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Anime and Manga Edition!

Previous thread got nuked :(

Rules: Ignore impolite moids

>What is your favorite anime/manga?
>If you could live in the world of any anime or manga series, which one would it be and why?
>Who is your all-time favorite anime character and what qualities do you admire most about them?
>Have you ever attended an anime convention or cosplay event? If so, what was your favorite experience there?
>Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime adaptations? Why?
>What genre of manga do you enjoy the most, and why does it appeal to you?
>Do you have a favorite mangaka (manga artist), and if so, what draws you to their work?
>What do you enjoy most about reading manga compared to other forms of storytelling, like novels or comics?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
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a certain someone took away my trippy wippy now i have to be anonymous like you cattle.. great
nonnies.. i'm not feeling too well
'mouche feet like if you agree
desu i don't see the appeal of this little chinese boy he looks like a bitch
what happened to the old thread?
>Can femoids please just go back to crystal cafe or lolcow if you want a female only thread?
This isn't a female only thread, it's always been a coed thread and most guys who post here seem to enjoy it except for you.
Not the male you responded to.
No we are not OK with you here.
Fuck off, your threads are garbage and most of us hate you for being women.
>Not the male you responded to.
yeah I bet
Cunts need to fuck off from the site and perish
Thank you got your service
So, anyone have any idea what happened to the last one?
I just want you to know that you can always decide to stop being like this and get better.
Got nuked cause your threads suck fuck foids.
how does someone else take away your tipcode?
>cause your threads
And yet you read them and post in them. Interesting.
Thought you got banned for a second and the thread went with you. Who knows what mischief you cause on the other boards or here as anon.

Thanks for baking again!
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You know exactly what happened
>>What is your favorite anime/manga?
Probably Tenshi ni Narumon
>>If you could live in the world of any anime or manga series, which one would it be and why?
Touch call. Is the Order a Rabbit seemed to take place in a nice town; but I don't know how far they were from the beach.
>>Who is your all-time favorite anime character and what qualities do you admire most about them?
I thought Benten in Urusai Yatsura was pretty bad-ass.
>>Have you ever attended an anime convention or cosplay event? If so, what was your favorite experience there?
Probably the time I convinced a friend to go with me and we went as Marie Rose and Helena Douglas from DOA.
>>Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime adaptations?
Watching anime.
>>What genre of manga do you enjoy the most, and why does it appeal to you?
Probably slice of life. I don't know, it's just cozy to me.
>>Do you have a favorite mangaka (manga artist), and if so, what draws you to their work?
Honestly the only one I know by name is Rumiko Takahashi.
>If man, do not post.
>If trans, die

The blatant hypocrisy. You stupid cunts.
>No one fucking wants you here.
>156 threads
>everyone enjoying them except for you
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I am also not enjoying them
I don't like anyone that posts here tbqh. they should die me included
>umm.. i'll answer this later.
You get autobanned if you're using the same trip while serving another ban, don't you?
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>most of us hate you for being women.
"Most of us" being your 30 different personalities.
They made the disclaimer suggestive on purpose.
>scaranona wants people to worship and be devoted to her
How do we apply
I thought the option to report for avatarfagging was a joke.
>Everytime they are mentioned outside this thread it's overwhelmingly robots that want them gone.
No, just you and your samefagging. We've seen the IP nukes. No one is falling for your idiocy.
You kinda made it easy for him by pigging out on the avatarfagging and mass replying. Maybe you shouldn't bake if you have the urge for that, or at least reset your IP after you do, so the thread doesn't get nuked.
It is, very rarely enforced on its on so like >>78836198 shows, a janny sweeped by carelessly and deleted other spam along with unfairly banning scara

Which is funny because you have the tantrum thread crying about some imaginary horde of mass reporters from here >>78834999
It's obvious you want more than that but can't blame you for believing we're not at your required level.
Wow you are a woman and you are sad?! How special! I will now simp for you
I rewatch beat angel escalayer episode 2 at least once a week
especially the ending scene, very empire strikes back vibes
Scara, take it as a sign to get off of 4chan for awhile.
Aww she probably got banned again.
Jannies need to understand people like scara are the soul of r9k. Without people like her around things get boring
why would anyone want to be around females exclusively?
Funny, all of routerfag's threads got deleted at the same time as well. Who would have thought?
itt foids get btfo
the best kind of biofem thread
ban all fems
>another IP nuke
>poopano simp and scara posts get deleted at the same exact time
Almost like a janny was going through the reports and banned multiple people who were reported
Nope. It was another IP nuke. The reports are organized to where if they sense spam from the IP, they can just nuke all the posts.
I love skibidi toilet. It is my favorite anime desu.
>Nope. It was another IP nuke
You have no way of knowing that
Would have killed the thread again so no.
There's no dedicated janny for this board so a lot of deletes/bans are careless like that.
It's easily deducible just by knowing how the admin software works.

It's because this thread was made from a different IP. He created the thread, then switched IPs. He has an infinite amount since he spends all his money on simping for poopano and vpns.
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>exact same time
timestamps 4 minutes apart, accuser kun
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Three laptops and two ISPs, gulliblefag.
Just what this thread needs: more drama over some dumb spammer.
Last thread got nuked so kinda expected
I was getting pretty tired of scara attention whoring too.
You actually believe that this low IQ aussie scat porn/gore spammer has the drive to maintain a persona here just because he figured out how to unplug his router? He never made a post longer than two sentences except for a few times when he was complaining about what kinds of people browse this fucking board.
Just dodge again and do not post proof that you dodged. Jannies do not know to ban unless someone is reporting you.
Do you have advice for scara? She's interested in becoming an e girl for attention but doesn't want to post nudes.
>avatarfagging and mass replying.
I know that using an avatar is against the rules, what exactly is the rule on mass replying?

Hey, you! : )
>what exactly is the rule on mass replying?
more likely to make people irate which in turn makes them more likely to report you
>more likely to make people irate which in turn makes them more likely to report you
Oh, ok. That makes more sense; thank you.
You people are so fucking obnoxious. I hate r9k incels.
>What is your favorite anime/manga?
Angel Beats!

>If you could live in the world of any anime or manga series, which one would it be and why?
Same as aove.

>Who is your all-time favorite anime character and what qualities do you admire most about them?
Kanade Tachibana, the fact she is so stoic and is able to maintain what she did for unknown amounts of time despite grieving her friends passing on, then dealing with others who have the wrong idea about moving on. I'm glad she finally got to have her dying wish and move on.

>Have you ever attended an anime convention or cosplay event? If so, what was your favorite experience there?
Just a popculture convention. I didn't particular care for it.

>Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime adaptations? Why?
Reading manga. Even though I'm back on the ADHD meds, I'm still having a hard time just sitting down and watching things.

>What genre of manga do you enjoy the most, and why does it appeal to you?
I don't have a genre like that. I do avoid isekai though.

>Do you have a favorite mangaka (manga artist), and if so, what draws you to their work?

>What do you enjoy most about reading manga compared to other forms of storytelling, like novels or comics?
I don't have to mentally picture what is going on in my mind. It just takes up way too much energy.

Hey Florida! How are you? I'm about ready to head off to work here in a little bit.

Avataring has almost always been a part of the rules: just rarely enforced. Even then, it's usually a warning unless it's a repeated offense. Afaik, mass replying is not in any of the rules.
>Hey Florida! How are you?
I'm having a pretty decent day overall.
>I'm about ready to head off to work here in a little bit.
Understood; I hope your shift isn't too bonkers tonight.
>Afaik, mass replying is not in any of the rules.
Yea, someone clarified that it's not against the rules; just more likely to make someone buttweepy enough to report something else.
Why? I just told her how it is, I didn't report scara. People get angry when they see others mass reply because it looks like they're reaching out for attention.
How is the moving process going with your parents? The last time I talked to you, you were helping with the packing?

I'm coming back from a three day weekend, so I hope nothing major has happened. My supervisor said she wanted to talk to me about something, but I don't expect her to do it until my 12 hour shift later this week. I kind of have an idea.

Buttweepy is it. It's easy to mass reply than to type one reply to an anon, then wait whatever amount of time to do another, then repeat until you replied to everyone.
When I mass reply its because I'm actually replying to people who @ed me. It's so annoying watching you faggots get upset because someone is mass replying to others. It makes me think people like that are jealous that no one is replying to them. It's annoying and fags like that should jump off a building.
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biofem actually being entertaining for once is something i thought id never see
I always thought mass replying was when you tagged everyone in thread in one irrelevant post to get attention, not individual thought out responses to people you're holding conversations with. It makes no sense to get mad about the second thing but the first one is obnoxious spam.
>How is the moving process going with your parents? The last time I talked to you, you were helping with the packing?
I met them at the new place and helped them unpack last Thursday, so they're all set. And so far, they love the new place and the new neighborhood.
>I kind of have an idea.
Oh, goodness; I hope it's nothing bad. *hug*
>It's easy to mass reply than to type one reply to an anon,
I know, right? I would think making four posts in a row would be more annoying, but whatever.
That is literally what I was doing everytime someone complained about it in the bfd threads. incels need to be imprisoned and put to work in the mines.
That's so great to hear! They're probably loving the hot weather you all experience down there in Florida. It will def beat having to deal with the cold winter weather when it comes up soon.

It's not supposed to be. I told another nona about it on proton about a month ago, but I'll mention it here now: my supervisor wants a midnight shift supervisor to help out. Normally, it's not allowed, but she's trying to get an exception since the main person who is over a lot of residential services (including our group homes) has now officially retired as of Friday. She's trying to anticipate what she will inherit back since this person did a lot. The retired one is a total workaholic. So, if myu boss expects what she thinks she'll inherit back in job duties, she'll be overwhelmed. So, since me and her are the only nurses with the credentials for it, she wants to have a second supervisor on staff to divide administrative tasks.

So, I don't know what happened in the retirement meeting on Friday. I expect this is what she wants to talk to me about. If it was nothing, she would have just e-mailed me or texted. Idk if I want to accept or not. I mean, it's more money, but there's that pesky issue I mentioned recently with my parents. So, it's a really bad time for all of this to happen.
Mass replying is spamming, you sometimes see it out there with some retard quoting everyone only to write a dull one liner
its so pathetic seeing other girls contribute to ruining what this board once was. if you actually fucking posted on CC you could make it a thriving community
Couldn't stay banned for long, faggot? You are that addicted to 4chan.
welcome back buddy, took you long enough
He's probably having a really hard time finding a country he hasn't gotten rangebanned yet from his constant VPN hopping.
Yea, my Mom got to the point that she avoided talking to me about the weather during the winter when we talked on the phone. : )

As to the work stuff, I'm glad it's at least not something super-bad. Whatever decision to make, I hope things look up for you.

Anyway, I think I'm done for tonight. Take good care. : )
Funny here exercises get harder when you don't do them for a bit. Bad muscle gives off a different kind of feeling when it's made to work again. Doesn't hurt more like burns in a funny way.
you turned 18 in the 2020s
God I hate the winter and talk about it. It reminds me that it is coming up. Not to mention late fall is around the corner. I'm going to hate it as always.

I think if it was something really serious, she would call me in for it, or at least give me a call. So, I'm not sweating it.

Have a good night, Florida! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
How are you this evening moid-chan hope it has been one of the more pleasant ones.
>You're.... YOUNG!
Heck of an insult there
Youre on /r9k/
Think about it
So far no issues. Tired af though trying to clear things out this weekend. How about you?
I'm okay. Tired ish but doing my exercises. Stopped doing my legs for a little bit so having it a bit harder today than usual. Otherwise things have been okay slowly moving forward in my project.
Stress is going to put me in an early grave at this point. Does anyone else have insomnia issues where you can't even seem to get your eyes to close? My thoughts start racing and I just stare at the wall for a long, long time. Until I'm afraid I see something in the corner of my eye and jump .
No one can save me. Help isn't coming. It's shameful that I needed to realize this lesson again. Exercise, reading, cutting back on screen time, all good, sure. And even better excuses to procrastinate working on more grounded goals. Things that will enact *change* rather than a distraction. Will becoming a wagie solve all my problems? It might just invite in more misery. But it's at least a change. Hopefully the first step to a number of changes.
I want to go home.
How's your pain levels been? At least you are keeping consistent with them. I dob't think most even keep up after they been discharged from PT.

You are going to have to remind me: which project was you working on? Is it related to the programming you talked about?
Hey scara if you're still here, I'd like to chat one on one if you're willing. Let me know, I'll drop a discord.
They are okay been a bit more painful this past week or too I think it's because I didn't keep up with my exercises. So doing them more often. I have too. Walking is a nice thing and it feels better not struggling and bumping into things.

Yes it was part of my programming thing. Was more of a side thing so I can see what is going on. Took me a bit but made the decoder for this logic analyzer program. So now when I capture data from the sensor I can read it without having to do work translating it. I think it worked well. Now moving onto the next step.
lol stupid retard is probably talking with a random anon
Well, hey. I did mean that apology. Hopefully Scara does eventually get back to me.
I mean, I do feel bad about what happened. Also kind of amazed given the fact both me and her were banned simultaneously.
stop sperging schizo, you just got spamclicked by a janny

Yo I'm just trying to clarify to people like Scara who probably thinks I'm the one who's constantly posting rape and kill in the threads.

For some people, IP isn't a big deal. But thr IP she pulled (which was banned) is shared. So I would prefer it if other people didn't get fucked because of my mistake.
No one cares that much
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>he is that addicted to 4chan
>the only time he is away is when he is asleep
>he will pay his entire neetbix for new vpns, only to get them rangebanned
>he calls others simps while he simped all his neetbux away
Do you censor the filename and image out of pity for her? I'm not trying to be a hater, just want to know the reasoning since her images are spammed anyway
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You didn't share anything, you got deleted by the same janny and he just kept clicking fast. No one thinks that you're the spammer, it's not like he's trying to blend in either. The Divine Feminine collective knows that your hands are clean and committed no crimes against Thread Quality. You are accepted and loved.
Scara called me "routerfag" and mistakenly thought I was the one spamming stuff like "women die" or whatever. That's why I wrote the apology. I was trying to clarify that I wasn't the one spamming even though she pulled my IP thinking I was.

Like you all know I was banned (temp) and had to wait to get my phone to write these explanations out.
Def keep them up. I know it's sometimes a struggle, but you know from experience it's the thing you need to do.

That's cool that you are able to do that. What is the next step in your project? Is your picture related? Is it related to the swamp cooler you fixed?
Kek, if you spent just a fraction of the time you spend here spamming literally just holding a cup you would have made your money back by now
Why do you all hang out on a site where more than half the users hate you? I'm not trying to kick you out or anything; I'm genuinely curious because I've been asking myself that too.
Thanks in advance.
>t. east asian male
she's right, i like male attention, but the last time i sent a nude and it wasn't a horrible decision that i regretted was in 2022, i saw my crush lose any sexual feeling for me in real time and it's the worst feeling, it's better to just be a mystery, i'm not sure any man could love the real me, not even my ex if he knew
might as well just type "it's not me by the way" at the end
>oh look, it's this post for the 10th time just this thread alone

Does he think he's actually fooling anyone?
You cited me here Scara, but I didn't post the original message.
That's not scara you retard
no skitzofagging
>op1 "comes back"
>thread immediately gets spammed again, deletes and bans all around
It's like they never moved on mentally from elementary school.

>yet another attention whore namedropping himself while calling people schizos for knowing he is the same person
yawn, exact same meta with every troll on this whole website
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The proud and rational male gender in full display ITT. The stoicism, the power of men.

>1 thread with biowomen? I CAAANT HANDLE IT I CANT HIDE IT

Once upon men went to war, fought wild animals and created empires, now they schizo-spam and jerk off all day...
The men of old did the same thing, while the legionaries marched off to war plently of romen men stayed in the countryside fucking underaged boys, now we have guys going off to war while others masturbate to anime girls. Amazing how little things have changed in the past 2000 years
At this point, we need war just to weed out these types from the gene pool.
Back already and with the draft bait prepped? You're on a roll today
Jfc, calm down. He's winning when you do this.
wonder what moidchan masturbates to
liking this post
Definitely not you.
What about me Moid-Chan? :3
Not you either.
*Sniff* Fine then. *sniff* I don't care. *sniff*
cute anime boys, i bet
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What's being shit up? I thought we all know women are irrational and little bimbos, is it not our nature to be a little out of control? But how shameful that a man who has a lot of testosterone and a more robust brain is reduced to a whining little schizo bitch who can't control himself. Pathetic.
Trans just means mentally ill man.
>anime moids
>male, too primitive and dumb to read
Got it.
Just tell us. Are you actually a person?
Why? It's personal. And yes, I am a person. I have feelings including sexual. I know it's hard to believe but yes, I do.
>moid-chan doesn't even like anime moids
scaraXmoid is possible anons
There are some are handsome.
Which ones do you like?
Bro really pointed to the denizens of a mental hospital and went "this is the average person".
I think several of them from Fate/Zero, esp Waver, are handsome. Which reminds me, it's been a year since I last watched it.
They still got a male brain and hormones.
lmao true, i meant scara was right for trying to become an egirl while maintaining privacy, i considered it myself

so anons and nonas... i have bad news... one of the things that made me convinced that my crush likes me or appreciates my presence is that he likes alot of my retweets, it turns out he does that for all his friends because he doesn't like that the for you page randomly refreshes, just when i thought it couldn't be more over than it was, that happens
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Do you agree with the statement that men and women have fundamentally different essenses/natures and one can never become the other? You can look at it from an idealist or a genetic prespective.
For me moid-chain is not a person but an ideal
>being a 38 year old angry hag nurse threatening every one with thorazine and lead pills is ideal
NTA but you are plenty nice when moids are nice to you too.
Okay, let me rephrase:
>going almost an entire year telling moids to fuck off and die is ideal
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Being a nurse is a stressful and hard job with long hours, you deserve a hug!
Mchan, is Op1 cute? Have you seen her pics?
You never told me, only the retards.
We have several normal conversations and you even said sorry a few times when you misunderstood something I said.
Why would I think of you badly for shitting on incels?
no, i think men are socialized in a way that prohibits healthy emotional developement and empathisizing skills, rendering the experience of being a woman literally incomprehensible to them, however trans women end up being able to empathize with women due to experience, and some still maintain the damage of being taught to be a man in a patriarchial society, but alot of them work to subvert it or overcome it while not even know what it's like on the other side

literally every person of every gender can understand the male psyche because it's the primary lens through which pop culture exists, superheroes, sci fi, musicians, barbie, tomboys, it's all reflective of the male gaze, even i am a reflection of the male gaze, google was made, because guys wanted to see a specific picture of a woman in a revealing dress
What, you're having second thoughts?
There are medications to help you sleep.
>I'd like to chat one on one if you're willing. Let me know, I'll drop a discord.
who are you?
I want to kill myself
this really isnt the letter thread
>>What is this thread?
>A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
well you arent talking about your life
Hopefully not from a moid.

Keeping it secret. She, along with other nonas, trusted me with stuff and vice versa. It's going to stay that way.

>never told me
I am now: fuck off and die :).

Second thoughts of what?
What have the moids ever done to you?! Hater
>I am now: fuck off and die :).
It doesn't count if you don't really mean it! >:(
>It's going to stay that way.
was it time stamped?
Medication has always been something I am hesitant with, but it would be good to consider something over the counter. I tried one nighttime painkiller and found my ugly frog eye mask (picrel) which really helped. I think it was the pressure on the eyes.
Anyhow good morning Florida!!
a few adults told me I'm more male brained in reference to my autism, but I think it has to do with being socialized very little through childhood. All of this to say, no I wouldn't, couldn't, become a moid. Not on a plane, not on a train, not in the sun, not in the rain (how does green eggs and ham go again? I think I was close) women are sociologically/physically different and I don't believe that can ever be completely changed. Maybe you can look at it from the ship of Theseus perspective- that if you completely change the "inherent" aspects of a person, if they are really the same person at all.
Whats up op1
>be me
>my crush is talking about about how he feels so lonely and something about men's mental health
i'm literally right here, sorry for not being an 8/10 girl with big boobs i guess idk what he wants from me lmao
Sleep masks are good too, and that one is cute. I love that the eyes open and close.

Have you given him any indications that you like him? Maybe that was his way of asking you to make a move because he's afraid to.
none of you are female kek
No the swanp cooler is fixed this is just a project dealing with waveforms and communication between electronics.

Picture is some communication I captured then programmed a decoder to read it so I didn't have to do it manually.
i didn't outright say i liked him, but he did ask for nudes a few times and i delivered, he said i'm cute, but i'm pretty sure it means not sexy and now he just talks about how horny he is for anime girls

i considered the possibility that he might not know it was an indicator that i had feelings for him or was safe to pursue, but anons said that he probably knew, but didn't care, if he liked me he probably would've mentioned it by now, it's a realization that i have every time i wake up, it's like i feel differently about him depending on the time of day lol

it's like he expects the perfect friend or gf to fall out of the sky when i tried to be the things he wanted in a person but it wasn't good enough, how could he even begin to have a chance with anyone else if he acts like that with me? lol
>it's like he expects the perfect friend or gf to fall out of the sky
The irony of you posting this, after acting this completely unhinged and retarded for so many months is astonishing.
You are so annoying.
i'm not unhinged, i can admit i'm partially in the wrong i could have prevented the whole situation from happening just by not doing anything or i could've left when i saw the first real red flag, i'm pursuing a guy with red flags but i didn't think any of them would affect me, i was wrong

i don't expect the perfect person to fall out of the sky, sometimes i just think he might realize i'm cute, single, and available, i'm a good artist so i'm capable too, and then other times i remember i'm not his type, so what i say or do doesn't mean much, if i say i like him it's just expected, it doesn't change the fact the women he actually likes probably wouldn't like him
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total op1 love...
Are your crushes also black?
Why haven't you just tried finding some other guy who's more clearly interested?
Why are you still so hung up on him. You make it seem like it isn't going to happen. Why not move on and end that connection?
Asi i said she is unhinged and retarded
>he expects the perfect friend or gf to fall out of the sky
Many such cases.
Sorry but I really don't know what to tell you; that's a pretty awkward situation to be in.
What is such a sweet angel as yourself doing on 4chan?
sometimes but not always, i'm all for diversity lol, i was the only american who knew what romania was before andrew tate was locked up because i edated a romanian guy

i found a guy who was interested in me despite me having a crush on someone else but when we started to really get along he ghosted me lol, also there was another guy who was interested in me

it's hard to move on when i'm still around him, but i can't just mysteriously disappear for no reason, i don't want to tell him either, sometimes i think i'm over him but then he says a thing and it resets me

no, but maybe a little bit lol

true, but i do still have the option of just pretending i never had feelings for him
Wait is this iris
no i'm not iris lol
>What is such a sweet angel as yourself doing on 4chan?
It's a good place to take brief disconnects from the rest of my life; plus there's some genuinely cool people here.

Again, I'm sorry I have no advise; but you have my best wishes.
Low quality quiz of the day https://www.doctorwho.tv/play/which-doctor-are-you-from-1-15
lol that's okay, i'm not sure it's a situation advice can solve, despite everything i'll be fine even if it doesn't feel that way
>we started to really get along he ghosted me lol, also there was another guy who was interested in me
Did the other guy also fuck off?
about that um, i am kinda still talking to that guy, he's well meaning but also kind of a simp, in a boring way
curious, I haven't observed real life simp activity, what is it like
>in a boring way
Ah, the life of us unfunny online people.
A term for that might appear soon, like gymcel or heightcel and that crap for those that just fail to get whatever magic being interesting to talk to equates to.
it's online

i'm also boring which probably doesn't help lol
right but what is boring/simpy about it
fuck your gay fucking biofem thread
fuck you
fuck you
Everything about her is online which makes it extra stupid.
he's really playing it safe, it's like the strategy someone would use if they were trying to get friendzoned, it's not his fault tho
whats playing it safe
some people are just low energy and not too intense
also he's a simp by default for pursuing me knowing i have a crush on someone else, the other guy was too, but i ended up being supceptible to his charm
Like not flirting or something like that?
men compete its natural
especially today they already know that a woman is usually already interested in someone else
i guess it's that he's more shy and wholesome

not really, he does sometimes tho

>shy guy bad
>guy who shrugs at your nudes good
lmao ;-; i can't help what makes me feel feelings, apparently i'm attracted to weeb gooners
honestly i might be kind of a sex demon in that way, except not hot, i'm not really that compatible with normal guys, i'm a loser, but wouldn't mind having a loser bf, although my crush isn't as much of a loser as i am
then just flirt back and show some horny initiative with quieter guys???
all nerds are perverts in the end both the gooner types and the silent autistic ones you just have to push them a bit
true, but i barely know him at this point, i could see myself liking him or any other guiet guy if he was someone i knew and really made an impression, also both guys are autistic
Can I say as a guy one trick that worked on me was the girl carrying around a booktok book with fairy/monster sex, and one devil guy had two dicks. She slipped that into casual conversation almost without me noticing. Thought that was a good move.

>.t male
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rant : How does anyone navigate having a child with how far the internets reach has come? A parent can monitor screen time and help set limits, or completely cut screen time all together. But that doesn't circumvent some child being influenced at a public school or by peers.
Yeah, you shouldn't hover a kid, delicate balance and letting them find out their own values etc. But when someone who was previously known as the Suicide Forest Guy is selling his own line lunchables to kids, there needs to be more interference. Idk why the Paul brothers still have so much reach BOOO!!
They didn't even add anything NEW to the lunchables besides chocolate and prime istg it's just going to make parents waste money and poor kids feel bad
rant over :)
>How does anyone navigate having a child
Let's have one and find out
abracadabra your dick is now a squirrel
moid here

how come women love characters like scara? Been playing genshin myself desu and I don't see the appeal past the "edgelord" personality. I feel like I would have liked him at age 15 but now? Not even slightly!
You just need to discipline your kid so it listens to you and defers to your knowledge on these things. Sounds hard but most of this is just caring and setting time aside so the kid understands that yes, you do know better than the dumb screens.
If you do it well, it shouldn't care at all that Logan Paul released more trash food.
>dick is now a squirrel
Your problem now
Only inexperienced (mental) teenagers do.
The same way some female characters are insufferable to anybody but teenage boys.
>would have liked him at age 15
scarachan's mental age
>setting time aside so the kid understands
that does seem like the best approach, alongside leading by example. I still wish there was more large scale interference though. I can definitely see some schools banning that brand to promote healthy food or something
you are problem
>How does anyone navigate having a child with how far the internets reach has come?
No clue. It was enough of a minefield when I was a kid, now it's worse. I don't envy my big brother.
>influenced at a public school
This is becoming as big of a problem in some places.
previous thread
where is kpop and where is berries. and olga
That kind of thing definitely needs regulations, here it was a long fight to just put a mark on products saying they have high sugar and other stuff.

Another problem is how in terms of making shit products and marketing internet is somehow still a bit of a wild west, from this crap to what is basically gambling ads made to kids to all the mr beast nonsense that popped up recently. Internet has been long enough and it continues to be seen as this experimental ground where you can skirt around current law for whatever reason.

The last thing is just that a lot of parents are shitty and don't pay the slightest attention to their kids so they end up at the mercy of tv and internet, but that's not a new problem. The problem is that you can't do much against the sense of ownership parents feel entitled to have as long as they do the bare minimum for them.

Yes yes I know you hate video but maybe you will like video
Do not post your ban or admit to it. Janny doesn't automatically know. Someone in the thread is reporting you when you break rules, such as avatar fagging, or showing you were banned.

Btw, what did you eat today?
>going to wait it out
Yeah right..
She's an idiot lol, just stop making any references to it.
Well well well, havent had this many deletes in a thread in quite some time
They all happened at different times too
When you get the hammer I just lose it, punch the wall and then get on my knees and wail in frustration.
Sorry for being mean.
You're clearly being targeted, just start from scratch and don't reply to anyone for a bit.
We'll miss you, Scara.
How's everyone else holding up?
Scara, make sure you're eating well. Yogurt or eggs in the morning. Maybe even a banana.
All she had to do is wait a day instead of catching a permaban.
Holy shit scara, are you that addicted to this site that you can't wait a couple days or are you just a retard? Stop fucking posting for a while and you won't get banned, it's literally that easy.
Or don't be so short sighted to identify yourself.
But scara just can't help herself...
She's never going to make it as an egirl.
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>mfw Scara has been perma banned
Yeah. I'm starting to think she isn't even an attention whore and is actually just a 70iq autist.
>All she had to do is wait a day instead of catching a permaban.
I know. She was warned, but it wasn't enough.
Story of her life fml
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>Someone in the thread is reporting you
Gee, I wonder who could that be? Could it be the one who also constantly ban evades, shitposts about others reporting his posts, then whines and complains about moderation not doing their job?
holy shit that nigga is mad what a faggot lmao
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I'm glad Scarona got banned. Now she can stop posting on here and make a sandwich for her man as she should. Maybe she will stop being a lazy woman and actually do some chores for once.
A lot.

I do mean it.

Take the hint.

I see. I thought it had something to do with the swamp cooler because I saw the "humidity" on it.

Hi tomo! I cannot say much on the subject (obviously), but when I baby sat my nephew and niece, my brother and SiL had them limit their screentime. So, I didn't have much of a say on that stuff since it was a hard rule they put down. But, I think talking to them on a regular basis about what they read and be non-judgmental about it is the way to go.

Ugh, why do people idol worship the Paul brothers so much? Their careers should have permanently ended after the suicide forest incident.
>Ugh, why do people idol worship the Paul brothers so much? Their careers should have permanently ended after the suicide forest incident.
You are just mad they are better than you. Instead of being successful like them you are just spending time writing hateful messages on some imageboard on the internet
This is the gayest larp I have ever seen. All faggot men behind these posts
OMG, that impotent seethe is off the charts.
>paul brothers simps on r9k
time flies huh
Female spaces are so cringe and lame. This general needs men in it or else it will just be talking about tampons

You're my favourite femanon on this entire board, I really relate to you, but, honestly, I read your entire post and I sort of just glazed over it and I have no idea what you are talking about. Something about lunchboxes I think

Fuck, was so bored I came here and now i'm 2x as bored
this ain't it, m'lady
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Just talk about something interesting and I'll go back to lurking. Talk about secret foid stuff or something

When I can't sleep I just look at the black of my eyes and focus on that instead of my thoughts. You learn to switch your mind off then but you can get really weird dreams. Especially weird on the verge of sleep but not actually asleep dreams. I get visions of incomprehensible things that shift and swirl. Sometimes I see strange distorted visions of random things. I remember one vividly, it was of animated skeletons moving

I find it easy to close my eyes because i'm not afraid of a creepy spirit gawking at the end of my bed. If it climbs up my asshole, what does it really matter? It's just my flesh prison. I'm not afraid to die. I don't know if i'm afraid of anything. I am at peace with the dark. My room at night is pitch black, but I can see where I am going and I prefer it like that. It's less sensory input and makes me calm. I used to be like you. I used to be stressed non stop 24/7 but I think all the stress fried my brain and now I only get agitated stressed, but never afraid or panic

>Fear not the dark, my friend
Paul brothers were relevant *enough* when I was later in school to be talked about at my small town by peers. The fact that their reach is still in schools is annoying at best
I'm assuming you're UK or somewhere else not US, but yes, getting food restrictions and guidelines here updated or even enforced can be trouble. John Oliver did a special on it a while back.
Don't even get me started on the lack of regulation w/advertisements aimed toward kids. Multiple states here in the US passed laws to block porn sites and few have done anything about advertising online. Just coping and hoping the bureaucratic slog will get around to it eventually.
>Sense of ownership parents feel entitled to
Yeah. That's a tricky one. I've always thought parents should be held accountable more than the average person. But I have a lot of bias around that topic so I won't go too deep into it.
I am judging a book by its cover (YouTube video from the thumbnail) and it does not look epic. Can you at least attach a few words of wisdom to why these links are relevant ever
Non judgemental is key, thanks for the reminder. I was super defensive when I was growing up. I don't ever try to be judgemental, but I make an effort to try to seem a bit brighter around younger family members (i.e. forcing my voice out of monotone to seem more friendly) I recently got another younger cousin who started walking and she seems to like me

>Their careers should have permanently ended after the incident
That's what I was thinking !!! Some other YouTubers just pitied him enough to work with him and the controversy eventually, wore off? But I don't think he should be able to wash his hands of that. At the very least, he shouldn't be advertising anything to children with that kind of background imo
second time I've been called boring this week. My IMDB rating has tanked. Augh oof urgfvbh
>second time I've been called boring this week. My IMDB rating has tanked. Augh oof urgfvbh
It's ok I still love you. I just don't care much for lunchboxes or whatever
post 2 long have to make part 2
>Back of my eyes
I see a lot of colors there and they distract me. But when I have bad insomnia like I did yesterday it feels like genuine effort to keep my eyes closed. Like it's straining my eyelids, and that strain to keep my eyes closed is keeping me awake. I'm pretty sure it's just a mental trick I casted on myself but the eye mask helps a lot with that.
I've never really been afraid of spirits or ghosts or the monster under bed stuff. I would like to think most of my anxieties are based in reality. Just exaggerated? Dramatic reactions to it. I think I was born with this anxiety. I was able top cope better at certain times in the past but it never seems on the same level of "normal". I've been told my resting face either looks sad/worried
ok this is bumming me out BOOOOOOOOO I'm not scared of the dark but I AM scared of getting worry wrinkles before I'm 30. B-) ahaha
you know who else doesn't care for lunchboxes
The strain only happens because you are not relaxing your eyes. When you are putting effort into keeping your attention onto your visual, that effort makes you subconsciously strain your eyes too. You shouldn't put any effort in at all. Infact the less effort you put into it, the easier it is to stop thinking and just watch. Eventually you will drift off. It's the same with emptying the mind of thought. The more you try, the harder you make it. Remember that. It's the simplest and most easiest thing to do, but your mind is conditioned to assert effort to achieve. But in this case, achieving means less effort. Simply just let go and let your body do what it will. let go of the steering wheel and just see what happens
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11th anniversary coming up in a month, should we get him a gift?
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Anyways, I must go to sleep now. I will try not to dream about you, TomoNona, but I can't promise anything

Saying that made me feel Indian. I'm not indian btw
>Can you at least attach a few words of wisdom to why these links are relevant ever
related to story boarding
There's ways to coax what they are doing online through regular conversation. It's how I knew my niece was big into roblox without actually looking at what she was doing. At least that way, she felt I was not intruding on her privacy. She also felt comfortable talking to me on a lot of stuff she didn't with my brother and SiL.

It's so hard to not judgmental. I mean, hard. It's sometimes a major skill in itself, especially when someome says or does something which I'm very much against.

I didn't really watch any of their content. I just remember the story and the outrage over it. Now I heard one of them is a professional boxer now? Jfc.
wow bro is anon and simping, it's like if someone tried to replicate animal fact moid without the animal facts, it's not the same, but even he's a stacy chaser

one of my friends actually had a mental health episode a while, and he posted this celeberity's wiki page and he was talking about how they had a connection or i was her or i had to tell her something, idk, but the thing is i noticed she had big boobs, even the most professional and most work ethic guy i know prefers bigger boobs, even if it's on a subconscious level, because he never talks about his sexuality except for that one time he confessed that he might see me in that light and then changed his mind
it's possible to be both, i'm autistic and like attention, even men on 4chan know to avoid me somehow, like hello, did they forget i'm a girl or something?
>did they forget i'm a girl or something?
Yes, yes we did.
lol i managed to avoid being objectified by talking about my crush all the time, either that or men don't like flat women, or it's possible that i could be genuinely annoying to people desperate enough to consider themselves incels

any guy who doesn't like me is an automatic volcel tho, inceldom isn't real
The problem is not that you talk about your crush, the problem is that you only talk about a single topic. There's nothing else to talk about so you just get the skip
there are other things to talk about, like you may not have guessed, but in addition to being an artist, i'm a music composer and i'd say i'm pretty well versed in the medium, and i've mentioned that me and my crush like retro stuff
>it's possible that i could be genuinely annoying to people
You have been told this dozens of times.
What's most annoying about you is your sheer ignorance.
>healthy emotional developement and empathisizing skills
You people are EVIL. What are you talking about? Have you SEEN a woman in an evil state? Stop lying to yourself and others.
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>but ugh, le men are so gross and icky, they don't make any money and theyre short.
>its a manlet again
i just assumed it was other nonas saying that, since they don't have their judgement clouded by being a straight man, but men already don't really like women anyway so me being annoying shouldn't make that much of a difference to them, especially incels, also research shows that men enjoy sex with mentally unstable women more, i wouldn't describe myself as mentally unstable, but i can be a bit.. out there sometimes
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Looking for me?
Maybe post some boobies so I can look at them
And it's always about the same thing.
nah this is an imposter lmao, and i only have like one good pic of my boobs but the guy who saw it ghosted me so how do i even know if i could trust his feedback? lol, like even with optical illusions at the end of the day they're still flat
the confidence i had that day was actually crazy, i felt like i was basically on top of the world because some anon basically just flirted with and complimented me alot, maybe i'm a bit narcissistic, idk
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How are you not ashamed at being so one note!!!
Talk about something else for once!
i'm not ashamed because i'm just being radically authentic, and in a way my journey might be a cautionary tale, sometimes a person has to make all of the wrong choices to show the benefits of making the right ones
How's your butt though?
it's not as flat, and it looks better in pictures
Maybe send that to crushes instead then.
And post it here
i did send it to him lol, but i'm pretty sure he has a boob fetish, so it's not effective on him, it has been effective on other men tho
if i was the old me i'd have considered it, but i'm a changed person now, and posting it here would be awkward, it's biofem general not um, lewd pics general lol
Post a vocaroo then, complaining about your crush lol
that would massively compromise my anonymity, that's actual blackmail material lmao
why do you women like to pretend you ever face any form of hardship whatsoever? do you have absolutely no perspective for how incredibly easy your lives are?
>b-but i could get le raped
yeah and i could get murdered, men are more likely to get murdered by many orders of magnitude
you all get to have partners, have sex, and have children, it's basically a guarantee in your life
>men say all of this while never having experienced a single period and their biggest hardship is being single and unlikeable
the unending emotional agony i have to endure every second is 100x worse than your make-believe "period pain"
you've also never had to experience the sheer agony of getting a blow to the testicles
Oh look, yet another scrote meltdown.
at least i didn't get my scrotum inverted into a pseudo-vagina abomination like you did
pregnacy literally exists and feels worse lmao
>emotional agony
>implying men have emotions
btw i also experience the unending agony of being flat chested which is 1000 times worse tham having a small penis

men are super emotional, but they hide it behind every man who's "rational" "logical" and cold hearted is actually a really angry guy who's bitter about not having a gf
Sexx with LLL
>men already don't really like women anyway so me being annoying shouldn't make that much of a difference to them, especially incels, also research shows that men enjoy sex with mentally unstable women more
You're actually being retarded buddy, like thinking in the exact pattern than 4chan autists do where they talk out of their ass about shit they don't really understand as if they held any authority in the matter. Why don't you just try to talk to guys without any crazy pretentions and discuss the shit you like in common, drop some comments about how you're feeling lonely or whatever, let them try to make you feel good since boys like doing that. I guarantee it will yield better results than "ummm I'm an autistic retard(probably neetshit too) and I KNOW that men work like X and Y and uhhh..." like stfu and try to be a more humble girl ffs
>maybe i just need friends
>skipping the first day would be a bad impression
>im nervous and excited at the same time
you'll do fine!
>wish me luck!!
good luck!!
Well, that destroys my theory that he's underaged. I guess I need to reevaluate some things.

>men are super emotional
A lot of the ones in here certainly are.

Good morning.
>wish me luck!!
Good luck, Scara! *hug*
I have no idea what you just said. I don't know what animal fact moid is and i'm NOT a simp. I just wanted to make TomoNona feel special in a non autistic way and it's completely out of my character to say something so jeet-like. I compromised my dignity to make someone else feel good because sometimes it's not all about me

When I read that it does seem really simpy... look, i'm just trying my best to be nice to people that I think deserve it

>god I hope she doesn't see that really cringe post that I can't delete

Also, on the topic of boobs. I can tell you I like boobs of all sizes except for freakishly large. Boobs are boobs. They're just nice and each size has their own appeal and I don't really know what boob size is the best because they are all nice
I think a lot of men are the same about it, too. But men with a preference for certain sizes, there are enough that like each size, but big might be only a little more favoured. Knowing what I know, if I were a woman with small boobs I wouldn't feel insecure about it

Sometimes we obsess about things that doesn't matter, and make it everything
The only part of your body you should care a lot about is your face. No one gives a shit if you've got cowtits or an ironing board torso. Pretty face >>> everything.
Yeah probably. It's the one thing that actually makes a difference. But even then, there are still a lot of men that will take women that are not pretty so it isn't the end of the world unless you are some sort of deformed inbred
I'm a gay little simp
Right I've dated girls with less than ideal faces, but I still appreciated it when they got nice haircuts, applied a little makeup etc and tried to look pretty for me from time to time.
Ok that's nice to know, other anon-kun
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Having life on easy mode but instead coming to 4chan . 0rg forward slash rnk means that youre merely looking for validations and orbiters from dumb desperate simps. I dont know whats sadder, the fact you have to come here to get orbiters or the men doing the orbiting
good luck. don't skip. try to build up the good habits until you can do them on auto pilot even when you don't feel like it
It was someone impersonating you and getting quickly banned for it then
Good luck!
>siiigh im tired i dont wanna go to school today but skipping the first day would be a bad impression. i knew i should slept early



You really should stop consooming youtube crap
Not the first time I've heard that and I agree. It's killing my productivity but it's useful to have an immediate surface level knowledge of a lot of different areas. I really should restrict what kind of content I'm consuming though.
>I were a woman with small boobs
I AM a woman with small boobs; and while I was insecure about it when I was younger, I'm not anymore.
How's everyone doing today?

i'm a moid in south florida let me worship the ground you walk on
>south florida
Neat! I'm too far north to say that I live in the tropics, and saying that I live in the sub-tropics just sounds awkward.
Anyway, I'm heading out for a bit.
She literally posted her ban in a screenshot like a complete mong so it was not her being impersonated: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/78835906/#78836311

Could have been prevented if her IQ was above 90 and she just waited 24 hours but it was too much to ask for I suppose.

I have a car I'll drive to you my queen
Good movie.
why would a reasonably attractive woman become obsessed with a bottom of the barrel sewer rat?
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> let me worship the ground you walk on
I have to give him credit for going about this for a decade. Too bad though that it isn't a good thing. Just imagine if he took the time to actually self-reflect and kept trying, like almost all other men who eventually become successful, instead of shitposting and whining on /r9k/.

I'm now of the opinion he has severe social anxiety and expects us to ask his obese pathetic neet ass out because he's scared to ask us out, or he only goes for Stacies and was told no.
I am terrible at relaxing, but I'll try my best. That's kind of what the weed dependency is for. But I understand weed fucks up rem sleep and overall zzz health so I've been trying to only weed early afternoon-ish
I'm more of a nightmare-visiting type, honestly.
I like the charm of making hand-drawn storyboards rather than ai
> felt comfortable talking to me on a lot of stuff
Having that kind of trust between parent-child is important. Unfortunately there's the common parent trick of "if you tell me you won't get in trouble" and other lies that create a lot of distrust. Idk a lot of parents don't even see their kids as people.
>I didn't really watch any of their content
I didn't either, but I remember some peers every now and again mentioning them when I was in high school. Mostly underclass. But it seems like they appeal more to middle school imo
rip scara :( I know you probably still lurk, so I hope you have a good first day.
I'm doing okay!! I'm about to make baked potato + mac&cheese. I might post a picture if I remember. There's not much new with me though, I am playing through Stardew Valley Expanded mod SO that's been nice. I want to push over the pink haired girl from the mod lol (picrel). Not like I would do that to a person. But her? Very pushable. Not sure how to explain it
are you talking about me? i wouldn't describe my crush as a sewer rat, maybe a guy is not so conventionally attractive, but like, imagine an "ugly" virgin finally having a woman (me) to unleash his pent up sexual energy on, that's a benefit to being with incels
why are you so horny bruh
now i'm just scared because he talks like this, and i would be super embarassed if he saw me like this

idk why i'm like that desu, i guess i like to think of myself as being able to keep up with men, and i barely value platonic friendship enough, except for my best friend, who i can say i love in a purely platonic way
lol so you don't want a loving and attentive bf, just a horndog?
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It's gonna be real awkward to explain to your future bf or husband why you were so easy and desperate for male attention that you send nudes, whored yourself out and begged for crumbs of male validation. That is.. if you don't lie...
ideally he'd be both lol
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the potato turned out pretty good
i'm not explaining this to any guy outside of 4chan lol
She already has tomo on discord and she has other nonas on proton, imposter.
i'm at a point in my life where i'm just kinda lost, it's been that way since a certain thing happened, i was living a lie i didn't even know, or i was just around the wrong people, but my sense of self was forever changed when i was confronted, i thought i was quirky, but i was just cringe and generally an unecessary presence

in reality i'm more like a parasite than a fellow human, people have lives and actual personalities, i don't, sometimes i would have rather been an ai or an anime girl, being a real person with real flaws hurts and is confusing sometimes
Good catch, but she did delete her discord about a month ago, I noticed the account went down a while back
>Eating in front of your keyboard
bad habit there. Stay away from the screens while eating
I would tell you you just need to stop walking in circles but maybe every single person that frequently visits this site is doing the same, just with different things than discord ecrushes
People asked to see your art and you ghosted them as if you were your crush and they were flatties.
true as messed up as it is human nature is just like that lol

um.. who are the people mentioned here? i didn't ghost anyone
So you just lie to the person who loves you? Interesting.
How men think that the whole boob size thing bother us past middle school is beyond me.

That's completely bad on the parents to say that. That just breaks that trust. Then they wonder why their children don't talk to them. I found it better to teach them to be honest and play what they did wrong as a mistake to learn from, and doing wrong things have a consequence but it's a very good thing they did by being honest. I think this is part of why my niece trusts me more than her own parents.
>Not sure how to explain it
No need. Some people are just like Slinkies - very fun to push down stairs, but don't have much other purpose. ; )
That's mean, Florida :(. Slinkies are actually more fun than pushing down stairs.
Sink, Florida, Sink
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>How men think that the whole boob size thing bother us past middle school is beyond me.
I once made a woman cry at this job I was working at for saying my tits were bigger than hers (it was true I was a fat fuck back then), she was like 20. I wasn't even trying to be mean I guess I'm just retarded but I can see some older women still being insecure the same way guys are about their height or dick size, especially if you're affection starved.

I have a question for you femanons (not trannies)
Where do you find romance in your lives? I've always liked quirky, nerdy girls and don't mind neurotic girls either (I'm kinda damaged either way so it'd be wrong to judge). Only thing I really look for is just women who aren't too morbidly obese, I was fat and lost the weight and got over it so I'm not dealing with no land-whales, but pretty much can't meet any introverted or weird girls from dating apps or especially outside.
>How men think that the whole boob size thing bother us past middle school is beyond me.
Well, SOME of us clearly do; otherwise augmentation surgery wouldn't exist. From there, I guess it's just a matter of them thinking all women are exactly the same.
You're right. ; )
I was just thinking of how much I used to like just jingling one back and forth from one hand to the other. I think the argument could be made that, at least in that regard, they were the forerunner to the fidget spinner.
It must be in my area then unless they are being shy about it. Then again, I'm in a very conservative area. It used to bother me in school, but I grew out of it.

You are so right on it being the original. Anyone could do what you did abd feel relief. They need to normalize that for therapy for people sort of like a form of EMDR. Just you mentioning it makes me want to buy one.
>Just you mentioning it makes me want to buy one.
Keep it in your desk drawer for when you get stressed. : )

I can barely keep my eyes open, so have a great evening and I'll catch you again later.
Have a good rest, Florida! Sleep welland sweet dreams!
they can't know unless you post proof and someone reports you. Once you change your ip and clear your cookies they have no way of knowing. Most websites only keep a record of IP address and cookies. If you change both you are effectively a new person.
30 unless you are doing something really bad after you evade, you know what kind of thing.
Common spammers always get 30 whenever they are caught again with their known trick.
can't you just shut the fuck up about it for a while? they would forget about your ban in two days if you just kept it down but you keep agitating the jannies and you're giving them a reason to keep an eye out for this shit
This. It's why a certain person keeps getting banned while thinking it's some mass reporting it.
It's permanent for individual people. You can read it in the rules: https://www.4chan.org/rules "Evading your ban will result in a permanent one. Instead, wait and appeal it!"

Yes, it says 30 days on a given IP because other people use it also. Considering that she kept evading the ban shortly after and keeps doing so the odds for an appeal to be accepted even after a month is probably zero would be my guess RIP
What a idiot. Why couldn't she just wait? Now she has to use a vpn and drop her whole persona. Bye, bye a years worth of socializing.
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Just take the ban or risk your ip being rangebanned.
scaranona can't stop visiting 4chan so she declared war and will take down the site instead. That's why jannies are scared.
She will free us all
She's addicted to 4chan. She needs to detox cold turkey from it.
someone should introduce her to vocaroo
Vocaroo is even worse.
that's not ghosting lol

i've always been lying to people who love me... it's my nature, but idk if i'd be able to lie to someone i loved, or who really asked me about it, i literally knew a guy for two days and nearly ended up telling him about every crush i've had since 2019, but he ghosted me, i know there's men out there desperate enough to love a mess like me, maybe even desperste enough to find it appealing

i may have a troubled past, my heart might be a revolving door of different guys, but beneath all of that, i'm just a shy girl with a really loving spirit that hasn't been tamed
cute biofems begging me to PLAP them
>>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
>No. Die.
But I'm a woman
How am I different than you all?
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More like /biofail/ general
Being a woman is sure a mental illness at this point
Even trannies are more mentally sane KEK
>femanons (not trannies)
Fuck you
I'm a woman too
So I'll answer
Go to bars and drug the drinks
It works wonders
Also try to so voluntary work
If you can near a kindergarden
It will help you find love
Will Op1 stay away from this general and actually work on improving her life?
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I've been lurking for a while and you nonas have convinced me to give makeup a try.
Of course it is, never answered
Scaranona forever <3
>t. Scaranona
>I've been lurking for a while and you nonas have convinced me to give makeup a try.
Good luck! If you're unsure what to do, there's countless advise resources on line.
how do i keep in touch with the tripfems once /biofem/ dies?
Yeah I didn't just buy this shit without doing any research, I'm following this tutorial:
Didn't get any of the brow stuff because I don't feel like it or any of the setting powder because he says it's optional and won't move much anyway.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, I can see why some women refuse to leave the house without makeup on. Still dragged down a lot by my acne so maybe I'll try some concealer or thicker applications of the moisturizer.
nta but why are you on a male board? why insist on encroaching in a place where you're not wanted other than to be annoying. You don't belong here.
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I'm having such a hard time sleeping. I try to go to bed around 11pm. Last night I didn't sleep until 4am. I am spending nearly a quarter of my day just trying to sleep. Ended up having to take fucking anti-nausea meds they use on chemo patients because z-quil and cough syrup aren't cutting it anymore.

I would also encourage you to look into skincare, too. Makeup probably brings me from a 4/5 to a 6.

I wasn't looking, but I found my now husband via playing video games. I think if they came on really hard though I would have been scared off. We just played a lot of vidya and watched a lot of anime and went from there. I know it sounds counter intuitive but maybe don't try so hard to bag a girl, and just hang out?
>I would also encourage you to look into skincare, too
I've got a routine I've been running for years. Salicylic acid hasn't done much for me though. I'm giving adapalene gel another shot, I tried it once several years ago and didn't see much difference but maybe it'll go differently now. I'm gonna run it for a month and see how it goes.
Currently it feels like my skin is on fire before I moisturize but I'm told that subsides after a month.
i have no diagnosed mental illnesses and obviously i'm the only woman in this thread like me, so why would you generalize women as being like me when you can clearly see i'm built different
you clearly reek of asd my man
>it's my nature
who the fuck goes around and says its natural for them to be a shit person?
Its your decision to be this way.
>who the fuck goes around and says its natural for them to be a shit person?
usually people who are mentally ill and afraid to confront their issues so they pretend it's not their responsibility
Sociopaths are shit people who feel that entitled to shit on people.
autism is a mental condition, not a mental illness lol

lying (only by omission) doesn't make someone a bad person most of the time, it's called a mask in jungian psychology, it's the superego when freud mentions it, the true self is forever moderated by the society in which they live

i'm not a sociopath tho i love people

idk about all that lol
what my dream gf looks like:
>light hair
>light eyes
>bigger than average nose
>protruding brow ridge
>moids: discuss nothing but women
>foids: discuss a variety of topics outside of men and sex
Really boggles the noggles.
>comes to incel board
>is disappointed at incel discussion
>incel board
Imagine falling for that. Everyone was pretending, but your autism took it seriously.
the femoids are literally turning us gay
I found my old watercolors, going to see if they're still good and also test if I can still draw in watercolor decent enough. Maybe I'll look through my old sketchbooks for inspo but they make me kind of sad
I ate in front of my screen this morning again and I will NOT stop. I do cover my keyboard with paper towels while I'm eating though. Why is eating while watching something bad again
I feel like parents can be hostile if another family member is closer to their kid than them. It makes a lot of people feel insecure about their parenting.
The slinkies would always eventually tangle in my possession!! I wish mine came with like a tube to store it in or something
you don't :)
This thread really is dead.
>I'm having such a hard time sleeping.
Try melatonin, if you haven't already. It's been working for nearly everyone I've recommended it to.
If you've never used it before, consume a small dosage (1 to 2mg) around two hours before going to sleep.
You'll know when it kicks in. Increase dosage if the effect feels too little, but please don't gulp down the entire bottle all at once.
>t. male
Don't bring up psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychology. No one takes it seriously other than quacks.

The way I see it is they should take the opportunity to bond better with their child. That would be, imo, a good parent would do. My brother and SiL are breaking their trust with my niece more and more everyday.

Then participate.
A common one no really tries is magnesium glycinate.

Just multitasking with the basic things I guess. Same logic that makes you use the bed not to sleep but to scroll through the blue light and teach yourself insomnia
that's what my dream bf looks like
What an idiotic clickbait video. Oats in particular has shown to have so much indescribable health benefits like regulating blood sugar in diabetics, ot's effects on the cardiovascular system, and helping the beneficial bactetia in our digestive systrm compared to one insignificant anti-nutrient mentioned in that video.
Evening, ladies; just passing through with a quick *hug* before I'm off to bed.
Aww, thank you,Florida-chan! I think the world would be a better plave with more hugs. You are always such a sweety! Have a good night, sleep well, and sweet dreams!
Getting hugs from Florida-Chan, TomoNona, and moid-chan.
God it's so boring tonight even at work. I'm tempted to just bite troll bait just for the hell of it.
What's your fav bait thread? there's one about a relationship ending, one about a girl wanting to neuter a guy, a red flag bingo for men, and other unsuccessful trash that failed to get replies out there
I don't have one. The ones on the board rn are not really that good imo.
Anyways,how are you?
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hey idk if anyone was wondering but i didnt quit the thread, my laptop is just dead and i hate phone posting
Hey berries! How have you been outside of the laptop thing?
ill tell u when i fix it kek i hat ethis stupid fucking keyboard for ants
download swiftkey from the app store, it will make typing trivial
I hate phoneposting but I don't like bringing my laptop ti work. It takes so long to type a message, I accidentally hit the one buttton that mimimizes everything, typos are easy to make, etc.
Tried it just now. I'm not liking it. I just uninstalled it.
To each their own. It gets better over time as you use it, sometimes I can type entire sentences for me just by tapping the suggested word repeatedly
men are literally such a meme gender lmao, my crush literally just sent me some tweet about how saying men are bad and women are good is bad, but then was like "i beg you to retweet cute anime girls" why does he want me in charge of his twitter spankbank now?
I think I'm just too used to the default and don't want to take the time to learn where everything is at or its features.
start psyopping him with small titty anime girls
fat chance because i have a small nose
I wonder if his family follow his twitter?
tragic, i'm very sorry for you
if he's giving it to people on 4chan it's probably an alt and not an irl account
a little crazy if not
True, but it would be funny for his family to see how much of a dumb coomer he us.
i'm considering it, but idk

probably not
>probably not
Bummer :(
moidchan, wanna kiss?
>wanna kiss?
Kiss him. You need to.
Answer is still no.
kissing and coitus
How's your night going?
Never with (You).
Extremely boring. This night is just dragging.
Okay final bump since patients are getting up. Have a good day nonas.
moid-chan, you are the love of my life
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How was it? Details!
She will never say or describe it in a vague manner like feeling full or scratched itch. Never the physical sensation of actually feeling penetrated, her hole stretched to accomdate his cock, what it feels like having his cock rubbing against the inside of her vaginal walls, etc. Women are unable to do so because it's actually a major psyop.
all you girls belong in pampers
It clearly says "I got laid off" as in let go from a job, but I guess you wouldn't know that.
What shit moids will think up...
Well, you are in a board filled mostly with the mentally ill.
Dude read "I got laid" and his brain went into overdrive and overwrote the rest of reality with his own delusions.
>t. male
He asked me to jump in a quick call with like 20 other people that were getting fired too. Very romantic.

Do you usually dedicate this much thought to the specific sensations women have when having sex with someone else?

Thanks for getting it
to be honest i felt like typing here earlier but didn't say anything because it'd be pretty embarassing to talk about e-situationship/friendzoning drama after someone announced they got laid in real life, i already know i have a reputation for being pathetic but that would be too embarassing
>they got laid
OFF. I got laid off. Fired.

But now you have to tell us about your situationship.
Instead of getting laid off, you should also fuck off.
Same goes for the discord retard.
>now you have to tell us about your situationship
100% it's that girl who keeps talking about the waifunig who doesn't care about her nudes
how do i move on from someone while also giving the impression that i'm not upset at, or ignoring them?

with each day i feel myself being more ready, it's funny, around this time two years ago i was obsessed with a totally different guy, i didn't think there was any fate worse than the aftermath of that, to be fair, this isn't as bad as that, but it's surely not as peaceful as being mentally single

the problem is being around him just makes me fall for his (lack of) charms for some reason, and i wouldn't be able to not be around him without him noticing it, i have to overcome my mind and heart in stealth, and maybe i can pretend it was never as deep or as serious as it was for me
Putting way too much thought into this shit. Either just stop talking to them and do something else with you time or find someone else to bond with. What do you want?
yeah lol

that's awful too, i've always been unemployed but my mom has been laid off before, companies are so brutal and ruthless, lol it's not much of a situationship it's more of a lack of communication, but i'm assuming it's just one sided now, we had potential but then he saw what i looked like...
i guess what i want is to have never done all of that, but it's impossible, so the next best thing is for it to actually work out or for me to pretend i never did

i have been finding other things to do with my time, i've just discovered resident evil 2, i didn't think much of it because it was a horror game, but the graphics on the gamecube look great as a retro aesthetic enthusiast, and it's not that scary
>a nona: "I got fired from my job."
>an attentionwhore: "wah muh ex-nigel."
i am here to collect my free girlfriend
No free girlfriends here.
Paid ones then?
No paid ones either.
How about girls, without the friend part?
None of paid or free.
Ok then friends, but not girls?
>no girls in /biofem/
don't do me like this
sure they are
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This is you. Yes, you. Every single one of you.
Seriously, moid?
Without any of the tripfems, this thread is pretty dead.
>4k nonas
A concept too advanced for the Tibetan fecal transmutation discussion board.
Even worse:
Come on, x265 has been around since forever.
Hope you get another job soon! Live day to day scared by this, it sucks. Have too many debts to afford the luxury now
>titling the thread biofem instead of just fem
How women have fallen
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>titling the thread biofem instead of just fem
theres no such thing as anything other than women besides men. Using the term biological woman makes no sense. by calling yourselves biowomen instead of just women you concede to trannies. you are women, thats it.
I lurk more than I post lately. I don't have much worthwhile to say.
everything you say is worthwhile, for at least two big reasons
some of us still post, but without tripfagging
>two big reasons
Her two big boobs?
everything i say is also worthwhile, but for two really small reasons
your balls I'm assuming?
>I lurk more than I post lately. I don't have much worthwhile to say.
This is pretty much the boat I've been in as well. I've been a LITTLE busy, but still trying to at least check in a few times a day.
no... i have small boobs, wow... that's actually so messed up
can i be your small pp bf
penis size isn't a prohibitive factor for me, but i'm in a pretty awkward spot since i'm moving on from my crush and another guy ghosted me
wonder how scara's first days at college went
>Be me at work yesterday
>Get cramps a few hours in and feel nauseous as fuck
>Ask to go home
>Sleep the rest of day
>Wake up and receive a text
>Apparently I bled through my work clothes and my coworkers think I went home because I was embarrassed
This is retarded. I would've just changed my clothes if I noticed.
Now everyone thinks I just skimped out on work for no reason like a kid.
How much for your bloodied clothes?
You'll have to ask the laundry lady, I only wear that shit on the job.
Nah, coworkers don't care that much and can tell if someone's sick. Will be quickly forgotten.
If they don't say anything, it's simply because they don't have the authority to just tell you to go home and rest, on shitty jobs you still have to keep going sadly.
pretty sure she was worried about others thinking she just free bled to get out of work
>wonder how scara's first days at college went
Better than her most recent day on /r9k/, I hope.
This is Scara's professor. She told the class today about her friends here.
did she talk about her husbandos while introducing herself?
Don't let her play too much gachas
Happy weekend and happy everything nonas
A single bump for femininity.
How do I get a gf like this? Pls don't bully my taste.

>t. male
an OF girl? not crying about it when she tells you she does OF
Pls ignore the OF tag. Also, if she was pic related I wouldn't really care if she did OF.
Why you would love an older hag like me that hates men is baffling to me.

Okay, I just had to comment on this one: like holy shit. Scrotes really do play gymnastics on this stuff.

>He asked me to jump in a quick call with like 20 other people that were getting fired too. Very romantic.

You don't need to trip to contribute.

Same with you, Tomo. I've been lurking much more often due to not really having anything to really say.

I still do this from time to time.

I think a lot of us are busy atm.

I hope it really went well.

Thank you. Hope your weekend goes well as well.
Bruh I think I saw the boiled one
If you're on tik tok you know what I'm talking about
Holy shit it's 4am I'm literally scared to death
I should just go to sleep but I can't I'm scared but this is just my brain seeing things because I'm sleepy? Right?
I can't wait until day comes holy shit I'm so scared my heart will explode I'm seriously going to cry now
>Why you would love an older hag like me that hates men is baffling to me.
You are too nice and the misandry is an act.
Good evening moid-chan. Doing my exercises. Made a little more progress on my project. My mom got me these dried dates which had a swirl in it. She didn't like them. I think they are okay except the Moroccan spice one.
I'll give you the nice part, but me hating men is not an act. I mentioned before I just tolerate you all.

Hey peaches! Good evening to you too! That's great to hear about your project. It's slowly coming along then. I've seen dates at the store before and looked them up, and it seemed like it would be too sweet for me.
I like sweet things especially gummies. My grandma used to spoil me with them every time she visited.
That's def a grandma thing to do.
It's hitting me s bit tonight that she's gone. It's making the exercises hard to push through.
Your grandmother would want you to stay strong and healthy.
It always is hard when it hits us time and time again. Grieving never ends, and that is okay. Just do what you can. Sometimes it hits me too with my granddad who passed away two years ago.
Just one of those nights. Makes my insides feel awful. Such a terrible twisty feeling.
I know thank you. Just hard tonight.
Love to you both and all the other nonas (and polite anons).
Love to you Florida-chan. Good to see you.
I'm rude and stealing all of this love for myself again. Thanks.
i'm a recovering pick me and i"ve been catching myself agreeing with radfems on twitter, i love men, but some amount of making them seethe and telling the truth is necessary, deep down men know they are how they are, they don't trust other men, but they're fine with that until a woman says it
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Men are inherently mentally masochistic deep down (possibly evolved this way from the wars, dangers and having to obey hierarchy) and they love bitches. They will NEVER admit this openly and pretend "NOO I WANT A SUBMISSIVE GIRLY WHO DOES EVERYTHING I WANT AND MOMMIES ME" but these women most of the time get taken advantage of and discarded. I've always been selfish, rough and telling men to be useful or die and they become absolutely obsessed and loyal.

Bitch doesn't mean liar, whore or backstabber the way.
omg that makes sense, men were into femdom the whole time, my aura is too submissive to be taken seriously
>omg that makes sense, men were into femdom the whole time
Psychologically? For sure. It's even subconscious for a lot of these men like they are not aware of it if you ask them and will deny it, but deep down it's true. Also being a "bitch" helps you filter out sociopathic or shitty men because you just keep walking if they don't obey or mistreat you. There's also that very popular book called why men loves bitches, personally I never read it but my friend did and she said it's pretty true from her own dating experience. Always tried to be nice, serve men, cook for them, be cute and clingy and they would do nothing but step all over her and then when she turned more cold and firm they would be suddenly bending over to listen to her whims.

Men are weird.
can confirm but it's important to highlight the
>Bitch doesn't mean liar, whore or backstabber the way.
part. This only works if you're a good person.
A submissive girl is one who does my bidding by bullying me.

>.t male
This and don't let any other post tell you otherwise
t. another male
Gentle femdom edition next
Sorry to hear that, peaches. I hope you are feeling better about it tomorrow. If not, that's okay too. It's okay to not be okay.

Love you too, Florida! *hugs*
but i'm already dominant and a bitch on the outside (with a soft center)
where is my sub bf :(
>Always tried to be nice, serve men, cook for them, be cute and clingy and they would do nothing but step all over her and then when she turned more cold and firm they would be suddenly bending over to listen to her whims.
Funny, it works the same way with guys. It must not be a gender thing then but a communication problem. I've seen this a lot, it's often better described as not asserting your desires properly. It's like the difference between saying "Can you please maybe do the dishes? No? Okay." And "Do the dishes, I do my part and you need to do yours." It's scary for both parties, I've watched in real time people having to navigate asserting themselves for the first time to someone who won't listen. It's eye opening. There is, and I'm not trying to be a feminist faggot, a lot of genuine misogyny that makes people tune out women when they have actual tangible complaints. Like actual shit just goes under the radar, and women should absolutely be more vocal and what is wrong with me, men need to listen you have no idea how hard it is for me to type these fucking words. When you're more vocal about your inner feelings, the faster I can do something about them rather than allowing confusion and bitterness to fester. Asserting yourself also allows me to feel more comfortable asserting myself when I have needs in return, because it keeps it fresh in our minds that we can trust each other to hear the other person out.

>.t male
i get post 500
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This is not a gender thing. It's about power. People want to be served by their partner without putting in any effort themselves. The problem is they also want a "high value" partner they can respect and show off. So you can't have both a submissive servant partner and someone valuable you can respect. This is why the ones who hold power in the relationship start becoming abusive. If the sub partner is a complete doormat they will be used and discarded because they are perceived as being, and may in reality be, low value, boring and useless in comparison to their partner. People date down to have power like this but they inevitably start hating their partners and themselves because they are aware that they "settled" with someone who is lesser than them. Low value and insecure people have no choise but to stay alone or get in a toxic relationship. Putting up boundaries and acting like a selfish, cold hard to get bitch mostly works for women because they have innate value of having a vagina and there will always be plenty of desperate men ready to throw away their dignity for a bread crumb of pussy. But it's true that all relationships are about power and if you want to be in one it's best you become the one with the upper hand. Women find this out by getting pumped, dumped and abused by Chads and then make a choice to "date down" and settle with a nice obedient provider they can hold power over. Men get played by women the same way and become misogynistic fuckboys or mgtow/inkwel types depending on their "value". It's a never ending cycle of power games, shit tests and avoiding the icks.

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