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I dont understand temperture and I dont think I ever will
For me it's water. Is there always water in pipes? Does turning a tap/faucet 'tell' water to start flowing?
Stop questioning the simulation or their will be a consequences
No because science already comes up with bullshit answers.
>Energy can't be created, okay? Only transferred.
>Well what if an object ISN'T moving but then DOES move?
>Yeah well that's a special type of energy called 'potential energy' it's still ENERGY okay?!?!

At this point I just accept things outside my understanding as magic. I'll question them, but I don't expect answers.
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I think so it has something to do with water pressure though I dont understand on a conceptual level because I'm low iq
>Is there always water in pipes?
In this context, yes.
Under pressure, too.
>Does turning a tap/faucet 'tell' water to start flowing?
Opening a tap makes a path for the pressure to escape.
Why doesn't the water just burst through the closed path, at the tap end, or overflow, at the source end (assuming all taps are shut off)?
it's just the average amount of vibrations a thing has bro
>incels being absolute retards who boast about being intelligent, but do not even understand basic science
"Potential Energy" isn't a fudge factor, since you can set up experiments where you measure an object's (gravitational) potential energy (a function of height), predict how much kinetic energy (a function of speed) it should have once all the PE is converted to KE, and then let the object drop and measure whether it's going the predicted speed.
Even the shit that seems super handwavy like saying the (usually) small disagreements between PE-->KE are due to some PE being converted to heat due to friction can be predicted, then you do the whole experiment inside a calorimetric cell and see if the measured heat matched the prediction.
>Why doesn't the water just burst through the closed path, at the tap end,
Because the designed maximum pressure of the water system components is greater than the normal working pressure of the system.
Under abnormal conditions that can greatly exceed design pressure (for example, water freezing inside the pipes) valves DO leak and pipes DO burst.
>or overflow, at the source end (assuming all taps are shut off)?
Depending how the system pressure is maintained, it probably is "overflowing" at the source end in some fashion.
It might be a pressure-regulating bypass allowing the outlet of a pump to feed back to its own inlet.
It might be a literal overflow pipe at a given level in a water tower.
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Temperature is an illusion. At the quantum level there is no temperature.
Temperature is directly related to the average kinetic energy of particles in a system ie a volume of compressed gas.
I didn't bother looking this up so I hope I remembered correctly.
Sure if you look at a freeze frame of the universe temperature "doesn't exist" but if you're not retarded you'll realize that's fuckin stupid
buildings shouldn't be able to stay up, shits way too heavy
big ships should tip over
also those energy believers triggers me, obviously there's no such bs
Friendly reminder that Maxwell's demon has never been disproved.
I still find it fascinating that Bernoulli suggested this theory in the 18th century and it's still an extremely useful model for how gasses behave. My retarded brain would've guessed gas is continuous and not particle like at all.
>I dont understand temperture and I dont think I ever will
its a complicated idea i think
average kinetic energy of the chaotically moving atoms/molecules* that make up the medium. hope that helps

*or rather only the energy that is due to chaotic movement, unlike wind/flow for example. we could chisel our definitions a bit (what is chaotic?) but i think this is getting more than deeply enough into it for laymans terms
>laymans terms
i forgot something much more important
something with twice as many degrees fahrenheit celsius or whatever is NOT twice as i hope nobody thinks that
well woman the way the time cold I wanna be keepin' you warm
I got the right temperature fi shelter you from the storm
the whole
>you can't create energy, only transfer it!!
seems to check out for me in simple cases. however the one that breaks it for me is brakes on a car or motorcycle or truck - you burn a load of fuel (extremely dense in chemical energy) to convert its chemical energy to kinetic but then you can just cancel all that energy by rubbing some bits of metal together? where does all the energy you used to get moving go?
>heat and sound
yes but i think the amounts are massively different. if you put a brake disc under a fire burning the same amount of fuel that you used to get moving, it would get hotter than if you brought the vehicle up to speed and then braked to a stop.

it gets even more cooked with engine braking. you slow down, cancelling your kinetic energy... by um, putting more energy in it?
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sounds like you got filtered easily, a midwit like you wouldn't understand lol

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