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Hello, I've never used 4chan before, so please excuse if I make any mistakes on what I'm supposed to do here.

There's an e-girl named Chickn who frequents this thread. Recently, she's been joining a lot of Discords related to an RPG series I like, but she seems to express no interest in the games and instead wants to exchange nudes and "flirt" with people. Mind you, these are servers with a large population of minors, and while I do understand she's retarded, I'm absolutely baffled as to how she even came across this community. To clarify, these servers she's joined pertain to the LISA series and its fangames. And I mean she's joined almost every popular LISA community server. I don't understand how she gets these invites.

Very quickly, it came to my attention as well as everyone else that she has been accused of grooming a minor, and later met up with him for sex. When confronted, she'll dodge the questions and instead justify that "it wasn't grooming" because she only met the boy for sex when he was 19.

She's been banned from the majority of these servers, but there are still a few that she lingers in because the admins "don't have enough proof". I've seen the collection of screenshots that people usually attach to beware posts about her, and I've searched desuarchive far and wide for any posts from her admitting what she's done, but can't find anything. Though, that may be because I'm inexperienced when it comes to 4chan. I need concrete proof that she's a pedo so I can push more people to remove her from these servers. Preferably, a link to an archived post or something from her. Thanks.
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ngl if that person identified as a male, would any day
This is so funny dude. The little red text on the image "this is me confronting her" hahahaaaa it's like some investigation. You slay queen, you go OP, Mr. detective. figure out the lives of weirdo freaks on 4chan.
I've hated this bitch since day one. I NEED her to go to the boiling piss vat.
what would humanity lose if feds put a bullet into every person who joined a 4chan related discord?
>be ageing poof
>find lonely horny teenaged boy
>pretend to be femme
>meet boy
>stretch out his asshole
>now boy has become a MAN (another poof)
>boy ages out of twinkdom at 23
>cycle repeats

I realized that I am in fact, extremely retarded. I could've just searched the ID of the post in the screenshot where she admits everything. This HAS to be her, right? Certainly types like she does.
"chickn" isn't real. obviously the person behind "chickn" is real and very much deranged but it's just a man trolling. he has a ton of similar identities to troll on 4chan with.
yeah chickn lives in Los Angeles and that bitch scammed me out of 50 bucks
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Here's some extra proof that his Discord account is the same "chickn" that posts on 4chan. More to follow shortly.
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More posts from the archives where he tries to justify his grooming by claiming he's a woman.
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All of his Discord bans. This is hard proof the messages in the screencap are real, otherwise there would be no posts to report him with and no action would be taken by Discord to ban his account. Discord doesn't do bans just based off screenshots.
Thank you for these anon :pray;:100:
No problem. Thanks for spreading the word about him on Discord.
>I've never used 4chan before
OP isn't coming from a 4chan Discord. The troon groomer is going to other communities where they can find kids to groom.
If I remember correctly, Chickn used to date someone who was pretty prominent in the LISA community. Might have something to do with it.
I should've put "date" in quotes, lmao
You mean groomed?
Not sure of the dude's age at the time but it could very much be possible
17 year old dudes aren't "little boys"
>but imagine if the situations were reversed!!
No, stop being retarded.
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That's the number Chickn uses so anons like you defend a pedophile. According to all the messages on Discord and the guy who was groomed, he was 16 (possibly even younger) when Chickn started grooming him. Chickn's also expressed interest in guys even younger than that.
chickn scammed me out of 500 dollars promising me nudes
16 still isn't bad, weren't you a 16 year old man before? You don't remember being horny as fuck and wanting to date older women? Like dude I reached third base with an older women when I was 12 before and even then I wanted it lol not a big deal.
>wanting to date older women
Chickn isn't a woman, tho. He's a man who catfished and groomed a child.
you were a victim bro

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