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River Clyde edition
Bought a new pair of shoes today and thought of Ruthmong.
*looks around*
nice thread, very nice
What kinda shoes did you get lad?
I always think of ruthmong when I put on my shoes.
Ruthmong on a Japanese gameshow to win a pair of shoes.
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crosslad pretending he yawns in peoples faces, what a mad lad
corr very fancy
Autism shoes, you are not getting laid lad.
I need a Chaffeur
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>primark trainers
My trainers are from Lidl
I got my shoes in Japan
Big fan of cheese are you?
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>Lidl trainers
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Am feeling good cus mum came back nd got some nice feedback on my cleaning. No arguments. Sip a wee bevvie later play my switch in bed. U?
Kek this nonce who looks like a kid still. Tyrant pig called up the auditor telling him to take this information down. Why? He's just reporting on the court case. Any member of the public can do that. "What's it got to do with him?" she asks. Everything you fucking pig bitch. Anyone can be a journalist.

sounds like you've been a good boi for mummy
video already got posted in the last thread ruthmong, nobody cared then either
Marti Mong pretending to be a news reporter now
HAve earphones in and headphones on and can still hear the brats next door screeching
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>He has good intentions
sperg stompers
By the way I am the real audit lad. Stop saying I'm someone else.
Contempt of court that is
He's a chav looking to rile up whoever he can for views.

seasideMARK is Live having a Bud donated by his 'fan'

SSM having a wud

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Wonder why Auditing Yorkshire deleted his channel
Any SSM updates? is he live yet?
Wonder when you will take a shower.
ill go and have a look now
Apparently SSM is LIVE and having a bokkle of Budweiser
You're allowed to report on court proceedings. Someone turned up to court today to submit their plea or not. It's in the public interest.
He's quite mentally unstable and drinks a lot. You sure he didn't just change the name?

Angry incels and are ruining youtube for him. It not right.
*informs the apus that sergio mendes has died*
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Could you beat DJE in a fight?
His channel was https://www.youtube.com/c/AuditingYorkshire
He looks like my Russian drug dealer neighbour.
Is that an old picture? I saw him on DJ's channel and he looked fatter
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He may have been a troublemaker before but he is a lot better now. He has multiple sprogs. It all started (the auditing) I believe because of bailiffs harassing and threatening his girlfriend for her debts.
Might watch the three hour and 10 minutes cut of Troy tonight. Well there's no law against it, is there?
Then again... I could watch some of my favourite Ashlynn Brooke scenes instead.
>Other cunt turns out to be a single mom as well now all of a sudden

I really, REALLY have to make it a habit to ask right away whether they've got a kid already *before* starting any communication, this just keeps happening kek. Goddamn single mom roastie epidemic out there
Not seen Melted Ruth posted in a while.
Ruthmong not welcome.
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Don't know who melted ruth is. There aren't many female auditors.
52 dossers watching ssm
If I saw that thing dining my restaurant I would be fuming. State of chavs.
>Don't know who melted ruth is.
No this was from the based riots.
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So grim trying 2 navigate busy shops w the sun in my eyes as well
Therapist ages ago said i should stop wearing headphones outside 2 be more connected to what's going on around me
Am going through life on that wats goin on here naaaa type of vibe
Back @ boxroom now tho aka the base of operations
No girl want him because he has a funny voice, is short and has no masculinity. Simple as.
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I look into the kopparberg bubbles like a crystal ball that told me Helen got a major pumping today
You couldn't even be in a restaurant in this situation because you've never had a relationship.
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Potentially a promotionberg on ze cards c. 2025 but uncertain so we keeping it pwivate
All this recent kafkaesque nonsense is paying dividends indeed. All is well that ends well and all that
Emily wops was meant to post a video on Wednesday. Lying cow.
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10% extra pay for 120% extra workload. This promotion will have me giddy with excitement for the next 12 months, can't wait. Dunno why everyone hates immigrants, my Pakistani boss is always nice to me, plus he's bald too.
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Working alongside immigrants for low pay? Not for me. Let them do all the work as they invaded my country anyway.
usually I watch up to the Hector vs Achilles fight then turn it off
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While the contents of my post were true, I posted them knowing you would reply with some meaningless cope drivel like this. Good job it only took you a few minutes this time! Sad sad life. We move, or some of us do.
is that why you're in such a strop tonight you mopey cunt?
it might not be for you, but its certainty for chika
>Sad sad life
Says the sad sack wagie who rushes to 4chan after work to tell us about his boring day
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>total failure in all categories of life
>seethes and copes, starts imaginary online battles with people they have never met
>copes with the state of it all by making up genuinely everything they have said about their life
What is the name for this mental illness? Baffles the mindnibba.
How old is Chika again?
have fun in the boxroom for another day then? Maybe watch some porn and post on 4chan? K E K
no one cares you faggot. fuck off
31 years of age and i think his bf is in his late 50s, but im not sure
Quick I am BTFO
deploy sameswan routine
Haha he le fat and old and le bald XD
No life, no friends, no sex and no hope
>y'you live in a boxroom!
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Honestly most of you are just complete scumbags and losers at this point. Only have time for me frogposters, me gradnibba, me soundlad and a few others. Even HHL when not drinking. Off to play vidya, enjoy another sad night of online make believe.
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Friday night melty is it
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Bye bye mong.
>come to a forum where the majority users are known for being the down and outs of society
>come home and immediately gloat about getting a promotion some time next year(?)
>gloating about getting a promotion in a country with extremely difficult social mobility where even relatively higher paid positions are traps due to tax brackets so you end up doing 3x the work for a few extra thousand a year
>everyone takes the piss out of you
>mald and leave
gays are mental
he'll be seething about all the extra work he's been lumped with next year
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>throw tantrum
>announce ur departure
>actually refresh thread all night like a boss
Thinking about tuppences
Ruth and Melted Ruth scissoring
Ruth's in particular.
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browsing Wikipedia, going to move Jigsaw out of the category 'Fictional serial killers' if that's alright with you lads
salri with me lad, go for it
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demand skyrocketed due to /britfeel/
Shame she wouldn't show it, not even for 1 second.
Chicken Big Mac back on de lids.
Loller has long, grey hair.
Women hidimg their single mum status. Why would a man want to take care of someone else's sprogs? Not to mention giving birth ruins the vagina.

it could be a costume/disguise but the anime headphones and hoodie are surefire indication that he's mentally subnormal

(he's also cute, would)
Women need rights stripped, roasties are ruining society.
He literally said he got a fade last year
No one ever says just put it in savings. This is why I don't believe normalfags who say it's impossible to save money. Even if you doubled their wage they would just find more rubbish to waste their money on and then be back to living on overdraft. Just complete NPC mongs living entirely on impulse
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women fancy Jeffrey Dahmer even though he was a homosexual and allegedly murdered multiple people, which included alleged rapes of underage men.

meanwhile if a man so much as THINKS about posting on 4chan that he's somewhat attracted to a potential nonce, he has to feel guilty for what should be normal natural feelings and nobody would expect the same of a woman.
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>Even if you doubled their wage they would just find more rubbish to waste their money on and then be back to living on overdraft. Just complete NPC mongs living entirely on impulse
Yeah what are those normies like eh, not like sensible frugal neets
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Why does it stink when i fart bros

How can this be
if i win a short burst cash (scratchcard, say) you better believe i'm splurging. i am riding that high. sensible people probably don't go on game shows, if what they want is wise long-term solutions.
All of those items are essential retard.
love are mark but he's a massive normie lad. Highly sociable gets along with everyone. That's why normgroids hate him so much because he's just a degenerated version of themselves and it makes them uncomfortable
Me? I only shag single moms
you eat a diet high in food and low in fibre. i literally never fart unless i specifically pig out.
>Highly sociable gets along with everyone.

No he doesn't. He says so himself he suffers major anxiety, can't be around people and people stay away from him cause of his TMAU.
reckon it's probably grown back in by now
He need medical cannabis for tmau
Howdy partner
depends if they're one of the ones who can smell it
He does standard one-sided alchie conversations where you just talk at someone and make up stories
No. He just isn't the long haired creep you like to portray him as
>what if NEETs are the REAL normies?
great stuff anon, next up: it's actually MEN who have it easier than women.
Old people shouldnt get such haircuts imo
Ruthmong has an easier life than most women
prisoners have an easier life than most billionaires
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He 6 items now. He done well in life
cousin's wedding is in 2 weeks and I haven't received an invite

it is my understanding that wedding invites go out like 4-6 months in advance so it's looking increasingly unlikely that I shan't be attending
mums taking ages getting my fast food. fucking hell.
he trade all that up from six broken clocks. He like the red paperclip man
it's a shame you can't just voluntarily go to prison for any reason, as a principle of a free society or summat. the only things that are stopping me are:
1. i don't want to commit any serious crimes (for ethical reasons)
2. i might want to leave prison before my time is up
should call it slow food the time it's taking not fast food but slow food
Just got the meat for tomorrow. We've invited some friends and neighbours for a barbeque. Might be the last one this summer.
why do they call it slow food when shigh up the chain food but it's lowdown the fast food?
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How come they have NEET intervention programs in Japan but we don't have them in the UK?
gay man in a dress attempting to bully chika again lol
what is it they do in Japan lad
get bored of playing vidya did ya
yeah they do it's called Prevent
>Just got the meat for tomorrow
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Japan has one of the worst wagie slave cultures in the world. They are bred to be slaves and work work work all day till night, thank fuck we don't do that dogshit here. Great country to holiday in but to actually be born there and live in that work work work culture, fuck that.
They have these hikki rehabilitation programs:


seems like a lot of these people just need a dedicated individual (a paid worker) to care, or at least pretend to, and coax them out of their shell via a series of structured activities and outings
Send Ruth-Chan over to buy the NEETs shoes and have sex with them.
>having to work for free at a farm

That's a bit reductive. At the end of the day they're trying to rehabilitate these people; there has to be something resembling work at some point in the process because if these people are ever to fend for themselves they'll need to be employed.

There's never going to be any rehabilitation that takes the form of exclusively keeping the NEET couped up in his boxroom while they talk via sliding notes under the bedroom door.

If we're taking the view that these people are mentally ill or reacting adversely to a 'sick society' there has to be a specially curated intervention. It's immediately evident that saying "you'd better get your act together, bucko" acheives nothing because these people will simply do nothing in the face of a heavy-handed approach.

That's what the Japanese programs are trying to do: come up with innovative ways to treat these mongs.
I'm sorry, but how is teaching them to do grim low paid manual labour helping? Might as well chuck them in a fucking warehouse.

No thanks wagie.
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How do I skip ahead in Prevent training? I found this random page from 'Case studies' through Google but I want to know what the 'Behaviours that cause concern' are (you can't just click).
Winning imaginary conversations where your enemies are seething and you are calm and collected, is it?
Just cull the NEETs
SSM is steaming as a wocket
Ruthmong isn't a burden on society as he doesn't claim any state benefits, unlike like HelperParasite.
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Some proper nutcases out there.
Because these programs recognise that the NEETs need a soft touch approach. Yeah you can dump some hikki NEET in a warehouse raw but he'll just stop going and return to doing nothing. He's not going to stick at it until he's as fast as the hardened Bulgarian veteran stood next to him on the line; he's going to give up.

The schemes acknowledge the fact that these people are lacking basic skills that normal, well-adjusted people take for granted and have developed over the course of normal lives not spent hiding away in a bedroom.

It appears that these people can be helped by breaking them in easy, treating them with a light touch and gradually ramping up. So the Japanese programs accommodate for the fact that these lads are barely functional and quite obviously not ready for adult life but also acknowledge that they can be helped with the right approach rather than just throwing one's hands in the air and saying "oh well, die in your bedroom then".
All of britfeel garn be locked up.
His 'fans' encouraging him to drink more. It not right.
Looks like the weather will be ok for the barbeque tomorrow
Why won't he post his meat
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Home at half 6. Tea on had some pie and vege. Put some washing on now just sat down with a glass of lemonade. Now beings my weekend of doing nothing and being lonely
If some twat said he would lock me up in an glorified prison and said I'm picking fruit I'd tell them to do go do one. If that's the fucking alternative to leaving my boxroom, no thanks. Fuck this shit and fuck you for supporting this utter slavery conditioning.
probably helps that in japan there's still labour demand even for autistic dysfunctional hikkies since they don't import 800,000 foreigners every year
fuck did you actually get referred to Prevent?
Ruth's meat flaps
It's OK anon just join the Army. Or don't.
Are you stupid lad? It's okay.
ironically enough he's less of a parasite than all the wfh braggarts on here with fake jobs
Ruth getting a truncheon up the harris
Nah this is the awareness course that teachers etc. have to do:

Anyone can start it but you have to work through it page-by-page. I just want the answers tbqh.
It's been a busy day working from home. I can't decide what to brag about on here.
Ruth gets her meat delivered round the back, if you catch my drift
what was the last thing you ate that wasn't 80g of dry oats?
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Reckon she still comes on to britfeel to see if people still talk about her?
nothing fake about my wtf job de lad. i put in hard graft
do women enjoy anal sex? do women have prostates?

i am equally ignorant of male AND female biology so this isn't sexism.
not right how she treat us woppets lad
I woke up late, signed on at 9:15, then fell asleep on the couch until 3:40 before playing Wukong. Didn't get a single message all day about work. WFH is amazing.
Ruth's tuppence is a perfect innie slit lad. \|/
Yes. No. Prostates create and hold the semen fluid, so women don't need one.
isn't three messages the legal requirement for stalking? that poster is a stalker, possibly the same one he's 'pointing out' (what a hero, the kind of guy you just want to converse with)
There's no need for the antagonism lad. They're not putting these NEETs to work in the mines. It's all done with a light touch, building a person's confidence gradually and at their own pace. They're not kicking down doors and bussing them out to put in a 12 hour amazon shift with radio collars around their necks.

They're trying things in Japan that they're not trying here.
it's hard work setting up a mouse jiggler and playing video games and wanking all day
I wouldn't have thought so kek. Her dad was apparently browsing here to see what Ruthmong was posting about his daughter.
what the fuck is that doing in my arse?
>They're trying things in Japan that they're not trying here.
Good. I'm not going to do that fucking dogshit. Had enough of job centre telling me to go onto work programmes, I refuse every time, sanction me again don't care, I'll wait it out like always. Certainly don't need some cunt dragging me to go live on a fucking farm.
It's not in your arse, it's accessible from your arse. Think of it like holding your tongue against the inside of your cheek and then touching the tip of your tongue with your finger on the outside of your cheek.
Emily Pops not uploafing on Wednesday really upset him
>Her dad was apparently browsing here to see what Ruthmong was posting about his daughter.

Did you really fall for some lad putting Ruth's dad as his name? Come on lad.
Creampie King. It 4x lush is it not? 4x lush it is, creampie-ing 'elen.
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The job centre actually helped me get a decent paying job. I was volunteering for them (I didn't want to do it but I relented) and a business owner came in and started speaking to me. He asked if I worked at the place and I said temporary as a volunteer. He said I should work for him after I finish. And that was 10 years ago. Now I'm on a 40 grand job. Not a lot but it all stemmed from that volunteering. It was optional so if I said no I have no idea what I would be doing right now
Remember the stream where he said in the 80s he creampied many women.
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>warning m'lady about dark web anime posts for the princely reward of zero(0) pussy or money
She clearly comes on here quite regularly. She stopped posting videos pretty much straight after that comment, in her comeback video she referred to having to 'pluck up the courage' to return, she hasn't uploaded since Ruthmong doxed her halls and she made the video with her new best friend private after he suggested they were in a lesbian relationship together.
It's the sort of thing a boomer would do...
FWIW anon I appreciate your considered thoughts on this, even though I disagree with you. I'd be interested how many long-term NEETs are internet shut-ins compared to say, council estate single mums or heavily mentally ill types.

Making not-work unappealing doesn't work, as you say people will just lapse back into it no matter what. Making work appealing in small stages is the way to go. But I fundamentally disagree that work is good (?) or something, most of it it isn't even NECESSARY now. Just treat NEETs by caring for their mental health, or fuck, giving them more benefits. If it turns out they enjoy this whole life thing and join the workforce, yay?
Hello DWP.

Nobody believes your bollocks.
I post the drivel he reads the drivel
>It was optional so if I said no I have no idea what I would be doing right now
have you seen those '/britfeel/' threads on 4chan?
>ruths dad
fucking hell i forgot all about that larp
Leave my daughter alone.
see i told you pricks it was real hes here again now
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You can earn 30 grand a year doing an Amazon warehouse job and you don't have to speak to anyone
the 'backtrace your ip address' dad died
that girl is now a nonbinary transgender person
she was like 12 and abused by rockstars, 4chan was just dicks there
I earn 35 grand wfh and I don't even work
to what extent do i need to use my hands/arms?
>I earn 35 grand wfh and I don't even work
Yes but im talking about retards with no skills not some gay wfh programmer job
i earn that from investing in crypto
life trajectory completely changed because someone you met two minute ago happened to take a liking to you. The hard work you do? All that studying? Didn't even matter. Mad how things work isn't it
Prove you are Ruth's dad
but that involves work and the same dossing attitude that makes them NEET will also stop them doing any actual work
>The hard work you do? All that studying? Didn't even matter. Mad how things work isn't i
True it's all luck based. But if you stay at home that luck is effectively 0%.
I bet Ruth's Dad is a proper onions. Probs an accountant or summat with a 5 inch willy who gets starfish sex from Ruth's Mum on his birthday once a year, meanwhile his daughter is off at uni getting shagged by hung Chads and Tyrones every night.
>tfw no starfish gf
I don't work in programming.
>you don't have to speak to anyone
Except that's not actually true is it. There's no such thing as a job where you don't have to speak to anyone
bit of lawn mowing simulator for me i think
You've spent a lot of time thinking of that scenario have you lad?
If I book a return train ticket, do I have to return on the day I say I will? I need a return ticket but the day I return needs to be flexible. The website is not helpful at all and just says 'Your journey(s) must be on the date specified.' Which is bullshit because I've seen tickets have have like a month long open return, how do I get one of them?
Not really no. It was a random thought that popped into my head.
i have a 5 inch willy, i also eat supermarket bread.
What website are you booking on? Most say whether it is a same day return ticket or a 30 day.
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Fink you lads would be sound doing Amazon warehouse like. Just seal some parcels all day. time goes quick. then you can get home and shitpost on britfeel innit
>do I have to return on the day I say I will?
>'Your journey(s) must be on the date specified.'
that seems clear-cut to me, i don't know why you're deciding it's bullshit other than that you don't WANT it to be true.
One of my high school bullies is one of the line managers at my nearest Amazon warehouse. Won't be doing that thanks.
just checked weather websites to see what it's like outside. in my defence i know what the weather WILL be like in one hour should my nightwalk last that long.
Thorpe Park and Alton Towers used to always have banging soundtracks for their rides. Sadly now they just get generic IMAscore slop.
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Ordered that McDelivery me. Got that chicken Big Wac weal. First time trying one. Now time to get womfy.
and they say bullying does pay off
National rail, but it takes me to crosscountry trains to buy the ticket.

Because I've had open return tickets before but I have no idea how or where I can get them from. I didn't book anything special to get it from what I remember but this time I actually need that one. There's no option on the site, I am willing to pay more if that's what I need to do.
>Got that chicken Big Wac weal. First time trying one.
they're very overrated
t. mcwagie
>Alton Towers ride themes
in all my years on the internet, besides dedicated forums to these topics, this is the first time I share such a niche appreciation with someone
very based. always liked Nemesis in particular
tried the Philly cheese stack the other day from maccas. Was pretty good desu. Fries were shite as usual tho
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Just necked it there. Was alright, nothing special.

I prefer the Philly cheese stack thoughs, might get that next times.
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cunts putting their dog shit bags in my bin first thing in the morning
then come this evening i see 3 fat carb gorging slags all snorting coke outside my house
>why arent we like Japaaaan cry the elite
yer jokin
yeah i misread your post a little, derped there. you want that OPTION and you're saying it's bullshit that it's a 'must', how do you instead...etc.

been a bit since i travelled, i always just used nationalrail which distinguishes between a return and two singles. clicking through the return option would say what kind of return it is, and sometimes they'd be a specific journey, open on the same day (same company), or if it was another date they'd just happen to be 'valid until [4 weeks later]'.

honestly the machines make this clearer, and there's a very obvious option for it as you're choosing a ticket.
my local McD's is a scary retail park one that's mostly for deliveries/drive-throughs. but the website says the "lobby" is open 24 hours, it's just out the way and almost always empty.
i've approached it suspiciously at both 4-7am and at 9pm-3am, lights are on, people working, but i don't know if i can actually just wander in ;__;
It's okay, I found it lad. In order to get that open return 30 day option I need to skip the National Rail website and search the booking on crosscountry site, otherwise it doesn't give 30 day return option. Dumb.

Only 3 quid more though. Sorted.
If the site says it's open, then it's open.
Just met a nonce irl
there's presumably some maze of referral link shite going on, it's the same with hotels. when i had friends we had THAT success story of getting Travelodge rooms for 20 quid a night, some price comparison website just put it through.
it's not even that i want to sit down, i'd happily order and leave. a city centre one this would be fine, but actively approaching the retail unit one they'd all see and they'd all know. at worst they'd call the police.
only thing i can think of is to get really pissed first, then i'm just some drunk daftie staggering over "oi mate yous open??? proper fancy a burger me like waheyyy" haha
They aren't going to call the police lad.
Last time I got a McDonalds I got a double quarter pounder, 3 chicken selects and a double cheeseburger

it was too much but I was hungry when ordering. Ate it all but the cheeseburger was definitely one too many
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>they'd call the police
Not unless you approach it like this lad
>double quarter pounder, 3 chicken selects
Best things on the menu imo
You sound like a big guy, post physique
Fella is missing a finger
that's worse, in a way. no chance to state my case. some lunatic has just wandered over to the automatic doors, seen they didn't open, then left in a huff.
at least i HOPE they think i'm a lunatic. the alternative is someone popping their head out: 'excuse me, we're closed' fuck off i'd die of embarrassment. or they DON'T do that, but they all see and talk about the non-lunatic who tried to walk in at 3am haha 'and i swear, he wasn't even drunk.'
>Not unless you approach it like this lad
nah see this is actually desirable. not sure if my post makes sense to anyone else. being a mental spectacle > just being slightly 'off'.
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Necking that Apple Pie now. It lush and I mean LUSH x
When I worked night shifts people used to drive to maccies all the time during the night, that was in a random retail park too
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Wouldnt mind avin a beer with a /brit/feeler desu
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whenever HHL says he's "necking" some food i picture it as him sliding it unchewed down his throat, like a snake or a seagull
it's a bit off to the side, you have to actually cross the drive-through road to get in. i could walk into the car park, up to a random car or summat, pretend i've just parked/left and i'm headed to McDonald's. but that's MORE criminal. and to anyone looking (in a wide, dark but lit up open car park, with none of the clothes shops open) that's dodgy as fuck.
i wasn't even considering doing this tonight, but now i am. going to take a valium, have a shower, walk over to the McDonald's and see where life takes me.
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You got me thinking about what Maccies in other countries have, as there is no Philly Cheese Stack in US. Check out this Indonesia wurger.
doesn't look like there's a stump there either, wonder if he was born that way
godspeed you anxious champion
Royal Mail is even womfier, if you live near one of the mail centres. Pretty easy work, just wear headphones and go off into your own thoughts.
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When the cats are away the mice shall come out to play
I say life should head for a milkshake.
Riot if the machine is down.
For me, it's sharing a bag with HHL
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I thought he was holding a terrified cat sort of sideways & upside-down
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I been missing my wee valiums left my merchandise bag at my cousins last week. Might pick em up tomoro for Saturday chill.
Trade you for some dihydrocodeine?
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>I (24FTNB) accidentally blurted "I'm jacking off" in class : r/autism
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any you lads gone to therapy?
yeah and it was pointless
actually, learning that it was pointless was actually useful, so it had its value in the end, insofar as I recognised nobody will come to save you
never self harmed again after that
Funniest one was the CAMHS therapist who recommended I download TikTok to better understand what people my age were talking about.

She also said "I feel like you could keep coming here for 10 years and nothing would change" which I found amusingly insensitive (yet agreed with).
Completely awful, it made me feel worse every time as I was being forced to reminisce about my horrid childhood.
threads died

everyone out at the bars and clubs no doubt
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Keith Starmer let Sir Jimoth Saveloy off the hook
I bet Ange spent a lot of her early life on her knees (probably round the back of Piccadilly train station)
I've done CBT three times through NHS and once through uni. It was shit three times. The one time I liked it it was the typical NHS only 6 sessions thing. That therapist actually understood me and I felt like I could be open with her. But 6 sessions isn't enough and I can't afford private because who the fuck can.
state of these tarts

They seem like an easy shag, sign me up.
I bet the DJ is going to be porking their tuppences in a few hours
would love it if SSM came dancing into shot now

why do you fink she got the boob job?
Ruth's tuppence stinking of shit and fish for weeks after being given a raw porking from Seasidemark.
need a britfeel meet up pronto
Meet at the Swanage bench, bring Cerne Abbas beer
We really should meet at a SSM sandford lane stream. SSM and britfeel lads dancing in sandford lane together would be 4x lush.
This was in 2022? Bloody hell, time flies
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The 1 therapist that did some good 4 me more like a pal, a boomer guy(male) tjat started out with usual talmudic mumbo jumbo @ some point I thought, it's quite nice just 2 talk about my week with someone outside of the context, eventually bc I just kept trauma dumping and interrupting whenever he spoke to talk about my daily frustrations thats all we did, for like 8 months. He was like a little save icon nigga in an RPG I had my week then uploaded the data 2 him nd moved on. Sometime he go like "we havent really gotten to.." am like aye nevermjnd that, u won't believe what bothered happened on the bus here nd fill up an hour like that bt in general for the intended purpose therapy is a waste of time obviously,, in my opinion
Looks a bit like soundspacker.
It was real once, look up siggi in the archives
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Fork gon on ere naaaaa
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Arbroathy risking his life to save brown sprogs in Iraq. Very noble, very noble indeed
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>he's still fuming over a larp

fat bean head
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THIS is the reality of TMAU.
It not so fucking nice now, is it.
He live with this every day.
Looks like Jeremy Clarkson crossed with Winston Churchill
Going to have a nice early night I think. Big day tomorrow with the barbeque.
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Lestat vampire chungus
>if you're new to this street I've got a condition called tmau
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Early night chuds stay winning
Used to be 3 pirate radio stations on the air all the time. Rarely on these days. Transmitters keep getting taken down. Still broadcasting on the net but it's just not the same
Do people even listen to FM radio anymore
sixteen hours a day seven days a week
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He suffer so much.
Teaser for the SSM biopic.
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It's an early night in beddingtons for me. Feel shattered.
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I'm shattered too lad, been wagieing all day
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I have this 1984 6-band dual antenna radio in my kitchen. Use it to listen to the FM 80s station when I cook. Also switch it to shortwave sometimes and look for random shit out there, some very weird religious stuff on Sunday mornings.
You seemed fine today, de lad. What happened?

Nothing really. Just been a long day.
Is a vodka and coke ordered in pints/half pints? For example do I say at a pub 'half a pint of vodka and coke please'. Or am I being a mong here?
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Sleep well then, fren. You're special and I hope you can start taking better care of your mental health so you have more good days and find more purpose and fulfillment. I am working on these things myself.
Does it come with the chair?
Ruth shagged this lad.
No lol, do not order a half pint of vodka and coke, just ask for a vodka and coke.
When you order one, it'll come in a small glass.
The questions you'll be asked are "single or double" and "is pepsi okay", with single or double referring to how much vodka they put in it. Single is one shot, double is two. You're probably better off getting a single.
no, a pint of vodka would kill you. just say vodka and coke.
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Now that the dust has settled, where does a 27 year old lad find a girlfriend in Sir Kier's Britain?
>You work full time in a small-ish town in the souf with easy access to London.
>You have a decent circle of friends from school but all are male
>You're not 'tistic and have had many good female friends and a couple of girlfriends before, but back in school/uni when meeting them was possible
>Your face is your worst feature so online dating is out
Where would you go from here?
>Just been a long day.

did you pull mong cord?
>You're not 'tistic and have had many good female friends and a couple of girlfriends before, but back in school/uni when meeting them was possible

look at this chad.
If you had girlfriends before then your face can't be that nasty
It's pretty bad, I've definitely never sparked attraction with it. My girlfriends came from girls I'd spent quite a lot of time with and over time my other attributes weighed it out.
The problem is there's no place post-graduation to get a captive audience like that, so to speak.
Just finished watching Heaven's Gate. Three and a half hours. It's a really beautiful looking Western with great music. The story I could give or take but some interesting performances and great action near the end. Isabelle Huppert is fucking gorgeous in it and goes fully nude. Around 59 seconds cut from the UK Blu-ray because it has a real cock fight and horse abuse but it didn't make much of a difference.
Sorry don't buy it lad when you've had multiple gfs.
Don't you see that there's a difference between being immediately and entirely judged by your face (e.g. dating app) and having hours and hours over months to let other things outweigh it?
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How tf u just sit there for 3.5 hours, I get restless de lad affer 10 mins. Am too brainlet for films I guess I would sit there same time for binging anime bt itnfeels different when it's in short bursts. My fav film love exposure is 4 hours albeit its 1 of those that doesnt actually feel long bc it's that good to me. Ive seen it multiple times as well nd had some1 else watch it with me once and they didn't fall asleep either so its not just me. Shout out love exposure.
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Shout out w/e the hotel nearby here is called i stayed in THAT night
Shout out Govan nd the morrisons on paisley road west for never asking ID back then
Quo vadis pub up the road from there
I never forget those early hikikomori days, painful bt comfy
Aeon Flux
Mall Rats
Raw Deal
Gone in 60 Seconds
Pirates of Silicon Valley

loooove these flicks and never met anyone whose also seen them. They're all garbage but they got dat Y2k feeling. Best era ever
well lads i did it. here are some tips for anyone considering the same, or something similar:
- make sure your hair is dry before you leave
- take out rubbish so the neighbours don't get suspicious what you're up to
- carry extra valium 'just in case'
- wear a hat (but see first tip)
- do not wear a face covering (suspicious)
- if a group of teenagers randomly yell "you're a grass" and then cycle away saying "___ ___ is a grass", it's a case of mistaken identity you are NOT a grass
- do not consider asking the teenagers if they know where to get _____ you're old enough to be their dad
- prepare a cover story but do not use it: you were out with the lads fancied a maccies haha, and that's enough
- avoid wearing full headphones because then you weren't on a night out
- if you have a fit of nervous laughter look at your phone and pretend someone said something funny (this also signals friends/contacts)

in the end i got an iced latte and a burger. but i didn't want the burger, so i threw it away.
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>going pubbing
if you somehow haven't seen Equilibrium, do.
watched swordfish many times, good fun, i remember watching it as a kid and not understanding what the woman was doing to him in that blowjob scene in the club kek
noo you don't get it he does all the normalfag things everyone else does but he's a super special hikki because he has a self-deprecating internal monologue like the guy from welcome to the nhk
That always got me friendzoned so clearly you are attractive.
what's that 90s/early 2000s film with all Prodigy type music that ISN'T Hackers but it's all snappy in a similar way and has a red-haired girl?
might be Run Lola Run, but from wiki that sounds different.
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Shoutout the asda near ibrox nd the lads that jumped me in bellahouston park walking there at night nd the paki shop across from the bus stop, nd whatever other places I purchased booze from with the overdraft lloyds foolishly gave 2 me when I was 18 nd while am at it reardons in shawlands, I was just going for an early night but I scrolled up nd the OP image mixed with the moon reflecting on the window got me in my feelings so I got out of bed for a final jar. Thx
lol that's a classic. saw The Man Who Would Be King with my parents when i was really young and an Afghan belly dancer lady starts taking off her top for Michael Caine

i didn't understand why it felt like i had to go to the bathroom
Well I took like a half hour break half way through but I just look at it like watching a TV show to be honest. I've watched longer films. This one film I have called 1900 is five and a half hours starring Robert DeNiro.
Definitely is Run Lola Run I think, lad. I watched it two days ago and sounds exactly like it. Then again there was a lot of films like that back then.
Seen most of these. I watched Mallrats recently on the DVD I've had for 20 years. Honestly I don't think it's that great, definitely not my favourite Kevin Smith film but it is womfy. I like the scene with the psychic.
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Last time i was happy in life december 2012 I used 2 think it was bc it was objectively comfy having that place to myself nd doing my little nonsense internet stuff in peace for a whole week of course in hindsight i see the bigger picture of Mayans, (((CERN))) etc. Only a few of us remember nvm understand the shift @ this point. They find it inconvenient. Too bad. **** stuck needles in my third eye. Only made me more nd more woke. And I'm horny too. So do one.
>Definitely is Run Lola Run I think, lad. I watched it two days ago and sounds exactly like it.
yeah just caught a bit of the score, seems to be. i know it was parodied/entered pop culture a fair bit around the time, like The Matrix.
>Then again there was a lot of films like that back then.
more like this, then? maybe like,
>character wakes up to an alarm going off
>they're late
>messy bed
>Chemical Brothers track plays
>busy city streets
>brisk power walking
yeah this is someone, doing something, in some kind of hurry cut-cut-cut.
(if this is real, drop some titles pls anon)
I can't think of any specific examples right now but I feel like I've watched many films with that sequence of events. Shieeet. Go (1999) I remember being very like that but haven't seen it in years. Human Traffic fits vibes wise just late 90s techo bollocks.
BMW = Black Man's Wheels
ASDA = Asian Sex Dungeon for Aryans
Make sure you complete the Man Down Meeting Log lads. Once a day should be sufficient. Bogus info is best.

had four sosij for tea
it delish
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U have no idea why that pub is significant in my alchemy albeit. U auto assume "pubbing" bc you're surface level brained. Am not cut from that failed normie modern r9k regular cloth that deep down wants to go pub, have friends gf etc nd it causes angst and loneliness i don't care about any of that shit whatsoever I literally don't feel lonely as an emotion. So ur weird resentment that some1 doing normie stuff wouldnt even cross my mind. Am writing here mostly for a race of ppl that won't exist for 1000 years. Not middle class home county mongs w persecution complex. Love you though anyway. Thx.
Prick. Do you ever stfu?
It not right. I cleaned my entire bedroom today. But my OCD struck and I moved my bed a bit. Now I'll have to clean it all again tomorrow. Why? Because my brain is broke and somehow it's not clean now. Moving my bed made everything dirty again. Dust, fibres. I don't even know. I do know I won't be able to relax unless I clean again. FUCK.
You sound like a real catch to the right tranny.
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Theres space in my bedtime prayers for the bald,, next 2 lepers....HIV homos the first guy that got monkeypox off an actual monkey then shagged a human etc, itsa not a hate fing I just believe they can be better nd it's frustrating when they fudge it up every step of the way
Local legend SPUDMAN giving you yer cattle goy feed sloppa after youve been shouted at by paki bossman at work all day
i don't have OCD but i have contamination anxiety so i can relate to shit not making sense.
>disinfect everything like it's lab conditions
>wash hands after touching anything
>'contacted' hands are infected until washed
>(fuck knows how people just eat crisps)
>flat is a hoarder-level shit tip
>there's dust and food debris everywhere
>to the point it's attracting cockroaches
>and tomorrow I'll drink expired milk
>but my hands and clothes are clean
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Exposed ur arse lad
If you had 2 parent household don't fucking talk shit to me ever about this incel shit. Poser
crosslad you strike me as someone who had same-sex parents
don't even mean that in a bad way i've met people who did and it's FINE, you just notice general trends
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Dubs another can
Me and Crosslad kidnapping a smelly Jap lass to worship her feet.
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Naw just single mum. Dont fink ive come across anything like that irl.
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That 1up can hit the spot for sleeping. Pray I die in my sleep. Heart failure aneurysm brain hemorrhage jusr close my eyes nd pass into whatever. Wont get that lucky though as per.
but if you died who would schizopost here all day? didn't think about that did ye?
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>carry extra valium 'just in case
Do em sublingual lad
Put it under your tongue b4 you go out nd let it melt til u have 2 use your vocal cords at whatever shop it is
My next move, once you've downed it get on the soft mints nd suck on it move it around to get all the diazepamed saliva collected
U could also just stick another one in for the way back yeah in which case I'd split it in half for economics
Its nice cus it give u something to focus on while you're walking about instead of just swallowing it with water then you've got to wait for it kicking in. Haven't done it any other way for a few years now
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Women with no curves. Lush.
toucan lass has a bigger beak than a jewish parrot
She doesn't look like she'll age well
Will be hideous in her 30s
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Say something nice about her, mong. I like her big nose.
her hips are a good 10 inches wider than her waist
bitch has a nose for snorting daz
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She won't be having sprogs so she'll look better than most women at that age.

It's very odd biology.
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Why are asmr bints obsessed with deodorants? Do they really stink?
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She looks like a trans Daniel Larson
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Anyone can bite their lip lad. He would look shit as a trans.
They both have similar eyes and nose, but mainly the nose. I didn't even consider the lip thing
How big do you reckon toucan lass's bf's willy is?
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He looks a bit autistic lad. I am reasonably confident Scottish lass knows she is beautiful but not perfect.

Very odd thing to think about. Are you gay? I expect she loves him for his height and intelligence.
Heard she like them tall, dark, handsome (not you)
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Me Alida is very pretty.
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aye, really enjoyed that.
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Guccimaxxed, lusharse sleepington this hath been phwaor

The other thing(s) is (are) coming along nicely as well
>i shall do the thing
>then the other thing
mothafucka thinks he's JFK going to space
everyone is obsessed with deodorants. we've been gaslighted into believing it's an everyday thing like brushing your teeth, although it hasn't gone as far as 'don't use shampoo'.

barring specific medical conditions along similar lines to TMAU, you can very easily not have body odour and then there's no problem to be solved. covering it up with horrible dry perfume + ethanol is a complete con. just clean your body.
Very good phenotype this. Subnordid, some alpinid and all the other good stuff in there

Exceptionally noriform nasal folds as well on this specimen

Chad only of course since she's neither fat nor tatooed nor mentally ill nor a single mom (which makes her a 9/10 by today's SMP standards by default)

... On second thought her hair appears to be receding, so she might be vaxxmaxxed/infertile. Sad!
What went so wrong in your life that made you end up here?
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Kino film and great soundtrack. Back when feminism wasn't about hating men.
I didn't get pussy back in school and still haven't.
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I'm afraid she's addicted to shitty tattoos. Gets a new one every time she goes on holiday.
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Very true lad. I just use a bar of a soap if I start to smell. Just sickens me the amount of shit women buy. Destroyers of the environment.
Chad gets the prime breeding stock just for showing up.

You get the rotten, discarded single mom roastie whore leftovers after busting your arse.

Quite unfair innit
>single mum

even they want prince charming these days. catfishing on online dating and like half of women there are single mums demanding a lot from a man. very sad.
Every man needs his fair share of pussy.

Otherwise it's tendies and vidya all the way. No more taxes to fund roastie macroastbeef's single mom alimony for Ngubu's kid.
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Based and blackpilled incel. Let them women work for us now.
Not getting pussy? That's natures way of telling you your genes aren't needed. Live with it, failure.
2 wispa golds down, 2 to go
What's the point in living if the sole purpose of life is to reproduce and yet I can't mass breed sprogs?
one left then ive eaten all the chocolate in the flat and i can start my diet and new life
one more 4chan thread then i can start my new gym, new diet and new life
right thats it, all the chocolate done and most of the fizzy drinks, after probably about 3 days of the shits i should be good to start getting /fit/
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Why, our 'punk' culture is going to shake up the status quo. I suspect by the year 2000, Acts of Parliament will be in place as a direct result of our music.
for whatever it's worth, i do this with drugs. better not to even have them in. i'll use up these grams, i'm not USING them, i'm using them up. then it's the sober life for me.

the problem is, i can always order more drugs. if you wanted chocolate bars getting in right now at four in the morning, you COULD do it. can you honestly say there won't be Wispa Golds in your cupboard, ever again? justify it as a faint attempt at weaning?
Had some rando paki brat almost drive into me bike with its own bike yesterday, the little shit saw me coming from ten miles away mind you

Second time this has happened now. The other week there was one that saw me coming, stopped in its tracks to let me pass, then started driving forward again all of a sudden just as i was about to pass, and i ran/bumped into the back tire as a result. Fuck is wrong with them seriously, very glad i've got me reliable dashcam now
4:25 AM on Saturday with the lads ehh
Just woke up. Too early this though. Wouldn't mind getting another 3 hours of sleep in.
Brekkie soon
I fink
Wife wanked me off as a wake up call today
Almost made it thru summer now, did we not laddinghams

Fackin ell i hate this season
Sounds better than the constant seagull screaming that woke me up this morning.
Neck yourself then manchild
Phwoar dont know how you put up with that. I stayed in an AirBnB in Llandudno once and the fuckers were screeching until well after midnight, and from as early as 6 in the morning. Cull them all I say.
WAAAAAA women won't let me put my penis in their vagina
Tragic, really. Want to talk about it?
Mental that we don't cull them honestly.
Stupid laws.
Reckon we should cull you, mong
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Not right how some lads are excluded from the countryside by things like this.
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another date with her on tuesday
>Gen Z boss and a litter
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recently there have been inroads made in getting the mandem into the UK countryside and it's great to see
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Productive morning coming on strong
Shall be ready for a day of PS5 at 12pm I reckon so get in there
mackem gf when
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good morning mister chika. hope you get that potential promotion, always nice to have a lil bit more money coming in. off to ze cinema in a bit, may your day be comfy
Post a picture of your hairline
Post your face on /soc/ and link it here.
What film me laddy? Been thinking about going to the cinema more often myself.
Dont have a camera, lad. I would if i had one
No camera, no shoes, no gf. The trifecta.
WAAAAA women won't let me pump my penis in and out of their vagina
Taking a trip to brekkieburgh now, me
Yes. Why is this an illegitimate complaint? I am a young, normally functioning, healthy male; every fibre of my being is telling me every hour of every day to cum inside a woman. Yet I cannot and have no recourse and have to apparently just 'deal with it'.
WAAAAA women won't let me do sex to them
Yes, please refer to the post above yours.
WAAAAA i won't work or move out of mummys house until I get sex from wamnenz
Shifting the goalposts there aren't we, lad?
I would be more than happy to be a productive, independent member of society if I thought for one second it would get me a gf. However, since I'm 31 and have never had a gf despite going through periods of employment I realise that there is no guarantee of getting a gf based on your material circumstances - hell some violent criminal otherwise-NEET drug dealers have multiple gfs and kids with them.

For me the juice is not worth the squeeze.
WAAAA i'll just rot if i don't get sex
i have daily thoughts of taking estrogen at this point, its so fucking bleak lads
Yeah pretty much and I don't see anything wrong with this desu. I've tried my hand at putting in the effort, as I said I've had jobs, I've worked, I've paid my dues, but I got nothing close to what I actually wanted from it and it wasn't about to start. So, really, why? Why bother?

People work because they get something they value from it. In most cases this is just money to pay bills and spend on things they like (though the economy is so fucking dogshit at this point it's mostly just tax and bills). But for me personally all I want is a female companion to have sex with and spend my life with. Why work if I'm never going to get that?
WAAAA women won't let me put my pee pee in their holes
Reckon we'll get any SSM uploafs this morning?
He's too busy cutting himself, de lad!
No shower, no passport
When's the last time you spoke to a single? How often do you do so?
Crying a lot lately
When I was working it was every day, but since I stopped working it's probably a few times a week just in passing. I've also tried online dating, but wasn't even able to get a single date.
Work doesn't count, I mean in situations where you can flirt.
>a few times a week just in passing
mummy and sister?
I'm a porky fellow
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He live simple peasant life are Mark does. Bread, butter, sausages, beans. He live off the lay of the land and he eat heartily every day. We all could learn a little from the Seaside Creed if we just opened our hearts to benediction that is SeasideMARK.
I say both of these things.

I don't say these.
what happened on marks live last night?
HHL joined his live
Threads are quite dire these days. Even the SSA is starting to lose interest in their man.
>Additional terms have been coined by these communities in an effort to "dominate others". These phrases include "mogging",
>""" in an effort to "dominate others"."""

I love how these shitlib article authors skirt around the fact that it's roasties themselves who sexually select for the "moggers" in the first place. Just 100% pure unadulterated gynocentric blame reversal again.

None of this (neither the terminology nor looksmaxxing on its own) would even be an issue of concern if femoid roastie hypergamy wasn't as extreme as it has gotten in recent years.
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>Me, cheeky chappie
>69 sexual partners
>1 stalker who has been at it for 15 years
>She's now in the habit of trying to befriend people at my workplace to get info out of them and texting me from PAYG sims.
>She's also now texting my wife trying to convince her I'm the scum of the earth.
>Wife showed me a text this morning telling her that I used to stealth cum inside her when we dated and she should watch out
>Wife laughed her tits off as we've been together for 9 years and I've never gotten her pregnant, any time I have accidentally let the spice flow inside her I've owned up right away.
>As a rule we never text her back, ever, but my wife had written out "Love. There's nothing stealthy about the way he cums. he sounds like jackie chan beating up a triad. HYUHH HYAAH OWAAHH UGGHHNN! :) x"
>Now feeling self-conscious about my cum sounds.
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>Waaaah non-chads are joining the same server as me
The thread is fine when ruthmong is here
beetlejuice 2, rewatched the first one last night
embrace it mate, enjoying yourself so much you go all primal. a compliment to your wife as well
Nu breadburgh soon is it not
What do you call this expression?
The face of someone who's life is 4x lush and who truly believes that every day above ground is a great day.
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The state of my Iife
>woke up, got out of bed, brushed teeth
>showered, dressed
>went downstairs, cooked big breakfast (not having lunch and dinner will be very small)
>listened to some podcasts I had queued
>had a wank

All that before even 11:30 today. What the fuck do am I even supposed to DO with a free day now? Vidya hasn't entertained me for a very long time, same with movies/tv, anime barely covers it.
Try a visual novel, I'm playing Higurashi when they cry currently
Read a book or hit the gym lad.
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Have a wank de lad.
Already had a good one thanks
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not a very womfy drive this morning. I seriously hope none of you do this

do some gardening, go for a walk
What is Bristol like? Not sure about places in the West/SouthWest and which areas are full of immigrants. What are places to avoid?
All English cities are dogshit, sorry to tell you this lad. Bristol is no exception. Also a bitch to get around in because it's so hilly.
Platonic cuddles with Cheeka
Corr I love a good visual novel. Haven't played any of the jap ones yet but I hear they're good if you can filter out the whiny voices.
Nope don't do that. I don't even like hugging my relatives.
Yet you meet up with random black men for sex. Odd fellow indeed
Ideas for the new thread edition when the time comes lads?
All got our quirks do we not, we do indeed.
shoes edition
Projecting a little bit there, eh lad?
Got my haircut after coming back from holibobs, and now I have nasty tan lines next to my hair.
What a prat :(
Fuck it lets go
I'd recommend Euphoria and Maggot Baits, lad. Some great fucked up shit in those but good story too.
Make your shoe version then lad
No, I don't really want to now. My mood has been shot desu.
Why is your mood shot lad?
Here you go, hope this cheers you up

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