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Women wants to be loved by a man who can't love them and men wants to love a woman that do not exist.

>Women wants men with abusechad aesthetics but kind and considerate as needed.
>Men wants permanently under 27 petlike permanently pairbonded equal

There can only be copes and larps. Men and women are fundamentally incompatible. Evolution fucked us.
>Evolution fucked us.
Yeah pretty much. I wish I were never born.
If you only think about coombrains yes.
The bigger issue is that men and women, especially introverted men and women don't share enough common interests to hang out.
>permanently under 27
to be fair, evolution doesn't expect us to live long after losing fertility either, that's why our bodies start breaking down
i just want a cute loli daughterwife to shape into my perfect soulmate
but the jews took that away
Do you think he got to blast that costume girl pussy later
I hope so, but she also prob got gangbanged
cosplayers are notoriously slutty so probably
spiritual growth is men and women learning to love each other as they are.
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I need to go to those nerd conventions.
Evolution didn't fuck us, the creators did when they came down and installed marriage law, and taught us to live in tightly-knit sessile colonies, at least temporarily.
Our heads are still in the stone ages. Evolution takes a lot longer than 2000 years, and in cosmic terms we were just out hunting mammoths, living in da tribe with multiple wives, communal rearing; and have just blinked and woken up here.
>Women wants men with abusechad aesthetics but kind and considerate as needed
They say they want that but the second you let your guard down and let them in they realize that you're just another guy and not special and they start shitting on you until you abuse them and/or leave
>Men wants permanently under 27 petlike permanently pairbonded equal
I just don't want a woman who tries to dominate me or boss me around
No guy actually wants clingy, if they did they'd just date a golden retriever

the real problem is that most women are just too arrogant to love in anything but the short term and most men over 25 don't want fucktoys and most men under 25 are emotionally stunted little kids because society treats them like dog shit
Things were better with communal fucking but not relatively that great socially for non-chads, why else would we have women in present year who are only into chads. Something didn't go right with non-chads in the past or women who were into non-chads. Cucked then, cucked now.

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