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Ruthmong shoe appeal edition
It's a bit better, but not what I was hoping to go for. It's okay, I'll just try next time.
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Remember, lads, it's illegal to stare at women if you're not chad, okay?
Shippys anchor babies growing up to be stabbers due to mental elf issues
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I watch a podcast the beginning of which is always the hosts trying to do live tech support for their audio and it's the funniest fucking thing if you're in on it.

Last episode they spent 13 straight minutes trying to 'fix their audio' and played it perfectly straight the entire time.

It's like a britfeel gimmick, it makes me piss myself laughing every time.
I feel like this isn't arb. It has the tone of his deranged seetheposts, but not the tenor or timbre.
Me and HHL are going on the piss tonight, big time
Spending Saturday playing online dollies is it champ?
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HHL is my favourite doIIy
>go on tiktok
>first video that comes up is a MUH PALESTINE protest in Portsmouth
>second video that comes up is a MUH PALESTINE protest in Manchester

honestly so tiring. why is Palestine such a meme country in recent years?
Women owe men sex and the denial of this fact has basically caused every problem in the modern world.
most comfy part of podcasts is usually the random drivel at the start desu

Love me U.O. for this. F
Because we imported half the fucking population to our streets and our government is fake. Take Singapore for example, it has a muslim population of 15%, yet not a SINGLE public protest/march etc. for Palestine. The corollary of mass immigration is low quality immigration.
AA and his UO crowd are pretty lame at this point. He was okay back in the day being focused on the economic anti-communist side of things, but these days its drivel. Can't remember the last one I watched, all his guests seem stupid or milquetoast. Plus him and everyone in that particular sphere get roasted on twitter all the time.
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Nice wee Saturday arrival. Transfer is probably not as good as the newer 4K version but sure.
You should do a PhD on this Ruthmong. Dr. Ruthmong, expert in women.
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The cheeky disc for proof for the nasty little TROLLS. Hate these lazy discs with no art.
Who are these people that care about Palestine enough to protest every weekend
they are womfortable
but drivel is inevitable when everything has already been said anyway
love me AA, Dee, me Morgoth, me Scrumps and yer Evelyns but the association with Carl of Swindon always bothers me desu, very lame
in the end he is always kind of right though, AA I mean. once you accept that he is enjoyable.
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Not good enough lad, we need a receipt with an imagine of todays paper or you are talking out your arse

You expect us to believe you simply ordered a dvd online and it simly arrived at your door? Talking shite lad
I dunno, even scrump and eve falling off a bit. They used to absolutely hit the nail on the head a while back, but they've sort of been floundering and directionless.
but again, everything has already been said. just like all the good novels have been written already, soon all the good choodcasts will have been livestreamed
it so so sad
Oh and Morgoth is still good and insightful, but his program of provincial garden-maxxing is just so boring and ultimately worthless imo. He wants to have a very comfortable retirement. That's fine, but he doesn't appreciate that young energetic people want to do great things with the country and he conflates those RW zoomers with 'neoliberals' who want to pave the country with car parks.
A nu bread is it not
blu ray isnt dvd u retard?
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he loves some new used tech doesnt he
better than giving it to the bookies
shut up nerd, its all dead media anyway
It's bizarre his obsession with owning tech just to own and then inevitably sell. Is it to do with money laundering?
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Corr I used to own a pair of them. Love me waddidas trainers x
indian neighbours car appears to have broken down, theres no less than 7 pajeets gathered around it now trying to fix it, as far as i can see theyve taken the battery out and at least one other piece of car, looks like some kind of pipe
ain't dead media at all actually quite thriving now people are sick of streaming getting more expensive and smaller catalogues
he probably stealing it to stick his cock in later like a good saar
Walked deep into the park at 2am so I could scream more. If I scream all night at home, the cops arrest me. I'm basically being punched in the head every second. And this has been happening for 8 weeks. Satan is talking to me while I write this post. He's been torturing me. I'm so scared of killing myself. I wish he would stop talking. He does all the cheesiest things possible. He's insulted my coat at least 25 million times. He can just keep saying it forever pretty much, because he's inside my mind and is here for my entire stay.
Post the stats to back that up. I'll wait.
same here lid
I met another guy from the UK who talked about Satan. Seemed legit. There's 3 of us now. He's replied to me on 4chan at least a hundred times so I'm actually just assuming you're both him and don't even know why you said lid.
are you the same lad that gets punched in the balls by god whenever you try and have a bit of a wank?
No, he just likes the thrill of buying like a shopaloichic. And it gives him something to do for a bit as he sets the new tech up.
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It saturday. Get my valiums back later.
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Why does she wear those oversized glasses? Daft bint.
>Hes insulted my coat at least 25 million times
That's actually really really funny. You earned the you
so she can get a better view of all the cocks flying full pelt into her whore mouth
Cute gif desu
Why is the boot up screen in Chinese?
Yeah, he's also been doing a bdsm style routine when I fap. But it's literally 100% painful without any pleasure at all. Like he's punching my head at the same rate that I stroke my cock. And he will do this until I'm weeping and soft. Then he insults my penis. Yeah he's actually breaking a fair few laws. Definitely need help. He's been doing this for 5 years, I usually just don't say anything. I seriously get violently assaulted at least 25 times per day, always walk away with a sprained muscle or a sore head or face or a new cut or bruise.
Why are you being nasty to your ASMR bints today?
It's called gaslighting and it's not funny at all. You shouldn't be so easily impressed with gaslighting. It's actually a way to compress your statement into a zip file basically. And it forces our minds to unzip the folder to read it. That's extra work, and it's why it's a documented method of torture.
just listening to green day - brain stew
Cider god
so you are that guy, good luck to you mate. maybe god just picked you to be his entertainer, that would mean that you where the most entertaining person on earth.
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Ordered some new woxer shots off Amazon. Crazy how expensive they are nowadays. 30 quid for three pairs of Calvin Kleins phwoaaar.

Because the mudslimes are taking over and Palestine is a symbol of Islamic group identity.
Really wanna go on the piss tonight but I got horrid tan lines cause I was a dafty and cut my hair after holiday, look like a right mong
I see white working class council estate types as being like children with Downs Syndrome.

You should never mock them because it is cruel but the idea that they should be allowed to handle sharp objects or vote is just ludicrous.
Just made a child support payment of 3,900. Even by my standards that was a bit steep
Not up to me to prove anything. That other lad wasn't even me anyway. Physical media is still doing well enough, had a resurgence with vinyl and boutique Blu-ray but obviously not as good as the heyday. DVDs still outsell Blu-rays every year I know that's definitely true. A lot of TV isn't even put out in Blu-ray. I don't care how someone enjoys something anyway, I prefer physical but I know a lot of people prefer the convenience of streaming and piracy. Fair dues, I say.
Campaign for Palestine had been a staple of both left wing campaigning and Islamic movements for many decades lad. Pretty much since Israel was founded in 1948. The connections and infrastructure around the issue is already there.

The U.K. is now becoming dominated culturally by the left and by ascendant Islam so it is not really surprising this issue comes up a lot.

(CONSIDERABLY more Muslims were killed by Assad in Syria but that issue does not fall into a clear cut evil white western colonising baddies vs poor oppressed brown people narrative. Syrian civil war was very complicated and multilayered so people did not care as much.)
Bit retarded to be on a limited income and splash out on three pairs of designer boxers. You could have got cheaper in Primark and they'd have been fine. Not like they are protecting much what with your microcock and all (stating a fact not trying to insult you).
regret eating all that chocolate last night, guts are not in good shape at all today lads
What is a clear sign someone is of low intelligence?
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Still have a pair of sambas in the cupboard. Great for 5 a side back when.
Been graftin all day. Away to take a break for an hour and pour a few rums.
>What is a clear sign someone is of low intelligence?

Low interest/curiosity in anything outside their own personal lived experience. Shows a lack of imagination and lack of abstract thinking.
only autists were sambas
what the bloody hell is a samba
Didn't realise such a high proportion of the British public was autistic
>What is a clear sign someone is of low intelligence?

Inability to assess risk. Knew a nice but not too bright teenage lad who frequently made bad decisions and struggled in school. Naughty boy. He was killed on a motorbike driving illegally at like 60 mph and crashed. Strawberry jam everywhere. Very sad and horrible for his parents.

He just could not weigh up risk in his head and think about potential consequences. It was like he felt he wanted to do something so he did it and there was nothing in between. He was pretty close to having actual learning difficulties tbqh.
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>splash out on three pairs of designer boxers

I didn't buy them ones, I got some knock off brand ones called London.
a shoe autists wear >>78730903
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The dear ones will last longer nd more comfy which ranks higher importance than money desu
Prefer gazelles bt theyre nice
>watch episode of Doctor Who that I haven't seen in about 10 years
>turns out it's kino
love it when that happens
Adidas sambas
Decent for playing football
Overly obsessed with peoples physical appearance and commenting on it all the time.

Just acting on instinct all the time.
fucks sake lads, get on it
I also prefer gazelles for style and fit. My feet are too wide these days to wear sambas.
Which one? I will rate.
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Shall be ordering a wizza in later. It Saturday so why not.
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Get my boxers from Matalan.
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Love my sperg shoes
I wanna have sex with Ruth
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Think everyone has that old pair of trainers they won't throw out cuz they're so comfy. Falling to bits but perfect for short off license walks.
Imagine saving 450 images of a celebrity
Those eyes should definitely be brown.
plus about 1000 ones of ariana grande
and thousands of cartoon frogs
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Wutted wontaneously just now did i not
Fuck I miss Karl
Live in a care home/assistant living for spackers.
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>Syrian civil war was very complicated and multilayered so people did not care as much
Based Assad is the legitimate ruler of Syria and his opponents are terrorists

>Wutted wontaneously just now
Assads loyal fighters chasing a Scottish bloke wearing a dress across the desert
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he say thanks for social housing, it not much, but he glad to live in shoe.
You smell. You shit?
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SSM loves his adidas
copped quite the laughington at this t b h
Same with the Saudis slaughtering Yemenis; it doesn't matter to Muslims or the left if it's done by other Muslims or others in the same oppression tier, respectively.
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Will be few jars in the garden after i get my valiums back nd have a cheeky one. Nice wee Saturday
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Andrew tade :D
Where you get ur benzos?
asking for a friend
The Tenth Planet
lost media me laddy
original cybernibbas were pretty spooky though frfr
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He skint
He only got 1 bong in his bank. SSM turn his back on the ol' Mak and refuse to donate to his cider fund

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love thee edits
What are signs that an anon is a Brit?
Absolute grim existence.
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31 year old man posting anime and talking like a zoomer
Why don't you donate to him.
Fucking moth/butterfly from the other day just came flying in from the hallway lol

Fuck sake
Sending 50 pence his way right now.
Copping some R&R now am i not

Yes i am
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Dunno, cant really help soz
Most these ones are left over from my old prescription. Was on 50mg a day then 30 several years went down off it from there on paper bt since some days Id feel ok with less or go through periods of trying 2 come off it myself i accidentally ended up w a big stash left over
Theres always some way 2 find these things though innit if you really want to
this is bad. if he cant fund his alcohol addiction then he could actually die
putting us all up, it lush.
cheers lad thought you got them ellicitly I've had benzos but only got given them due to having a panic attack got given a low dose buy did a few of em at once and really miss the feeling cheers lad
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forgot the knaffing file...
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They're class bt if you take them all the time they stop working desu
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I continue to see this colour everywhere. At this point I think it's just the simulation fucking with me.
Tough times make strong men or something like that.
Alcys always find a way tho.
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Wish I did, it's just constantly overcast ATM, even by British standards this year has been grim
have you been looking at the sky?
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I never forgive these mongs fir stealing ny valiums away during PANDEMIC I had agreed 2 stop in 2020 summer bt obviously we didnt know about covid did we. Couldnt see a doctor or nothing suddenly bt they still said come off these anyway I says nah I need this 2 keep going they says nah you can stop now. Evil cunts. I dedicate my afternoon dose 2 them
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If Mak carries on drinking at his current rate, he will be dead before he reaches 30
Unless you have cancer or something serious docs hate prescribing them. It's probably for the best? But they can genuinely help certain people.
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I don't mean in nature, I mean in material things. People's clothes, girl's nail polish, vehicles, adverts ect...
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It was even in my original reply to you

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You drinking tonight Helper mate?
Get a wag in too lad it Saturday
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Are Sandra's knickers blue?
Sandra curses god for giving her a useless son like Sean.
Drugs are for losers like HHL
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I was v lucky to find 1 doctor that took pity on me in the 1st place nd he then persuaded his 2 other doctor pals that it was kosher had to plead my case to a psychiatrist like I was in court as well. Its kinda humiliating in hindsight bt I was already on so many blues I didn't care obviously. Bt once they did agree to it i git them handed to me like sweeties it was lush. My life was acrually going places when I had them desu. I was going outside a lot did volunteering shit like that. As soon as they stopped it I went shutin again. Desu I know u could just find them illegally bt I think having it be above board nd monitored by doc had some psychological effect too instead of feeling like I wasndoing something wrong that needed hidden from ppl. Bt whether they would help me again like that, doesn't matter now, damage done
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I'll be on the wuds tonight classic HHL style. Not going out though, that's when I end up doing me wollocks in.
>I was saving for free

Drinking by yourself in your boxroom? Grim.
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'classic HHL style' means drinking alone in the spacker care home
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It wasnt for free,,I was learning social skills by doing it. Assume u mean working
With a meltdown on britfeel the entire night followed by a swift pull of the mong cord at 8am.
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>Glow got married

Oh well, at least she's stayed hot unlike Gibi who got fat and tatt'd up. She's still my Israeli queen.
When i walk post an ugly man, mong, tranny etc i always hold my breath so i dont breathe in his shit genes
Lauren also got married. I stopped watching Gibi when she started getting tats.
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There is no bigger sign that a man is a virgin than hating tattoos.
Ruthmong might off himself when Ruth gets married.
Meet up with other grads soon lads. It's happening, I'm actually going out on a Saturday. Gf soon?
Helper I'm on the beer with you.
>bierra moretti
>patronus wheat beer from lidl
>faxe beer from lidl
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It was a normal view before 95% of roasties had tats so now it seems extreme bt the truth is just that it used to be extreme for a woman to even have tats and now it's the norm. So some of us still honest while simps like yourself cope that you don't mind tats cus in this fallen world you dint have any choice or option to have any standards. Thats how I see it. Tattoos on women is disgusting drug addict behaviour always was still is always will be. Thx
What kind of shoes will the groom wear?
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>spend years rinsing simps, betas and incels
>get married to some alpha chad
>laugh all the way to the bank

The ASMR thot playbook
She's the sort of lass who won't be getting married well into her 30s and Ruthmong will probably have offed himself by then.
>hairy arms
Bet Glow has a hairy fanny too
Crosslad you better get on the beer with Helper and myself, the self proclaimed DVDlad.
Ruth is a lesbian.
>mum don't disturb me tonight, I'm drinking with mates!
>oh that's wonderful dear, where are you going?
>what? nowhere, I'm drinking with some text on my computer screen, the text is my friend
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Any straight man given the choice would want his wife to have zero tattoos. Anything else is cope. Simple as.
Genuinely very irresponsible of a doctor to put you on blues then take it all away. Dangerous that is. They should have at least made sure to wean you off.
Used to buy mine off a mate's sister. Would crush them up with dihydrocodeine and snort them.
The street ones aren't the same and id stay away personally.
Took me years to lose the rose tinted valium glasses. Not an easy road friend.
I see no problem with this.
>It was a normal view
Sad, ain't it? Pathetic, in fact
Love text me, my best mate. Cracking lad.
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Aye just a few wee ones though. Early night. But it saturday.
DVDlad is an alcoholic too? What a surprise...
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Is that 2day? Ur drinking vodka? I feel nervous thinking about this situation desu. Sounds like a nightmare. GL though
He's also fat and has been in prison.
might give vegetarianism a go
I am a bit overweight not obese. I have never been in prison. I just thought I'd mention Crosslad and Helper because I like them and see a lot of myself in them. Haven't drank in a few weeks but having a few today as it's a family gathering. Don't like toxic bullies on here simple as. Like good little lads like Crosslad, Coinlad (RIP), Helperlad and AIFroglad.
I wish you the best of luck, lad. I suggest you stick to weaker beer like Carlsberg as you say you don't drink. You don't want to make a tit of yourself. However go with the flow and don't overthink it. Some of my best memories were nights out at Uni.
>don't like toxic bullies
>likes crossloser
He not a bully he have mental health and sometimes do bad post but he not a bully.
He spends 90% of his time seething at somebody or other, so what is the difference.
chippo man nice man
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Think I'll go for a late afternoon walk then get things sorted before ordering that wizza in. Not answering any calls from so-called "mates" tonight. No sir, keeping to me own womfy lane tonight.
he's the biggest cunt on here
What wizza you like? I love Dominos thin crust but sometimes like a kebab slop wizza.
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Ordering from a new place tonight so not sure what to expect. I feel like having something spicy.
Go for it lad, Jal-ap-enoes do my arse in but love spicy stuff anyway.
No she isn't. She is in a committed relationship with a gentleman of Jamaican descent called Jermaine.
He's living with his sister now, he's probably getting drink off her I imagine.
Does roll with it have pizzas too?
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I've never ordered from there in my life. Never even heard of it until it was posted on here.
where is the girl from

Wish I lived in Sunderland so I could go round Helpers and have a few beers and wizza. I wouldn't take advantage neither cause I'm a fellow dosser. We'd have great time on that wumpa grind.
hope we get a weptember welt down
>AN OnlyFans model bought a six bedroom home and flash BMW after her skimpy pictures proved popular with more thousands of subscribers.
>Kelseyxo, 24, lives in Thurso, the northernmost town on the British mainland and an unusual place to launch a successful career as a sex worker.
Might go to sunderland on holiday
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oh yeah she's a bit of a drinker too isnt she, her lad seems to have a bit of money too judging from his pc setup Maka was making a video at a while ago
are Maka might be skint but at least he wont die
get in
I hope Scumderland gets firebombed back into the Stone Age.
>80k in taxes
I wonder where and what it's going to be spent on
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She would never want to marry a lad like me. I'm just not on her level. I just want a gf.
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A 6' 2" tranny with size 15 feet

>I feel over the last few years it's became slightly more tolerated than it was when I began

>people who bullied me for it then ask me for tips on starting out now

I've been arrested on night walks five times. Apparently not giving your details, thinking you've smashed shit up is enough to get you kidnapped.
DVDlad has had many encounters with the poLICE
And these pig fuckers wonder why I act like this. They deserve to have their time wasted as much as legally possible.
Feeding and sheltering mongs like HHL
Absolutely wrong, lad. I'll knock you out for this slander.
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Quite enjoying the sun 2day. Yesterday was intolerable. Whats the difference? Clouds? Theres more shade nd less humidity I think. Might kick fings off w this wee 4% cider. Life is lovely. Thx
good. our own before any bobble headed somali or rapey paki
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Film foids outside and post online. Not against the law.
Police turning up in the dead of night for a non-crime. Apparently filming mosques and walking your dog upsets the muslims now.

I watched Rooney score a goal at Old Trafford today corr
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>get back in your mosque

Very rude or just racist?

Look at them corrupt pigs using the excuse of looking at a car to search him. Earning the hate every fucking day. Pisses me off they keep being tyrants.

Audit lad on a mad one
And you're going to do absolutely nothing about it little lad
drunken twats outside my flat being loud
it not rite
Something's triggered him. Maybe mum burnt the turkey dinosaurs.
wave your feminine willy at them lass
England getting more than one goal per half, sign this manager up for life corr
I will film them.
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Dating apps are designed to keep you there, not help you find someone. Women are looking for mr perfect. Even old fatties.
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We all text in life
>looking for mr perfect
>literally swipes right on everyone
delusional lad
Many babies died when Lucy wasn't on shift. The NHS covers up their incompetence. She's innocent.
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Reading some Concord meltys waiting on mummy making tea
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Completely forgot about the England game being on. Good to see we're beating the Irish.

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