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Linux edition. What distro are you lads running?
Tempted to get on the ciders.
I'm a proud Windosser
Millions died defending this country because they believed it was a cause worth fighting for.

Others have their world torn apart by receiving a single e-mail from their work coach.
it's reasonable
suppin on a wine glass of cum
Archlad here, still running arch btw.
Anyone out of a job for more than 3 months should be forced to attend the job centre every day, and sit there 9 to 5 sending applications and doing interviews in the presence of a work coach.
I'm not out of a job. I simply don't work. Can't be out of a job if I never had one.
That's absolutely fine as long as you're not stealing money from taxpayers. If you are, then to the job centre with you. Earn your keep.
This. The entitlement of the average dosser is truly incomprehensible.
Look at the vlogkino i have unearthed /v/ros


The balls on this bitch to prance around w/a camera in talib country. Boggles the mind don't it
So what? She's not breaking any of their rules.
She doesn't even have a minder i fink

Ballsy bitch indeed
Ah nvm she does, guy in the white shirt is definitely her halal tour guide

Really loike these POV videos of places, it's like you'r really there or sommet
Caution, vehicle turning left.
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does this guy have ptsd? hes living in a military truck and talking about being paranoid
Lot of these afghan dudes running around that market look like swarthy italians or sommet

Alexander the great's BWC army did a lot of bleaching back in the day did they not
Think I'm finally over my wanking to trannies phase
When you're pushing out an extra big turd do you imagine you're giving birth lad?
I farted bros lol
hehehe farts
I've started wanking over tuppences again too. Much better for the soul.
Fuck off, lad. I have a legit doctor diagnosed disability which I'm not sharing with you lot. You should be angry at all the drug addicts and alcoholics on a higher rate of benefits than me because they scam the system and pay people to do their applications and tell them how to act at the assessments. I'm not sure how the job centre works because I've never been but aren't they pretty notoriously strict about sanctioning people?
Football Manager 2024 free on Epic today dee lads for whoever's into that. Might be the last version I ever playing seeing how for FM25 they're introducing women's football (which no one asked for) at the cost of (so far) international football, social media feeds, touchline commands, player weights (kek) and most importantly the stability of the new match engine. Farcical stuff really, I can't support a dev that puts D&I over actual content.
Was it diagnosed by Sheffield University in 2005 by any chance?
Nah, I'm not a fat smelly alcoholic bellend.
It's shameful how they've gone about this latest update. I'd bet my left testicle that some NGO's given them a ton of money as sponsorship for adding women into the game.
Does Women's Super League even draw proper crowds yet? Last time I watched a match on TV it was less people than a National League match yet they still complain they aren't treated the same as the men.
They don't wear cute outfits like the female tennis players so they don't even have that going for them.
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they used to do things like this before the tories got into power
there was this scheme around 2008/09 where you essentially worked for your benefits. for example about 20 of us all worked on this park walkway system that included a pier and an area where the flooring was made of logs. after it was finished it was all torn up because it looked like shit and we had no training and our handlers would just drop us off and fuck off
complete waste of time and money.
this was ofc 15 years ago now and if you think some sort of nation wide 'get back to work doing full time back breaking work for less than 400 quid a month' scheme is going to get put into place, let alone actually work leading to results with todays feral youth and the utter disdain in societal sentiment then yer jokin'

I expect a full government collapse just like the USSR did in 91 before a next election and fuck knows what we'll get after that. No government that has taken power has ever taken stage after winning and told its people "yeah everything is shit, its going to get worse, things might be better in 10 years. deal with it lol" thats unprecedented. people are tired, worked to death for fuck all, theres talks of strikes across all sectors. people have had enough.
Judging by the fact that every Premier League club is advertising women's tickets on their pitchside boards during the men's match, I'd guess probably not.

Women's football is somewhat interesting at international level because you can at least get behind your country, but there won't be any of that in the new game because they've canned international football! Which, btw, they've taken out 'because only 4.6% of players regularly play as international managers'. Can't wait to see them scrap women's leagues next year then when less than 5% play that. They won't.
I remember watching a National League match on BT Sport and the pitch was wonky as fuck and slanted. Hilarious stuff.
they swap sides at the half though so no one team has to play uphill for the full 90 so it's fair
This year you can watch National League games on a special channel that has all of them. I noticed this last week and thought 'cool I can spare a few quid to watch those mongs play'. The cost? 190 quid a year or 25 quid a month. Laughable.

25 quid a month to watch a bunch of amateur part timers. What a laugh that is. Same price for Sky Sports.
might become one of those guys that goes to the library all day just to get out the house

could take the laptop with me but then I'd have to pack it away every time I got up to go to the toilet. Also I don't imagine the toilets in public libraries are particularly nice
Mine has a code that changes every day because of druggies.
could drug users not simply ask for the code?
Probably they don't give it to people who look like heroin addicts.
Apparently the rights have went to DAZN since 2031 so they probably have loads of blackouts now for the UK. I've read the production quality on the matches is piss poor. When I used to watch college sports the camera quality would vary a lot.
Seems unworkable.

>can I have the code for the toilet?
>why not? I need to go.
>I don't believe you
>*goes on the floor at reception*
Well even for 190 quid a year you still can't watch the 3pm games live, which is all of them except one that the National League picks to play at 7.30.
You seen the state of the druggies? There's a group that are always about standing around my local aldi and the utter state of those mongs. It's pretty obvious lad who is a legitimate library user vs those twats.
saw a little reedy cockney looney with his looney lass on the tube, they had a dog and he wore a phrygian cap and had lots of dandruff and wrinkles and scars, looked kind of like this. then he pulled off the cap to reveal the most luscious, thick, full head of hair looked like Beethoven all of a sudden

tl;dr I saw a man
Wonder if are Mark's having a fish day or a shit day.
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with the cap
Can't even watch USA college sports properly now since ESPN player shut down. Now at the whims of Sky Sports with their shit coverage. Plus I don't have Sky+ or whatever the fuck so I can't record stuff on at stupid hours. MLS now had its own service too. Fucking mental de lid.
>USA college sports
Not that I know anything about yank sports but can't you get a VPN and use a local subscription service? I do that to watch Eredivisie.
He's having a cash injection day.
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SSM update, SSM update

His go pro days are over

State of you mongs honestly.
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Lovely Costa Coffee and a fresh cash injection. He get new GoPro when it come out, he got a camera, he got grade a music phone, he got that iMac 3, he got that boombox. GoPro days are over.

based seaside soldier

eat shit. (with a whiff of fish)
Jealous troll spotted
cry more little wagie
Costa coffee is shite. Nero does the best coffee, double shot as standard so you can actually taste the coffee rather than milky nothingness.

You only really get Neros in city centres though whereas Costa are everywhere, retail parks and all that shite.
Ooo dossers are rattled this morning.
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Lush freshly steamed notes
Aye I suppose I could but cba with that shite.
How did so many businesses get away with selling dogshit coffee at over inflated prices?
I mean, it actually boggles the mind. They're no better than McDonalds coffee.
The best coffee in my town is a local greasy spoon to be honest and it's only filter coffee. I hate the ridiculously large weird shaped cups the chains use. Also Gregg's coffee machine is always broke lmao.
I secretly also partake in the odd american football game.
it seems fun if you're the coach, you get to strategise, move pieces around, direct the course of battle

roll tide
Wonder how HHL's key worker gets in touch with him. Text?
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Can't believe SSM sold his GoPro. He said he would rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs than sell the GoPro
I think these places are selling the lifestyle as much as anything. People like to think they're living the metropolitan life sitting in a nice stained wood coffee shop with couches, a cup of coffee and perhaps a pastry.

You'll probably enjoy sitting in a Costa, Nero or Starbucks more than you would sitting in a McDonalds or Greggs.
New Anus
I more watch baseball to be honest. It's not for everyone but it's for me. Used to watch way more college football when it was on BT Sport. I like college basketball too.
If you ever go to Spain, Portugal or France there are small coffee shops everywhere that are way cheaper, have way better coffee and way nicer pastries. The UK is a JOKE. You can also get beer in the cafes in Portugal. It's BASED.
He he sold it because there is a new version coming out soon
Why does Mark need a GoPro? To attach to the tap when he's washing his arse in the sink?
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Well lads, what are your assumptions about Laura (be nice)
He loved that gopro. He needs his PIP back
Considering Mint after my W10 machine dies in a few years. Hopefully Linux gets good enough that it can play old games as well as Windows by then.
Why is she looking into the phone instead of into the camera? Stupid fucking bint.
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>Am I recordeding? Of course I'm recording! I'll always be recording!
Not anymore.
Id watch that and I know you would too
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He need enhanced top-rate PIP to buy the very latest gadgets. Give him his PIP!
C-crufts. A h-h-h-hound? A hound? At crufts? Not even with a h-hound. I say not e-even with a hound.
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You're right and it's sad, which leads to the second poster.
Best coffee I ever had in my life was a hole-in-the-wall bar in Spain owned by some local award winning pigeon fanciers. I think I paid what amounted to eighty pence at the time. It was mind blowing and I can still recall those flavours in my mind. I got to see their painted pigeons too.
Coffee culture has tried to hold on but it's just not the same here. We're tea country and it still remains the best cuppa you can get is the one you'll make at home yourself.
It's hilarious to me that there are barely any proper tea shops here that sell properly brewed loose leaf tea. Pay an arm and a leg for a shitty fucking teabag and hot water.
You don't get it lad fat youtube lolcow buy thing and sell thing KEK HOWL SCREAM CREASE ROTFLMFAO ROFLCOPTER MY SIDES
Postie late today. Past the estimated time for my parcel now. They've done me again.
Any update on what SSM has been doing since Costa?
I don't think anyone claimed seasideMARK buying and selling gadgets was funny.
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I can take a guess de lad
Leicester were selling season tickets for the WSL team for 30 quid last season and the stands were completely empty. Arsenal get decent crowds when they have games at the Emirates though, although you're going to have a lot of woke people in London. It's an unbelievably poor standard of football no matter how much they try and push it.
used to work for royal mail

everyone there was a jack the lad, rough n ready, workman type full of the craic and the workplace banter. Could tell from day 1 I didn't fit in, me being a speccy virgin gimp. I didn't last long before I chucked it.
Yeah I've heard Arsenal gets around 30000 per match but other teams only get around 5000? Not sure how accurate that is.
Imagine her naked in that shower, the water running over her bum cheeks. Corr.
I only watch cycling, the sport of the thinking man
I enjoy when they crash de liiiiiiid.
Me just say fuck it and move to southeast asia
I think I'll go back to bed, lads. Not feeling it today. That alright?
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hold on, that's not a new jumper, that's his old raggedy jumper turned inside out!
Lovely 6 bed HMO on Homes Under the Hammer today. Done by foreign lads of course.
smoke alarms fitted, extinguisher in the hall, locks on the doors, 6 rental incomes sorted

job's a good 'un
Jessica Fletcher stumbling into the 100 Acre Woods during a full moon and being raped to death by a rabid Piglet.
1000 quid for the privilege of a tiny bedroom de lid.
When you see skids in your undies do you pretend it's period blood lad?
try 1.5k
guy gadbois at your service

waiter, another kahlua and ginger ale

fuck me peter sellers is so funny
Even better. A nice nine grand a month steady income! Utilities not included of course, they can work that out themselves.
*raises a brave eye up to meet your fat piggy landlord stare and shakes a grimy fist at you*
you'll pay for this someday
Utility bills included! Don't worry, superfast 30mb down broadband between all six of you!
hey google show me pussycat dolls nip slips circa 2005
hey google what is the furthest ejaculation ever recorded
hey google show me SeasideMark deleted scene guest appearance on Only Fools and Horses DVD Extra
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remember when Boris Johnson told Zelensky to disband peace talks with Russia and to fight them instead?
where you think Del got the dodgy VHS players from?
hey google can you get hiv from wanking in a public toilet
hey google my foreskin is stuck below the head of my penis what do I do
/hey google/i:op:no;boards:r9k
Mong boy must have something to spam the thread with
hey alexa can I hang myself to death with my own ball sacks
hey alexa does kym marsh have fake tits
/hey google/i:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey alexa/i:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey siri/i:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey cortanai:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey watson/i:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey xperia/i:op:no;boards:r9k
/hey sonos/i:op:no;boards:r9k
hey jeeves do your balls get hairier as you get older
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do they all walk like this?
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What the fuck is he doing with white spirit? SSM doesn't seem the type to do decorating
>the dosser waddle.gif
i was the one that named it the dosser waddle
My favourite waddle is when they're so far their arms move horizontally. Without looking up you also know their mouth will be fully opened and they look in pain.
This one is better

>Three Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers first surrender, and then one of them attacks the Russian soldier and tries to take his machine gun. In the end, no one was captured alive.

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All his cash injection money is weighing him down

TMAU is real dee lads
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fresh vinny
shant be clicking anything telegram related until linux installed. but i know what you're linking me to and all i can say is GRIM and DAFT
the world is eventually going to come down on us like a ton of bricks for all the shit the government has caused around the world
I work in PR and a big nonce story of a household name is going to break soon.
Of course it's real lad, haven't you been watching SSM?
You can't view the video without telegram installed anyway
good on you lad. that was the best name for it
the other one i came up with was the on bennies bounce
the female silhouette is just a cockhead?
the bameing inferno
220 quid cash injection get in there
TMAU is made up bollocks. Have a wash you smelly bastard
72 people died because some stupid forruner couldn't cook an egg lol
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What will SSM spend his cash injection on
another trip to japan
He's hard at work doing QMEE surveys. Do you have a utility fren?
She's one of those shallow attention whores with stupid fake nails, and they are like half grown out, so she badly needs to get a fill to fix them....but doesn't. You see this all the time on self-important wenches who stream on any platform.
Bitch, you're making money from this. At least maintain the phony plastic shit you do to your body.
Ruthmong likes the nasty posts about his bints, he wanks to them.
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Wagie mongs had lunch not too long ago.
Wow did they really how interesting

Major news in the American lolcow community.
can't think of anything more pathetic than hatewatching some internet lolcow
if you're just having a laugh or find them entertaining then fair enough. But all these mongs in the comments whinging about how he's spending THEIR dono money. Proper mentalists
How do I become a lolcow?
Sprog got the shits, gf to got shits, i got the shits, flat stinks
Get a trip and post LARPs, key is the keep at it, at first nobody will believe you but if you keep at it people will eventually believe despite zero proof (see ruthmong)
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Literally just be pretty and make asmr videos.
Pretty sure I shagged her.
A lot of guys have
just listening to bicep - atlas
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Listening to my neighbour shagging
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No I don't. They are living on easy difficulty, though.
noice, what position does it sound like theyre in?
Living at home for free without signing on, having your meals provided, watching youtube and playing video games well into your 30s sounds like easy difficulty to me
hes got a point there ruthmong, even if roasties just whore themselves out or make ASMR, its still more work than you do
She wouldn't even give you a second look lad. You're an NPC to women.
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Well yeah but it's not as good as being a female in 2024 western countries.

>can have a baby any time easily
>can find a date easily
>is treated like a precious flower throughout their lives
>can get a job easier, especially when HR is mostly female
I don't have that option. You think whoring myself out yt would get me thousands of subscribers? Nope. Men have to put more effort into making content. All women do is stick their iPhone and iMovie on and call it a day.
crybaby man want pussy, cry all day so sad no shoes
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Why do women use so much bog roll lads?
based, this and monero is a solid combo to combat ((()))
ever feel like you met the one but the timing you met was off so things didn't work out and now you wonder if you'll ever meet anyone like her again?
haha anyway what's Mark doing with a cash injection from somewhere other than Cex dee lads?
she does look quite downy in this pic lad
I have that exact same rainfall shower and shower head corr
Will condoms from amazon show up in discrete packaging?
'The one' for me was my cousin. We both know it and we were madly in love without saying it out lad. Eventually culminated in sex during our late teens but we both knew our family would never accept our love. Now we're both married. I was the witness at her wedding, and she at mine. It will be our secret forever.
Get them sent to a locker if you're worried
They'll come in the same brown amazon bag they send everything else in.
you're gaslighting. Even murderers and rapists in prison get to have recreation time. If they took their shoes away and made them sit in a box cell forever they would call it a violation of human rights
s.o.yrex.png in
Never been in a shower this nice in my life. Middle class people live in a completely different world to me
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Inside Scotland's Alarming Drug Crisis( dangerous Scotland schemes)Scottishdrill
murderers and sex offenders in prison get free ps4s while ruthlad is stuck with a laptop from 2006
Ruthmong is not in prison, he is in his mum's house
I think he's stopped doing it since the janny's been getting pissy about onions reactions.
Oh that's a good idea, thanks lad.

Sometimes stuff shows up with no packaging and the label on the box of the actual item instead but I suppose box of condoms are too small for that. Usually amazon will say 'packaging will reveal item, click here to change to amazon packing' but I ordered a heater last week that showed up without amazon packaging and it didn't tell me it would. That was no big deal but got me paranoid about condoms showing up like that kek.
Yay Ruthmong dolly is here to play with
he gets harassed by pigs if he so much as goes out on a nightwalk. When Aung San Suu Kyi was held in house confinement like this they had front page news articles about how terrible and inhumane it all was
you building some kinda sex dungeon lad?
Ruthmong has a Xbox One though so he's better than the prisoners since they get no laptop. When prisons upgrade to PS5/Series X he's fucked.
It's because the makeup is so overdone to the point where it makes a girl look worse. She has the Scottish chin too.
i have been dragged against my will into work drama. I just wanna play vidya, i don't need this shit
>Living at home for free without signing on, having your meals provided, watching youtube and playing video games well into your 30s sounds like easy difficulty to me

>you're gaslighting. Even murderers and rapists in prison get to have recreation time. If they took their shoes away and made them sit in a box cell forever they would call it a violation of human rights

>he gets harassed by pigs if he so much as goes out on a nightwalk. When Aung San Suu Kyi was held in house confinement like this they had front page news articles about how terrible and inhumane it all was

>Ruthmong has a Xbox One though so he's better than the prisoners since they get no laptop. When prisons upgrade to PS5/Series X he's fucked.
You must be middle class to have a nice modern shower. I only have a bathtub.

True lad. Must've cost 20 grand for that bathroom.
A shower head like that must be at least 500. That's on top of her luxury holiday to the far east.
Love work drama desu me only as an observer though
>Never been in a shower this nice in my life
Lad what? It's not an expensive shower. Just look at the shower head and controls. Very basic. It looks nicer because of the tiles and the shower window but it's a bog standard one.
Ukrainian women look very good, much better than british women
That bathroom is easily 600k.
so looks like the latest american school shooting that killed 4 done by an incel. classmastes described him as someone who hardly ever spoke and had no friends.
>you just assaulted me then

One of the most disgusting audit videos I have ever seen. The lying pig said he assaulted him (4:45). They also punch his head on the ground (5:30) despite being restrained. I really hope he takes this all the way to court. Night cops are bored shitless and most likely to use the cover of darkness to attack you on night walks.

This is why they are hated. They lie all the time. Having an attitude is not against the law. Lying and getting him arrested is, though. Sickening isn't it?

He's 14 years old lad, can't be an incel at 14.
Abroathy once flashed me her girl willy in the toilets at the Edinburgh train station.
you absolutely can be
ruthmong putting on his auditmong mask like zorro
Imagine if we had the rights to walk around with guns in Britain.
About 150 for then showers
And you'll be giving him (you)s little lad
I was an incel at 14, managed to get my life sorted at 18 though
Really does show their ugly side. To think I thought they were the good guys watching those carefully edited police motorway cop shows as a kid. How oblivious I was.
no I won't, I'll just keep making snide and passive aggressive comments cheers
That guy is severely depressed, last thing we can give him are some (You)s to make him smile
I'm an incel in my thirties. Every day I think bad things involving women.
Ruthmong getting pulled out of his mum's house without shoes after 3tb of nude fakes of Ruth are identified on his computer
More and more females are getting stabbed by young lads in this country. It's definitely the lack of pussy.
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>ruthmong's mum listening to him type furiously and stomp his feet at audit videos
No I don't like fake shit.
SSM needs a walk in shower
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She clearly thinks she's intelligent but I doubt she's ever even heard of GNU/Linux or even installed an operating system onto a blank drive.
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>I'll be teaching those little maggots a lesson
>More and more females are getting stabbed by young lads in this country
>Every day I think bad things involving women
err haha you alright there ruthmong mate
He doesn't deserve that. He is the underclass.
Photography is not a crime.
you need new dollies and gimmicks, girls.
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Do you reckon she's ever showered with her bf?
go to bed Jimmy
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>hot steamy shower sex

corrrr lid
Anyone got a photo of her bf?
Isnt that standard in most homes?
i still have to step into my bath to have a shower, it is dangerous and worrisome. i live alone and don't want to be discovered nude with a broken neck.
I've took showers and baths with all of my past gfs and current one, it's a bit of a faff and the novelty wears off.

Does he actually think about what he's saying? He's just on repeat
I'm not watching 50 minutes of this.
>This video has been removed by the upIoader
What did he say?
Yeah he's a fucking mong, lad, and the even bigger mongs are the ones that are still watching his videos
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>Will condoms from amazon show up in discrete packaging?

talked about selling his gadgets might be for you but not for him etc
eats chips bacon and eggs, talks while eating and chewing, makes lots of Mmmm Mmmm noises and smacks his lips lots
riviting stuff lad
Not a very flattering pic. What are your assumptions about Laura?
corr round two of youtube asmrist make believe and drama
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Gutted I missed it. Missed his videos this morning too because I was driving
aye you really missed out there lad he sold a go pro
Aw fuck sake lad what a thing to miss. Guess I'll have to wait until next week when he does it again.
Overslept again did i not

I blame that FUCKING appleberg turnovah thang from earlier
>4 o'clock
>thread goes quiet

wfh wagies run the show during the day in /britfeel/, now they're all off shagging their wives
I'm busy watching DJ Audits
even on there they come across as pricks. Making snarky comments knowing full well the person can't just walk away
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>that big wall mirror
you just know he's doing the american psycho thing. It's what I'd do if I was a chad.
>makes lots of Mmmm Mmmm noises and smacks his lips lots
kek I've started doing this. Worried I might do it in front of someone one day out of habit and they won't get I just do it ironically
Do you think her bf is in a band?
>Men on epilepsy drug told to use contraception
>Men taking sodium valproate are being warned to use contraception while on the medicine, because of a >"potential small increased risk" of autism and other neurodevelopmental problems for any children conceived.
>They should continue to do so - and cannot donate sperm - until three months after they have stopped taking the drug.
since when are they allowed to tell you who can and cannot have kids. Women with shit genes or 40 year old eggs reproduce all the time and if they told them they shouldn't there would be national outrage.
Just need the Shippy routine and Crossmong to do his routine then we've completed the thread
Nah lad. Heater is for boxroom. I have one on wall but it's way too close to my PC that I don't feel comfortable turning it on when the cold dark nights set in.

Condoms are a mentality thing. I'm a virgin but going in with the belief I will get a gf soon and will have sex.
Spaffed did i not
I have yes
>5% of children born to men taking thr drug were harmed

>40% of children born to women taking the drug were harmed

Yet the headline says men should use contraception
Men should always use contraception
so much for reproductive rights. Yet women want me to care that women in america can't kill their fetuses
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Moni loves seeing his lot representing the NHS
How can a man give birth?
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Phwoar! A nice little arrival for today, innit? Now have one of my favourite shows on deck in the best quality available (no 4K of The Sopranos available).
>Dr. Nicola RUTH

She been shagging and abusing OAPs like our Ruth.
>Discs clearly visible
He will not like this
Just got back from work and shagged the wife
lads he buy more you'll never guess... dvd xD
I can see how obese you are in the reflection.
better than a helper meltdown desu
Idk I dont use Linux.
Just got back from wife and shagged the work
Regards to those who are worthy of respect and arent hypocrites that unironically endanger goodness
I'm not convinced until you post a disc with your cock through it.
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Slackware and OpenBSD
about to have a nice relaxing shit
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Two spaffs in a row, is it not. Corr

Yeah i'm finkin i'll cop the rest of it now at beddingtons
What's up with that case? Do they not put each season in individual cases anymore?
When you spaff, Hitler spaffs with you
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How many miles u walking in a month
Me 17 miles in august
7 morr than July
No they put them in big binders. I have another empty case with 8 slots that I put them in until they go back in otherwise it's a pain on the arse. It does save space on a shelf.
Thought that was a pic from the manga Reborn!
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You hear that Ricky? Those are the shit winds. And the shit storm is coming.
It's a doggy dog world, lad. Simple as.
You gotta love how all these OF prostitutes/porn whores refer to themselves variously as "models", "content creators" or (and i've actually seen this) "actresses" lel

This is like when a guy opens a lemonade stand and says he's a "CEO"

Femoids have no shame in this regard and they don't even know how "impostor syndrome" is spelled
And the reality is they are richer than all of us.
One for the incels.

Why would a vegetarian support the most popular fast food resteraunt in the world that's famous for its beef burgers?
Then again what can you expect from a Scot mong
Vegetarians and Vegans are cringe as fuck.
Ken. If you had a principled stance you wouldn't even step foot in the place.
Being a big enough faggot to then go contact the newspaper afterwards too. Fucking embarrassing desu
Best looking Blu-ray glow up for a TV Show I've ever seen is Lost. It looks phenomenal.
Awesome. Just woke up my pregnant wife to show her this.
Lads help please. Some of the other grads want to go out 'for drinks' this weekend. I said sure I'll come along as I'm a fucking lonely bastard in desperate need of friends and even more desperate for a gf. What does going out for drinks mean? A pub I assume? Could it be anything else?

Also what drink can I order that won't make me look like a retard but it's not completely unhealthy? I been gyming for over half a year now so want to stick to my diet a little if I can but don't want to be a boring bastard who doesn't drink at all. I haven't drank alcohol in almost a decade since I haven't been in any social situations since then so this is all new to me.
The pedophile Windows user vs the Chad GNU/Linux user
Get whiskey and coke
Spirits are good for you
Do a helper and get a bag in.
Just get a fruit cider so it doesn't go to your head. Alcohol isn't healthy but it's not gunna hurt you going out once either.
Going 'out for drinks' means you'll end up in a local pub, probably called something quirky like 'The Flag and Whistle' which charges 6 quid for half a pint of citrus flavoured IPA. Watch what the other grads do, if they're buying rounds for the group then everyone will be expected to buy a round. If they're putting it on a tab then expect either everyone to pay equally or one person to pay and then ask everyone to send them a bank transfer for the money the next day.

Now, if just standing around in a pub sounds like a nightmare scenario then have a look for something local where you can do an activity like shuffleboard, pool or minigolf so you don't have to stand in awkward silence wondering what to talk about, but just play something and bond with people over that.
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Wah wah wah
How about you don't fucking go
You're not in school anymore, you don't have to give into peer pressure
The britfeel crabs are getting all riled up in their bucket.
>what does going out for drinks mean?
you all go to a garage and buy a can of monster energy and down it I think
Thanks lad.

Thank you lad, some great advice. I'll pay close attention to what the rest order. I'll have a look at what activities are around so I can suggest that if things get awkward after a while and we run out of things to say.

I want to go, that's the thing. I'm horribly alone and hate it. Old me would have come up with some reason not to go, but I am trying to be social because I can't stand the loneliness anymore. I'm desperate for a gf but not getting one playing video games all day. It not right.
My LARP detector is going mental
Meant to say thanks to the fruit cider lad and not the get a bag in lad. For sure not going to be getting a bag in kek.
Chop chop barkeep, we have degrees
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>I despet for gf, I despet for fwens. I force myself into fings I not wanna do
>wat will wake weople wike an wespec weeeee
Alright, barkeep? Lovely weather, isn't it? I'll have a goblet of your finest fizzy Baileys when you're ready my good man. Oh, and some pickled pork scratchings too. Thanks.
See the above.
Me? Only ever drink wine. Well it's only grapes really, isn't it? Nothing wrong with fruit.
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You have a bf right? You don't know what it feels like to be completely alone your entire life. It's fucking horrible and gets worse the older I get when I was hoping the opposite would happen and I'd be able to suppress it or stop caring.
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Punch u in the goblet wee lad
>move in to new place last year
>food waste was collected in special green coloured compostable waste bags
>you could only get these from the council (can't imagine the fucking grift the company that makes them was pulling for that monopoly)
>supply I had when I moved in runs out
>go to council website to order more
>"We no longer use the green waste bags for food waste. Instead please use any plastic bag to line your food waste bin, as these bags are removed anyway when the waste is processed."

It literally didn't matter one fucking iota that the bags were compostable, they were just being fucking torn off the waste anyway. It was nothing but a pure grift from start to finish. Total fucking insanity. I hate this fucking country.
Just ignore them. Grim little narcissist innit.
I am a proud member of the never having sex club
We know, you're posting on britfeel.
You know what I think? There's nothing wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking junglebunnies.
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Cheeky 2nd shower
Dindins on the way nd its nice nd grey outside
Early night coming on strong. Blimey. It lovely
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It's not a unique issue to you, anyone here or any typical normie. Our birth rates have been decimated because we've groomed to be hyper individualistic for profit. Don't lower yourself by putting yourself in situations you don't really want to be in. People drink in the uk to numb their pain, not to have fun. You'll only meet the walking dead out there and come back with regrets.
Absolutely embarrassing post.
Really outdone yourself here. Gradlad do not listen to this drivel. Just another britfeel bucket crab scared of their own shadow who wants to drag you down.
Any woman with pastel or neon hair = smug virtue signaling cunt. I'm glad she was stupid enough to patronise Maccies and ended up eating meat. Stupid vegetarian bitch.
It was just a 10 year pause. I loved it really!
>Our birth rates have been decimated because we've groomed to be hyper individualistic for profit.
Absolutely retarded take. So obviously untrue it's insane you would post this unironically.
You make genuine connections with people when you're all under the influence of alcohol. Friends for life.
Absolutely seething that someone would dare try and improve their life instead of falling back on blackpill copes lol. Guess it is easier to wallow in self pity than try anything huh.
Hate to break it to you lad councils mix recycle rubbish with normal trash.
I'm not planning on becoming a regular drinker or a heavy drinker. I only drink in social situations but haven't been in any so I haven't drank for a while. I'm on a health kick ever since gym this year so want to stay on top of that as it makes me feel good, and I know alcohol kills gains so certainly shan't be playing drinking games or anything weird like that. But I do need to expand my social circle somehow. Ideally I can use this time to figure out which of the grads are more like me and maybe at least have one friend I can get along with and we can do shit together which includes meeting single women. I don't want to die alone, it's probably my biggest fear.

Don't worry lad. I already said yes I'm going and won't back down. If I get the time I'll post a cheeky pic from the pub. In 10 years time my future soulmate and I can look back on picture as where it all started. That would be the dream.
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Yeah, I'm on that Thursday evening wuppagrind. I'm 4 days no wuttingtons so I'm doing alright there de lids.
Rooting for you laddy. I recommend having a few but not too many. Enough to loosen up but not enough to make a test of yourself.
Twat I mean, of course.
waravan review?
Back from grooming kiddies at Flamingo Land, lad?
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Mind-boggling to think that Rishi Sunak is STILL head of the opposition. Really makes you think...
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It womfy. Didn't even get wissed up, just kept things womfortable.
Not womfy grooming kids, lad. You're a dirty nonce bastard and need locked up. The stories I've heard from Flamingo Land management are horrific.

Tories don't have anyone better. Dead party.

Reform will replace them as the official opposition in few years anyway.
Thanks lad. I was planning on having just the one. No idea how long we will be there.

He's on the sex offenders register. He lives with a bunch of other nonces in some scheme.
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My Apu is one of the top 50 Survey users on QMEE. He deserves some time out.
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poleaboo's character arc is better than yours
>removed anyway when the waste is processed

Yea right, I can just imagine little Mohammed sitting there picking the plastic bags out of piles and piles of food waste, scraping the leftover potatoes and gravy out so the bag can be recycled.
>He's on the sex offenders register.
Prove it.
>those lip movements
what is blud waffling about
The latest soaps and pop charts normally. They're very vapid.
corr didn't know you could create ai apu videos now
Requesting an apu sucking off sean.
Yay it's Helper dolly
Clint Eastwood Western Collection on Blu-ray on sale for seven quid. Three great films.
>the outlaw josey wales
>pale rider
Some pretty good special features too. That's a steal. I saw Unforgiven in the cinema a few years back it's very good.
waste your time sorting through all your rubbish stinking up your house for two weeks so it can all get dumped in the same landfill
genuine NPC behaviour. In WW2 they had all the housewives give up their pots and pans for scrap iron which was poor quality and totally useless but made everyone feel good that they were doing something for the war effort. Probably the same kind of mongs who clapped for RNHS.
Don't they put nonces in the "community" these days like mental cases? I doubt there are specific care homes for nonces aside from prison as they'd be easily targeted by locals. Gov and lice want em hidden in plain sight
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Kek. Each household here has 3 large bins, 1 for general, 1 for cardboard and 1 for tins and plastic, the area looks like shit because the seagulls dig into the garbage after the feral youths kick the bins over, trash everywhere. Iirc most plastic doesn't even get recycled because not all plastic is the same due to different manufacturers
No bins for glass, no that has had to be taken to the nearest glass bin that you have to put your fingers right through to get the glass in, I hope you like the sound of loud smashing glass. Disabled? Tough shit fuck you enjoy having your house filled with glass. Oh and rubbish in general because council bin men are going on strike
Fuck this country, ran by utter clowns
might get a cheese chips wrap tonight
There's no greater love than Ruth's love for black gents
What about Ruth's love for old men?
She likes well hung men, she doesn't like men with erectile dysfunction.
Everyone in life gets one moment where they beat the odds tremendously. For me it was back when Payday 2 first game out and I got a mask that had a 1 in 500,000 chance of dropping. Some win the lottery, some get hit by a bus, I got a rare set of pixels in a game
Every time I've done the Sida's bag quest I get it in the first two drops. Must have been at least ten times now
i get the impression its usually the other way around, sean has confessed to having a small willy and apus are known size queens
Did you sell it for real money? I would have.
no. i don't even know if that was possible in any version of Payday 2 back when it came out, but I was on Xbox 360 anyways so to sell it I would have had to sell my Xbox Live account which I wouldn't give up for anything
Beddingshire o' clockington is it not
I have a 14 film Elvis DVD box set I haven't touched. What's the best Elvis film?
Dysgenic sex tuppences
just written a novel. Maybe i publish it
Pure miss The Jeremy Kyle Show. Had some good larfs watching that.
What's it about, lad? I've written a novel about an alcoholic private detective who kills himself and wakes up in Hell where he finds himself embroiled in a comedic whodunnit. It's a comedy/noir/mystery. It's probably shit but who knows. It's 643 pages right now but probably need to trim it down. Nobody will ever see it anyway.
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>use a glo'al stop around an American
>he takes a piss out of me
It's set 500 years in the future where space travel is easy and we can terraform other planets. Earth is getting overpopulated, so everyone is put into a lottery to determine which planet they have to live on. Some planets, like Mars, become purely a mining planet and everyone there is basically in a hard labour camp, some places are kind of like a planet wide hotel resort and getting chosen there is considered a massive win.
Eventually it's found out that the lottery is rigged and the Earth big wigs at the time set it up so they could choose "perfect people" to live in luxury and have the unwanted folk work all their life and either have their family tree die out, or let them live on in some far away planet. It's a eugenics kind of thing really. Anyways the people rise up and with hold resources to the perfect people, resulting in their bloodlines dying out since they have generations of people who have no idea how to work for themselves.
Lad, 90% of the Apus on that programme killed themselves shortly after filming.
My apu was one of them. RIP little lad. Jezza exposed him for stealing hobnobs.
That sounds like something I would read to be honest. How long you been working on it? I finished the draft of my supernatural detective noir over five years ago... haven't read it in a while but I know it needs to be trimmed if I ever go back to it. I used to write for fun a lot but not much lately.
It's a doggy dog world.
Viva Las Vegas & Blue Hawaii
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i haven't seen any but i HAVE seen Mark Kermode's reviews and i know how he thinks.
so Elvis is THE solid biopic with good acting, Priscilla is an interesting idea but weird and bad, Orion: The Man Who Would Be King is a strange Elvis-adjacent true story and good.
(my opinions not his, but based on his)

if you meant the actual Elvis films starring Elvis at the time i've not seen any of those either, maybe i've glimpsed Jailhouse Rock on daytime ITV and caught a few seconds but nothing gripping/memorable
Not sure if this post is satire to be honest. Anyway, I meant actual films starring Elvis. I didn't really love the Elvis biopic. I liked Priscilla because I'm a fan of the lead actress and Sofia Coppola. Bubba Ho Tep is the best Elvis biopic.
>The UK's planned bilateral support for Afghanistan for 2024-25 is 151 million.
>r country is giving 151 million to the taliban

i miss that mean-spirited era of television. hell even panel shows like Never Mind the Buzzcocks and (early) Would I Lie To You, the contestants were just cruel.

but you also had reality shite like the Jerry Springer clones. There's Something About Miriam was a how-the-fuck-did-they-make-this by today's standards, ended badly IRL.
i honestly thought you meant biopics at first, i assumed there were that many (maybe BECAUSE we're on to 'fake Elvis' and 'Priscilla's side of the story' by now). do like Kermode and he's a fan, but i'm not interested in Elvis.
maybe some of the weird related stories, like that guy's museum and that bootleg record. Elvis brought out some oddballs.
but yeah my mind just wandered because i watched some reviews recently, i do like classic Americana films but i've never seen any Elvis ones for some reason. genuinely forgot he was an actor for a brief moment.
The Simon Amstell seasons of Buzzcocks were fucking hilarious. That little queer jew took no prisoners.
cowardly britfeelers are happy to rob banks in video games but not IRL. Sad!
>war for a while
>give up
>Taliban immediately retakes control
we should be taking lessons from them, honestly
>How long you been working on it
i lied lad. I just said i wrote a novel then made up a story on the spot
But of course we can't have a return agreement with them for boat wogs
Pretty wild how big Elvis was in every aspect. Does Kermode still do his BBC show? Most of the film stuff I watch now are commentaries or special features. Hate most modern reviewers like Chris Stuckman and Jeremy Jahns and those cringe hours long essay YouTubers like Lindsay Ellis and that Disney lass.
they don't have big vault doors with banknotes and gold bars inside, it's just apps now
he's switched over to YouTube. i don't know what the fuck is going on with the world any more.
I thought it was like Scrooge McDuck and a pool of gold coins, lad. You saying it's not?
nah it's all computers
Old people need to freeze so Ukranians can keep getting blown up
added a new photo to my dating app profile and been getting at least a 4/10 per week for the last month as opposed to some obese 1/10 mega mammal once a month. am on the up lads
if we just let global warming run its course, we wouldn't need winter allowances OR fuel
>The Man Who Would Be King
loved this movie but don't see what a film set in 19th century kafirstan has to do with elvis
Having a little dance and doing push ups lads. 4x lush.
How to do it..... AAARGHHH!
Sean when he's an old man.
I own the film Gaslight on Blu-ray therefore I am more informed on the subject than most modern women.
Arbroathy should start a wordpress
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She needs to start an onlyfans desu
it's a metaphor because America is a republic and we have to respect that as a British Value
like if we do jokes about 11 September, the land of the free has to respect our free speech
one of those 'top Edinburgh Fringe one liners' was 'my husband told me i'd watched Gaslight' or summat
which isn't even a wordplay or pun, it's just where the term comes from. 'i went birdwatching - i saw some pigeons!'
You could shave every monkey in Africa and Chika would still be bald.
Well yes but that will never happen lad
I kind of get it. Her husband was gaslighting her about having seen the film Gaslight. It's just a shit joke. As if a modern mong woman would sit through a film from 1944 instead of the latest Netflix drivel.
with that man bod yikes!
She said she passes though, and a delivery driver once gendered her as female. I think you're just being mean for the sake of it.
i think if a 'pun' directly comes from a word and it's origin is well known, that shouldn't count as 'a pun'. better example i have invented:
'i lost all my data when the weather cleared up - it was stored in the cloud!'

see because 'the cloud' is a computer term which comes from
The tranny says they pass? Wow! It must be true. Here's a tip: no tranny passes without 50 filters and layers of makeup and even then most still don't.
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For what purpose? I want to do videos on politics but I cba going back to prison or having a bullet in the back of my head
I don't think I have it in me to do anything like that for a few quid a month. I'm flattered though, I guess. Plus I'm in a happy relationship
I think it's just people being nice to me idk happened again today. Cba going out anymore for further testing. Too many substance abusers and feral going about
Ordered Lolita on Blu-ray
>I cba going back to prison
new lore?
I already own it, lad. Included in my Stanley Kubrick box set.
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>but I cba going back to prison
Why were you in prison?
I took a shit in a Wetherspoons keg of Guinness and the entire village hot African Sleeping Sickness.
What about the 1997 version? Is it any good?
I actually haven't seen that version yet. Is that the one you got?
Jeremy Irons is too fuckable
defeats the purpose
No, I ordered the 1962 version, but I saw the 1997 version on Amazon. Might take a punt and order that too.
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Miltia in Syria tried to get me and a few others into Syria via Iraq to fight against isis. Sadly one of the police checkpoints in Iraq detained us and sent us to jail. British consulate had to come get me out.
I headbutted a wog who tried to steal my pillow, that was as about as exciting as my trip got.
Watched the Hollow Crown and Kingdom of Heaven recently, his voice is so fucking cool
Ok who is LARPing as Arbroathy?
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What the fuck is this LARP lmao
>Linux edition. What distro are you lads running?
current: endeavor os
prior: mint

I really like arch and see no reason to go back
I enjoy larps but this one is a bit too far fetched lad
Fucking hell lad plz take my upkek
trip on little crossmong
Remember the LARP that helper was recruited by the CIA?
It's like 25 quid mate, I wouldn't pay that. It's out of print I think thus the high price. You might have better luck finding it or a DVD version on eBay for cheaper. Why you so interested in film adaptations of Lolita anyway?
I did a bit of research, the one on Amazon is an Australian import so don't order it.
You can get a UK DVD version on eBay.
25 quid is expensive even for an import. I sometimes get USA Criterion releases for cheaper than that.
British CIA Agent Sean Allan intercepted a Scottish man in a dress attempting to cross into Syria via Iraq.
remember all the scaremongering/concerns about them DNA testing troubled kids?

well, i fully believe Helper is part of some secret government programme.
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A lot of Westerners flooded into Syria from 2015 to 2018 to fight against isis
A fair amount of Brits got killed there too
No larp.
Anyway I regret trying to help the kurds. Horrible nasty people, the lot of them
The Iranians I met in prison were bro tier though
T b h I hadn't begun transitioning then. But that sounds like a good read
awful lot of ai videos by indians on youtube nowadays
>T b h I hadn't begun transitioning then
I'm guessing you were probably a femboy though?
TempleOS is the better linux distro
Are the monkey abuse videos still about?
god these news stories feel quaint now.
I don't have any special interest in Lolita, I just enjoyed the book and wanted to watch the film adaptation. Didn't know there were multiple versions. I'll probably just DL the 1997 version
Lolita isn't for men, it's for Jeffrey Dahmer women.
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I got some nice compliments from a few iraqi men while I was there. But no I wasn't a femboy per se, I was muscular but lean, not a lot of fat and I wore baggy clothes and was clean shaven so I didn't look hyper masc. But Iraqis/kurds are weird. The men kiss one another and walk about holdings hands in public. bizarre behaviour
theres tons of tech/computer repair ai videos on youtube. the get decent views too. seems like an easy way to make money if you can automate the whole process

Is this what it's like to be a chad?
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>bizarre behaviour

Says the lad who dresses like a women and takes it up the arse from a man.
Who is Ed Matthews?
If he wasn't on their tiktok feeds he would just be another ignored deano walking the streets
>he is well known for his collaborations with other content creators such as Hstikkytokky, and his feuds with TikTok stars Simple Simon and Astrid Wett
literally another world innit
I'm guessing this mong probably has some clout on social media because he looks like any other zoomer.
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It lush. It flush. It ice slush candy crush lush. Quite alright w me.
he looks short too. cant be any more than 5'8" lol
Underrated. I would like an AI of this.
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LARPometer is off the charts. Arbroathy going to fight ISIS, getting arrested and the British consulate bailing him out.
>apus are known size queens
and how do you know? worrying post lad
listed height is 5'10 but that's clearly bullshit
he's probably around 5'8
Ticked off a tranny has more guts than you lardy?
this looks uncomfortable as hell
It's not about having guts. It's the sheer stupidity of the situation. Why not go volunteer to get yourself blown up in Ukraine whilst you're at it
I posted Naruto AMVs during the Iraq War.
Some of them bints were ready to blow him right then and there.
Yeah but they're probably underage.
Why are you getting so uppity about a larp?
Don't get shippy all excited please.
Arbroathy was clearly joking. Some right low IQ mongs in /britfeel/
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*promote U to honorary vampire chungus*
l am Shippy
No I am Shippy
oh fuck who summoned him
I play Ruthmong in face him attack mode. Your move.
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Le skull emoji
TL note: in Japanese, '444' means 'le skull emoji'
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Me: over 100 confirmed isis members liquidated
Shippy: fat cunt got himself doxxed at a rally and might get his woglet taken off him
To be fair if Arb was in Isis they wouldn't know he's a tranny under the burka. All their women have facial hair too so that's a plus.
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Took some lads long enough to realise that character is a complete larp. Actual real people do not have frequent dramatic lore updates like this.

Sleep time. Goodnight to all good lads etc etc as they say.
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They'll never take my brown sprog from me
what is the most interesting thing about your life that is not a LARP?
I've been married 3 times
A fair few dressed as women when their gay caliphate collapsed in an attempt to escape retribution kek
Maybe you're just a sad cunt who can't into adventure
>I've been married 3 times
Sounds like LARP desu
I touched Hayley Williams arse at a Paramore concert around 15 years ago.
Bet you got sodomised relentlessly in that Iraqi prison, that's why you ended up becoming a tranny
are you still married to #3?
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Arbroathy will NEVER have a sprog
i believe this more than the three marriages guy.
fresh bread is fresh

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Few games of Black Ops 6 Beta then it's beddingtons for me. Been a long day.
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its in old wossums book of pratical helpers
true dat

i am a vegan and i dont shop at any store that sells meat
Back from le dead

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