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Would you rather add 1 inch to your height or 1 inch to your dick length?
5'10, 7 3/4 inch penis. Which one should I choose?
Add an inch to height and then wear some boots. Now you're 6 foot.
I'm 6'1", 5.5", so you'd think the choice would be clear. Problem is, even with an extra inch on my dick, no woman would ever see it.
im already 6,4,one inch to my dick will turn my dick from above average to a monstercock
I would take the height. Maybe it would get me noticed. Dick size is irrelevant unless you can hit 9+ inches. anything less than that is still sexually worthless.
Doesn't my penis need an upgrade though?
dick, people on here overestimate height, if you have a nice dick you can make a twitter and instagram and post thirstraps of your cock, you could even make money and be sure you'll get plenty of sluts interested in you just because of your penis.
7 inches is average for europeans lmao "monstercock"
1 inch to my dick girth would be ideal for me. My dick is 7 inches but 4.5 inches in girth. It is brutal.
I am 4.5 length and 6.0 girth but also only 5 foot 8 height.

I should take the length right?
my dick is already 7 inches,it will be 8 inches
I will take additional proportionate dick size please (length and girth)
"8 inches" aka slightly above average in Europe
have you actually seen an 8 inch cock,quit baiting microfaggot
height and it's not close, I can already add to my dick if I want
>I can already add to my dick if I want
I'm not baiting, stop coping, I have a 7.5" and my boyfriend has a 8.7". 7"0 is average for a healthy young European male, every study that excludes old people and people with diseases show this.
gross,a gayfaggot
are you fucking gay or something?
I'm bisexual I divorced my wife and she took both kids then I just started to prefer men because of their superior personality and intellectual capacity, gay sex isnt bad either after you get into it, getting my G-spot hit by my boyfriend's white 8.7" dick were by far my best orgams, imagine you cumming inside a girl but 10x the pleasure, that's getting your g-spot hit by good dick
hahahahaha,how fucking old are you anon
Dick length
I am content with both but my height is just slightly below average and my dick is just barely above.
I'll take an extra inch just to enter "hung" territory.
>dick obsessed body dysmorphic faggot is legitimately gay
Every time
21, I had my first kid at 17 with my highschool sweetheart
who said anything about body dysmorphia? its just facts in real data, 7 inches is average for a healthy young european man in 2024, thats not an opinion, also I'm beautiful
I'm already 6'3", so I guess dick.
so at 21 youve already been married and divorced,youre either larping or youre retarded
Yes? Like men throughout most of history? Maybe its not common for americucks but age of consent here (Germany) is 14. We were dating since I was 15, I had one boy at 17 and one girl at 18, then our families wanted us to get legally married, and she divorced me 1 year and a few months ago after very some very ugly fights (she has BPD like every woman)
imagine being somuch of a retard that you genuinly think having a child at 17 is good
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Are you a liberal or a foid?

I didn't plan for it, it happens naturally out of high fertility and testosterone

My genes already procreated meanwhile your bloodline will end with you

I will have at least 10 kids by the time I die
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>wow i love selling my life away at 17 (contineues sucking bfs cock)
How is having a child selling your life away? Isnt that working without getting pussy or having your genes spread?
My dick. I'm already 6'0 so having a 7 incher would make it balanced.
obviously not inyour case,you got your gf to take the child,but if you have more,then no more parting or freedom,if you even have that in germany
t. americuck who will never own a home
if it was a percentages it would be an easy pick (height)
but a whole inch to the cock, damn. ill probably enter "theyll talk about it" territory
are you retarded,us homes ar cheap as fuck
I'm a 5'4 manlet. What good is 1 inch going to do for me in terms of height? I'll still be a manlet. 1 inch to my penis however... that can make a HUGE difference. I'd take the dick length, that's an easy one

I'd rather have one inch more of dick girth however. Can I have that as an option? I'd choose that
My God, you are the biggest faggot on /r9k/. You have to be
Do your children know you're a cocksucking homo who gets fucked up the ass?
Just make sure to pay goldberg his interest on time for the next 30 years
They're too young so no, anyone mature enough will understand its natural though, like I doubt your mom didnt give other guys blowjobs or maybe got fucked in a gangbang by the football team once. THink of all the dirty things your mother has done. Does that mean she's not your mother? Chad probably stretched her out multiple times and she has done anal especially if youre american, think of how many loads she swallowed in her life
Dick length
5'7" to 5'8" isn't a big enough difference so I'll take a 6" dick
>omg sister you a soooooo gay hehehehehe
you literlly get boned by another germanboy
pumping, hanging, PGE-1, the dick gaining community online is finally figuring shit out after having been a meme for decades. infrared heating to loosen the collagen has been a game changer, though some say ultrasound heating is even better.

I don't actually do any of that stuff except a bit of foreskin tugging and some perfusion exercises (angion method) but it's interesting to read about and maybe someday I'll pick up some gear and try a routine.
>getting my G-spot hit by my boyfriend's white 8.7" dick
how did you meet him? was it difficult for you to come to terms with this?
Tough. I'm 6 foot even and got a slightly above 6 inch dick probably bigger if I wasn't a fat fuck. I'd probably take the extra penor length not that I'll ever use it
I met him on a local furry group, and idk what you mean by come to terms we're switches and we fuck each other
>Dick size is irrelevant unless you can hit 9+ inches.
Actually the opposite. No one cares about your height until you are like 6'4
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>I met him on a local furry group
>I met him on a local furry group
of course, you're a German
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How do mongolian imageboard r9k users think they are different from people who like drawings of dogs? Meanwhile I get paid $4k/mo as a stay-home husband for literally doing nothing and have a loving bf and 2 kids with my ex-wife. What has r9k added to your life other than wasting your limited time on earth?
Height, even though I desperately need the cock length.
Real Europoors use metric.
true but u have to account for americucks here, eurochads are high IQ enough to know both systems intuitively

answer: >>78761612
An inch in height is barely noticable
I'm jealous of your comfy life and the fact that you reproduced with a foid early in life and get to suck on your bf's giant cock and be a NEET. I just think furries are super cringe.
God I wish I was that handsome furry angry military officer man

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