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Aldous Huxley edition

Useful resources:
>Community-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports
drug use is controversial
Lost my benzo virginity last night at age 24. It was pleasant but not earth-shatteringly amazing, but that's a relief because I've heard people's horror stories about benzo addiction and I really don't want to end up like that.
Still waiting for a day off work so I can do Adderall and play vidya all day.
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guys I'm fucked. on off 24x7 GBL addict. this time used pregabalin to kick the habit. now it's been pregabalin 24x7 for a couple of months. pregabalin withdrawals feel worse than GBL for some reason.

will tapering down and switching to baclofen help? I don't have benzos. I can get back to GBL but that would be just another disaster I feel. how do I get out of this pickle?

any of you guys tried quick taper of pregabalin, like in a couple of weeks from 1200mg a day?
I think benzo addiction is really just a thing for people who are really stressed out constantly. In my experience, benzos don't really do anything other than completely eliminate my stress and inhibitions.
hmm, i really don't know. i've both done cold turkey pregabaline (2100mg) and tapered. tapering down 100mg every other day works best though and come with pretty minimal withdrawals. cold turkey pregab is something i hope i'll never experience again, it's so psychotic in nature.

only done GBL/GHB cold turkey and that wasn't actually that bad but each time i kept on using high doses of heroin so i don't really know how it is to raw dog it.
I love benzos, my first time was a comfy, glowing experience by a campfire. I remember little besides the xanax, weed and comfiness, I do miss how at first benzos would leave me high well into the next day
it's kinda like drinking-some people it does nothing for, others it is helpful, and a select few seem to have extra affinity. I will say most benzo horror stories involve using gargantuan amounts for long periods, staying in the therapeutic range tends to be pretty safe ime. I hate the fuckers who rant and rave about benzos being evil only to reveal they consumed 5-10X the standard dose for months, bartards seem to think everybody has their habits

why do these threads die so fucking fast? It's an oasis in a sea of incel whinng and cringe
How tight is TSA security with scripts? Thinking of sneaking some shit in from canada with this massive prescription bottle I have for a fun few days
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I would be careful with international travel, I have heard lots of people tell me they not only bring stashes but have shot up on domestic flights, they have bigger things(nail clippers, bottles over a certain size) to worry about than personal use amounts. I think alot about crossing the border, it's so big and seemingly easy to cross if you can trek across vast swaths of woods and shit. The cleared strip is the only obstacle and I know people used to run weed down from BC constantly before legalization. I want to find the mythical dilaudids that Canada supposedly hands out, I've heard they're relatively easy to find closer to the border
Thanks for the advice
>I want to find the mythical dilaudids that Canada supposedly hands out
IIRC it's only if you're already an addict, part of harm reduction programs
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fucking tired of normalfags shitting up this thread, it's already on deaths door
Is it normal to sleep all day and night after taking mushrooms? after my trip I went to sleep and I only woke up to shit, eat and aside from that slept.
It's nice don't get me wrong, I had a dream where I flooded a bathroom with my piss and a dream where I was riding on a woman with a perfect ass (riding on her and driving her like a motorcycle) and I got to rub and grope said perfect ass but I wonder if it's normal to sleep that long after mushrooms.
You just needed some sleep, the mushrooms probably had nothing to do with it, aside from maybe chilling you out. Have you been sleeping well prior to this?
Not really + I was in a hospital for 5 weeks and getting close to 8 hours of sleep there is a luxury.
You definitely were just compensating for the lack of sleep + all of the healing and shit. Healing burns a ton of calories. The importance of sleep when recovering from an injury cannot be overstated. Make sure to eat plenty, your body will thank you.
Thanks for the reply anon, def will!!
which opioid do you like the most and why?
I can go two days without a dose just fine but on that third days I start to feel like death. I don't take that many opiates for withdrawals to get that bad.
posted in the previous thread but it died
i havent smoked any weed since the 1st of august, will the T break be long enough to work good or should i wait a few more weeks?
ive been smoking since november last year and i had a pretty low tolerance for a very long time, i was only smoking at the weekends and even then i would typically have spliffs with a lot of tobacco and rarely had just pure only cannabis joints. i was very lightweight. however since early summer i started smoking more and noticed my tolerance going down. it created a cycle of me smoking more to get more high as my tolerance was declining and my tolerance then declining because i was smoking more. also during july it got very bad and i started to smoke every day that month instead of just the during the weekends like i had been doing so far, (this was mainly caused because me and my friend were hanging out together every day and had nothing to do because university had finished)
i know it will never be the same again and is just something that happens but will this T break have any effect if i start smoking at the weekends again? or should i wait longer?

depends on which opi you're using but with the short acting ones (heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone etc.) the third day is usually when withdrawals peak, so maybe you don't use that much but when it peaks on the third day it bleeds through and you feel it. how's the fourth and fifth day for example?
also i do enjoy hydromorphone like ALOT when IV'd but it seriously has like zero legs. it's the crack of opis
I feel like taking meth again but it's so expensive.
I know someone told you last thread to wait more, but a 1 month t-break supposedly resets cannabis tolerance. If you only smoke on weekends you should be fine. Just make sure you start with a low dose after your break.
Yeah, I saw the other reply but I wanted more opinions. I was thinking about waiting another week or two.
>Just make sure you start with a low dose after your break.
I'll keep this in mind, I was tempted to just smoke loads but I'll remember not too.
It's not so bad. I just get stomach cramps and the shits for like two months but I don't feel sick otherwise. Imodium takes care of those symptoms but the cramps are annoying.
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So does phenibut mix will with psychs? I've heard mix responses saying it can end a trip and other saying it just relieves anxiety. Also looking at the wiki I binds to either GABA A or B dependent on dose.
Pic for attention
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is doing shrooms for the first time with my friend on my 21st birthday a good or bad idea? will we have a good time or will it be the worse birthday of my life?
Just keep the dose low and you'll have a good time. 1g isn't a bad starting dose
Look up set and setting, Young Zoom. There's an (over)detailed document on erowid that tells you what to look for.
tldr: do it in a chill place you know and like, with people you know and trust. Avoid situations where you are around a lot of sober strangers.
It's dirt cheap compared to buying Adderall, that's for sure.
Your friend should have a good time just don't take too much, a good rule of thumb in my opinion is to not go past 3 grams, get an accuarate scale (that can measure to 0.1 or 0.01 grams) to measure your doses out so you don't accidentally take more than you'd like.
Will keep in mind, would the average kitchen scale be ok?
Thank you for the document. Obviously I've been trying to research but having everything in one place will make it easier to just read through it, I can also send it to my friend as it will be his first time trying shrooms too. Other than being stoners we haven't tried any other drugs so I'm kinda worried it will be terrible but I also just feel really curious about it.
I've heard that people say you should go out into nature for the best experience, but my birthday is during the winter so the weather will most likely be shit. Will it be ok if we just stay in my flat although my flat is kinda a shithole? There is a park thats a quick walk near me though but I also feel worried about going outside where the public will be in general. I live in a city.
Whenever I visit my parents I noticed a bottle of 90 tramadol just sitting on the kitchen table. They were there for several months and I asked my dad what he planned on doing with them and he said nothing so I asked if I could have them. He said knock yourself out, just don't take them all at once.

yay free drugs. He takes hydros recreationally all the time so he's down with it.
Your parents sound based, mine are cucks who take their extra meds to those "safe medication disposal" places and they don't even know about my interest in chemical consumption.
so I've done shrroms a couple times now and kinda have a good feel, and I'm gonna lemon tek 2.5-3 g of Mel mac, in the past tho, I wasn't really sure what to do, it doesn't hit immediately or very strong, so what are some good shrooms activities given I can retain my attention for more than 5 seconds?
>kitchen scale
If it only measures things to the accuaracy of a gram, FUCK NO as kitchen scales that only measure things by grams can be off by a gram, which is a huge difference and your trip might end up underwhelming in the best case scenario and overwhelming in the worst.
besides going on walks and exploring cool shit?
For me it's monologues/talking to myself, looking at my naked body, vibing to music or just chilling on my porch if it's nighttime.
based as fuck, my mom banned me from doing psychedelics because I had a bad trip once so I can't do them during the day (arguably the best time to do them).
tell them to keep the extra meds incase they "need them" like hoarding antibiotics and other meds like that, they'll probably keep drugs that can get you fucked up aswell and you can just make an excuse that you needed it.
My dad had a failed back surgery like 25 years ago. They absolutely shattered his spine and then fucked up putting a metal bracket to hold it together. So now he has pieces of bone and metal just floating around his lower back. They did half a dozen surgeries trying to fix it but it was so fucked there was no fixing it. We ended up suing for mal-practice and won millions from it but the money was just enough to cover the additional surgeries and legal fees so we didn't see a dime from it.

He's in a wheel chair now but they give him hundreds of 10mg hydrocodone for the pain. While he does take it for the pain and it helps a lot, he admits that they just make him feel great in the process and calls them his happy pills, lol.

I don't know where he got the tramadol from but he doesn't need it because he has enough hydro to last a lifetime.

They still make him take a piss test so that he isn't "abusing" them. Doctors and the DEA are shit and should be shot.
>still make him take a piss test
these freaks make me sick, you would think they would just allow a man in that much pain to find pleasure where he can but no
doctors are neurotic sadistic morons only aided by federal and beat pigs, i wish death upon them all
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man I love the booze I miss hard drugs
ok i guess i should invest in a good scale, but what scale should i get?
like, where can i buy an accurate scale from? i only have a kitchen and a bathroom/body scale.
Benzo users, I went three months off benzos and I rellapsed yesterday. They are tougher than I thought. Holy shit I am so addicted
why are you not doing hard drugs then anon. Also are you more a meth guy or heroin guy?
waste of money I'd spend all the money in my bank account and I'm a crackhead
damn that's the worst of them. Short lived expensive high and then you need to get more. Why not use orally dosed meth to wean yourself off the crack?
I always wanted to try meth but no hookup for it. I haven't done hard drugs in over a month
best of luck keeping away from hard drugs then
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come home, white man
you don't need more
>be me
>Do Pregabalin, don't like it
>Do Meth, doesn't work
>do Cocaine, doesn't work
just how unlucky am I
bro i have the same shit with MDMA, the stuff literally just doesn't affect me. it's so hyped and i don't even get to get high off it.

captcha: RW8WH8
are you sure it was MDMA and are there other drugs that don't affect you
this and gabapentin are shit drugs, if for no other reason than the skyrocketing tolerance
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It was ecstasy so i would figure that there is at least some MDMA in it, whatever was in there did not affect me. first time I tried it I bought two tablets and ate both, felt nothing. Second time I tried was with some other people who were taking the same shit. I took half a tablet, they were feeling it and I was not.
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>this and gabapentin are shit drugs, if for no other reason than the skyrocketing tolerance
i wonder who could be behind this post
let me guess, you couldnt pump your doctor for xannax and they gave you pregabalin instead? keep seething
ever try any other drugs?
>you couldnt pump your doctor for xannax and they gave you pregabalin instead
nta but your post hits home and I'm seething now
Ritalin, weed, liquor, DXM, acid, xanax, mushrooms, and kratom. Felt everything except for the kratom, instead of kicking in and making me high it just multiplied one beer by four.
You fucked up the subject it's missing a hyphen
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>been off of drugs for almost 1 year
>visit mom
>big ass bottle of 100 gabapentins are just left out, unguarded
lord give me strength
there's a not a day i don't miss the euphoric serenity of my stupid little autism pills
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amazon. high precision scales are like $50
i use picrel
oh i just read what you were even talking about and oyu dont need that shit for shrooms
just use a kitchen scale from walmart. anyone who says otherwise is a paranoid mentally ill person
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I consider them the most evil organization on the planet, especially considering how they basically enable cartels and criminals to milk money out of desperate people. Any agency held to accountability would have been gutted when they dropped the ball on the "pill epidemic" and turned it into the current dystopia that we have. Their answer is STILL to clamp down, I guess they won't be happy until every opioid in America is a toxic mix of shitty chemicals

Also their system has no basis in logic or science whatsoever
I have given up trying to quit them, I hate my shitty life and at least they help me calm down and relax some. I've been sticking to weekends mostly, I can take a couple days off without dying so I'm not super worried. I hate how benzos are pushed as massively dangerous when there's safe amounts of alcohol you can drink every day according to "officials"(retards). I'll have plenty of time to quit drugs when I'm dead, which seemingly hasn't happened yet
You have a year's tolerance break, you could get a pretty sweet buzz off them I'm sure. I haven't done gabapentin in years, hopefully I have some coming soon
ok, im just going to use my kitchen scale. obviously when it comes to it if im doubtful i'll go with less than more and just be very careful. with something like this it seems better to under do it than over do it so i wont push it at all. but being honest i kinda dont want to spend loads of money on a fancy scale when it wont use it often and i already have a scale, might invest if i start become a regular shroom user or something.
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I binged through all my H in a week just plugged the last of it.
you know if I wasn't withdrawing from clonazolam when vamp asked me out maybe I could've been her boyfriend but I was definitely withdrawing from clonazolam.
she told me to kill myself 2 different times. I never once told her to kill herself.
its bullshit anyway. each individual grow of mushrooms will have varying levels of psilocybin anyway. on top of the fact that everyone's personal sensitivity to psychedelics is different, 1 gram to you is not 1 gram to me when it comes to effect.
you have to experiment and find your own doses. i understand being a little apprehensive but don't let any of it stop you. you will more than likely be fine and even if you're not, at worst you will just have an uncomfortable experience. doesn't mean it can't still be beneficial to you.
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So like, online shroom vendors in canada are an actual thing?

I'm reading up on this, and the firms themselves allege that they really aren't cared about as much as they are in the US; bigger problems have created a blind spot for law enforcement - especially considering the relatively low schedule they are.

So liek you can order that shit, and presuming the firm itself ain't scamming people, you'll get shit delivered to your door?
Albanian /r9k/ e-girl who wanted me to cum in her and give her 5 kids
watched me go insane yelling at homeless people and my neighbors and posting about it on here geeked off my ass on clonazolam and still wanted me to cum in her and give her 5 kids
knows I discovered the one and only God after watching YouTube videos
knows she has NPD because I told her lol
etc. etc.
I only remembered months later that she asked me directly to be her boyfriend because like I said I was withdrawing from fucking clonazolam and was not in my right mind
>withdrawing from fucking clonazolam
fucking cold turkey nonetheless
Jesus Christ I must've lost at least a standard deviation of IQ from that fiasco
thanks for the info, its much appreciated.
Not even once, make kosovo Serb again
fuck serbians
I love smoking black market carts as if I was a highschooler.
Are you or were you on antidepressants?
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Nah i was never on antidepressants.
i was planning on doing mdma with my gf but now we broke up i have a bunch left and i don't see the point of doing it alone. i'm so fucking depressed
MDMA is a known treatment for depression, you know what to do anon.
honestly i don't see the point, but i might do it someday, i need some time for myself. tomorrow is my brother's birthday and i don't wanna be fucked up
thread is gon die
friendly bump for my negroes
The 2 week t-break I did a few months back didn't really do shit so I'm doing 3 weeks, hoping it gives me some results
pregabalin is making me feel sort of chaty and empathic

btw i love you drugfeel frens
Does anybody have any advice for dealing with long term DXM brain damage?
>knows I discovered the one and only God after watching YouTube videos
>knows she has NPD because I told her lol
what the fuck are you talking about?

clonazolam and flubromazolam were some shitty times tho'. besides the fucked up shit one inevitably does did you enjoy it?
everyone's always praising especially cLam to high heaven but personally i found it to be too much on any dose. my fav benz are bromazepam and straight diazepam. also rip Q. that was the cLam for sure.
You ask this exact question every other day.
>some studies have reported that in adult humans about 700 new neurons are added in the hippocampus every day,[14] while more recent studies show that adult hippocampal neurogenesis does not exist in humans, or, if it does, it is at undetectable levels.[15] Recent evidence shows that adult neurogenesis is basically extinct in humans.[16]
Just try to stop if you have second thoughts about DXM use, because once you kill a brain cell it's gone forever.
>You ask this exact question every other day.
well he just told you he got brain damage lol
>Just try to stop if you have second thoughts about DXM use, because once you kill a brain cell it's gone forever.

also this is not true, this is a prohibitionist lie. get out fed.
several long term studies have been done on brain damage linked to prolonged and severe drug use and given time heal the brain builds new neural pathways and one can even enhance neurogenesis with lions mane for example.
gib me your source i want to read it.
>several long term studies have been done
gib me your source i want to read it.

lol, lmao even
if the DEA disappeared overnight everyone would become a meth addict
>ctrl+f "genesis"
>1 result
>>one study in rhesus macaques examined the impact of extended, voluntary ethanol consumption on volume measures of gray matter across a range of atlas-defined regions of interest [78]. A control group was not included, but individual differences in consumption were leveraged to divide the 18 animals into heavy (> 3g/drink/day) and non-heavy drinkers. Across global cerebral cortical gray matter, significant reductions in average volume were observed following 6 and 12 months of 22h open access to ethanol for the heavy, but not non-heavy, drinkers. Follow up correlational analyses did not show significant correlations between ethanol consumption (percent change from baseline and cumulative consumption) and the frontal (or sensory/motor) cortex (at either time point). Instead, the allocortex (hippocampus and olfactory areas), temporal, parietal, and occipital cortex showed decreases that were significantly correlated with consumption at the 6 month time point, but by the 12 month time point only changes in the allocortex were significantly correlated with consumption, potentially suggesting a unique impact of the more extended use on neurogenesis.
I also searched for "cell" and "neuron". In my post I was talking about neurogenesis (in humans past childhood). Based on what you linked, you can easily argue that you may recover some lost brain function after you stop using but I'm still convinced that cell damage is not reversible.
if recovering lost brain function isn't due to neurogenesis what is it?
Neurotransmitter desensitization is reversible, for example.
i'll take a rain check on this debate i have to shoot heroin.

also i need to dust off my knowledge, studied this years ago
nicotine hitting hard tonight
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I'm not really planning on committing suicide (any time soon at least), but for some reason having the means to on hand relieves some anxiety. My plan is to get a kit prepared of poppys and hemlock, for opium and coniine as the sedative and poison respectively. It should be a relatively painless death if the sedative drifts me off to sleep.

I've spent the last few weeks trying to track down poison hemlock, I've been walking up rivers looking for it but it seems it gets cleaned up here pretty fast. It's spring in my country so it should be flowering and easy to identify.

Codine should do the job of sedating me just as good as opium right? If I get enough tablets? Also should I top up the cocktail with a few anti-nausea pills?
I would suggest not killing yourself
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one and half month break from weed. i probably buy 3 grams next week. i am ready for hbo six feet under marathon
I probably won't but having an effective means on hand is weirdly comforting? It's like how depressed people in countries where euthanasia is legal just make and cancel appointments.

I have a chronic health condition and when it gets to the point where I'm a huge burden on my family and society I want to take that exit. That's probably a few years down the line though, but I have some time so I may as well get prepared and understand how to exit effectively.
what hurts most to snort? Meth, MDMA or 2cb?
I wouldn't, meth is a shit drug for fags
fuck off you lazy downer user
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hope you enjoy being awake for days to make more shekels, I'll be comfy and toasty in my tranquilized bliss
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does anyone else here put o-pce in a meth pipe to vape it? i feel like i'm the only one who has found this weird method of getting high on dissociatives, usually people just snort ket and then they're done but here i am sprinkling crystal powder in a fucking pipe like a maniac
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I wish I was an interesting enough drug user to be interviewed, I always feel tinges of envy when I see fascinating people who get exposure especially in the drug world, I'm probably destined to go unnoticed until someone smells my rotting carcass in the hole I crawled into
why would you want to be an interesting street junky?
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because it's better than being a boring normie duh
an interesting life isn't always a fun life, but if your life is that boring then what's stopping you from going to some random town and trying to survive with nothing?
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Robots, im gonna trip acid for the first time with my mates (we have a tripsitter), how many UGs/tabs should i take to make it magical? should i mix in weed?
don't add weed and stick to one tab for the first time, weed intensifies the trip by a LOT so save it for a future trip cuz you're gonna need some experience tripping first, don't go too crazy for your first time and just have a good time
I always have weed for the comeup/comedown, smoking during a peak is kinda pointless and I find some trips just the act of smoking becomes a point/task to accomplish instead of actually enjoying the high. Nevertheless nothing beats a nice smoke session as you wait for the trip to kick into gear
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>an interesting life isn't always a fun life
it makes for a good story, which objectively is something that humanity essentially craves
>but if your life is that boring then what's stopping you from going to some random town and trying to survive with nothing?
mostly my utter lack of any social charisma, that and the fact that obnoxious meddlers won't just let you die if you fail which leads back to the institution cycle that's designed to promote being a fucking normalfag, which is the exact opposite of what I want. I'd rather burn out in a couple fascinating days/months/years than live a dull and boring couple decades, I hold no particular envy for the old as opposed to the dead
I've had it before, phenibut and LSD.

You'll lose a bit of the edge of LSD, so it won't be as exciting. But you also don't get as much of the annoying body load that pops up sometimes.

Depending on if your phenibut is HCl you may get some insane gas when combined with LSD(which activates serotonin receptors in your stomach). I had farts so long I was actually stunned, it just kept going.
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how do I break the ER on these? I tried putting them in the bag and crushing them but this doesn't do much
fold some thicker paper or carboard, pour the balls into the fold crease and close, crush the edge of the fold with a spoon or something like that.
do you know how long LSD lasts?
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To each their own(meth) I guess.

I assume this is just for oral use? Yep basically just crush them.
Do you need a high dose of a stimulant for stimfapping?
>Nevertheless nothing beats a nice smoke session as you wait for the trip to kick into gear
whenever someone starts talking about weed "smoke sessions" I start seething.
>you ask this exact question every other day
And no one has given a knowledgeable answer
how important is set and setting when doing heroin
i can see that being true for benzos like lorazipam (ativan). it behaves like an addiction in reverse, where the primary addictive factor is a result of the feelings it subtracts rather than those which it adds (the secondary addictive factor being "GABAergics gonna gabaURGE you to do more" because that's what they do.)

but for when you go runnin' for the shelter of a mother's little helper, diazepam (valium), it's back to the normal bliss seeking behaviour of a normal drug user, a nice euphoric chill that makes you a pleasant and talkative person, no matter how tired your mind and body are from keeping house for twelve hours. i've also read that clonazepam (klonopin) is euphoric, and that if alprazolam (xanax) were a video game, its name would be "alcohol simulator 1981", but i've never tried either of those two.

benzos are as diverse as the special olympics. some make you want to hug everyone like you've got down syndrome, others make you as slutty as a midget, and some make you content with becoming one with your chair, your thoughts and your drool as if you had cerebral palsy.
its not like youre going to freak out or anything if youre chilling in a shithole but imo it is important to not be doing anything, like just sit back and relax dont plan on doing anything while youre on it, just takes away from the experience if youre distracted
>first paragraph
I agree, benzos don't give you good feelings, they take away the bad (like anxiety and depression). also, they make you sleepy
>a nice euphoric chill that makes you a pleasant and talkative person, no matter how tired your mind and body are
It makes me a pleasant and talkative person because it takes away my anxiety, which in turn makes me feel happy (euphoric). the benzo itself doesn't give you euphoria imo. also, like I said, benzos make you feel sleepy. that sleepiness might be overshadowed by adrenaline etc if you're on a party for example
>third paragraph
to me they feel pretty similar desu. sure, Lorazepam makes stuff taste weird for me, Diazepam is more sedative than Alprazolam, but no benzo makes me overly horny or touchy. That might be because I don't do big doses or because I haven't tried the right benzo yet tho.

people who do dumb shit or have a blackout on benzos likely take big doses like 10mg Alprazolam or combine it with Alcohol
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never done it myself, i like to get up, not down. but from what i've observed in friends who use it, i'd imagine your set doesn't really matter, because it just forces its opioid chillmaxx mood onto you no matter what, even if you were ready to beat someone with a lead pipe five seconds ago, like a rape that skips right to the afterglow. as for setting, avoid anywhere with environmental hazards, so don't be nodding out in any industrial zones, crackhead populated alleys, swimming pools, beaches, the melanated side of the tracks or active motorways (whether you're behind the wheel or not). don't worry about nearby bathrooms, you're not gonna shit for a week, anyway, so take a laxative and unload your cargo ahead of time. there's plenty of places to rig up another slam if you know where to look, bathroom stalls are where opi(ate|oid) users go to get caught, dead or alive.

oh, and amusement parks are an overstimulating waste of money unless you're creeping around the kids section to score hugs and drugs from the cartoon mascots. all of them are guaranteed to be smacked up, who else besides junkies are comfortable being on their feet all day, playing nice to hundreds of other people's shitty children, in >30C weather, while wearing more layers than an eskimo? just lean in, squeeze tight, ask with a whisper and who knows, you may actually enjoy the small world ride instead of just doing it to say you did (just don't leave your seat, the water is foul enough to turn you into a batman villain.)
fuck no, no opiate user i know would be stoked to have paracetamol in any opiate they consume

>also calling paracetamol tylenol lol
I've never done H, only weak opioids (and I advise you to do the same), but it's like the other Anon said: you'll most likely nod off, so you won't be experienceing much of your environment anyways. just make sure it's safe so that you don't cut yourself on knives, fall down a cliff or get raped or robbed.
additionally you can comfymaxx by getting a fluffy blanket, sitting down in a polstered armchair or doing nothing demanding that might take your thoughts off the comfyness

also, don't do IV
you need a balanced dose. strong enough to horn you up good, but not so strong that it has you practicing for a snooker game with a garden hose for a cue.
yeah I have some Codeine pills I won't take because they got 500mg Paracetamol for 50mg Codeine
I see, so I have to take as much as I can without losing control over my actions? Seems doable.
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kek. Now I wonder what your friends that do meth are like.
nigel, please.
>no opiate user i know would be stoked to have ACETAMINOPHEN in any opiate they consume
the ones i know just get proper chinkshit opioids assembled in central america, not those suburban tier prescription compounds stolen from dementia patients (and if they are going for something made in a lab with floors that aren't carpeted in cigarette butts and rat poop, it's morphine all the way). that said, i'm certain those same people who mainline a john mccrae poem's worth of sweet surrender just to feel normal would not have the patience to wait for a cold water extraction to finish drip drip dripping, not even if gravity were as strong as it is on fucking jupiter.
yep. use a dosing journal to dial in the right amount. use lots of oil based lube if you're a child of the 80s, or if your mother's idea of a happy day worth celebrating with friends and family involves paying a creepy old man with a beard to strap you to a plastic board and mutilate your infant genitals with a knife while speaking in a language consisting of hocked up phlegm before he gives you your first blowjob and a case of herpes, all in the comfort of your living room next to your second kitchen. unscented petroleum jelly is best because the healing process will already be under way as soon as you feel that familiar sting from tugging at your cock furiously to the point where it's covered in blisters and lacerations, not like that's gonna stop you from semen gluing your eyes shut from the explosive force behind that wad you've built up over the past eight hours of gooning. not that i speak from any personal experience on these matters, of course. drugs are bad.
thinking about doing some meth then smoking DMT to put the machine elves in their place
which drug are you on right now
tried to go cold turkey off of opiates.
i lasted 48 hours before I CWE'd 500mg of codeine and then scored GBP worth of heroin a few hours later.
i gotta get clean before my birthday, which is 7 days from now.
tomorrow is my final day of getting high and then I'm going cold turkey so I'll be in functional condition for when I see my family on my birthday. previous experience has taught me that 95% of withdrawal symptoms are gone after 7 days, and I can use a little bit of codeine as a pick me up if needed.
why do opiates have to be so beautiful, lads? truly, a more beautiful drug has never existed, but it is so painful to leave behind.
stay away from them. I warn you. outcasts, the mentally ill, the abused, the lonely, anyone who suffers - it will be love at first sight from the very first time you use opiates. they are literally the cure to all that ails you. opiates make you a better person in every way imaginable. they're dangerous for people like us.
ive been getting bad panic attacks on and off over the last year and i
hate benzos and ssris barely work, is this something i can help with psychedelics? sos, has anyone tried it?
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Had another dream about heroin where I wake up right before I get to use it
same shit happens to me except I wake up just before I get to use my dick.
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been there, lad.
it's either that, or finding heroin/fentanyl patches on the side of the road/in a trash can/somewhere like that, and then waking up and realising it wasn't real and being disappointed as fuck that i didn't actually find any gear.
one time I had a dream where I took LSD and I had an actual full-on acid trip in my dream. it was really cool. there'd be times in the dream where the visuals weren't happening and I'd think "wait, shouldn't I be tripping right now?" and then all the visuals would return. The brain is so powerful fr.

so, you're a chad opiate enjoyer too, eh?
I reckon /r9k/ has a disproportionately high amount of opiate users when to compared to the rest of 4chan.
I'm doing a lil toot as we speak. saving most of it for tomorrow though. literally no better feeling than waking up and being able to have a nice relaxing smoke sesh first thing in the morning.
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if they're not busy making the room smell of a mixture of semen, bacterial vaginosis and armpits oozing a brand of sweat that should only exist in a rented pair of bowling shoes under natural circumstances, we're usually just sitting around impatiently, waiting for whoever's reciting tales from their brain's internal encyclopedia of interesting or retarded schizo tier stories to pause for a quarter second to resupply their lungs with a PSI or two of air so that the rest of us can see who's the fastest at interrupting with pretty much the same shit. i always win, not because the i'm the quickest tongue in the lesbian bar, but due to those faster on the lingual draw getting so bored they need to smoke more while i'm having a booty boof. that keeps my mouth free and ready.
just meth. i'm gonna stop after one more hit for today, i'm pretty spun as it is. sleep matters to me, believe it or not, lucid dreams and their adventures await me. ARE YOU DREAMING? i'll get more spun in my dreams, it feels just as real with none of the drawbacks and i can fuck whoever i want wherever i want. those NPCs can't do shit and the slumber cops don't care what you do as long as you're not trying to analyze and understand the laws and substance of the dream world, but it can also be fun to fuck with the cops if you're in a skilled and confident lucid state. fuck the dream po'leece and fuck their stupid hats, pic related. i think i'll summon a few just so i can show off my newly unlocked item spawning powers, see how they like that. maybe i'll portal door into one of their precincts, armed to the teeth with imagination, get some answers out of the survivors and learn more about the world of the unconscious... yeah, that'll be rad.
Phenibut is the cure for autism
do you roll up pic related and smoke it or what?
>use a dosing journal to dial in the right amount.
that should always be done imo
>strap you to a plastic board and mutilate your infant genitals with a knife while speaking in a language consisting of hocked up phlegm before he gives you your first blowjob and a case of herpes
see you later, virgins
>as you feel that familiar sting from tugging at your cock furiously to the point where it's covered in blisters and lacerations, not like that's gonna stop you from semen gluing your eyes shut from the explosive force behind that wad you've built up over the past eight hours of gooning.
kek, but not today I'm afraid, weirdly enough I didn't even get hard although I took a good amount (today my libido was nonexistent apparrently). I'll try it again tho, maybe tomorrow, so thanks for the tips. especially the unscented petroleum jelly could come in handy (intended)

I hope that it doesn't just feel like edging/gooning
Strong benzos like xanax or kpins are extremely effective against anxiety
ive tried both and im highly apprehensive about developing a dependence on them
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no lol
you dump the heroin powder onto the foil and then heat up the underside of the foil which causes the heroin powder to heat up and melt into a viscous, sticky brown liquid. You fold the foil and create a kind of channel and then tilt the foil to one side do that the brown blob of heroin will run down the channel when it's heated by the lighter. While the heroin blob runs down the channel you "chase" it with some kind of straw - which is usually a rolled up piece of foil - and suck up and inhale the smoke left behind as the heroin runs.
I believe this was the genesis of the term "chasing the dragon".
pic rel is an old picture I took of heroin that hasn't been fully melted
what was your first time smoking weed like?
for me
>be a freshman in high school
>guy from a class tells me his friends are going to smoke weed by the gymnasium after class
>asks me to join
>we all form a circle by the gym building
>guy pulls out a bong and packs it
>everyone taking hits
>it gets over to me
>i've never even seen a bong and don't know how to take a hit from one
>wrap my lips around it like pic related and suck
>everyones looking around paranoid of teachers seeing us
>pass the bong to the owner
>he tries to take a hit then recoils
>starts screaming "who nigger lipped it"
>don't say anything
>they're all looking at me while he keeps screaming
>everyone starts leaving
>didn't even get high
only take the benzos when you have a panic attack (so every few days at most I guess), this way you wont even develop a tolerance
I just remember having a whitey. Takes a while to get used to that stuff.
10mg is a big dose? Thats usually my loading dose. I guess thats why i cant handle my benzos
10mg alprazolam is a massive fucking dose, 10mg diazepam is standard and if you aren't used to it pretty comfy. I never got people who take massive benzo doses, after a certain point adding more is just overkill and pointless and it's better to just smoke some weed to kick it all in
>10mg is a big dose?
for Diazepam it might be. for Alprazolam that a big dose
incredibly interesting thank you
Downerbros, I sadly took a stimulant, now the high (which was mediocre itself) is over and the after effects are really unpleasant and make me feel like shit. What should I do in this situation, take a benzo to calm down?
bruh tramadol just makes me talk too much and being sedated where feeling good?
any idea what it was? take some dramamine
10mg of xanax is a huge dose and you WILL NOT remember anything you do for the next 12+ hours
Me and my friend/flatmate took about that much each and we woke up the next day with our apartment covered in literal shit and my friends shoes were also covered in shit. Turns out it wasn't dog shit, it was human shit - i found the video on my phone of my friend taking a shit in the middle of a car park and then stumbling backwards into his own shit.
We also did graffiti fucking EVERY WHERE because our tags were every 10 feet apart. Only memory I have of that night is loudly breaking into a stadium and the security just telling us to leave.
What I'm saying is; benzos will make you behave like you're drunk, except unlike alcohol, you retain way more of your physical capabilities - that is a dangerous combination and you WILL get up to some diabolical activities.
Benzo tolerance builds real fast though. After 1 month of abusing xanax, 5 bars (10mg) wouldn't even stop the sinking feeling in my stomach anymore, which is what drew me to it in the first place.
Also beware of combining alcohol and benzos. 10 - 20mg of diazepam is the comfy zone, but you will black out or at least brown out after just 1 or 2 beers.
Not blacking out is the aim of the game when it comes to benzos. Beware of compulsive re-dosing. When you're blacked out, you don't know that you're blacked out, so you just keep taking more thinking "yeah I'm not blacked out, I can handle another 10mg diazy" but the reality is that you blacked out 30mg ago.
LOVE benzos, HATE blacking out.
When it comes to xanax btw, you're not supposed to take the full bar. 1 bar (2mg alpazolam) WILL make you black out. You're supposed to snap the bar into quarters.
Be careful not to get addicted btw. Benzos are great for self-medicating for anxiety, but beyond that they really don't have any recreational value. You can only really get "high" from benzos if you have anxiety.
once again crying myself to sleep and thinking of ending it all
any substance rec for this feel? alcohol is an old trusty friend but it gets repetitive and really bad over time
psychs are off the table, had some psychotic breakdowns with high doses (0.4g of LSD) after doing them for a year (I may have some genetic disposition to mental illness idk) I rather die than experience death while being alive again
coke is boring and expensive, I get why it's so popular but holy shit what and overrated substance
weed is decent but my body gets used to it too quickly and I have to smoke a lot to get a decent high and high doses of weed also give me some level of paranoia that I can manage now but it still feels weird and really not comfy
always told myself to stay away from opioids but maybe I should give them a try...
benzo blackouts are something else, ive gotten shitfaced drunk a fair few times but i have never backed out as hard as i have on 3+ mg of xanax
waking up the day after a benzo binge is like being that dude in Memento and you have to do forensic investigating to find shit like your wallet and keys
very nice, anon.
have you ever tried them before?
if not, you're in for a good time. tramadol were my favourite opioid until I discovered heroin, although tramadol aren't a true opioid.
What I loved about tramadol is that they give you that classic opiate high + a serotonin high that was vaguely similar to a very low dose of MDMA. It's a great drug to bond with friends on. You'll talk for hours straight. So maybe share some with your best friend and hang out together.

I hope you're not being sarcastic anon :,(
maybe heroin doesn't mean a damn thing to you, but it does mean a hell of a lot to me.
I would caution against downers cause of how pernicious and dangerous they are but i wont lie theyve been keeping me alive
ive never been a happy person and life just feels like one long chore that death is the only escape from but drugs have changed that for me, the hope i have that one day ill be fortunate enough to find some good pharmaceuticals is enough to make me wish i could live forever
our bodies are sacred furnaces that turn pills into bliss and that function should be cherished
>being sarcastic
I was genuine, i dont have any friends irl who use so i do realy enjoy learning things like that
i knew people smoked H but was never sure how, im more of a snorting guy so ive got no idea how to smoke/shoot
what drugs help depressive stupor? its really hard for me to move sometimes
oh yeah mate, they're fucked.
they're like God's way of balancing benzos I guess. Benzos would be crazy OP if it weren't for the blacking out.
Have you ever came to and regained consciousness without falling asleep? I have. Weirdest feeling. One minute I was on the train taking xanax, next minute I'm playing dark souls mid-conversation with my friends gf. No idea what happened in between. All I knew was that I'd just suddenly un-blacked out. It was so weird. It was like waking up, except wasn't asleep.

ah fair enough
but hey, i would really advise against snorting it because that's a good way to OD. When I first started using H, I was snorting it too because I didn't know how to smoke it and all the veteran users kind of piled on me and told me to never do that and they were right. It is dangerous.
Trust me, smoking it is safer, feels better, gives you more bang for your buck and is generally more enjoyable.
If you want some help/guidance/advise, I can give it to you. It's not as hard as it may seem. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. First thing first though is to cleanse the foil by burning over it with a lighter, that way you burn off some of the chemicals off the foil.
I'm hesitant to reccomend anything, honestly.
reccomending drugs to a depressed person is a disaster waiting to happen.
but, I understand. I've been in your position. The answer is opiates. Codeine, specifically. NEVER go beyond codeine. EVER. Never take codeine more than once per week.
If you have no tolerance then 120mg - 200mg of codeine should cure you of anything and everything that ails you.
Just please don't start taking it every day and certainly don't start taking anything stronger.
are there other ways to smoke that are worth while other than the foil method?
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>life just feels like one long chore that death is the only escape from
I wish I was born a normie into a normal family
blaming other people still feels cheap since I know I could fix things
I can't fix them
I hate this feeling
Nah dude i have no interest in getting fucked up on lean, i mean like surely there has to be something more effective than ssris or stimulants, neither which have helped in the past its fucking hard for me to move
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no. at least none that I know of. I've smoked heroin out one of those metal crack pipes a few times before, but that's more of a last resort kind of thing - it's what you do when you need a fix but have no foil or if you're outside and need a quick hit. It's just less efficient than smoking it off of the foil, like it's kinda wasteful.
With smoking it off the foil you can get pretty much all of it, like if you take it slow and careful, almost none of it is wasted.
Also, heroin residue collects inside the tube you smoke it through, so what you can do is actually unravel your tube and then smoke the heroin that's collected on it. It can come in handy when you're dope sick in the morning. There are ways to roll a tube so that it collects more of the residue, seems like most heroin smokers do that. And of course, the longer you use a tube, the more residue builds up inside.
Like I said, it can come in real handy. You know, when you're dope sick, smoking that residue build-up on that tube can be huge help.
pic rel. the tube I'm using right now. only about 10 GBP of heroin has gone through it so far and I don't roll my tubes to collect as much as possible either, I just roll them straight.
death is an inevitable, most normies spend their lives blissfully trying to ignore the impending certainty of it coming for them. I half expect "dying" to be akin to awakening from a fever dream, if it's any solace think how easily even impactful dreams can fade from your memory-you could awaken in the next realm and forget about all this by lunchtime
>tfw might k-hole and attempt to escape this reality tomorrow
>any idea what it was?
pharma concerta. the bad symptoms were high pulse and mild nausea (aside from feeling uncomfy). the biggest problem is probably that I'm the downer-type and stimulants inherently make me feel bad or something.
>take some dramamine
I don't think I have this. I took some Alprazolam tho and feel much better now
Is there a safe and convenient way for me to do nitrous oxide?
Test your fucking K. test your fucking drugs everybody fent keeps killing my fucking friends.
I wish I had your optimism, because the real world makes any opium dream seem incredibly sane and rational by comparison.
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>be 16
>have a friend who smokes weed
>ask if i can smoke with her, she agrees
>have my mum drop me off in the local town
>i was told it was would be with a group of friends i already knew but only her and her boyfriend who i didnt know show up. awkward asf.
>it is non stop pouring it down with rain
>we go into a tesco carpark (deadass during the middle of the day) and they start smoking right there
>im literally shitting bricks thinking we will get arrested or something, cannot believe what is happening, expected to smoke at someone's house or something and reject offer to smoke atp and just stand next to them
>eventually a man with his young daughter walks up to us and asks us to leave
>we go to a forest, plan it sit under a bridge but because of the rain the river water is too high to do so
>we smoke stood next to the bridge
>i have a joint, i pay five pounds for it
>i cant inhale atp in my life, so literally nothing happens
>i dont even get high at all
>just much more anxious about what is happening and getting in trouble
>we go around town after this and i just spend the rest of the time feeling full of anxiousness and worry, feeling way out of my depth, had never even been drunk before
>go home
>never smoke weed again until im 20
one day you will be happy youre still here anon, even if that day is a decade down the line it will all seem worth it to have stayed, have hope my friend because who knows maybe one day someone will offer you a bottle full of oxy
how do you roll it to retain more? crimp the inside of the roll in a zigzag like a joint filter?
codeine is a prodrug, which means it isn't a drug in and of itself. Codeine metabolises into morphine. When you take codeine, you're really taking morphine. About 10% of the codeine you take is metabolised into morphine.
Lean isn't just codeine. It's codeine + promethazine. The promethazine in lean is what gets people all fucked up and "leaning". Codeine by itself isn't really strong enough to make you nod out like that.
You'd be surprised at how active opiates make you. That's why I reccomended codeine to you. If you'd rather stay away from opiates then GOOD, I hope you never touch them. But they really are the cure to all that ails you.
know how it feels to be crippled with depression, when it feels like your limbs are made of lead. Codeine does help with that. Painkillers don't just kill physical pain, they kill mental pain too.
The reason I'm being so cautious and warning you so much is because I know that they'll work for you. If you give codeine a shot then please just stick to codeine and never take anything stronger.
The great thing about codeine is that your body can only metabolise about 400mg per day, which is about 40mg of morphine per day, so there is a limit to how bad codeine addiction can get. It can't spiral and get continuously worse like other opiates.
Anyway, I feel bad tryna convince you to take opiates, even if it is only codeine. So good luck with whatever you choose to do
actually, when working it out this happened when i was 15, not 16
>implying I don't want to die from fent
there's far worse ways to go, opioid overdoses are peaceful and serene. Fucking narcan always jolts you back into this shit world, I fucking hate narcan so much
no real convenient way but i prefer whipped cream charges over the big tanks and a balloon cause less is wasted though the balloon method is safer (the charges can shoot metal shavings into the container but you can prevent inhaling them by putting a cloth over the nozzle)
take some b12 supplements the morning before you huff and avoid having the stuff too often (i have some maybe once every other month) and youre golden
did a bong rip and a dab instead of going to the schools annual anti drug party as a senior in hs, just sort of sat on the couch watching the wall in front of me grow and shrink while my friends put on some weird as fuck adult swim show, been a life long stoner ever since
Yeah, pretty much. You just increase the surface area. You roll it by wrapping it around a pen or pencil and then you kind if twist it and crush/dimple it in some parts. Just increases the number of places where the residue will "catch" and collect.
This video will explain it way better than I can

if you're already using and you're already a heroin addict, then i hope you make the switch to smoking because fr no joke, snorting is dangerous. that's how you OD. it's basically impossible to OD by smoking it because you just nod out before taking the last hit that'll make you OD. Whereas with snorting it you're just blasting all of it in one go, so if there's fent in there then, shit, it's already too late.
Nothing beats that first line of the day when you're smoking heroin anyway. It tastes so good.
You are a user, right? Like a heroin addict?
Anyone here take poppers to jerk off? I kind of want to try it, but don't know where to pick them up or if they're worth it.
nicotine + caffeine + 2 beers
i refuse to call it acetaminophen, everybody in the world used to fucking agree it's called paracetamol but then you americans just have to be different and sperged out and started calling it acetaminophen like fucking retards.

> i'm certain those same people who mainline a john mccrae poem's worth of sweet surrender just to feel normal would not have the patience to wait for a cold water extraction to finish drip drip dripping, not even if gravity were as strong as it is on fucking jupiter.
you're literally arguing with a 12+ practically daily user of opiates and half of my friends are opiate veterans, some with 25-30+ years of use, none of us can speak for others but I can more than you and believe me no one wants to fucking get apap in their fucking opate of choice and yes they do wait for CWE if it happens to have PARACETAMOL in it, it's funny we're literally more scared of liver damage from that than any of the other probably worse shit you get but it's a calculated risk. Paracetamol gives you nothing, that's why it's preferred to have it fuck off.

You type funny, we could've been friends
even when I'm going through severe withdrawals and all I can get is 8mg codeine/500mg paracetamol tablets, i will patiently endure the withdrawals for another 2 - 3 hours while waiting for my CWE to complete. I did exactly that just 2 days ago, actually.
one time in my desperation to get high I took 7 grams of paracetamol in one go and had the WORST abdominal pains I've ever experienced and they lasted all night but were gone by morning. I had my liver tested a few months later and the results showed that my liver was fine - no damage. I will never make that mistake again. That pain was no joke. I wasn't even going through withdrawals either, I just wanted to get high and couldn't be bothered CWEing. Im lucky I didn't fuck up my liver.
>be 16
>friend in history class mimics smoking a bong and asks if i indulge
>no idea wtf he is doing
>his buddy (who is an absolute menace) drives us to an atm
>i get out $20
>purchase a prerolled joint of trim from raelene
>go back to the mimic friend's house
>he lives in a sleepout outside his parents main house
>smoke a bowl
>finish 2 family sized bags of chips by myself
>have to vacuum the floor blazed af
>later his mum comes out and asks if I'm ok
>0.4g of lsd

yeah right
Meth is super cheap compared lots of drugs
ive had this dream so many times, always some variant of me finding/being given pharmaceuticals and then i wake up and have to cope with it not having been real
>I hope that it doesn't just feel like edging/gooning
it does, but worse. it's involuntary. your brain wants to cum but your cock knows you'll stop petting him and paying attention to him once he erupts. even when he's stiff as bamboo and his knob has gone through the entire spectrum of red and half way through purple, he's on orgasm strike, working to rule, and his union rep is a real asshole. he keeps acting like he's got something solid for you, but he's just full of hot air.

also fuck chatbots. picrel.
>schools annual anti drug party
that's just begging to be crashed by teenage ravers rolling their goddamn tits off, you should have gone and raised hell
from what I've heard, you buy them from bars, you know, like nightclubs and such. Headshops probably sell them too. you could probably just order them from the internet.
but I've heard that the best drug for sex/jerking off is GHB.
there's also weed. i love how it makes you 10 times hornier and makes jerking off feel 10 times better, but then you're somehow able to last waaay longer at the same time. it's like having your cake, fucking it and then eating it too. I've had some exquisite edging sessions while stoned. I'm talking the "I'm so horny that I've given myself adrenaline rush and my heart is beating" level of excited. I love being that level of horny. shaky with my heart beating out my chest.
but for sex, it's got to be MDMA. especially if you're soppy bastard like me. and if you've been alone for your entire life (if you're on /r9k/ then you probably have been alone your entire life) then you probably are a soppy bastard like me.
>i would really advise against snorting it because that's a good way to OD. When I first started using H, I was snorting it too because I didn't know how to smoke it and all the veteran users kind of piled on me and told me to never do that and they were right. It is dangerous.
Does this advice apply universally, like maybe due to a metabolic risk of using that RoA, or a risk of post nasal drip prolonging and somewhat randomizing your rate of absorption? Or is the danger only elevated in the absence of carefully weighing your doses on a milligram scale and logging the time and strength each time you intake?
lol that chat is pretty amusing. what did you expect?

anon needs to find a masochistic chatbot
just before you finally take them it's over it sucks but you got to have patience
I manifested this reality so many times. People always say to me.
>follow your dreams kid
first time i smoked a wood someone accused me of nigger lipping it
didnt know this was a real term
so buy some fent, dealers sell it. then go shove all of it up your sad suicidal pansy ass, you whiny ass failure. you'll be a lot less boring as a corpse than crying for help on a website where nobody can help you except maybe moderators who don't care and an admin who probably sees you as a negative impact on ad revenue who will be worth more when you are dead.
boofing fent is the junkie equivalent of dying on the toilet no thx id rather die asleep with a needle through my arm
it's literally just the simple matter of how much and how fast you're able to snort Vs. how much and how fast you're able to smoke.
for example, a 5 GBP/USD bag of heroin can be snorted in literally 1 second. if it's laced with fent or if you have low tolerance, then you're fucked. you can't un-snort it.
smoking it on the otherhand, it takes time. It takes me at least a couple minutes to smoke 5 GBP/USD bag of heroin. In fact it usually takes longer because I like to relax and take my time. If you're smoking it and it's laced with fent or if you have low tolerance, then you can just basically hit pause and stop smoking it and then come back to it later.
Basically, smoking it is a controlled ROA. Of course you could maybe measure it out and make tiny individual lines, but you'd might as well just smoke it at that point.

Also I am PISSED.
I ran out of foil this morning and had to get more. But I bought the wrong type. TWICE. wasted nearly 10 quid. you need the very thin foil to smoke heroin off of, but it's basically a guessing game because they never mention the thickness on the box. Very, very annoying.
shit, that was stealth dope. snook tf up on me. thought it was weak shit but now I'm nodding.
mmmmhmmmm very nice
can anyone give me some protips to prepare for an acid trip at home?
Anything benign with a negative undertone is a nothingburger i e. seeing a spooky face for 2 seconds does not mean youre going into a bad trip
unless youre smoking toad venom why bother?
Yes, I have significant experience under my belt but I'm under quite a bit of stress for the forseeable future so don't want to go down a dark path.
I'll let 4chan decide what drug should I do?

>inb4 none
how did you consume it bro?
metonitazene IV
ok no pops or shit like that I only got 40 bucks
no poppers i'm also on withdrawal currently now
i will not take super crack or something the like chill
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So does anyone that tries heroin become instantly addicted to it or are there other factors that contribute?
yup. its like treading water all your life and then you can finally sigh and relax a bit
>anyone that tries heroin become instantly addicted to it
no this is retard propaganda, if you don't have underlying traumas or a shit tier life you probably won't get addicted. Truth is it is surprisingly easy to function, especially early on using. There's alot more functional opi users than you'd imagine out there
Damn I love capybaras.
Aren't you supposed to do that with stainless steel foil not aluminum foil
I don't recall but it's a F tier drug
Methylphenidate is the worst stims have to offer maybe you should try amphetamine
you didn't try any dissos
also smoked H starts working way faster meaning after the user has reached the desired level of intoxication he can just stop smoking and he won't get even more high after than
>toad venom
just call it 5-meo-dmt you pseud
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>not IVed
you can fall in love with opiates instantly, but you can't become addicted instantly.
from my personal experience it takes between 7 - 21 days of daily/near daily usage to develop a physical dependency (withdrawals).
Don't jump in at the deep end and immediately try heroin. Start off with codeine. If you fall in love with codeine then you know that you'd fall in love with heroin and need to stay tf away from it.
You'll probably be surprised/underwhelmed at how "simple" opiate highs are. they just kinda feel like being hugged, they make you a better person in every possible way and make everything just perfect. At first, anyway. In the beginning you're not just functional, you're functioning at the highest level you've ever functioned at. But shit rapidly gets out of control when your tolerance increases (and it does- very quickly) and then you run out of money and then you cannot function at all without it.
I'm one of those users that hops between using and being clean. not everyone can do that though. the ones that can't do that always end up in trouble. whereas I can just go cold turkey when I have no money, other people steal or borrow money and get into trouble and always end up fucked up. to look at me you'd never guess i was a junkie. I'm lucky I guess.

I don't know. I just use the foil everyone else uses. There's a shiny side and a side that looks like stainless steel. Maybe that's what you're talking about? I always use the non-shiny side.

just smoked it.
wasn't feeling much at all and then 15 minutes later I could barely keep my eyes open
nah both sides of your foil is aluminum, and smoking off aluminum is famously bad for the brain. Switch to stainless steel foil.
>nah both sides of your foil is aluminum, and smoking off aluminum is famously bad for the brain
yeah I've heard of that but I was always told that if you burned it with a lighter beforehand that it "cleanses" it.
I think I'll start using stainless steel foil anyway. which brand do you use? I'll order some from the internet.
How long until an edible hits on an empty stomach? I heard stories about people thinking it doesn't work and overconsuming.
usually about 20m-1hr, empty stomach always speeds things up too
A psychedelic experience (known colloquially as a trip) is a temporary altered state of consciousness induced by the consumption of a psychedelic substance (most commonly LSD, mescaline, psilocybin mushrooms, or DMT)
beware, ive had eddies hit like 3-4 hours after ive taken them, just wait and if its shit just try again tomorrow
do it faggot, make life more bearable for your mother
right lads - what helps with opiate withdrawals?
I know about immodium.
anything else? Vitamins? Does magnesium help with restless legs?
What foods are good? I hate eating while going through withdrawals, so would milkshakes, ice cream and candy be good food substitutes for the first 2/3 days?

This is the first time I've gone into withdrawals fully prepared. Fresh sheets on my bed. House fully cleaned and smelling nice. Beard and pubes trimmed, balls shaven. Every piece of clothing and towel i own has been washed and dried.
All I need now is food that'll be easy for me to eat for on the first 2/3 days and some OTC meds for the diarrhea and aches and pains. I think i'll have a McDonald's as my last meal before the next 5 days of shit begin. Gonna CWE some cocodamol too - it's actually a huge morale booster even if it doesn't get rid of your withdrawals.
Any other tips?
use narcan so accelerate the withdrawal process?
I scored some heroin and shot it up too late already and I dont agree with you at all
happy b day to me instead of candles i burned a spoon
well Im nit dead but im high at least the real celebration is going to be when everybodys asleep and i havent got work tommorow
how do you mean?
you mean you jumped straight from being completely opiate naive to shooting heroin?
thats exactly what i mean but im just the guy who asked you how you took it but yeah my introduction to heroin was prepared by a pro and he shot me
Works smarter not harder
does it have to be otc? i couldn't do cold turkey without pregabaline. the restless legs are the worst for me and pregab almost completely removes it and fixes your body temp so you don't constantly switch between freezing your ass off one second and feeling like you're getting lava poured over you the next.

DON'T use narcan it doesn't quite work like that. the drugs are flushed out from your receptors before 24 hours anyway, the withdrawal is because your receptors have a lag time when trying to produce as normal.
wew lad
that is not the current meta
the aim of the game is to make the opiate goodness last as long as possible, not Any% speedrun homeless junkie
you could've gotten a good 6 months of opiate goodness out of codeine, but nah, you just skipped that level entirely. you missed out. it was a fun level, but it's not the same after you've acquired the heroin upgrade.
I pray for you, lad. I've been a junkie for 6 years and you'd never be able to tell by looking at me. how? because I don't inject. shooting up is a one-way ticket to hell on Earth, except it feels like you've got 2 tickets. My friend had his femoral artery removed and went blind in his left eye because of injecting dope.
just stick to smoking it. but now that you've slipped the tutorial and went straight for the injection speedrun strat, thats going to be a Pandora's box you're gonna have to wrestle with for the rest of your life now.
anyway, good luck.

My plug only gets pregabs tomorrow and I'll only be able to buy 900mg from him. I actually had some prepared a few days ago but then I thought "fuck it" and took them in combination with diazepam and heroin and for a very nice high. I'd say it was worth it. I might be able to score some diazepam too. Only problem is i'll have to walk to meet up with him and then I'll have to resist the urge to score heroin off him while I'm 24 hours into withdrawals.

Nah, not a chance. I'd rather be eased into it than thrown into headfirst. Trust me, being gradually lowered into withdrawals is the way to go.
how does injecting cause blindness
bro I just dont have the connections for any codeine. Its been 8 years since I first used
I blew a vein so yeah Im gonna boof it in the evening if you wanna know
Sepsis. Blood infection. People who inject heroin are constantly battling infections - and I do mean CONSTANTLY.
I know a guy who lost both his legs and like 3 of his fingers due to injecting.
Stay the fuck away from shooting. There's no "perfect" way to do it. Eventually all your veins will have collapsed and you'll be forced to start injecting into your groin. And eventually you WILL have to deal with a severe infection. It's a guarentee. Everyone I know who shoots heroin has had at least one very bad, even life-threatening, infection.

which country are you in?
In the UK you can get codeine OTC.
I believe its the same in the US too.
You just need to CWE it.

why not smoke it instead?
Damn I'm glad I'm not a heroin addict
no point in doing codeine anymore im german.
>why not smoking
I dont know how I would do it properly I could do it in my car sure but Im afraid ill miss the smoke or burn it too quick ive smoked maybe once or twice
why don't you just start your withdrawal tomorrow then so you won't be tempted to cop more dope?
pregabaline and diazepam will probably be the only way you realistically get through this instead of just enduring hell for nothing because you end up relapsing after 2 days because it's too much. just saying.

also i done told you i've injected heroin for 10 years and I've never lost any limbs, blindness nor any serious infections. During these 12 years I've had 2 local infections in each leg, punctured, drained them and a cure of antibiotics and I was back to business. some scarring but you kinda have to take the bad with the good.
unreachable veins though that's another story, i can only inject in my thighs now. I've went through both arms, hands, feet and shins.
it served me pretty good though since now no one can see my spots. and no, unless i'm withdrawing or have mixed to much benzos with my dope no one can tell i'm on it either.
you're overgeneralizing IV use bro.
he's fearmongering. if you're not completely retarded about IV use you can avoid most of the severe shit he mentioned.
>why not smoke it instead
so you just put it on a foil a little bit and burn it then chase it thats all? what about the wind doesnt it blow away the dope or does the wind blow out the lighter cause id habe to do it outside
smoke inside a public toilet, dope barely smells or leaves any trace smoke at all.
So you've used up your arms and now you're injecting into your legs? How does that even work bro. Also can withdrawing opioid users use ketamine to ease symptoms?
you have veins literally all over your body?

using ketamine to ease symptoms, yes and no. it can take your mind off of it for a short while the duration of ketamine being the downside to it.
I mean doctors use ketamine when someone breaks their legs why couldn't you use it for a opi withdrawal. Just be high on ket for 3 days.
yeah ill boof it im fat so i can only find the main vein in my arm because im not fleet fingered i miss everytine ill boof it cause i aint got no foil and ive got the other ready
if you have enough ket to be high for 72 hours straight then yeah go for it, but there's much more cost effective and more pleasant ways to do it
it doesn't hit the same receptors that's why it doesn't really ease the opiate withdrawal. there's more than one way to treat pain but drug withdrawal isn't the same thing.

I'd snort it, but remember you can always take more, never less.
boofing works faster but both are fine
>Methylphenidate is the worst stims have to offer
interesting, why's that? how does Methylphenidate compare to other stims?
i've always been underwhelmed af when boofing dope but if it works for you it works.
Ill try smoking it once with a little bit and if it works ill do more if not not much was lost
heroin bros: i have so far
>boofed morphine
>snorted oxy and bupernorphine
>drank cwe codeine
>and eaten a shit load of trams and kratom
of these codeine was my favorite (i believe i lack the enzymes to properly break down oxy) how does heroin compare?
It's only a couple of grams of ket
if you could metabolize codeine to morphine the same enzymes are used to convert oxycodone to oxymorphone and oxycodone is also active in and of itself.
you sure you didn't do something stupid like snort bupe and then snort oxy to soon after so that the bupe still blocked the receptors?

how did you find morphine to be? heroin is practically the same thing, ''diacetylmorphine''. the only thing about it is the attached acetyl makes it more fat and water soluble.

idk what to tell ya except for what i've already said
worse comedown can't get as high
Fentanyl can be described as much more sedating then other opiates. Even at moderate dosages, fentanyl can result in overwhelming feelings of sedation and tiredness that is considerably more sedating than that of heroin and oxycodone.
i had oxy straight from the pharmacy and i never mix opiates, idk why but i just never got it to hit me right, i think i just preferred how good the nod was off codeine cause when i had the oxy i hardly got a nod at all
the morphine rush from boof was exquisite but again i didnt get a nod as good as i did off codeine
heroin is the only drug that doesnt fuck with my mind just a wholesome good high for cheap. I always like to imagine all the cokeheads spending 200 for the same amount I spent 50 bucks on heroin and get way higher than them for longer. If you count the hours of high equivalent to what you pay for its actually the only logical choice
thanks for the explanation, anon, that makes sense. always good to have more harm reduction information, seeing as i'm one of the few self-deputized harm reduction councilors here at /drugfeel/. i must also raise two issues with your post:
>if it's laced with fent
people still worry about this? dancesafe.org fentanyl immunoassays (test strips) cost around a pound fifty propa money, innit? they're cheaper in bulk, just buy a box of 100, keep half for yourself and hand the rest of them out to frens, shelters and libraries. it's dead easy to prevent being dead. if you have the patience to do a CWE, fentanyl testing takes a fraction of a fraction of that time, maybe another fraction if you don't intend to dehydrate your drug. also watch out for xylazine! dancesafe doesn't sell xylazine test strips to the public (yet), you'll want to order those directly from the manufacturer, BTNX. ask me if you need written instructions on how to prepare and use a test strip.
>5GBP/USD bag
prices fluctuate wildly based on a more precise meaaure of geolocation than "nation state", scarcity of precursors, drug law enforcement activity, supply, demand, purity, bulk purchasing discounts, fiat instability and a whole shitload of other market economic factors. use a scale.
we await your eternal silence with bated breath
>worse comedown
I definetly agree on that. Do you have any tips to make the comedown less terrible?
Slept all day off oxazepams again
Unfortunately I don't. Some people swear by benzos though
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Finally got my hands on some xanax, and wow is it fucking incredible Already had some benzo tolerance but that was over a week ago, started with 1mg and it didn't do much but 2 put me into a nice sleep. Haven't slept this well in over a month thanks to the exponentially worsening panic attacks and nightmares which made me scared to sleep. Just gotta make sure I don't get addicted to this, but I'm not in it for the "euphoria" or whatever, just the peace it gives me.
Oh, thank you for the reply. It is very helpful. :)
I already smoke weed 24/7, and am stoned when jerking off. It's fun, but I'm wondering about the more powerful & immediate high that's implied from poppers. Also if it's alright to mix usage of both.
>gotta make sure I don't get addicted
its a fine line to walk definitely, ive tried all kinds of mad addictive shit but nothing has gripped me as hard as benzos like i dont even crave opiates as much as i crave benzos
Fuck the DEA. You're never going to catch me, na na na na.
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>people still worry about this?
Not really, outside reddit I don't think most people at the stage it's a concern really care anyways, they're half hoping to get a hot shot even if they won't admit it. I do wish people who know overdoses/poisonings happen would push for safe supply, I'm sick of well intentioned morons being used as emotional fodder to make it harder to source safe drugs. People are going to use even if the supply is as contaminated as it is, prohibitionists are just obsessed with preventing people from enjoying their high by any means as zealots tend to do
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I take days off but fuck those days are fucking tough. It's weird I never expected to crave benzos more than opiates but they work better in calming my absolutely fucked up head these days
I've heard horror stories about benzo addictions, but I have no desire to use these recreationally. This just helps me keep the nightmares at bay. Though I'm still very aware of how serious benzo addictions can become, but the side effects also suck ass. 12 hours of sleep and I still feel exhausted, constantly mistyping things, and probably some other side effects that I will only start noticing later.
Dirty feeling, shaky.
t. prescribed
how much tramadol does it take for you to nod?
Abolish the DEA
Abolish the ATF
Abolish the FDA

Make America free again
I just got back from the grocery store and accidently stole a 12 pack case of pop. It was under the cart and I checked my receipt and never scanned it.

my bad. How many years will I get for this?
just some weed for me to sleep tonight Ill still sleep soundly because i have to wake up early the early worm catches the bait
you walked out now the road ends here buster
got the vid and i gotta say opis really are fantastic for a sore throat
another night drinking
still not sleep but still smoking cant wait to snooze later lol
i felt nothing after taking canax first time did some gaming it was very quiet I guess much like a med
did hitler take heroin too dude?
ive heard he was more of a meth guy
I've heard he was more of a cocktail guy but guess I heard wrong
Yo plug just came up with this weird liquid I just got dmhp I think I might boof this shit up opinions?
do pregabalin and weed mix well?
Everyone knows meth is the strongest drug 100 times stronger than coke or heroin
yes very, one of my favourite combos actually.

their effects feed off of eachother very well. make sure you have alot of nice food stuff though your munchies WILL be insane.
don't take more than 900mg - 1200mg of pregabaline because it will overshadow the weed. start with 600mg
guys I got an airduster roll dubs an I do it
You think the gooner and coomer meme came from bath salts can you imagine than just someone addicted to bath salts what in the world are they doing.
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Can you actually smoke this shit or is it a myth?
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just tried an opioid for the first time, 100mg Tramadol. Don't feel much different desu
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what other drugs to take to reset tramadol tolerance?
shilajeet shit
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Hey bros, I'm about to buy weed for the first time tomorrow. I'm going to get edibles. Any recommendations for a first timer?

I'm looking for a product to get me high and a product to help me sleep.

It has to be edible because I need it to be discrete, preferable something that will last a long time in room temp storage.
edibles will get you very high anon, specially if it's your first time, bad idea, just get a small hit from a joint or a hand pipe
I can't because I live with my parents. Also its not exactly my first time but my second time.

First time I smoked it and felt nothing
Second time I smoked it and got intensely blindingly high for like 5 seconds and that was it

I think I was smoking it wrong.
this is a 18+ board gtfo summer's over
>can't conceive of people over 18 living with their parents

I knew this general was for normalfags. Why not go be a normalfag elsewhere?
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I was walking through the city where after a few hours the shrooms were starting to kick in in full force, and I stumbled upon this strange arcade. It had shiny white walls that were almost chrome and many claw machines in a similar appearance with shiny glass windows. The lights on the ceiling were bringer and fluorescent and came from lean tubes, and the machines were filled with Japanese plush animals and chesty looking female manga characters. But more fantastically the colors of the machines, bright pastel fluorescent, felt so strange on my body as my eyes perceived them, like it manifested physically the effects of the psychdelics and reflected my feelings off of them and it bounced back at me and felt intense, weird but almost good. There was this life sized replica of iron man's armor in the back, it was smooth and shiny, lights flowing from it. I don't know where I was or what the fuck I had walked into, but when I entered I said to myself that it was "the place to be." It was like entering some artificial hyper-reality, a corporatized gnosis.

Escalators, stairs, and subway stations are also bizarre on shrooms, physics feel different and ascending stairs feels terrifying but also exciting. Going up through a large store with a lot of escalators felt like Julius Evola's heroic and esoteric descriptions of climbing a mountain, and going deeper through the descending escalators into the hot, decaying, and chaotic pits of the metro felt like a passage from The Divine Comedy, fascinating but with a tinge of disturbing. As I stood on the sweltering platform I shuddered within myself at how hot the real Hell must be, and wondered if such a place was my eternal destination. But no matter, whether it be reality or not I shall not let the tyranny of morals crush my deeply human longing for freedom.
Most edibles already last a pretty good while as long as you keep the package sealed, just put them in a part of your room thats away from sunlight.
>any recommendations for a first timer
Look for half and half CBD+THC gummies, those are the best from my experience. Usually, thc will fuck with your sleep a bit, but the cbd helps mitigate that. It's also a much comfier experience.
It would probably be a good idea to start with a half dose for your first time just to make sure everything is alright, and then if things go well take a full dose after a couple hours of the initial edible.
With edibles especially, your tolerance will go up very fast, so it's best to wait a week or so before getting high again.
Because you live with your parents, make sure you have a good amount of snacks in your room with you. I made that mistake a couple times, and while it's usually easy to pretend to just be sober and very tired, it's still a pretty nerve racking experience.
I hope you have a very comfy trip anon
it's that you haven't smoked weed before (babbys first drug), you're scared your fucking parents will find out? what adult person is scared their parents are gonna find out they smoke weed lol.
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this is how my drugz got couried to me lol
A robot who depends on them rathern then a normal functioning adult EI) a normalfag EI you. Go back to /b/ you fucking normalfag.
suck my dick faggot i'd bet my life i've been here longer than you. you're in my domain.
i have very low body weight will taking 20mg of molly have any effect?
>confused at the concept of a hikki NEET shut in
kek, kill yourself.
i'm not confused at the concept of a NEET you fucking retard it has nothing to do with the fact you're still 12 years old
also check'em.
When does rebound anxiety from benzos kick in? It's been a day and a half and the only noticeable side effect is that I'm a bit less coordinated and pretty drowsy
>being a meek pussy too afraid of their parents to have fun
your prospects in life are dim, stop being a little whiny bitch and own what you do. If your parents object tell them to fuck off
it depends on the benzo, I find having little/no tolerance means the benzo effects last until the next day generally
page 10 bumpaaan
if god is good i should be able to cop some benzos this weekend, and god is often good to me
I've read that mexican vendors tried using dvds as a way to send drugs. People kept receiving empty dvd cases with shit movies inside them. This lasted less than 6 months before they realized just sending the drugs by themselves were less conspicuous than trying to hide them in a dvd case. I mean, the xrays will see right through that shit anyways so it's pretty pointless.

Who spends $60 to overnight a shitty dvd?
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benzo users can be so fucking stingy, I really hate navigating the dance around them that people do. I miss the days when doctors handed them out like candy, fucking rappers glorifying a drug which isn't even great recreationally if we're being honest. I envy people who say benzos do nothing for them because they work too well for me
i hate doctors desu, nothing but contempt fot addicts not only is bad for us but for everyone else, i know a shit ton of people who would benefit enormously from a benzo script but docs are terrified someone might enjoy themselves
semi related i have a friend who got dry socket after a double root canal (excruciatingly painful) and his doc refused to give him anything stronger then ibuprofen, dude is straight too hes never touched a drug harder then weed in his life
how about this? A opioid user that wants to withdraw simply doses himself with a very high dose of ketamine and then narcans himself. This will cause the withdrawal to only last 12 hours during which he will be heavily sedated by ketamine.
no... where did you get this info from?
why not. It seems pretty straight-forward to me
Unless you're planning on setting up an IV, this is pretty stupid. Snorting ket gives you at max an half an hour of a comfy high, and redosing is gonna be rough if you're trying to knock yourself out for 12 hours.
because withdrawal isn't about the drug leaving your system it's about the lag time for your receptors to regulate at a normal level again.
Interesting that the psychedelic community is trying to distance itself from other drugs
i will be going in benzo withdrawal in 2 weeks and was looking into agmatine, i ordered it online, apparently they help readjust the gaba receptors
>been getting panic attacks from smoking weed recently
>doc finally diagnosed me with GAD
>meme diagnosis but it meant i was able to get some valium
Will this stop the panic attacks? I know benzos are good trip killers for psychedelics but am kinda paranoid about what interactions it will have with weed.
for some reason smoking weed helps me fall asleep better than anything ive been prescribed so far, which isn't much considering it's just hydroxyzine and trazadone so far. helps me get to sleep without issue and i can wake up without feeling like i got hit by a train. how can i broach the topic with my pcp that id like to use that instead of being prescribed everything under the sun before they settle on that?
Sorry, I should clarify that I have panic attacks regardless of smoking weed, even after being clean off of anything for a month it's still bad.
My communion with the extraterrestrial consciousness called psilocybe cubensis has asked me to encourage you to ponder on that word.
Remind yourself of all the different times you and other people, real or imaginative, have used that word to describe, evaluate and compare hundreds of different things.
It doesn't matter however many different standards you postulate for measuring the strength of methamphetamine, because I already know that you're probably correct every single time and I 100% agree, I'm still feeling it a little and I haven't reupped my tina in over 12 hours.
Eat seven grams of dried magic mushrooms if you want a new perspective. I've done it two, three, maybe four times, doesn't matter, time is the most fascinating load of shit in the universe. But look at what's happening to me right now for proof of what a fraction of the mushroom's strength looks like. I only took a 2.75mg microdose of psilocybin, equal to just a quarter gram of dried mushrooms. I thought that was too weak a dose to plug me back into "the real Starlink", turns out the latency is just comically high at the bottom subscription tier. I'm used to the heroic tier and their "30 quales per second installed in 30 minutes" guarantee. From 30 minutesto six days, what a difference. Oh yeah, it was six days ago when I had that microdose. Mushrooms are funny like that, I wasn't feeling any effects five hours in all the way until now. Look, I love and respect Tina on her own merits, legitimately. She's very talented, but one thing she can't do for you at any dose is pull a few strings with a fungal space alien ISP for you, it needs saying.
is it interesting? psychfags are the only users fried enough to think their drug is somehow meaningful, bunch of brain dead schizophrenics with delusions of grandeur
i hope one day every drug is legalized accept psychs
>helps me get to sleep without issue and i can wake up without feeling like i got hit by a train.
You're talking about weed?
do you think taking a psychedelic once can change a person?
yes but so can doing literally anything else, it only seems more momentous because theyre literally delusional
t. someone who tripped a shit ton and thought it was some kind of gift from god
What did you trip on and why are you not like the other psychedelicfags
Yeah, psychfags are usually some of the more pretentious drug users, which is a shame because psychs are usually pretty fun. But I guess it gets a bad rap because of a few insufferable faggots, similar story with potheads.
Worked for me, but there's over 8 billion other people out there whom I can't speak for, and you're one of them.
yes. melatonin, trazadone, and other meds make me feel like complete shit when i wake up which isnt normal for me at all and i dont think i want to make the trade of taking a drug that knocks me out but makes it a pain in the ass to get up instead of what im dealing with now
imo would depend on why youre taking said drugs. ive taken some high doses and id say im still the same person i was before them. had a nice time though
It did for me, only took 1.5g psilocybe cubensis
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approx how many hours after eating should i wait before taking some shrooms? anticipating 3-4 hours between now and when i start
Fuck me I threw my vaporizer somewhere before I got hospitalized and now I can't find it.
Is codeine a good idea at night after eating a burrito? I really looked forward to getting fucked up today.
nothing bad will happen but the high is way better on an empty stomach
I wamt heroin...I just been abusing Kratom for 4 years, my tolorance os insanely high. I just want heroin, NOT FENTYNAL!! I don't wanna die, I just wanna be high and numb. My best friend died a month ago.
it takes six hours for the average person's stomach to empty into the rest of your plumbing
guess ill save it for tomorrow then. thanks anon
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got some shitty news tonight so ill be spending time with a lot rum and sprite for the night. wish i had coke instead of the sprite, but beggars cant be choosers. hope you all had a better end to your week.
Are they? Some of them eat kratom, drink booze or snort stims. That's just the ones I heard.
Its so comforting to be high at night. Only way i can really relax..
For a while I did a snus in bed before sleep every now and then. The nicotine rush made me "think about life and shit" but I stopped because fuck getting addicted to nicotine of all things.
5-meo-dmt. What am I in for? Can I enter DMT realm on it?
how did you change. I'm considering dropping shroom but I'm concerned I'll end up becoming some shaman that talks about chakras and has those psychedelic posters hanged in his room. Currently I'm a peer reviewed rational atheist.
I've only taken acid once. 100 mcg tab.
It gave me some great realisations, but they didn't really "stick". For example, while on acid i saw myself as another person, like I literally saw myself as others see me. I realised that I was just a person like other people and that i wasn't actually a piece of shit or any other of the horrible things I say/think about myself. I actually felt really bad for myself, but not in a self-pitying way because it was like I was observing another person rather than myself. I realised that I'd been bullying myself and realised that if i ever spoke to a person the way I speak to myself, I'd feel really bad about it, so why is it okay for me to speak to myself that way? Basically I felt guilty for treating myself badly, but it was the same kind of guilt that you'd feel if you realised that you'd been severely emotionally abusing a family member for their entire life. I promised to treat myself better.
It didn't last long though. I still hate myself and say mean things to myself constantly. It was a nice little realisation though and was worth having. I guess it did change me. Sometimes I do think back on it and try to remember how I saw myself when I saw that I wasn't a bad person.
Taking edibles or smoking dispo just so comfy at night.
Good for you, thc gives me insomnia
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Found this shit in my buildings closet that this druggie kid hangs out int. What was he making?
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Why are zoomers freaking out over nitrious? I've seen a bunch of posts on tiktok about galaxy gas and people are losing their minds over it acting like it's equivalent to paint huffing. People seem to think it's gonna kill you. I saw a comment where someone said they'd rather do fentanyl???

Is nitrous really that unheard of?! People are acting like inhaling whipped cream cannisters is a new thing... it's not new and it's relatively safe when used sporadically. The only thing I'd be worried about is the flavoring they put in galaxy gas, I'd rather inhale pure nitrous than shit with flavor additives in it. Inhaling whipped cream cannisters is nothing new though :/
So me and my best friend were having a fun time on acid and we started to cuddle and the she wanted to give me head, I said no because I didn't want to ruin the friendship but now she's pretending it never happened.

Should I confront her? Or should I just let it be?
confronting her will ruin the friendship more than getting head from her
mind youre business
theyre fucking stupid, i saw one where they were like "it makes you high by starving your brain of oxygen" what the fuck who do people buy the gas then and not just hold their breath for a few seconds to get a buzz
zoomers are fucking retarded
is it true that when you black out on entactogens/empathogens you get brain/seratonin receptor damage?
i did something really retarded a good while back took a bunch of 5mapb and 6apb, way too much and blacked out

now i wait 3 months in between rolls do harm reduction and shit but the last 2 rolls i had werent as good as they once were
like its still a good time but it isnt the same anymore man, it isnt aboslutely insane like it once was.
so what now? become a alcoholic barrtard stoner? cant enjoy dissos and phsycs no more as well because i abused them
why do girls get so fucking horned up on acid? i've had similar experiences, i hit everytime tho ur gay af
Imagine how good coke would be if it was manufactured in a legit pharmaceutical laboratory? All drugs should be legalized. We should all be able to purchase recreational drugs (within a logical limit) just like at a cannabis dispensary. Guaranteed to be pure and dosed accurately. This would put an end to the vast majority of criminal activity, and the violence associated with manufacturing and distributing drugs. Not to mention the lives that would be saved from overdoses/ingesting a tainted substance. The tax revenue would probably equal or be greater than whatever sketchy money the feds are pulling from these activities at this moment. Is my logic fucked, or does this seem to make the most sense?
Lol alright but I'm not working night shift at the crack store, you got this anon.
Don't press the issue, but try doing acid with her again and don't pussy out this time.
the problem with that is then you have a drugged up polulation, would be the same as with those teen vape dealers but instead with hard substances. lot more addicts because people cant use responsibly and a lot more disfunctio. because people arent really able to work when drugged up
No you rejected her so now she feels bad about it.
Anyone else feel obsessed with drugs?

Idk what it is but I just love them.

I'm not an addict or anything but I used to do a shit load of MDMA, Cocaine, acid, shrooms and weed. But now that I'm not doing them as much I just find myself obsessing over drugs.

I love watching movies and drugs, Wolf of Wall Street, The Dirt, Scarface, How To Sell Drugs Online.

Just anything involving drugs I love watching people do drugs, watching them sell drugs, watching how they are made, ins and outs of the whole thing.

I'm not sure why I'm writing about this I just felt like I needed to vent. Does anyone else feel the same?
Flavors? What the fuck? N2O already tastes mildly like canned whipped cream. Why would you need flavors? It's one of the easiest drugs to take taste-wise
yes anon im exactly the same and ive got bad news; were addicts
sometimes while im driving i just scan the side of the road looking for discarded pill bottles that i might pick up, once after not being able to cop for a few days i finally got my shit and by god and the prophets i was made horny by it, my very existence revolves around how much i love drugs
This is my favorite forum to lie in
I say the weirdest shit and you all buy it hook line and sinker
Druggies are so gullible
your post made me think
how about breaking bad?
So I recently met this guy that has only ever done two drugs. Weed and IV heroin. He told me he tried smoking weed when he was 15 and got panic attacks every time, so he researched a ton about which drug feels the best recreationally, but has the least amount of negative side effects on your body and mind and apparently, that is pure heroin, administered intravenously. So he found a vendor, got a sample, tested it and then literally purchased a lifetime supply worth of heroin. I asked him how the fuck could he make such a sudden and extreme decision and he told me that he never gave a fuck about how bad of a stigma something has because he has full trust in himself regarding his decisions. He only administers it once per month and never broke his rule yet. He's been doing it since he was 16, for almost 6 years.

He reffers to that day as "Christmas" and he even likes joking about it with people that have no idea about his habit, telling them Christmas is coming without elaborating or that he's busy on that day because is Christmas and shit like that. I find this very impressive considering how insanely addictive heroin is, especially fucking IV. I asked him how does he manage the cravings and he told me there's definitely some urge to do it again for 2-3 days after he doses or when he's generally down, but basically it's all about the willpower. Like no matter what, he's just not gonna do it unless it's time. I honestly find this insane in a good way, so I decided to share with you all and see if any of you do or know people that do similar stuff.
has he considered doing meth though?
is it true that 2cb will give the hallucinations of LSD but not the headspace of LSD?
Tumble in the demons infinite gizzard for eternity
Doing drugs definitely made me more interested in organic chem, wish I payed more attention in HS. Despite being sober for a month I'm still very interested in how drugs work, right now I've just been reading lots of wikipedia articles on metabolism.
It makes me want to switch my major from civ eng to chem but that would probably be a bad idea, I'm too retarded for chem
Literally just google it you absolute slut.
I prefer movies about international drug trafficking, any recommendations?
Yes I can't stop reading websites about drugs while waiting for them to come.
I already read that I was looking for more opinionated posts concerning 2c-b
Literally just google it, you absolute trollop.
Was planning on having a comfy fap on benzos but they just instantly killed my libido, fuck me
gooning is a waste of drugs
you may ingest methamphetamine
Took 3mg of subutex, 20mg of diazepam and 200mg of speed.

Listening to 90s/early 2000s trance.

Working on a 7 DOF robotic arm, did some nice progress on fixing my CAD model mistakes and wrote most of my kinematic calculations in C so once my STM32 board arrives I can start prototyping with the real thing.

Prob gonna play some arma 3 now.

Comfy af.
Damn nice project you got going on there. Inverse kinematics and shiet. Wish I had so speed though to make me less lazy
With no opiate tolerance at all, you'll feel very nice and warm off as little as 100mg.

Tolerance builds quick though, at least it did for me, so soon you'll be at bigger doses. Once you go above 400mg apparently the risk of seizures is quite high with tramadol.

Thank you, it's been a very rewarding project since the hardest thing I've built before this was a radio controlled "tank" (a welded together metal box with a old power supply and motors connected to a gear system for maximum torgue for treads).
This has required quite a bit of refreshing my memory on math and physics, but nothing is more fun than applying mathematics to something (subjectively) useful.

I wish I could find the same curiosity when I'm sober, so I feel you on the speed.
because zoomers are faggots and the (((media)))is a buzzkill that huffs its own hysterics for shekels and attention
yes, I take solace in that I have liberty to consume any drug I choose and am glad I don't buy into normie tier viewpoints based in ignorance
>were addicts
so what are you now? Personally I think calling yourself an addict is stupid, if you have a physical dependency it's one thing but imagine still obsessing over what was likely a phase or untreated trauma/mental illness. Most self proclamed "addicts" are in actuality whiny faggots
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I miss masturbating on mephedrone (4-MMC). It's been 3.5 months since I last relapsed and had a big 'ol stimulant wank session spanning 3 days with no sleep or meals; just back to back parachutes and lines, occasionally forcing down Lucozade and trying to squeeze out the odd piss. The rest of the time wanking my borderline-flaccid willy (with the aid of ED pills) to pornography.

The comedowns are too bad though. I have done too much damage to my brain. 3.5 months is my record time clean but realistically it will take 1-2 years for my brain to return to something resembling normal. I haven't felt a crumb of natural joy or pleasure for going back probably 2 whole years now; the threshhold has been skewed too high by the drugs.

On the days after the binge I would be legitimately suicidal, in floods of tears, unable to think, unable to sit at the computer, wishing for death, wishing for sympathy and help from another person yet at the same time too ashamed to reach out to one of the few people left in my life lest they see me in such a state. It takes literally weeks to normalise after these binges. Day after day feeling like death until slowly you come out of it, but only so far as being a joyless ghoul for the next N months.

And yet for all that, I miss the high. It feels good, to put it mildly. The best I've ever felt. Pure pleasure and arousal and focus all rolled into one and you can keep redosing and redosing if you have enough. After last time I put what I had left down the sink in my suicidal comedown phase, reiterating to myself that I cannot do this anymore; cannot live this way. Realistically, had that stuff not gone down the sink I would have relapsed again. It's funny how time dilutes the strong negative feelings yet the cravings for the high remains.

Anyway I will remain sober for now and see how much further I can get. 6 months clean would be a nice number. Just felt like typing it out.
Benzos and speed is a godly mix.
Breaking Bad is chemically inaccurate on how to produce Methamphetamine.
I wish there were a drug that made life meaningful .
I tried mushrooms and it didn't do shit. It's pretty similar
why am I looking at that person from that Dutch narcotics youtube channel. also her pupils are dilated she's clearly on something
how much LSD if I want to have sex but not a melty cuddly kind? I want it to be a bit more energetic.
why did mushroom not work out for you. I see so many people swearing by mushrooms and lsd
DEA advised them to show an inaccurate recipe I guess
No one can tell you. Everyone tolerates LSD differently, and no LSD tab is accurately dosed unless you dosed it yourself. Dose yourself on the same LSD you plan to use beforehand to determine how much you personally need, then wait at least 14 days for your tolerance to reset and do it.
hmm, fair enough. I guess I just have to try something and go with the flow.
agreed, opiates make it even better. I have fond memories of clonazepam, adderall and some high quality #4
what faggots, it's not like it's hard to fucking figure out. If backwoods trailer trash can make meth I don't think obscuring the process is that effective, never mind that the precursors are hard to source unless you know a good smurf network. The DEA unironically shipped an underground, domestic industry to mexico sourced by chinese chemicals, confirmed globalists who want to undermine America
Had my last drink on the 10th. Here's what happened
>11th: having difficulty focusing my eyes on things, stomach hurts
>12th: still unable to focus my eyes, diarrhea, blood pressure is sky rocketing to the point where I continuously feel it in my arms, headache starts
>13th: headaches, nausea, low energy
>14th: most symptoms have passed, now I just feel tired. I slept 12 hours last night which is a lot for me

The day I quit drinking my BP was 149/100 and I could literally feel it in my arms and stuff. This morning its 121/78 and I feel much better.

I drank daily for probably 2 or 3 months. My average daily consumption looked something like this:
>4 pack of 6% ABV beer
>1 24oz mikes hard 8% ABV beer
>1 double IPA 9% beer

Hoping this time sobriety sticks but I also have to acknowledge that I've been doing this shit for years now.
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The sheer stupidity of the average Plebbitor will never not amaze me in just how many variations it has.
just took ketamine. Wham am I in for?
a troupe of demons will emerge from the void to spirit you away to the plane of torment.
I bro injected 32 mushrooms and died
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my room reeks of cigarette smoke
this is my last fuck you to the jews who owns this building
I should stop though, its probably bad for my cat
I've taken 10 mg of clonezapam and I feel great. Do you think I should take more? Maybe light up a joint?
that is an ass load of pins lmao, def smoke a joint and dont take more if youre already chilling
Is casual coke use possible? I do enjoy it every once in a while like 3-5 times a year max, it's not something I seek out or would buy myself. It's also definitely nowhere near being my favorite drug as I've tried a bunch already. I do have anxiety issues but they keep getting better and better as I'm out of therapy and with any drugs (including weed and alcohol) I have a strict policy of no use to escape from my problems. So far I've been able to keep it up very easily, as I know the risks. I just want to be able to let loose every few months. How worried should I be about addiction?
It's amazing how hard drug dealers work. The logistics of it all, trafficking, hiring people to do, packing everything, measuring everything, running an online store with a webpage you created from scratch, making labels and shipping things out THE SAME DAY you order. Actually making the pills using those hand presses has to be exhausting.

Once you end up paying everyone their fare share, surely you would just be better off getting a real job. It would be a lot less stressful that's for sure. For a dealer, it's not if you get busted it's just a matter of when.

They are truly doing the public a service.
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have weed, shrooms, and rum for the night. suggestions for the order to take it in? was thinking shrooms, weed, and then rum, but suggestions are welcome even if it means excluding something
Alcohol is a garbage drug. It's amazing that it's legal while opiates and adderall aren't. Like, adderall will turn you into an extremely productive temporary genius while alcohol just makes you literally retarded.
and alcohol kills more people a year than all other drugs combined. Not to mention the collective millions of years it shaves off of people's lives.
Damn I didn't realize it was already time for the 29th 'alcohol bad' post of the month
not him but i resent the shit out of alcohol, why do useless boozers get to be socially acceptable but i snort one oxy and im a criminal
Ordered some "quality uncut #4" and got it in yesterday, smelled just like real H and looked, felt and tasted like 100% real heroin too. Dark tan color and came in rocks. Was just about to not test it and do a line my usual size but decided against it and tested it. Ofc it came positive for fentanyl. Did it again to make sure as it was advertised as FENT-FREE. Second came positive too. Did a tiny tiny crumb anyways cause I had a bit of a tolerance and maybe it's a small cut. Had me nodding and nauseas. Threw it all away, 2g for 200 down the drain. DONT TRUST ANYONE AND TEST ALWAYS. This concludes the public service announcement :)

stay safe everyone
Report that vendor. Get on Dread, the market, other forums, etc and report. Post pics of the test strips. Do a video.

More people need to stop accepting fentanyl and call out the vendors and dealers.
I really enjoy mushrooms. A good 3 to 4 gram dose will last a good 3 to 4 hours, after which everything settles down and you can think clearly about what you've just experienced.

On the other hand, acid will fumble and mumble your brain for 10+ hours. I don't get how people enjoy this. I've done real, tested LSD many times, and every time after hour 5 or 6 I'm just left sitting there and thinking: "Ok, that was cool, I've experienced what I've wanted, can it please end now?".

Am I being a little bitch here? Is my eagle too strong?
I took 2mg of Suboxone two hours ago, how long do I have to wait to take this 20mg Percocet?
im lemon teking 5~ g of shrooms i bought a few months ago but i kept them in an air tight dry environment. im not sure how this will go since its my 2nd time trying shrooms, or atleast trying to trip on them i guess. im a very anxious person and i have no friends and dont trust anybody to tripsit
thats a lot for a second time, tread carefully
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i hate alcohol. thats why i went sober for 4 months and am on my 7th drink today :)
because you're a faggot that likes faggoty things.
this copypasta is at least 8 years old, i'm impressed
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>She just want to fucc and the weed is just a bonus bro, there is no way that shes adicted to plant bro, its nature bro, you cant get addicred to flower bruh. It's just a plant bro you can't get addicted bro.
Well if you're a very anxious person the come up on mushrooms might suck. But you will also ego dissolve.
>its probably bad for my cat
yeah of course it is you fucking brainlet
at least try opening the window so that you kill your cat slower
Benzos + weed or alcohol + weed, which is better?
Valium and weed is my all time favorite combo, but I ate through my script.
Nah dawg, bag ho's have been around since the dawn of time, she's just trifling doesn't speak anything about the plant.
That's a high enough dose for some really strange shit to start happening. Be careful.
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unsure if it's my experience with the drug or just the "very likely" autism diagnosis i got, but im glad i can appreciate the difference between microdose, light dose, and heavy doses for shrooms. just wish they'd always be split into more pieces as opposed to less
kratom supposedly helps with opiate withdrawal a lot. the withdrawal from kratom sucks but I doubt it is worse than a traditional opiate
>I said no because I didn't want to ruin the friendship
Wait a fucking minute, since when did men start friend zoning women with that stupid cop out of an excuse? You refused head, from your best friend of all people? Do you genuinely believe that sex ruins friendships? Women came up with that phrase as a way of gently letting men down and minimizing hurt feelings. Ineffective as it may be in accomplishing that last part, it's still a social courtesy that women only use for men they respect but are not sexually attracted to. Your role as a man is to pretend to accept it at face value and then cry about it later that night. You were not supposed to take it to heart, and you were ABSOLUTELY NOT SUPPOSED TO USE IT ON A MEMBER OF THE SEX WHO INVENTED THAT LIE.

What you turned down is called "friends with benefits". The fact that people even bothered to invent such a phrase that defines such an interpersonal dynamic, let alone the fact that it caught on and stuck around for several generations, should demonstrate it isn't just some theoretical concept. Someone who cares about you offered you a gift of the most universally understood type of pleasure in the history of life itself, and you rejected her, not for any legitimate reason like being gay, married, or an active clergyman in the service of the Catholic or Eastern Orthodox church?

By doing that, you likely already ruined the friendship you thought you were protecting. If there's any hope of fixing this, just tell her you're gay. You probably are, anyhow.
if it really was addictive and she didn't wanna fug after you said you wanted soup she would've just took that bait. the fact she was like
>no senpai i was thinking about something else nhhhhhh..
means she wanna fuck bro you guys are autistic af
>why do girls get so fucking horned up on acid?
You don't?
>i hit everytime tho
Glad to know I'm not the only sane man in this thread who understands social protocol. I'm very familiar with how psychedelics can send your mind in countless directions, but even the snobbiest of psychonauts would be foolish to turn down a chance to fuck on LSD. That's a feeling which can't be described without resorting to religious metaphors, the first words that come to my mind are "sacred" and "holy", and I'm one of those "psychedelic spiritualist" types of atheists who even other atheists find insufferable! Boy, I am so glad I didn't read about this a few hours ago when I was high on shrooms. That would have really upset me.
Look at all the seething replies lol, good job.
I'm old, please translate for the 35+ demographic.
a disposable bag of weed

he saved the text she wrote, she wanted him to unsave it so it disappears after he leaves the convo
no not really horny but it's stimulating and weird and a really fun thing to do while tripping. wouldn't say i prefer it though.

i'd say of all drugs just plain old weed makes it most enjoyable.
>a disposable bag of weed
Thank you, but I'm still confused... why does the packaging matter? Aside from being sanitary and reliable enough to not open and empty itself in my pocket, I'd accept weed in a freshly laundered sock in a knot if it's not too linty.
Right on. I feel you on weed mixing well with sex. It may be the only drug I've ever taken that hasn't earned itself a drug specific "<noun> dick" name for vasoconstriction related temporary erectile dysfunction, what with weed being a vasodilator and all. I'm on a hair trigger when I'm sober, weed fixes that problem for me while still leaving my dick useful and my libido intact and improved. I still prefer the "specialness" of sex on psychedelics or those rare occasions when I manage to dose perfectly within that picky sweet spot for a successful stimfuck, but mad respect to weed for being the safest and most dependable drug to bring to bed.
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anyone else love it when your wife sends you memes to imply that you are a socially unaware dumbass instead of talking to you about it?surely she is the real emotionally intelligent one in the relationship

(i'm not mad. pleas edon't say that i'm mad)
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Why the hell has weed gotten so strong? How tf can you even consider this shit "natural" anymore? I've been using medical weed for a while now, the stuff I've been buying for months and months now has already been so strong that I didn't think weed could get any stronger without adding concentrates to it. Today I went to the dispensary and got some stuff the budtender recommended, and he warned me the stuff packed a punch..

I was expecting to relax tonight as it's a heavy indica strain and man, I'm basically tripping right now this stuff is so insane. What person on this earth is using stuff like this for medical purposes besides people in severe pain or cancer? Dude said it's good for anxiety and relaxation, smfh lmao, if being borderline comatose is your idea of helping anxiety then good for you, but god damn. I can't believe weed is this strong now. Even a couple years ago the weed wasn't nearly this fucking insane. Compared to the weed I used to smoke 13 years ago, this stuff is just a completely different drug.

And people are smokimg stuff like this on the regular, 24/7. Insanity.
This thread or this board . I'm not sure what message of pic related is if you want to say that people who use legal drugs don't get to post I'm not sure if that's entirely fair. You see I've tried 15 rc psychedelics , heroin, 3-meo-pcp , pce , opce, deschlorketamine, fma's , mphs, mdpv, meth , mmc , MDMA , weed , ....

And my favorites are still 100% legal I don't give a shit about legality but yeah its pregabalin , ketamine, amphetamine (script) , and kratom . GBL is legal too but I don't like it
As I'm in Japan I'm enjoying super-pregabalin
i interpreted dispo as dispensary
it's just a slang because most often weed comes in disposable zipbags. more discreet wording.
yeah i personally hate stims except for when i used to slam speedballs and only for the rush. stopped doing that though because if i continued i for sure would have had a stroke, heart attack or gone completely and irreversibly insane. mdma if you can keep ur dick up is a good sex drug too imo. opiates with no tolerance before your libido is rock bottom because of no T at all used to get me so fucking hard. like it hurt my benis how hard i was. when i started snorting heroin i could like sit on the back of the bus and get a busboner so huge i sometimes couldn't even get off at my stop because i would look like an insane pervert with a huge boner coming off the bus.
GHB is an amazing sexdrug like it def wins in how horny i get, the downside is that it's such a small window between that and well passing out and being completely unconsious

i want, how is it super-pregabalin?
trip fag but i let it pass as maybe technolyze reference whatever ...
>The equianalgesic daily dose for 30 mg of mirogabalin is 600 mg of pregabalin and over 1,200 mg of gabapentin
i just read that, looks like when it hits the markets here in sweden i'm gonna get my doc to prescribe it instead of my pregab before it's classified.

also smd i emigrated from 420chan to here with this trip and only use it in the drug thread.
Funnily for me opposite is I wanted pregabalin and he gives me alpraz tf Is this shit when I was Russia he gave haloperiodol instead of pregas so I didn't take then he gave barbiturate which was OK (afaik otc in ukr) but now I went to Serbia and he gives me serbian xanax instead of pregabalin man I hate benzos I don't have anxiety fag shit I just like to have refreshing sleeps and kjgyno pain
Sweden is a joke man can't even buy needles it makes sense that you have like an insane amount of drug deaths thete. Thing is Finland I sort of get it fins are shooting subutex + benzo cause they don't care but Sweden you don't even shoot subutex but got real drugs but ban fucking needles like why (I don't IV myself and throw up from opioids)
My life is falling to pieces, I drink a lot and smoke cigs. I've tried weed and it makes me paranoid. What drugs do I cope with
what the fuck? needles are free, i pick up 100 packs as much as i want from the city hospital needle exchange. every major town has them.
idk where the fuck you were but lol needles aren't banned. you can both buy them online if you're a paranoid retard or just use EVERY citys needle exchange. fuck outta here with that sweden hating shit
Desomorphine maybe ? Polski?
we have an insane drug death stat because of zero tolerance policies and the majority of people really really like REALLY hate people who use drugs but almost everyone still seem to use them.
The fucked thing is that this is one of those super trite hivemind memes that constantly make the rounds in one iteration or another.
She's not even shitting on him because of something he did but because she felt like she had to.
Exchanges sure but you first need needles
>needles are banned
no they're not, type 1 diabetics would all die. you're not looking hard enough.
Well as in you need prescription its not like Japan where the possession of needles is a criminal offense but you can't just buy them in a pharmacy . check link above
The image was made in a pretty sleep deprived state, but the point was that there are usually normalfags that come here to complain about drug users.
But these posters are somehow fine with legal drugs and Rx while blaming everything on the user and not the multitude of lies told by pharma, who all but have the government neatly in their pocket.
I understand but "I deliberately entered a thread of things I don't like now I'm pissed of how could this have happened" kicks hard
Weed does same for me but I'm not naturally paranoid I smoked PCP which is said to awaken paranoid shizofrenia but like didn't get paranoia from that. Its honestly just weed being gay. Don't want to encourage you to do harder drugs as that usually fucks up your life more but
>mind youre business
He is a wigger rat who punches 90 year old men stores his electric scooter in the building (fire hazard) and brings his degenerate friends to the building late at night. I hope he dies.
>check link above
what's up with swedes thinking everyone can read their weird language? you people are worse than the french, maybe even worse than the quebecois.
You get 5 sets if you don't have any to trade. just stop it bro you obviously don't know anything.
du e fucking efterbliven om du tror att sprututbyte bara ar till for dom som redan har nalar. vad fan snackar du om?
as finish person who was netherlands and germany i say its not too complex . it is just germanic language tree
Had a great day playing D&D with my friends. It was the 10th session. The players accomplished something I've been planning since we started playing 3 months ago, which was killing a major cult leader. They've now finished 2 major plot threads and I am so excited for more cool shit to happen in the story as they progress. I took an edible before we played and it was great fun. Now I'm unwinding getting stoned and playing stalker, which I've never beaten before. I'm further than I made it the first time I played in like 2010 and I'm really enjoying it so far. I got a new dry herb vape that I've been using almost exclusively instead of smoking and it's been incredible. I have another dry herb vape but the flavor this one delivers is amazing.
OK I'm stupid didn't know thanks for letting Me know .. but I don't like the idea of going to junky place for needle. Other European countries sell them just like this in the pharmacy. OK I was wrong that is correct didn't know they also gave this out but like still that is only junky ppl go there and I'm a faggot who doesn't want to be associated with the drugs I use
Please get off your high horse, you're embarassing yourself.
succccck iiiiiiiiiiit

>implying i feel shame
>implying i give a fuck what you retards think
well since you don't care, I think you're alright, but it was hella funny when you left for like 2 months and then came back and said you were clean for 6 and had just relapsed, you mentally at least tripled how long you were clean. I also thought it was funny when you in the same breath as mentioning that you blew out every usable vein except for your thighs attempted to tell someone they were exaggerating the levels of addiction faced by iv users. You've got a sense of humor, that seems to be how you've survived this long, but your "informed consent" attitude about drugs seems to be part and parcel of how you've lulled yourself into a state of semi permanent addiction that you both hate and fight against, and love and totally embrace, depending on the day and your mood of course. I know nothing of your 420chan presence just some observations since you've been here.
rip braincells
>take xanax after a panic attack
>ffw 12hrs when i wake up
>take an edible for the first time in a month
>extremely comfy, better than normal even
I can't stop smiling, this is just so calm. Everything feels at peace for the first time in ages.
Any music recs for this nirvana?
Stalker with edibles sounds pretty fun. Is the horror element more or less enjoyable high.
if cells didn't grow back we'd all be dead after one papercut
Never got that hardcore addictions like I got oxy plugged it and was OK ... Kratom times 5 but like threw up n shieet . h even worse its muuuuch more sedative . seriously don't get how ppl get addicted to hard opis there ain't even much of a rush eating a whole box of tianeptine however that was actually goooooood shit for 2 h
neurons actually dont regrow , the connections between them do but neurons dont ever regrow
>neurons actually dont regrow
it's called neurogenesis, drugs make it happen.
not of significance like you can't give this shit yo some guy who sniffed glue and suddenly he turns smart
glue sniffers are from the suburbs, they never had a chance of intelligence
best drugs to do laying alone in bed? not really into psychs
see you in a few days, you definitely wasted a good 6-8mg of clonazepam

real jobs are fucking boring, I think you underestimate the profit margins you can make if you're not an end level person. The users and street dealers get fucked, everyone else gets a nice profit but often the end level is in it for the drugs, not the money

I would have done it anyways, I hate wasting drugs
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I went to the top floor of the high outdoor multi level shopping complex while on THC and residual shrooms. Shit was crazy.
>high outdoor multi level shopping complex
Should have snapped some photos, I don't think we have such a thing in my city and I don't travel much in my waking hours. Lucid dreams take me to enough places as it is, I could use the dreamcrafting inspiration. I need more malls to streak naked through.
thank you cia
tramadol, weed, any benzo, or gabanergic for that matter. ketamine is somewhat comfy if you get a sleeping mask and enjoy the feels. mushrooms are extremely comfy in lower doses (1-2g), but make sure you have some weed or benzos for the comedown
Adderall doesn't do that for me. Actually no stimulant does that for me. I think my brain is genuinely broken or something.
These preroll blunts are so good, strong and very nice watermelon flavor on them
Brodie in the bodega won't sell weed to me I guess I look like a cop. When my friend goes in and asks he's happy to sell them.
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I hit the oil pen too much early this morning. I hope my mommy doesn't notice I'm high. she's always trying to make me paranoid about that shit even when I'm not high.

I don't think she even cares if I'm a pothead better than being a junkie.
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ahhhhhqqqhqqqq fuck I forgot how much i loved weed.
like three days
oh i see, this is one of those riddles foe guessing your race. chinese?
I've done all kinds of drugs but weed is an incredibly comfy baseline.
Thread OD'd on replies.

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