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Snowdonia edition
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He doesn't drink every day, just most
Can't even imagine the horror of five DVDs not working.
man after my own heart i do suppose
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Runescape has ruined my life.
Do agility on mobile while you're watching TV, lad.
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Do you still play it? Remember having a laugh with it when I was 12 but found it too difficult
I have 5 accounts and spend too much time on it. I played it as a kid and loved it and am trying to relive those times but it's impossible to. I just can't accept those times are gone. It isn't really the same anymore but I still grind an excessive amount each day.
Woah... this is the life wagies live... grim!
Had sosijs earlier on and they were lush
Been a consistent 12.1 for the past few months. think it's because my diet imrpoved a bit with less eating shite snacks, causing me to drop from 12.6ish, but the increased beer consumption has prevented me from dropping below 12 stone
What brand? I had the Jolly Hog ones for din dins the other night and they were a bit scrumptious
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Not seen Ruthmong posting today. Worried about him
I wonder what you are insinuating with that steep, tall cliff
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>heavy rain scheduled tomorrow from 9am til 9pm
Should be a comfy day
summer is finally over frog lad, let the comfy times begin
I always plan to do great things in summer
Then when it's over
I actually did fuck all
Same here. I had a couple of days on the North Yorkshire coast and that was it.
I should have got a job at the start of summer
Thing is i just cba
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Good din-din this was

Sating, even
I keep telling myself every year that this will be the year I finally get a job, but I can never pluck up the courage to.
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Dark nights are upon us. It lovely.
Same for me but everyday of my life.
The time? Time for a #whiteboimoment, of course!
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When the cats are away the mice come out 2 play
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Womfy, me

Womforble, even, arguably

Phwaor innit
same every year this is the year but nothing ever happens.
My problem is I don't create opportunities
I only wait for them to come
That's me tucked into bed. Nice and cool for sleeping. Me knee still sore after straining it weeks ago. Pain in the arse.
Why don't you just be yourself and talk like a normal white man?
Gonna take a big phat crappingtonshire now

Will report back with results
What the fuck are you on about bean head? You baked? Of course you are. 57 flavours all as gay as the last.
Quite the messy affair this was, was it not
A messy #whiteboimoment?
>Indoor temperature escalating again due to faulty insulation
Ruh roh
back from another shift of wageying, only had one run down to peterborough and back today so that was pretty easy, still rather do a few short runs than one long one though
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Meow wow? Mow mow
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Sweating like a wagie in a group interview
I mena a grad in a currys interview
The wapu hath wutted womfily
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Am sweating like a nonce wagie thats doing a group job interview in a playground
So I am
>back from another shift of wageying
Good slave
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>Good slave
Just woke up, work in 40, sprogberg had to throw up in the middle of the night, very tired me atm desu my fellas
Page ten is it not
can't stop waking up at 5:00AM lads
sick of it
Spaffed for the second time just now

Gonna call it sooner rather than later, i fink
You can have your R&R now soundlod. I'll keep the bread alive from here.
Try a double paracetamol before bed de lod, might just be enough
Ripped an exceedingly loud + massive fartington just now whilst taking a wissington-on-the-naze
How to ruin your liver 101
A lot of paedophiles post here yet nobody seems too bothered by it. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Ganbatte wagie frens, almost wee ken'd.
I struggle to find a gf
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Shall be calling it in soon, me
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Imagine having eight gadgets de lads. Wouldnt that be lush? 8x more lush even? Well Mark has eight gadgets doesnt he?? And guess what??? It's lush! Of course it's lush!
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He's got more gadgets than the average poster here. He'll be getting a new getting a Sony camera too

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why can't school busses be a thing in the uk? if you take the bus at wrong time you'll have to take it with 50 million shit head children
Except there was a time when there weren't school busses and yet there weren't 50 million shit head cunt children. So it's not the busses it's the quality of the people. You think you want school busses, but really you want fascism and eugenics and for the life of me I can't tell you that you're wrong.
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>mummy there's some children calling me "unc" on the bus please make them stop!!!!!!!!!
you don't have this problem because you're a neet with real job
got to fix yourself before you can get a gf innit
Dell's not for him. Neither is the GoPro.
Is the Delly Welly Smelly for you? Or is for me? It's not for him.
*violent criminals with women lining up to date them because they have good bone structure*
There's plenty of men who aren't violent criminals and don't have good bone structure who have girlfriends, lad.
Adele Laptop not for him.
He MacBook all the way.
in four months there'll be adults born in 2007
insufferable guy at work joined the meeting. Vibe terrorist
And ill be shagging them
That guy at anons meeting?
Cannot wait to *legally* get my dick wet in them.
britfeel has took a nose dive over the last few weeks, reckon it will be dead and gone by christmas
I don't think we'll ever be that lucky de lod
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The dell laptop has been cancelled

>lads fat smelly dosser buys and sells gadgets at a loss FOR THE 2389328490 time xD

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>reckon it will be dead and gone by christmas
Better not be the case. Don't know how my Apu would cope.
Some guy came into the gym and sat and talked with the girl that works there for like 40 minutes. How?! He isn't even chad. He looks fine but he's not nearly a chad. He's done it before. She is engaged too, and not to him. He's done it a bunch and been coming to the gym ages. Maybe they know eachother from outside the gym. He even sat where the second employee at the desk, if there is one, would sit. It's in the corner a bit behind the desk off to the side.
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it's not for him lads
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I've still got tons of womfy winter apus that aren't going to post themselves.
He loved that laptop
>buys and sells at a loss

Why does he do it, Is it addiction?
He need a Google 9 de lad. Just a quick swappington at CeX if that's alright with you?
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Based, love the womfy winter wapus.
I don't think he likes having any money sitting in his account because it's too tempting for him to gamble with. So as a result, he keeps buying all this useless shit on a loop
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Love that one. OP images for December are sorted it seems.
the delly welly not for him. It might be for you, but it not for him.
Thoughts on (secretly) watching porn at work?
>any money sitting in his account because it's too tempting for him to gamble

Why not put the money into a savings account or give it to helen to keep until he needs the money
Helen would just spend it on alcohol
then the DWP come sniffing around
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and even if it's a savings account he can still access it

he also just likes the thrill of spending money, even if he's losing money doing it
Sad pigs asking them to stop filming. That's all they can do...ask and ask again. Muppets.

Some people aren't autistic lad.
I used to go behind into the kitchen and chat to the staff at my takeaway before they moved for years. They didn't even let me into the staff area, I just one day walked into the back area kek
They love to bully and harass autistics. It's probably the last disadvantaged group it's still acceptable to discriminate against. If they were bullying ethnics or women it would be front page news with massive payouts
They've done it to me several times. Thinks I'm an easy target. Not anymore.
wish fannys were real. That would be cool.
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Would these women ever work at a car manufacturing factory? I don't think so. Odd they're both young and blonde. Must've been no other applicants for this streasful role.
Other than your mums and maybe a sister, I bet you've never seen one in real life. You're the type of guy women zip up their jackets as they walk past you.
how can i have seen one if they're not real?
That's a dealership lad they don't manufacture the cars there.
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Bet some of you lads have wider hips than her.
That is my point. These uneducated women get picked for easy jobs. They're only purpose is to look pretty for old retired men, which indirectly affects his purchasing decision.
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I need a benefits because my hidden disability makes me a vulnerable person and I require pastoral support that the council is required to provide me as part of their statutory obligations to my welfare.
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What's her fanny look like?
So you're saying they drive sales and are thus beneficial to the business?
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Tits as marketing is a proven and respected strategy.
All is right in the world
Of course. If they were fat old birds, it wouldn't be a good experience. The man would think of his old wife.
The response to the 'Do goon' tweet has been fucking crease. Literally have had trouble inhaling I've been laughing so hard at some of it.
So if it's a specialised role which only these pretty young women can fulfil, not greasy car assemblers from the factory, and these women perform the role to a standard such that the business benefits from increased sales, what's the issue?
I don't use twitter or tiktok so miss out on all this stuff.

only heard about Jen Zeeboss when it made it's way to 4chan like a week later
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She's not a real woman. She will not age gracefully like are Lauren. I doubt she'll even make a living from making videos or get on tv.
Peter Hitchens responded to a Katharine Birbalsingh tweet with the phrase 'Do goon', having mistyped 'Do go on'. The responses have been as you might imagine.
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SSM has a really thin mattress. Must be firm as fuck cos otherwise I don't know how that supports his weight.
ah right, that is quite funny

I thought it would have been some joke meme in opposition to the "never goon" AI minions
>Take your fucking mask off dude

This wagie still thinks it's the 90s. Get back to work glitter.

They're fucking brainless cunts who turn their nose up at actual hard work. Fuck em.
It's always the same cut and paste cokehead sales Gareth whenever I'm at the car dealers.
Swearing down that leasing a Vauxhall Corsa Active is going to elevate me to chaddom for only 550 quid a month
Fuck Gareth and his quiff, the cunt. He probably has a PS5 just to play Fifa.
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wops only works part time due to autism. No way she could live independently on a part time job.
Well she lives with her parents so she doesn't need to live independently.
seasideMARK DAVID C parcel has arrived

So she's just going to live with mum throughout her life? She really should be thinking about a career otherwise she's going to be working retail all her life.
Started training at my new work yesterday. Friend groups have already formed and nobody spoke to me at all. It's so fucking over.
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Will be sponsoring an Apu this Christmas. It was terrible last year after the closure of the big Helper Shelter in Feelbrook. They don't last long in the cold in an urban environment and the low temperatures are lethal to them. When they're not womfortable they rapidly deteriorate mentally and physically quicker than us people do and they need Christmas to survive... the ones who don't get presents and a nice dinner end up clogging the railways with their mangled bodies. I've seen lines of them jump like a Mexican wave into oncoming freight trains once rail services resume in the new year.
Worse still, some turn into Seethe Seethers and begin preying on their own kind.
For as little as twenty quid you can save one of the frens from a dark fate indeed, or better still you could take one into your home.
Think of the Frens this Christmas de lads. You could save 50p a day from this point forward and save one of the Apus.
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SSM needs to rekindle with his Scottish daughter.
>see hair on screen
>try to wipe it away
>realise it's just part of the video and not my own hair

every time
What kind of videos are you watching lad
So is David C trying to encourage SSM to kill himself?
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Looking forward to Debian Trixie becoming stable. Fuck ever using Windows over GNU/Linux.
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With Grenfell back in the news, lets not forget the real victims here.

>Elaine Douglas and Tommy Brooks claimed they had lived on the tower's 19th floor but had been staying with friends elsewhere on the night of the fire.

>The Jamaican nationals were illegally in the UK.

>Douglas, 51, was jailed for three years and Brooks, 52, was jailed for three years and three months after it was realised that their flat had not even existed.

>Douglas was housed in the Radisson Blu in Kensington for 276 nights at a cost of just over 55,000 to the council and, after complaining about the food in the hotel, she was given a pre-paid credit card, running up charges of more than 11,000.

>She was also handed a pre-paid Oyster card so she could travel free of charge.

>Brooks also started at the Radisson Blu before being moved to another hotel - 243 nights that cost the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea more than 49,000. He racked up charges of 9,000 on a pre-paid credit card and was also given an Oyster card.

Oh, and of course their punishment amounts to... *checks notes*... housing and feeding them at the taxpayer's expense. Oh...
Tyrant Finder is live for PMQs
Most rough sleepers in London don't know their rights because homeless charities deliberately don't inform them to profit from their homelessness through donations and funding. This is knows an homeless industrial complex.
Worst one:

>The 38-year-old from Kensington, west London, claimed to be a member of the El-Wahabi family, five of whom died in the tragedy, but he had no connection to them at all.

>Elouahabi received around 103,000 in accommodation, travel costs and maintenance.
Just did a quick check of my sent items from work and I've sent a grand total of 9 e-mails this week.


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incels be like
"this isn't fair!"
CeX sales department getting e-mail alerts saying Mark is browsing the website again. Prices automatically hiked by 20%
You have the right to stay in a hostel full of IV drug users and alcoholics.
What's up with anime nowadays having stupidly long and retarded titles? Is this some sort of translation thing or is the Japanese titles just as dumb? I blame the rise of Isekai.
i have 7 sent and 1 meeting accepted.
Me? Another day of NEETing it up. Some days I wish I was a normal with a job and a wife and kids, some days I'm happy with my lot in life. Mostly don't worry about others now just do what I want. Fuck everyone is my motto.
>Got 331 quid
>what can I buy?
Why doesn't he put his money in a savings account
What's the point in saving if you're on benefits? You can only have a certain amount in your bank. He'd be better stashing it under his mattress.
Another driving lesson today. Last week was fucking awful. Can't be arsed
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He going to have stroke or heart attack soon.

what will you be doing in today's lesson do you think?

I've not long passed my test, can offer advice perhaps.
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All this buying and selling and job applications are all too stressful for him
I hated roundabouts. Rest was was after I understood the gears
Is ssm actually aware of this general? Occurs to me that he could have achieved niche celebdom without even realising
strawberry flavour protein powder tastes and smells horrible. i stick to vanilla from now on
Special place in H*ll for lads who start new britfeel threads before 480 posts or image limit
I am quite clear on this. Consequences.
Makes a mockery of what we have built up here over many years
Not to mention it is rude to the previous thread starter
There, I have said my piece
I've spoken about this last week, so don't want to repeat myself in case people get arsey but anyhoo
2 weeks ago I was dojng busy roundabouts and was all good. Lesson after that I just couldn't do fuck all. Kept fucking up the gears, no confidence or anything. So hopefully do busy roundabouts again. Thing is - I forgot about letting go of the gas when pressing the clutch down to change gears and it was shakey and shit.
So when in 2 or 3 gear, approaching a stop to turn etc, do I go down to first, then break and then let go of the break and then find the biting point and go?
Imagine not being able to drive
Hand in your man card at the front desk
You have failed as a man
Not even worthy of Andys Man Club
Some lad once emailed him a link to /britfeel/ and he thought it was a scammer
wont be long until britfeel is 6 feet under, where will you lads migrate to?
He fucks up roundabouts
lollers discord
I will start a new movement called Andys Man Club
Not that anon, but this is completely normal and will pass once you have developed muscle memory. It will no longer be a sequence of steps you have individually process, but an action that happens automatically. This took about 25 hours of tuition for me.
See you all on Moni discord prolly
I will miss britfeel radio tho
He probably gets in the passenger door too desu the mad lad
/britfeel/ healthier than ever. We got no tripfags, the attention seeking mongs slowly going and all that's left is the good and honest lads.
I'm an Apu Fancier and this thread makes me happy to engage with, I like making silly frog posts and this is the only place we can do it. There's deep Apu lore in this thread and most of 4chan aren't aware of it.
'Feel Street' holds a special place in my imagination. I'd be hard pressed to stop posting here.
I miss HHL
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Watching SSM watching SSM and it's lush
Not really surprised that was a unique post in hindsight
This. It's so much comfier without all the attention seeking trips desu
Healthier than ever and still sick
Tells me everything I need to know
See you all Andys Man Club on Monday yeah
I know it's mong behaviour but I learned my driving automatic. When I was doing manual my autism didn't allow me to focus on the road and the gears at the same time. It was too overwhelming. I found the automatic way easier and it allowed me to concentrate on my surroundings. Just a suggestion for anyone else struggling with it. Only downside is less cars to buy second hand.
From a sociological standpoint the relationship between britfeel and its many saints is highly interesting.
How would you explain this to a room of normies?
The thought of britfeel dying has set him off. Oh no what will he do all day without britfeel
The only thing that prevented me from doing so was knowing the ribbing I'd get off the lads in the mcdonalds car park for an automatic fiesta
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agreed. If you can recall back to 2018-2022 we were infested with the bastards.
Now it's almost entirely good anonymous lads beyond that insufferable Crossmong and Helperlad spamming his schizophrenic drivel.
I just want comfy posts like din-dins and and insights into the lads who are so peculiar and adorable they keep me coming back.
Love me some frogs.

Sometimes, I wonder how many of the old lads are still here from the very early days.
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What do you call this walk?
just want a gf with a tiny girl cock
I don't even care if people make fun of me. I don't see the point if gears, it's just another thing to worry about. Probably depends on your thinking but the fact I could just concentrate on the road was reason enough to go automatic. The freedom it has given me is worth the ridicule.
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David C begging Mark to sniff the gifts he sent him. He's a weird fella.
The dosser waddle
I miss the pee pee poo poo days. The memes coming out then were peak and had me in fucking stitches. Peak r9k creativity in my opinion.
That's the CEX Shuffle.
tbf though the vast majority of those memes came from private discord servers which then matriculated through twitter and found their way to 4chan/r9k
britfeel has never produced any original funny memes
>I don't see the point if gears, it's just another thing to worry about
A lot of economy cars have 'automatics' that are actually a manual gearbox with a robit doing the shifting, like Corsas Fiestas Smart cars etc.
Those are jerky and annoying. Bigger and older stuff with torque converters or DCTs are the bollox.
The last auto I had got stuck in 2nd gear and needed refurbed at a cost of 2 grand, so I've been manual since on the basis that a non DMF clutch is a couple of hundred quid.
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Norf FC.
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I beg to differ, laddy
Didn't bazza/norf come from here?
He's made it out into pop culture he has
Mayhap but they were incredibly enjoyable drivel.
The old thread pictures were good and Poley is a living meme in himself.
Norf FC didn't originate in /britfeel/
Anyone have those cartoon pics of Poley where his nose/features are getting bigger and uglier like an evolving pokemon?

They were legitimately the funniest things I've ever seen in britfeel.
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They were cross posted in brit/pol/ and /britfeel/ during the height of their popularity.
I don't really know enough about the mechanics of cars lad but I assumed automatics had gears but it was just a robit doing the work which I'm okay with. Cars are a fucking money pit either way.
>So when in 2 or 3 gear, approaching a stop to turn etc, do I go down to first, then break and then let go of the break and then find the biting point and go?

I'd take the approach that if you're approaching a junction or a roundabout, slow down using the brake like 4-5 car lengths before the car reaches the line and shift down into 2nd gear (not 1st).

Then as you reach the junction / entrance to the roundabout your main task is looking to see if it's clear (your gear change already having been done). However in reality as a learner the only time you're ever realistically not going to stop dead at the line is when it's a huge, open junction and you can see for miles on approach.

So what I did when learning is put the car in 2nd on approach, fully knowing that I would be stopping at the line anyway, and then as you come up to the line you can take your foot off the gas, begin braking if need be, and the car will tolerate going slowly in second. Then right before the line I would put the clutch down, other foot on the brake keeping the car still and I'd be looking to see if it was clear to go.

At the same time, I am putting the now-stationary car into 1st gear (recall the clutch is down) and then if it's clear at the junction I lift the clutch up a bit (to the biting point where it lurches forward a bit) then add some gas and off we go.

It becomes easier when you just treat every give-way / roundabout entrance as a stop sign.
Even SSM is a /brit/ meme
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I only got the end result.
For what? He's got nothing to save for.
I know the exact gif you're on about. Haven't seen it posted in a good while. That was good OC.
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I have the bouncy walk that all people with autism and aspergers have.

Mad how easy it is to diagnose the condition from a person's walk alone. All these questionnaires and consultations when you can just have the spacker walk 10 feet across a room and instantly know whether they have autism.
Good advice init
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>He's got nothing to save for.

True, but he is desperate not to spend his benefits in the booking betting on losing horses or feeding all his money into a FOBT.
That's true. I used to always get made fun of for walking like a penguin and was constantly self conscious about how I walked and where my hands should go and what they should be doing. I had to literally train myself to not walk like a retard.
Am I the only one genuinely baffled by how complex driving has been made? What could possibly be the benefit of having to keep all this in mind the entire time you're driving?

The fact that it's taken all this time to get electric cars which are just PUSH PEDAL GO PUSH BRAKE STOP is absurd imo.
I got charged with DUI once for spacker walking for the traffics when they pulled me over and my car smelled like jamaica
Cunts were disappointed when they took me blood and found I hadn't yet engaged in smokingtons
These might help. Me? I drive an automatic

The historical benefit has been how simple and cheap manual gearboxes are compared to autos with planetary gears and torque converters.
Difference is less stark nowadays with DCTs and manumatics.
I enjoy driving manuals more, but for people that aren't autistic about cars manuals are getting to be a bit pointless
I mean thats the argument for automatic vehicles: that we have the technology to remove all that complexity, and do.

Presumably in nineteen canteen when cars were invented they didnt have the technology for automatic cars.
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>He drives an automatic
The French are really doing fuck all to stop the boats. They are almost mocking us on the news saying we should be responsible to make it safer to cross. What the fuck?
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>He drives a manual
why does he walk like that?
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The hydraulics in pre-computerised auto boxes were really impressive.
With this mysterious device, the box knows which gear to be in at all times without the need for sensors or electronics of any kind
Proper engineers they had then
Shouldn't have voted for Brexit then. Simple as.
But I didn't vote for Brexit. I voted remain because I'm in Northern Ireland and Brexit seemed retarded.
Their argument is that the UK is responsible because migrants have it so easy once they reach the UK.

It really is the land of milk and honey for them because they can work (illegally), get a flat, healthcare, whatever all without vetting or needing a National ID (because there isnt one).

France are saying that if the UK bothered to make itself less hospitable then people would stop travelling thousands of miles for the chance to work in a car wash here.
Glad I'm not the only one who sees this. But whenever I bring this up IRL I get made fun of. It's like a bunch of 16th century rural hovel dwellers hooting and hollering at Mr 21st Century using a lighter to set his fire instead of using a bow drill or whatever.
And the sad part is they're not wrong. Yet the chances of the government doing anything to not make the UK one of the most attractive countries on the planet for illegals? Approximately zero percent.
I miss the old days of him gambling all his money away on bennies day then scrambling to find things to sell chasing his money back.
That seems cool. How did you get so autistic about the workings of cars, then? I had a phase like that with pinball tables before.
Ahhh yes. That's where I've been going wrong. But if I'm approaching a large roundabout and its busy, and I have to slow to less than 10MPH, wouldn't I have to go into first?

Also in more narrow roads where I'd be letting cars pass. If I'm in second, then if I have to stop to let them pass, I'd clutch down, brake and then when stopped, back into first gear then roll away?
you can probably stay in second but it depends on the car. that would make it less jerky
>But whenever I bring this up IRL I get made fun of
Masculinity and automation overlap in confusing ways.
The car is itself the ultimate symbol of automation, but normie men draw the line for required involvement in the process somewhere between being propelled along and having their gear selected for them.
I'm a mechanic. I don't see cars with hardware like that picrel often because I work for a garage that sees pensioners' Fiat Pandas and little else.
Modern everyman cars are engineered above all else to be cheap and quick to manufacture. Engineering as a means to achieve greatness as opposed to frugality is a dying phenomenon, even among performance and luxury cars. Late 80s early 90s was the peak.
It's basically an analogue computer. They were built all the time in the past, doing everything from predicting astronomical movements, predicting weather patterns, calculating firing solutions for battleships and solving polynomials.

They're often very good at their specific function, but have zero general computing ability, generally the opposite of what we think of as processors (computers) today - which are highly generalised but lack the performance that comes with specialisation. Of course a modern computer is far better at performing those specific functions listed above, but that's only because the sheer weight of computing power we can pack into a relatively miniscule piece of hardware these days is obscene and so can overcome any performance deficit pound-for-pound that comes from lack of specialisation.
So I could brake in 2nd and start off again in 2nd?
So I could brake in 2nd and start off again in 2nd?
So I couId brake in 2nd and start off again in 2nd?
Yes. also be careful not to coast with the clutch down. the examiners don't like that and it's a habit you can get into
wat te focks goin on ere na
Appreciate your replies. When you mean coast, how do you mean?
So l couId brake in 2nd and start off again in 2nd?
Never going to learn how to drive. The Peep Show clip of Mark trying to learn with that dickhead chav instructor put me off for life. I can GUARANTEE that exactly the same thing would happen to me.
there's a few of us replying. Coasting is when you put the clutch down and let the car coast into the junction, rather than having the clutch engaged and in gear. It gives you less control and you're not supposed to do it
Yea I do that all the time. I feel more secure knowing I can stop quicker if someone's coming around a blind corner.
you stop slower because there's no engine braking
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Imagine not having an Apu chauffeur. You typically don't even have to pay them in real money, they'll usually just accept Twixes.
I'm thinking one leg movement (floor or gaspedal to brake) rather than two leg movements (floor to clutch and gaspedal to brake). At 30mph engine braking or not won't make a difference. I know it's a bad habit but I don't think I'll ever kick it now.
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Who else should I add, lads?
Kek love that lad
Personalities off the top of my head:
>photoshoplad (the good lad who made the feel street OPs)
HHL has managed to become a virgin and a sexual predator
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Thanks, lad, thought it might get a chuckle.

Not familiar with every one of them, but added some more.

True, fixed.
Dollies old and new being brought out to play with
having fun are we girls?
fast and, dare i say, bulbous
Someone doesn't like where they've been placed. Question is, who is this personality posting with his name off?
>Someone doesn't like where they've been placed. Question is, who is this personality posting with his name off?
Where is BritNormie in all this?
That's absolutely not what they're saying lad. If it was, it would be stupid because they get MUCH more in France.
Like a mate buying a smack head a ten bag.. Yet we are the trolls.
You know what a lot of them also get in France? Deported.
The UK is quite open about its desire to NOT, under ANY circumstances, deport illegal immigrants. To the point where the government department ostensibly responsible for doing so openly flaunts its dereliction of duty.
Footlad isn't a virgin. Learn your lore.
Really pisses me off that my gf won't just start an onlyfans. All she needs to do is pull her socks off and wiggle her toes for a few dozen simps and we can fucking retire, but nooo she wants to keep doing her accounting job. Fuck sake.
faggots and their online drama
Yeah you're half right. France is much faster at processing asylum claims than the UK Government. The problem with processing asylum claims is that, while you do deport dodgy claimants, you also need to approve legit claimants. That's why the UK government is dragging their heels.
David C is Mark's biggest troll
>you also need to approve legit claimants.
Actually, this is a secret bit of statecraft black magic, but you don't. You can simply choose to not take any.

But really, let's not kid ourselves. The entire system needs to be gutted from top to bottom. Even taking a very generous view of the actual legal requirements for asylum seekers, there is no conceivable reason why we accept "refugees" from places like Vietnam, Egypt, Syria, Greece, Botswana, Jamaica etc. Hell even fucking Albania - literally a European holiday destination. And yet we approve shockingly high rates for these people. A system is what it does, and the current asylum system for the UK is, functionally, an ILR printer for economic migrants.
Just sent my 10th e-mail of the week. Garn have a quick nap then pick the kids up from school.
Shed production

sprogged wagies pay for mak's cider
cider as a singular because he can only afford one
Empty fridge again corr
Alcohol is the devil. This man is a walking corpse just waiting around for his final stumble into a ditch that he doesn't get up from.

I wonder what he was like when he was a little kid. Imagine an eight year old Mak running around his school playground with his friends. Now look at him. Despicable.
hes had 4 ciders today lad
about 900 quid on taxes last month from me. All going to SSM so he can buy a new phone from Cex
Would you shag your gf up the arse on the condition that you completely clear your hard drives of porn?
I wonder if Makaveli drinks alcohol to cover up a traumatic childhood like seasideMARK does.
I've tried anal with my girlfriend and she wasn't into it, which is fine.
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How long from calais to glasgow if u driving. Mum cut her holiday few days short. Obviously I've wrecked the place haven't I.
I regularly shag my wife up the arse and haven't kept porn on my hard drives since I was a horny teen.
He's turned to buying gadgets like his hero as well
Me and my ex gf used to watch porn together. Good times. Shame she was promiscuous and cheated on me
someone has to keep CeX in business
10 hours give or take from boarding the ferry at calais
just start clearing up now, ten hours is more than enough to right any mess you've made
if you're really struggling just buy some heavy duty bin bag, shove everything into them and then go around putting the bin bags into other peoples' bins so it doesn't overflow yours
Can't believe you're not enjoying the Mak in 1080p at 60fps lad.
>You can simply choose not to take any.

Yeah if you wanted to break the law.
Y'all seen that Minecraft film trailer yet? Looks like absolute bollocks.
My wife ONLY likes it up the arse.
You do understand the concept of sovereignty, right lad?
You got a link lad? I'll watch it and tell you
HHL might be dead and we will never know
Yeah looks like total shite. Shame about Jason Momoa. He went from based Ronon on SGA to making shitty CGI kids movies.
Sure but you can't just advocate breaking international treaties that the UK didn't just sign but also helped draft. Otherwise any treaty we ever sign would be completely meaningless.
Mad how many of the /britfeel/ lads are now married.
On my second wife. I got married at 19 and the marriage only lasted 9 months. Been married to my second wife for 4 years now.
He's on holiday in his caravan
Dongle can't hack that kinda quality laddy
Not married but am engaged
Why did you get married so young? Did you grow up in a mad religion?
Of course you can.

Every treaty ever signed is not worth the paper it was printed on. The UK should pursue its best interest, not some absurd obsequiousness to fake "international law" which actively harms us. This is the reality of power. Our government CHOOSES to keep following these rules which actively harm us and throw their hands up when asked that we not.
I think that it is in the UK's best interests to follow international law. How are you supposed to get a trade agreement done if no one trusts you?
My gf was in her mid 20s and in a mad rush to get married and start a family. I knew I would lose her if I didn't marry her so just thought fuck it.
Did you have kids with her?
Does China have a problem even though it, demonstrably, is quite untrustworthy as a country? Of course not, because economic self-interest overrides such concerns and if you make a good deal then you make a good deal. The UK is not benefitting one iota from any international asylum agreement, so it should simply leave them. Remember, all these agreements and things are totally voluntary, certainly in theory and ostensibly, and it is the right of any member state to leave at any point for any reason or no reason at all.
Been married for five years now lad. Very happy. Got a little one too. We're all gonna make it.
Not possible to post from there?
Marriage and kids ain't for everyone. It's not for me, but it might be for you and that's cool. Happy for you, lad.
90 percent which are larps.
No. Only retards have kids
Fucking HELL yet another woke piece of shit
Is this how you cope with having no gf/wife lad?
We aren't China mate. Do they have problems? Yeah huge problems. They are in a trade war with the United States, for one. Do you think that would help the UK?

Anyway forget all this, we'll never see eye to eye. How are you doing anyway? I remember the last time we spoke, you said your company was considering redundancies.
You said your gf was in a hurry to start a family though?
Very funny to me how much Korea and China LOATHE Japan. The Japs did some very fucked up things in the not so distant past but now they're known as the Godzilla and anime fun time schoolgirl country.
Indeed, but I never wanted kids with her.
You're right we'll never see eye to eye.
>I remember the last time we spoke, you said your company was considering redundancies.
Not me, lad. I'm a basic minimum wagie in a shop.
It's classic incel mindset lad
>The Japs did some very fucked up things in the not so distant past
and they will never, ever admit it lmao
Ruthmong in the furthest bottom, furthest left corner
Oh shit I thought you were the lad who edits an academic journal. You can take that as a compliment, I thought he was the only person here with those views who could articulate himself that well.
You're a LARPing nonce.
You just answered my question
I don't have a girlfriend and never will do so no point in me answering really xx
He's probably busy enjoying the rides and flamingos
Post-war reconstruction of Japan and Germany is probably the most successful large scale project that has ever been achieved.
Today I have had:
>two cups of filter coffee
>6 chocolate digestives
>two wafer chocolate bars
>two packets of crisps
Not good.
alri lsfpl?
>minimum wage shop mong thinks he knows how to run the country

Especially when you consider not just the infrastructure/material side of things, but the social/political/ideological reconstruction going on.
A certain lad here does NOT like the idea of other lads forming relationships and progressing in life
Yeah they are weird like that. They deserved to be nuked to be honest. It shut them up that's for sure. Under American occupation they weren't even allowed to make pro-Japanese films.
It's pretty crazy the relative peace we've all had since WW2 to be honest.
Hit the gym fat lad.
Because of course the leaders for the past 30 odd years have been doing such a stellar job of it, no?
It's hardly prideful to say something like, for instance, "hmm, there's lots of crime, maybe we should lock criminals up for longer, build more prisons and not release them halfway through their sentences?". Doesn't matter who you are or what you do for a living, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to suggest.
Its honestly not that bad as long as you are combining the binge eating with daily exercise
Need to sort my shitty diet and self control first I reckon. I cook nice healthy dinner every night but snack like a ravenous obese monkey inbetween. I have lost like a stone but that's been over months. It's a start I suppose.
Exactly. One goes with the other though. If you make them one of the richest countries in the world under our system, why rock the boat ideologically?
Yeah we're entering a new era now. The US don't want to use their Navy to police international trade routes anymore, which is basically what kept things cool for the last 70 years.
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Thank fuck.

He's going round and round on Sik and probably being sick.
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Yea am finking jts not even that bad when I look at again. Not bad to my eyes isnt a reliable measurement bt at the same time I have been housesitting for free have I not? So it's all gravy. Need 2 do something about the kitchen though. Thx
>go around putting the bin bags into other peoples' bins
My nigga
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Got 200 duty free marlboros on the way
People still smoke in 2024? Mad
Someone has stolen my green bin. What the fuck.
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Ppl love 2 just change their plans don't they. This is too predictable now let's introduce some chaos for dramatic effect. Thats how ppl work. I'm just chilling though
I thought Crosslad only vaped
Copped myself an extra green bin kek
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Have a wee jar b4 I get on with business
Saw him encouraging SSM to switch to vodka once. He's a nasty piece of work
Cable installer- 95% men
Road builders- 96% men
Construction- 94% men
Garbagemen- 95% men
Iron workers- 94% men
Coal miners- 96% men
Electricians- 96% men
Firefighters- 88% men
Plumbers- 99% men
Combat- 84% men
Which one of those jobs do you do?
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Thanks, lad! Well I hope you find a nice woman anyway even if you're not looking for marriage and kids. Genuinely wish the best for all britfeel lads.
No problems here at all, lad. Now comfy fake office email jobs, those need to all be for women.
I actually do do one of them, but I'm not going to tell you which, little man!`
that's an AI pic, right?
why would she stay with you when see seen how real men perform in bed via the porn you made her watch with you, little cuck boy
work drama lol
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>le interracial marriage bait
And yet you're giving him exactly what he wants, curious...
you've got pornbrain, lad
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>Some pixels are darker than other pixels
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>if I'm approaching a large busy roundabout, and I have to slow to less than 10MPH, wouldn't I have to go into first?

There will be a point where you have to put the car into 1st gear however, it's unlikely you'll absolutely NEED to put the car in first while you're approaching that queue of traffic.

Treat it the exact same way you'd treat a give-way as I described before: change into 2nd gear on approach to the queue of traffic then when you get near the car at the back, take your foot off the gas, let your car roll up to the back of the queue, you're right foot covering the brake pedal and slowing the car to a stop. And of course just before you stop at the back of the queue of traffic, you put the clutch down with your left foot. Your car will happily tolerate slowly approaching the back of the queue of traffic in second gear.

Now you are sitting behind 2-3 cars waiting to join the roundabout, your right foot is on the brake and your left foot is holding the clutch down. As before, once your car is stopped you change into 1st gear.

Now when the cars ahead of you crawl forward, you'll crawl forward behind them by lifting the clutch to the biting point (feel the car lurch forward) then moving your right foot from the break (it won't go backwards because of the biting point) to the gas pedal, add some gas and you go forward slowly.

Basically what I'm saying is don't be in such a hurry to put the car in first gear. You'll tend to only ever use 1st gear from moving off from a dead stop i.e moving away from parked or when you turn left (into a very tight turn that you have to stop before) or when you turn right at traffic lights and you're waiting for oncoming traffic to clear. Or if you're driving in a car park.

So again, when driving normally and approaching a point where you have to stop your car, I'd only go as low as 2nd gear, then let the car roll to a stop (with the brake) then put the clutch down, let the car stop, then throw it in 1st gear.
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Hope ***** marriage is healthy. Not like the 1st one where I didnt want it 2 happen at all. U cant really say without looking like a psycho. Bt really getting married when you're 19? To some generic abuse chad. We were sitting in a KFC car park I was just listening to what's happening with this impending wedding in my head am finking u actual fucking mongoloid this is a horrible idea bt not really my place to say out loud nd even if i did so what? No one listening to me at that point. Oh yeah am just jealous not like irs an objectively horrific idea. Then when they got divorced maybe less than a year after it was done we met again she's like "the night before the wedding I knew I didn't want to get married to him" nd am thinking yeah no shit.....I couldve told you but no one listen to me. I let the simulation sort itself out. Bt this new guy seems fine. Marriage, weans, am so far behind that mentally I couldn't get jealous if that makes sense. Its just not a life I would be part of anyway. I like if shes happy now. Cheers *****.
not into these fast threads tbf lods
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I know ***** archonic agent. It was all a set up bt desu if it feels real does it matter? I just went yeah fine betray me. Maybe it turns me on. Ever consider that?
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ooooh no no no not the black wife gimmick
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If her snake pal never introduced my brain 2 vodka that night maybe things go different. Doesn't really matter now.
Bin men might have squished it by mistake lad
Theyve done that twice with mine, it falls off the hooks into the crusher and gets flattened, then they deliver me a new one the next day
does anyone read crosses drivel?
I don't think I've ever read a single post of his more than two lines long, sometimes I'll skim for keywords and see it's total gibberish typed out like an illiterate teenage girl, then ignore the post
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Is that Greg Austin and Amer Hussain
i read all the drivel here, crossy's drivel, ruthmongs woe is me spam, hhl spam, ssm spam
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>Only retards have kids
you still have an hour left sprogged wagie
I do the same thing, don't have strong feelings about him either way but his typing is just very annoying to read
I've got him filtered de lid
I only come here for these posts.
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I git spiked by this daft cunt that always shadowed her as the fat friend bt I could feel she didn't like me at all I never drank until that night as far as I recall I was adamant it was spiritually harmful nd I find myself in this lassies flat just to make ***** happy bc we on the rocks that winter nd her stupid wee pals mum goes you want a drink? Smirnoff vodka with coke or lemonade I forget. Am sitting there looking at these utter normalfags nd wanting to jump out the window I said aye why not. Next thing am sitting there like this is quite nice acrually nd she's coming through like want another one? Am going aye definitely had another and another sitting with complete strangers. Am thinking bad vibes. I had a few more ran into the kitchen started crying like fuck am saying 2 this lassies mum SHE DOESNT LOVE ME ANYMORE kek ITS ALL OVER they had 2 ring ***** parents early cus I was that much of a wreck. Nd they drove us home in complete silence then I goes up nd find mums gin and started knocking them back as well. ***** goes like that later on "I wanted us to get a hotel, I thought it would be a nice night for us" with context of makeup sex nd then in reality after that night there was no more ***** just a few weeks later cus i got spiked with voddy nd went a bit mental. Well story of my fuckibg life
Not that anon but
Realistically I don't see any viable pipeline from son-of-r9k-poster to normie chadlite.
Any sprog of mine would just end up rotting and shitposting, because what the fuck else do I have to teach them
Sometimes you do a kid a favour by not having them init. My old boy is just like me, his old boy before him.
Nah, got the day off today, went to the opticians
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Fuck it tho
>have sprog
>rarely see it
>terrible relationship with the baby mama
Makes no sense to complain about a trips posts. Just filter them
fuck sake, got a headache from being to sexy and intelligent
I don't normally filter trips, for me a post is a post and I can reply to an interesting post made by a tripcode user the same as I can reply to an Anon post. But if there's one thing tripcode users can do to make me ignore their posts it's refusing to engage.

If they post something, I read it and reply in earnest and then in their next post they've completely ignored my reply and hit out with something else entirely then the bridge is burned, the goodwill squandered. They've made it clear that there's no point in me engaging with them since they seem quite content yelling into the void.
>stupid wee pals
>utter normalfags
>I had a few more ran into the kitchen started crying like fuck SHE DOESNT LOVE ME ANYMORE
I hate that I have to acknowledge reading aw that in order to ridicule it, but fucking hell lad, we're supposed to learn in our teens that we're no the main character in every situation.
That sense of illusory superiority will ooze fae every pore on you. Visible within a half mile radius.
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>I'm being evicted with my seven kids for the fourth time

SEVEN sprogs and constant evictions. What does she expect? Anyone having more than two sprogs deserves to fucking suffer.

They are continuing the white race unlike you.
Do you have a chin deformity?
Imagine typing that out, years later, and still not realising that you're the cunt.

Sounds like when you were younger a lot of nice people tried to indulge you and be nice to you, and you threw it in their faces.
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>tfw no 24yo asmr gf
he's on the filter list along with hhl and others
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I could do with a nice lass in my life.
A nice lass definitely couldn't do with you in her life though.
Th UK is too white. I'm adding more brown sprogs for balance
In a few months my nephew is about to be out of prison.
At the start and end of every thread there is a race to post as much and as many gimmicks and drivel. Why is that, what do they think they are winning?
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Bit cold. It always does this near autumn.
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DJ teaching Amazon tyrants a lesson.
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Just updated the kernel and various other files of the nearly 20 year old laptop. Turd of a mirror been down for a while now so had to change it to another in the sources list. Could never use Windows anymore on this.
Morgoth really hit the nail on the head talking about sectarianism. The defining feature of the emerging sectarianism in England is how truly tragic it is. Comparing it to something like the troubles in Ireland, that conflict has a very deep history, brewing away for literally hundreds of years, internal disputes and so on. The English on the other hand have just decided to speedrun the entire thing within a generation. It is a PURELY imported issue that in no way was inevitable (as you might argue that the conflict in Ireland was).
sitting here with a jumper on

(Gas companies hate this one trick)
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That's fucking wrong. I hate how some guys just aren't meant to experience love and are expected to stay sane.
Well you just have to ask yourself, what would be in it for the woman? Nothing. You'd just drag her down to your level.
nobody cares about your favourite rightoid e-celebs pal xxx
2 GB of RAM is just another for a lad like me. If only I could get something better.
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Home linux users posts always have the same energy as the kid in your primary school class that ran tree in command prompt then said he was hacking the school's mainframe.
Congratulations on typing a command and changing one line of a config file though lad
Picrel is just such a slog, after all
I have my hoody on and hood up, and will be heading upstairs to get my body warmer, and a jumper for the cat to sit on. Might get her a jumper to warm her up during winter. I'll keep checking the cheap dog coat stuff at the RSPCA when I take her each month.
Just watched Run Lola Run. Anyone seen it? Weird little film, very stylish. Definitely style over substance I think. Almost feels like an extended music video at points. I did enjoy it I think.
>Check for updates
Ah yes, the 'install additional spyware' button. Or is that the 'compulsory upgrade to a shittier, more bloated version' button? I forget, so easy to get the two confused with Windows, eh?
the pet clobber at these big shops like Pets At Home is pretty good, honestly worth a look
>That's fucking wrong
No it isn't, nobody should be forced to put up with you. You're annoying enough on an anonymous messageboard, fuck knows how bad you'd be in real life.
post your laptop specs like lollers has
leave the thread open so we can see it for proof
you wont
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I'm just watching that now, kek, but also not kek. It not funny.
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I wonder why she pretends to give a crap about religion. She's clearly sinned multiple times. Probably got religious grandparents. There is no God or heaven. It's called believing in science. Most intelligent people are atheist too.
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I was 17 de lad. Nobody teach me these things.
I'm le heckin trad wife now
You lack the knowledge to interpret the source code you claim keeps you safe, and cannot justify the claim that Windows is intangibly shittier.
Yes its filesize is larger and it includes programs most users won't use, but it's as fast or faster at the tasks people do at home. Launching firefox in linux takes my PC nearly 2 seconds where it's several hundred ms on Windows.
You're going to tell me that's because it's backgrounded by its Windows service, and I'm going to tell you I don't care.
Why is always immigrants telling British people what to do? Can't they just crack on and ignore the irl troll?
It's not the fact you did something stupid when you were 17. We all did. It's that you're still playing the victim now even though it was your fault.
Watched that video of her going on holiday to the Highlands with her husband and other family members. Very unwomfy. I think I'll just stick to the ASMR videos from now on.
>I wonder why she pretends to give a crap about religion.
there are much worse things you could obsess over, like asmr girls who would probably feel sick if they ever met you
Just going to have a good old sit down on the bloody sofa if that's alright with you lads
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her parents seem like proper religious types. They have a nice bible on its own little table in the hall of their house. Also her brother is married to a chinese woman kek
corrr you think she takes it up her arse, lad? would be a waste to not stuff that log cutter you know?
Don't worry lad. She'll be unattractive soon. Being on the wrong side of 30 and all.
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On the contrary, lad. 30 is around about the time they start getting gud.
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I guess thats fair. It was probably like 30% my fault 70% theirs.
I expect white girls' high standards made him give up if that's true.
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Lad she is only just 30 which is the right side.
Imagine being a grown up adult, a fully mature man... and then doing and filming this and posting it online. Boggles the mind. Almost unfathomable to have such a mental state.
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>I know I'm no longer a virgin baby but the dozens of hookups, two abortions and several STIs have really taught me the value of withholding sex until marriage. You're ok with that, right?
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is that supposed to be Alexander and Hephaestion? She comes from a cultured family. A nice upper middle class upbringing. Some people just have it all.
Tyrants getting upset over some chairs being moved back onto the private land kek. It's against the law to put your chairs out on public land. I would call that fly tipping.
>glass table
absolute fucking pleb shit-tier taste, awful choice
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Life isn't all about who's fault it is. Things just happen in life. End of the day I never asked 2 be born. But we learn from mistakes. Glad ***** is happy in life now.
I want to lay on the tracks
Feel hot steel screaming at me
Expose the bones on my back
Let me show you what I mean
Imagine being a grown up adult, a fully mature man... and having this saved
Do you reckon they all sit down before their slop and pray to the invisible man in the sky?
It was literally 100% your fault you daft spastic.
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What's her religion? Islam?
Priti "Big Bum" Patel kicked out of leadership race in first round.

It not fair. If her massive dumpy isn't running the country by next election I will kms.
Is this bimbo on OF yet?
>My past girlfriends..? w-well.. about that..
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>The perfect society doesn't exi-
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Here you go lad. I was in secondary school (2006) when this came out.
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No bc I made it clear I didn't want 2 go there. So if I get dragged there nd act up thats 10% fault points deducted since it was against my will. Next we deduct that am not used to alcohol 10%. Then tbe fact I never met any of these ppl before gave me the heebie jeebies thats another 10. It was a v traumatic night for me.
>leave the thread open so we can see it for proof
>you wont
He didn't
Nah she gets plenty of money from not degrading herself.
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>casually humble brags on her video that she got the highest marks in her entire class on her calculus exam
not only does she have a high IQ she also comes from a nice stable educated middle class family to make the best of it. Religious parents interested in classical history. Probably both doctors or something. No doubt they eat their evening meal together at the table and talk about things like literature and philosophy. She's a woman too, huge bonus for people born in the 21st century. You just know she's going to end up having a great career.
Sad to say it after I've just sperged at the linuxposter, but realistically debian is the only way to get useful performance out of that.
Chuck 4GB of cex DDR2 and a cheap SSD in the cunt and that'll do win10 semi-acceptably
Moore's law is a meme
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Lad she is fat and old.
That's your opinion lad. I love her.
why are you not very subtly trying to make people insult laura?
>my online imaginary gf is better than your online imaginary gf
I like lauren and laura. laurel however is just fat and lazy.
Yeah Debian it is. Even if they drop 32 bit support, this CPU will support 64 bit. I only use 32 bit because apparently it is more efficient at using memory when it's this low. I have an SSD in it and that is swapped to for some extra memory sometimes. People think a 5 year old laptop is "old" but they just buy cheap shit and don't look after it.
They need to get more creative with names at the ASMR bird factory
You ever watch the sopranos? there's a scene where the very middle class Melfi (a psychiatrist) and her family are all sat around the dinner table having a deep and passionate discussion about literature or something. Watching that scene for the first time it was like glass shattering. Growing up I ate my tea in front of a TV. How could a working class pleb like me ever be their equal?
Casually walks out into Sydney on a hot day looking like that I reckon. At least there aren't rapey immigrants there to worry about. Britain would suck for her.
Don't forget that the improvement in hardware is barely keeping up with the bloat and frankly outright poor performance of modern mass market operating systems. On a standard budget windows machine you can more or less assume that half your RAM will, by default, be eaten up in the background. It's absurd. Nobody is asking for any of this. Microshit.
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One night ***** dress up as C*acky-chan I got her 2 write "sup /b/" with a wee pen on her thigh it was a different time. It's weird to think all that actually happened now in the same world we're allegedly in right now. I was a cr*ckyfag back in those days. Those days were so dark though I wouldn't go into that whole mess even after few bevvies. Not enough bevvies in the world. For a while I was half sure a certain britfeel tripfag was some1 from those days bt I tbink I was mistaken. Yea I used 2 have a wine cellar. Its all gravy though.
Merom and Penryn were absolute beasts when they were released, right enough. That little mid-tier C2D would have mogged the absolute fuck out of even the best Pentium M or P4M.
I miss when generational upgrades were significant, now it's all
>Yes the 14th gen's single-thread performance is equivalent to the 8th gen, but look at muh parallelism and muh NPU hardware
Laura simply is a better girl. She seems more intelligent. That's what is important to me. I don't care if she is flat as a pancake and has no hips.
Your new thread to see you through the night, kings
My view on this is that RAM is cheap and time is not.
If Windows wants to cache everything in RAM to make itself seem fast, then I'm all for it
16GB of DDR4 is like 20 quid now
There is literally a girl called "asmr girl". They really lack an imagination some girls.
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Pull up on me nigga. Bust a cap in yo ass
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She doesn't love you and never will.

No she isn't that much anymore. She plays squash when she has time.
I run 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC activated with MAS. Paid nothing, there's no bloat and I only get security updates when I choose to download install them. Disabled anything I don't need, including the spyware and installed a firewall to block internet access to almost everything.

Right now with 18 tabs across 2 browsers and about 10 apps running in the system tray, only 36% of my 14GB RAM is taken up. Microsoft can still make a good OS, but they keep it hidden from normies and only offer it to Enterprise clients. Well, with piracy it's very easy to get that Enterprise goodness no matter who you are.

I ran the same OS in an older version on a Celeron laptop with 4GB of RAM and a hard drive. It used like 1GB of RAM after booting and it was good enough to multitask and open multiple browser tabs.
Yet another early new thread. Pick me energy in britfeel is too high.
I would plough that mucky furrow lads
You sound like a proper cunt mate just saying
You'll never stop playing the victim you fucking absolute loser
God for fuck sake ruthmong, get a life. What do you get out of making the same 5 posts over and over?
TFW working 50 hours a week and make the political compass.

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