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i would date an incel if he was high iq but you're all dumb as fuck
Mostly yes, my iq is above 140 and i'm still dumb
i would date a femcel if she were cute but you're all fat as fuck
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well thats not very nice of you fembot, I'll have you know I'm a real smart boy, thats what my mom told me
I'm actually le high IQ according to actual tests done by a qualified professional but I'm still retarded and autistic, any hopes? Oh and do I also have to be an "incel", I'm a virgin but I don't like this idiotic subculture.
I'm 99th percentile but I have several guesses as to who you are and none of them are worth it
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>my iq is above 140
i'm like a 7.5 and 110lbs
what are you good at?
that's irrelevant and proves you're retarded. you can be gay but not like gay culture. it's the same thing with inceldom unless you're using the reddit definition.
you definitely don't know me lol
> [x]
Well the test was part of the autism diagnosis, whatever
no not you again, I swear I bet you're that Walter poster guy again baiting people
Why not a volcel?
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>what are you good at?
segs :DDDD
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>Walter poster guy
man I miss him, I hope he returns
I'm ugly so you wouldn't.
I'm over romance.
>that's irrelevant and proves you're retarded. you can be gay but not like gay culture
"Incel" is a term used both as just "involuntary celibate" and "those heckin' internet incels" as in the people who make an identity of it. I'm asking which one you're referring to.
>Walter poster guy
ah I see you're a >>>/s4/ fag too
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do you have any evidence? most people i talk to here can barely critically think to save their lives.
>that Walter poster
i find they're boring people. virginity doesn't make you significantly different from other normalfags.
escorts? i said incel
i want an incel so i expect him to be ugly. i can fix that enough once we're together.
well you said you're a virgin which is also not necessary or sufficient to be an incel in my book (i.e. escorts/rape doesn't count), but volcels are also likely virgins. obviously i don't mean the reddit definition.
Im a certified midwit stuck in uni. Pls leave me alone
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>escorts? i said incel
you dumb fucking bitch I said 'my mom said I'm smart' at one post and when you asked 'what are you good at' I said 'seggs' this should imply that I fuck my mom how can you ask for a smart guy to be your bf when you can't even fucking connect two puzzle pieces that are as obvious as that jesus christ why did I even fucking bother I swear women are so stupid baka my head
Yeah the problem is iq not you being a gross tranny fr fr
Quit pretending Walt, this ain't your territory >>>/s4/
go back they miss you
Uh I'm not ugly, just very autistic and withdrawn. But are you also an autistic weirdo? My incelf isn't being given away to any normalstacy.
I hate you fags, go suck his cancer cock
he uses ./r9k too, he baited a few retards on here with a similar "kyoko thread" which was was a mix of previous "femcel threads"
>I hope he returns
he's probably amongst the shadows, or maybe he's secretly OP like this retard said >>78736230
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what are you majoring in?
sorry i wasn't paying attention to your le ebin incest joke
i don't hate trannies but i'm a cis girl
[s4s] is a shitstain on this site
>I'm not ugly
then you're not an incel
>i find they're boring people. virginity doesn't make you significantly different from other normalfags.
what do you find interesting about incels
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>[s4s] is a shitstain on this site
that's something you'd say Waltuh
>what are you majoring in?
i said pls leave me alone
Wow am I really being passed up on for some uglychad? Handsomecels keep losing...
but you can still guess if you want
>a similar "kyoko thread"
I like how that's it own genre now, thanks I fucking hate Walterposter more
I don't want a woman who makes threads like this, you will NEVER suck my cock.
>you will NEVER suck my cock.
go suck Walter's cancer cock
smart people are treacherous animals i want a dumb gf
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i like talking to mentally ill depressed lonely men and incels fit the bill. i want to make one happy, at least if he has high iq.
don't exist. you're just really desperate to fit in.
probably something like history/polysci, or maybe business
i've never made a thread like this lol
you're probably dumb as fuck anyway lol
that's a mix of intelligence and a lack of self-awareness/morality. i find that i am always analyzing my conversations to make sure i'm not hurting anyone or manipulating anyone/being manipulated. npcs don't consider if they're in the wrong.
>i've never made a thread like this lol
I like how you unironically confirmed your Walter
>don't exist
It's a joke you sperg. But you're clearly proof that someone out there prefers the ugly bastard from NTR doujin.
>probably something like history/polysci, or maybe business
no just a boring stemtard
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>his cancer cock
Yes, but it contains a lot of personal info and it's on my native language, i won't post it. You're weird.
you dangantards can eat shit and die, Walter was right about y'all
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>ugly bastard
no lol. looks are something you have to craft, often over years. we're all going to be ugly after we hit a certain age no matter what, but i can make him look cute enough for me even if he starts out like that.
what type of stem for a midwit?
>what is cropping
who is walter?
>no lol. looks are something you have to craft, often over years. we're all going to be ugly after we hit a certain age no matter what, but i can make him look cute enough for me even if he starts out like that.
even if he's a bald fuck with terrible skin?
>who is walter?
Sorry sweetie but I don't feel like lore dumping about Walterposter, maybe if you ask nicely I will
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Alright you incels are now making me mad
It's pointless trying to date someone from this board, being high iq is an indicator but it's not reflective how smart you really are. What even is your goal? are you even somewhat interesting, do you read or have hobbies beside gossip, browsing and buying shit you don't need?
I would date Toko.
I doesn't matter if you didn't make a thread like that, it's just that Walt created this bait genre of using kyoko before you
>virginity doesn't make you significantly different from other normalfags
I mean, this applies to incels too. Many of them just came here from your reddit, twitter and tiktok, so volcels are actually less normal since they didn't go for what normal people want.
anonkun dont rape my little cunny ples
she wouldn't date you though, not because of ugliness or whatever, because she only loves one guy via the lore
Post your face first, there's no point in pretending you're a woman
I genuinely don't think I'm that smart, but I do have 3 degrees with one of them being a Master's and the other one from a Honor's program. Interested?
why so young?
my IQs in the ballpark of ~135 but I'm brown and haven't actually achieved shit.
turns out being likable is a huge part of succeeding in the world, unless you slave your life away in some stem field and I'm honestly too fucking lazy to be a glorified slave at this point.
wouldn't date another crazy off here anyway.
>what are you good at
give us some examples of what you mean. are you talking work or hobbies?
>give us some examples of what you mean. are you talking work or hobbies?
can you cook?
i would probably date a femcel if she was attractive,but yall ugly as fuck
wow a nigger lover,the joke writes itself
>you're all dumb as fuck
>uses a lowercase i
>goes to /r9k/
I accept your concession, sit and spin retard.
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sorry chuddie
this is definitely ragebait or a larp from a nigger,nice try
I have an engineering bachelor's and am doing an AI master's. Is that high enough for you?
this guy is on to something you retards
You're not wrong but it isnt my fault though
I have got FAS
which is a conditon from birth that effects my mind.
I'm a good looking incel majoring in computer engineering and I have a full scale iq of 135. However, my iq profile is disharmonious. My verbal iq for example is 150 whereas my processing speed is 85. I also have adhd and autism.
who the fuck is Walterposter?
I'm assuming IQ is a substitute for certain values you want in a guy? I think people can have analytical and self-reflection skills even if they are low IQ if they are just trained to acquire them.
yeah i can help him get a hair system and help with his skin. i mean he could be really deformed but that's extremely rare, even for incels.
it depends on how you define intelligence. iq is highly relevant but i want someone who has an extremely high iq in verbal reasoning, not like you can do extremely fast mental math. obviously relationships off 4chan can work.
volcels almost never are going to die virgins. they just don't have as high of a drive to have sex and date. idc about that whatsoever. incels' experiences make them incredibly different from regular guys far beyond that lol.
i don't want to be judged based on my looks, whether positive or negative. i know i'm conventionally attractive and want to meet a guy who doesn't care only about that.
work or hobbies both could qualify.
i'm not a femcel nor did i claim to be one.
schooling doesn't determine intelligence. almost everyone in my masters program is a midwit and that's really all you need unless you're trying to get a phd in quantum physics or something like that.
>good looking incel
so you're dumb as fuck like i said.
i don't want to train him.
please dump the lore
"she" didn't ask, thus you don't receive
Well, I didn't expect you to train anyone lol. I was just wondering if you are looking for specific traits that I consider good and valuable, but it seems like you are from your responses so far.
wait, I get it you're not Walterposter, your his bitch ass wife Skyler, so fucking Ted wasn't enough huh?
I'm 168 IQ and am infertile. Not that I'd be able to have kids with you even if I was fertile. I'm not terribly obsessed with sexual intercourse anyways like half the chimpanzees on this board and I'm more fond of making art or working on projects.
>it depends on how you define intelligence. iq is highly relevant but i want someone who has an extremely high iq in verbal reasoning, not like you can do extremely fast mental math. obviously relationships off 4chan can work.
Fast mental math is pattern recognition mostly, the one you talk about and it's relevant is how you verbal communicate and argue. I don't know maybe I'm bias but never had a good thing going of 4chan just situationship's never really forming into something concrete
Why look here? and not in some bar, group of friends etc. The reason I did in the past was because I wanted someone more edgy and that knew chan stuff, but to be honest its almost like catching a fastball with your teeth trying to find a girl here without a mental disorder
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A good trait is being black and having a huge dick
What about being white but having a huge dick that for some reason is so many shades darker than the rest of your body that it looks you have a black dick? Asking for a friend, kek.
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OP is a known baitposter
he's doing a shit job this time around; his responses are too fast. Usually he waits 45+ minutes between posts to waste as much of your time as possible
anytime you see a post of the form "I wish there were robots who were XYZ, but alas, they are all ABC :((" with a danganronpa picrel and a breaking bad poster in the replies, it's bait. The walterposter is OP
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That thread lazily combined
Which both have very different styles of replies and images chosen. That thread is definitely bait but that doesn't mean all threads with loose connections definitively are.
Are they Walterposter?
>The walterposter is OP
yeah bro I said that in my post lol
Wait Walterposter is still around?
>schooling doesn't determine intelligence
It sure does correlate, though. But it probably depends on the type of schooling.
>almost everyone in my masters program is a midwit
How do you know? I've known extremely intelligent people who believe the most bullshit things imaginable.
I like how Walterposter was replying in all those threads
>so you're dumb as fuck like i said.
I am reasonably good looking according to many people I've asked irl and online. I am an incel because of my mental issues.
Ah yes that is the Kyoko thread I was referring to before Walter started this shitty genre
I just looked for myself, they genuinely miss him over there
You say those threads are different via replies and images, yet Waltuh is in there
the lore dump be to deep
I like math and physics
no one in this thread is that intelligent
>The walterposter is OP
yes, but he was hired by a previous OP, look https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78451407/#78451978
the lore is deep
wtf how deep is this shieeet ahhaha
ironically, Walterposter has shown his intellect once again you fucking retarded faggots
Walterposter is either a psyop or an arg
always something! it's always something with you fucking women! the guys are always either
>too skinny
>too short
>too fat
>too nerdy
>too autistic
>too poor
>too serious
and now its
>too dumb
just keep pushing that goalpost you evil, evil, bastard cunts! never admit that its on women for being stupid vapid shallow pathetic worthless whores! because its on the men for being too whatever fucking adjective it is this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its all mens fault! women dont have to improve! women dont have to stop being selfish! it's all the mens fault! just dodge that accountability to the fucking grave you saggy bitch
>an arg
yeah okay, I highly doubt that
Would be cool to worship a superior IQ goddess.
>superior IQ
you fool, OP is in fact the superior IQ you fucking fag
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Shinji x Walterposter
i am high iq but im also not an incel. yea, checks out
>caring about iq
confirmed retard.

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