Bs for entry level roles so they can milk the shit out of them. I've seen people in my career job hopping for better pay as if it's the norm. I guess having more than 5 YOE gives you a free pass to monkeybranch in the eyes of HR.
>Is your wageslavery grinding you down or did you get lucky and end up in a career?

I ended up as a WFH software dev but I'm still a 36 virgin. I look like Arthur Fleck from the Joker movie. Hair slick back and balding, wearing a stained white T-shirt all the time and underwear. With a life similar to Taxi Driver guy. Alone, in my room, talking to myself, doom scrolling and fantasizing. You don't want to be me.
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A related webm for you.
I had the same issue, stomach issues since my teens that slowly got worse and went nuclear after I got covid for some reason. Also came with headaches and fatigue when it got really bad. I went all in on rebuilding my microbiome and cured it completely, my guts work better than I did at 18.
I can't guarantee you can fix it like that, doctors won't help you because no one knows shit about this stuff. I flailed around for more than a year, but the basic sequence was
>fodmap and cutting shit out of my diet
>loading up on probiotics with kefir (I ordered grains to get the potent heirloom cultures)
>slowly reintroducing all fodmaps
>quitting the kefir

the whole process felt like shit desu and it took forever, but it worked.

The main problem with fodmap, besides missing out on tasty ingredients like garlic that is in every recipe, is that you can't eat out or eat other people's food basically ever. It's social death but I guess here that's less of an issue.
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33 still living at home here.
I have my sister over and my parents just throw me to the visitors bedroom (with no AC during the summer) and I'm really starting to dawn on me how my family perceives me. Sadly I live in a third world country and with my dead end wage I could only afford a room in some slum.
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It sounds like a lot of us are experiencing WFH death. I rarely leave the house these days and I live alone. I make enough money to not care about paying a little extra so I even get my groceries delivered. Still beats going to the office though.

I'm almost 30 and have been greying since 23-24. Think it's genetic since my mum started dyeing her hair around the same age. Will probably do the same soon. Beats going bald at least, my hairline hasn't budged.
Thanks Anon. Time is flying by and slipping into the void. No one to entertain us but our own crazy thoughts.
>3rd world

I assume it's normal to live with your parents until you're married then? Or is it a different kind of third world?
That's sort of for women only.
been juggling bad manic and depressive episodes all year. Started 1000mg lithium in July after getting hospitalized. Shit's a bit less awful now, but its been hell overall. I took medical leave from my job for a few weeks, feel bad about putting extra stress on my relationships and work on my colleagues. Lots of shame. I hope it gets better soon, i'm about to turn 31
good luck anon. Did you have a history of mental illness before this year?
Tinder told me I was gay today, that is new rope fuel for me
I think i've always had mental health issues, particularly depression, but a domino effect of life events made my brain shit the bed.
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i have been two months sober. hardest part was not to stop drinking. hardest part has been dealing whit this existential dread. i now have terrible mod swings, i think i am depressed.
knowing that i wasted 15+ years for alcohol and dealing whit the consequences that i am in this position my life is crushing.
i dont plan to drink or do drugs anymore. but my mind is now filled whit bitter anger, and dealing whit all this change alone, no help is so much. all i can now think about is staying sober and let the flames of hate burn like sun

I've finally accepted that I'm a loser. Idk I don't really have anything else to say. It just sounds wierd. Maybe I should kill myself or something.
>funny fat guy
noooo, im being typecasted.

what country? I see it all the time in latin america, often even with the bf having the gf move into his mom's house even (or vice versa)
30+. Neet since 17. No job history, license, HS diploma, friends, money, transportation or bank account. I don't know where to start, but I can't keep doing this anymore. Being a neet wasn't fun past the first four years to begin with. I'm utterly miserable and escapism no longer has any effect. My OCD tends to rule every one of my days and I'm too socially stunted for normal conversations with strangers, though that rarely even comes up. I haven't left the home since last December and before that, I was on a streak of three years. I want a job so I stop worrying my family, but the thought of having to get something like a McJob makes me feel like throwing up. I am ashamed to be alive and don't want others to know the truth of what I've been living like, which will inevitably come up when asked about the gap in job history.
I have a fear of losing my mind but I figure that probably would have happened by now
>don't want others to know the truth of what I've been living like, which will inevitably come up when asked about the gap in job history.
You need to learn to lie, since you'll be doing a lot of it if you don't want people to instantly write you off (and not just when it comes to getting a job). Say you've been caring for your single mother who has/had MS for the past 10 years, or some other bullshit.
Apparently that is directly anxiety related so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
>Good looking guy capable of building and sailing
nigga he'd be sailing in pussy
>have an aversion to stress
This is correct.
My pal is a normie. He married a woman from ex-Soviet central asia and both their kids have disabilities (downs, autism/seizures).
Poor bastard is working off a giant mortgage and will be parenting them for the rest of his life.
Sometimes it's good to be a NEET shut-in with zero prospects. Some living hells are worse than others.
I rapidly baldceled between 23-28. It was already fucking over. I kept it short or shaved in my 20s, now I just grow out the horseshoe.
Fortunately, I can grow a decent beard and it suits me; though I started getting my first greys around the chin just before I turned 30.
There's an occasional grey at the temples, but nothing that makes me look like I am 'going grey' and it doesn't fucking matter anyway.
Now it's more salt and pepper around the chin. I don't care enough to dye it. Supposedly, women love it. Though I am too incel for that.
>TFW too NEET poor to eat and drink myself to death.
I gained some weight after my last bereavement. I had such terrible back pain that I couldn't sleep through the night.
I was forced to lose the weight. I may want to die every day, but physical pain is not for me.
Feel more sorry for the kids than the idiot normie...
>I mean I just left my job only to find out my new job is probably getting canned. Now I'll have no job. Like I threw away my good job before and now I'm just fuked
Speaking of getting fucked by employers; after working one year in 12, I started a six month job working facilities. My pal worked there in another department. I'd hoped that the lack of customers and phones would help me not sperg out and expose my unemployable autism. I was told that I aced the interview.
On day one, I found out that my immediate manager (who hired me) and colleague were leaving in three weeks and that was the only chance I had to learn the job. This fucked me up with insecurity immediately. I struggled to lean new tasks. Found out that I had to cover the fucking front desk, which was the last thing that I expected to do in this job. There was a nonsensical task of sorting post where they had outdated acronyms for everything, so I essentially had to learn two sets of acronyms immediately, which was impossible. They later called this a meltdown. I somehow survived the first week.
At the start of the second week, I had the induction when I made the unforgivable mistake of asking the CEO what was going to happen with my department. Apparently, this was too much for them and I was let go at the end of that day. Any hope I had of being a wagie, especially full-time, died right there.
I have NEETed for the seven years since and I have no qualms about it anymore.
We need the sound version for true immersion.
What is considered a major to you? Anything less than 80k per year? Try construction. I started concrete cutting with zero experience and it is stupid easy to learn.

He can barely talk to people. Normies will sniff out his lie and that's it. His only option is to be upfront and say that he spent many years inside and how much it affected him and how he's trying to recover. People like a redemption story, not lies.
F. I know that feel.
How about part-time work. Something local?
McJobs are living hell, I agree.
How about parking trolleys? Doesn't involve a huge amount of talking.
>or bank account.
?? Do you not even get disability? wtf
>just turned 30
>live with boomer parents in the middle of nowhere
>no friends
>no money
>havent left the house in like 5 years
dont know what to do anymore. getting sick of it but dont feel like starting anything.
I quit my career the start of the year to take a shitty job working retail. No stress, pays half the amount but I realised everything I earned previously I was just putting in to savings any helping family out. I do make money on the side, but it's inconsistent. I've never been happier. Is it shameful telling people I work retail at my age? Yeah, but I get over it when I think about how much better I feel about life now.
It sustains my life without financial stress, I can afford to travel a couple of times a year AND ACTUALLY HAVE TIME OFF.
Imo the reason to get a gf is to stop worrying about women and sex. It's the foundation of productivity and a sound life.
Even is she's not dtf as much as you like, you'll still get what you want. You'll get love and companionship and don't have to worry about being alone.

That said a cheating or untrustworthy woman or one that drives you crazy is worse than no woman.
Middle age really hits hard, bros. In a matter of months, all my manchild hobbies became so much less engaging, all my friends seemed to become so much more distant. It's not their fault, of course. They just have lives and things to do and don't sit at the computer and talk all day like it's AIM in 2005, my current mental whereabouts.

After college, I really just wanted to put in my 40 hours and then relax and enjoy. Games, anime, booze, drugs, I'm an adult, I can do what I want. It was fun for a long time, but a shitty way to build a life. Now it's like I'm in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight and my motor just blew up. I feel so aimless. I have no motivation beyond "feel better" which is useless on its own. What the hell do I even want?

I haven't fucked with romance in over a decade and surely almost all of the good ones in my age range are snapped up by now. Is there anything to hope for here beyond anxiety and forced settling?

Building a sweet gaming setup was like my primary motivation once I got a real job. I'm over it.

>better job
I already feel aggrieved for having to work 40 hours to live my dumbass life, things are going fine but I don't care to make them better.

I've got a couple specialists and a new therapist I'm going to see, I've got some moves left to make and maybe I'll figure something out. But God damn, anons, life comes at you fast. Don't take the easy road.
yea, god castrated a 25 year old man by raping him every 5 seconds for over 5 years now
I know that feel, bro. I can't believe I'm almost middle aged. In a way, I never left 2005 either.
Is there no way you can reduce your work hours to part-time?
If settling down isn't possible, but you can get pussy, then try fucking with clueless 20-somethings.
Isolation seems inevitable, even among normies (as you say, people shack up and have families, so no time for friends anymore).
Still, there is a freedom in solitude. Though some fucking would be nice.
Today is 19 years since my dad died.
In a couple of weeks, I'll have lived without him longer than the time that our lives over-lapped.
Bereavements fucking suck, but it's the price we pay for love.
Sadly, as 4chan losers, many of us cannot 'replace' people with new people, so losing who we grew up with stings even more.
As Jim Kirk once said, "I've always known that I'll die alone."
How the fuck did you get a house? I feel like you're lying about the whole neet drama, and you actually have a high paying job.
I want to leave my shitty job but job interviews are suxh a huge pain
>All these people who don't know what they want to do
>I have too many things I want to do
I'm not sure if I'm too deep in some sort of delusion.
I work 40 hours fully remote and it's very manageable, I just bitch about it because I hate everything. Also went through a long bout of unemployment so I'm not really keen on an income cut at least until I get some more savings built up. Fucking is really the problem. I had enough trouble dating in college when it was easymode and just decided not to stress myself out with it. Well apparently anime girls don't last forever and that shit is on Maslow's hierarchy of needs for a reason. I'm not a total moron or a complete failure, but I feel like the average 21 year old probably has more romantic experience. Not looking forward to it but not seeing any other good options.
>Isolation seems inevitable, even among normies (as you say, people shack up and have families, so no time for friends anymore).
I don't want to ruin this too much but normies still find a lot of time to socialize.

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