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Is it unethical to have a harem? If you had the chance, would you go for it? Most girls react surprisingly positively to the idea of building a sisterhood around a man.

also how is your harem project going?
You can't just post that without a source and pretend it's ok.
Is the plan to repeat the same threads every other day? We once had an attempt to start a /harem general/ but ironically enough nobody was interested in keep it up.
I'm fine with repeat threads though, since talking about harems gives me a boner.

>how is your harem project going?
Not great. I was one of the married anons from last thread and my wife is definitely not on board. Currently I'm trying to get a friend on board, and I think she might be into it, but obviously my wife has final say. I'm also taking her to Japan next year, I was hoping she'd be open to a threesome with an escort or something, but chances are not looking good.
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>This retarded thread again but mines gets archived with 0
there's no source it's an amateur pic
if a woman has a harem of men yes or if the harem is nonvirgins
sad!! don't get married anons

mods pls ban spammer garbage
>a decent thead on harems
nooooooo you can't have a good discussion here!
As much as i love the idea of having an harem, i think that at least on the Christian side of the world it is culturally unviable, specially for such socially conditioned individuals like women, who on top of coming from a general background of millennium old traditional monogamy backed in almost all western constitutions and branches of christendom, except maybe the Mormon's church and some other very small cults, are constantly being bombarded with propaganda pushing a monogamous narrative, for example, Disney have never projected being in an harem something romantic, and it never will as it contradicts most of what the Western world understands for "Romantic love". As Zizek said (who i do not respect as a philosopher, but gotta recognize a point when there's one) "true romantic love is of two people and two people alone" as it is based upon jealousy and obsession.

TLDR: we are culturally too pushed into monogamy both by religious bias as a form of political structure around family and as for media romanticism about concepts like "true love" or "love of one's life".
That being said, i can resort to my personal experience to evaluate women's actual behaviour behind cultural boundaries, you'd see, i had the opportunity to date and fuck several women simultaneously at a given moment and i can confirm that it is a Matter of time before they start pushing for commitment, at wich point it comes as impossible to hold on many ladies at the same time for two main reasons, first being economical reality, jealousy from girls doesn't come mostly as man's jealousness, while our jealousy is mostly around physical exclusivity ladies tend to go further, they expect emotional and economical exclusivity, even on top of physical responsibility, making it unviable to have several ladies unless you have the economical capacity of buying their compliance, wich is hella expensive i swear, or else they're gonna revolt, no way around it, love is most of the time, after a while, not enough for girls to stay, they need direction, and harems are not culturally acceptable. The second reason are their parents and cose relatives, like, who would actually be proud lf their daughter/sister was a random guy's bitch on his harem? They're gonna be against your very existence, demanding a monogamous relationship and pressuring her on leaving.
So in conclusion, unless you have the capacity to afford their compliance and take them far away from their family's influence, you're gonna ride an unstable boat that will eventually sink. Even if you had the chance to make it worth, I'd believe it's not worth it, as i said i did experienced having an harem and it wasn't that much of a thrill after a while, it's more of a virginal fantasy, it's more valuable to have one very committed woman than 4 girlfriends who're not that into you as a head over heels wife would be, if you manage your relationship properly.
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i don't have much to say
as i'm a 30 year old wizard
but i like seeing this image in the catalog
so way to go op
Would any fembots like to be lovebombed into joining my e-harem? They only requirement is you have to do sexual things that I tell you to do and send me pics.
If you're still into this idea of having an harem, simply do what most successful man do, make your spouse be extremely in love with you and then get yourself one or two girlfriends who are well aware of your wife (i'm only with her because of our kids/we're in an open relationship/I'm looking to leave her) and have separate relationships with them while not triggering any suspiciousness in your marriage, be discreet, be confident, be reliable, it's the western way of having an harem. Lots of people do this.
I would agree not to get married, if your primary goal is to have a harem. My primary goal is to be a father, so marriage was the optimal route. My harem goals are secondary to my parenthood goals.
everyone who can have a harem already has one. good looking guys have multiple girlfriends each.
My gf is practically always with me and always knows where I am since I have no friends or hobbies, idk how I could get away with this.
Like if I suddenly started hanging out with my own mother more often she would notice.
i wish that was true but knowing chads and good looking men, they don't know how to make use of their looks

they'll go they hookup route and have to put in the effort to go outside, talk to an individual girl etc.

they might get lucky and get threesomes eventually.

but they never seal the deal on creating a harem. a harem is when you have multiple women being part of your own community where they help each other and have sex with you. none of the chads have that. they could, but they don't know how to play their cards
they fell for the meme and don't go the full solomon way
damn that's sad desu
It's not unethical, it's unethical to promise monogamy and then go back on that promise. But a harem needs a lead female. All other polygamous Relationships are cruddy and disgusting. but a well kept harem with a main woman leading that harem and keeping it in check can actually be one of the more rewarding types of relationships for all parties included. Good luck finding the right girls though lmao
A harem situation is really only possible when there is a massive wealth/power disparity.
Go to Thailand.
nah it's all about personality desu
all girls are the right girls, the ones that don't are the ones who find you a beta

it's in their biology to want a harem situation
>he thinks a group of woman will satisfy his sexual desires because he's nice and not because they want a rich successful sugardaddy

lay off the porn anon
dude have you ever had a gf? they ALL love that idea but don't wanna admit to it.
I've fucked more women in one week you have in your entire life.

They are territorial creatures and you are a incel pretending to have any idea how their brains work.
>one week you have in your entire life.
Not gonna take you seriously here. And sorry these women find you a beta male.

LMAO this is laughable.
I'd be lucky to find one girl that loves me
you gotta think larger bruv
All spam and bait shit should be banned this is no exception
Just remember that you spent your teens and 20s online while normal people your age were out having sex.

You spent your peak developmental and testosterone-producing years inside the house on the computer.

Hope that helps!
I can say at least that I had my experience with it (in a developing country), and yes, it was only possible because I had money.
>Go to Thailand
Why Thailand instead of say, the Philippines or Vietnam?
What country?
Nigeria fr
this is not spam. this is a daily thread.

>normal people
70% of men can't even get laid. I have literal harems

you're the gf coper. have fun with you crumbs of bad sex while you provide for them
>this is not spam.

Same exact picture, same exact text. Yep, it's low effort spam. Not as bad as spammed race baiting sure, but it should still be removed
>it should still be removed
KEK SNITCH FAGGOT back to r_ddit
amazing pic. dream!
no its not unethical and if it is who cares
>Is it unethical to have a harem?
yes /thread
>black women
no thanks, but I'm glad you had fun
The key to having successful threads is to shamelessly samefag them. That's the secret they don't want you to know.
Harems are unethical. Women do not like it. Just look at Islam. If you interview the adult children of households with multiple wives you will hear about how it tore their mothers up on the inside. You can go through a fuck boy ara before settling down with a wife. After you married occasional threeways are probably the best you can do because Polly shit never works out.
You are going to drive her away with your consent nagging. If you keep this up you will get divorced. It amazes me how retards with no social skills get married. Empathize with her. She is already married to a retard on 4chan and as a woman, she just wants to be in love with one person and not need to be in competition with other women anymore. Once you're married you're supposed to be able to relax a little bit. No matter how many vacations you bring her on those materialistic things will not matter compared to the emotional damage.

Don't be a retard who keeps poking the bear and ruins his life because of his dumb boners.
he fell into the semi-beta role unfortunately. but maybe there's hope. especially if they go to japan as he said, and he gets flirted with.
they work, problem is muslims have an average IQ of 73. they're uncivilized. they're animals when it comes to sex.

women like being used as sex objects, but only in a specific context i.e. in bed with a guy they trust.

arabs are mostly violent males who can't love.
To each their own. All I'll say is, at least I got to actually experience it, rather than being picky or inactive about it, and never getting to have it
Absolutely, and I'm happy for you robot. I'm just autistic enough that I'm literally only attracted to Asian girls.
Ah well, I hope you can get your own experience, with Asian girls
One woman is enough of a headache who the fuck would want two
This post is like 90 percent based. Fuck Islam.
Now you can find weirdo sects of Christianity that also have multiple wives like Mormonism and the same thing happens when you interview the adult children and it tears their moms up on the inside.
Thanks anon. I'm hopeful. I think this thread is giving me ideas about vietnam.
>Is it unethical to have a harem?
If your partners consent to it and you can provide for all of them then I'd say its not immoral.
>would you go for it?
I wouldn't; more women, more problems. I wouldn't look forward to them ganging up on me.
>I wouldn't look forward to them ganging up on me
I lived with a pair of sisters just after college. Every time they disagreed with me on something together, I would get a boner.
nah this thread is based. All men like me deserve a harem of hot girls
Imagine how much better it would be if the gender ratio at birth was like 10 females for every 1 male. We'd all be chads with our own harems. Well statistically we'd be the harem girls, but I'm saying if we we're lucky here.
If I've learned anything from hookup culture, its that 20% of males would still end up with 50% of females; leaving 80% or males to fight over the last 50% of females.
>anon had a nigerian harem
greentext time?
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I'm also ONLY attracted to asian girls, I've only ever kissed or fucked ASIAN WOMEN and I don't look for anything else.

HOWEVER, I'll say this. I wouldn't reject vidrel.
what a gayass autistic faggot loser. he's literally r9k in 2024.
he is gay in the show
just like most blackpillers
Yes, for social stability reason. All societies with harems are incredibly violent and unstable, because basically young men having no hope of reproductive future turn to violence. And eventually the society enforced monogamy.
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So long as women can choose their harem, then yes
I'm happier sharing a partner with other girls than being forced onto a basedboi drone
Biofem btw
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nah maybe chad does most guys deserve to wring their sad little dicks to images on their screen
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>also how is your harem project going?
im a virgin in my 30s. it going well.
one step at a time anon no need to rush things

this will solve your problems
extremely based chaos magic works
Yeah, basically if you have a harem you should not expect that society will protect you. The only stale societies are based on the idea of monogamy.
>society will protect you
society hates all men equally so that's a non-issue
I'm not against using chaos magic, but aren't there going to be drawbacks? Would I owe the entities my soul or something?
usually you don't use any entities using chaos magic, unless you want to. and even when they do, most people create their own entities out of their imagination or don't create entities at all.
>would you
>hows it going
...well, you know, im posting on r9k so...
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>Is it unethical to have a harem?
No, it's just and right.

>also how is your harem project going?
Some interest, little committment.
>usually you don't use any entities using chaos magic
that alleviates my main concern, thank you
>most people create their own entities out of their imagination or don't create entities at all.
fascinating, I think I would try to NOT create anything like that, but still, after reading the easy guide on /x/ I think I'll give this a shot tonight. Any other advice?
watch the Grant Morrison lecture there, he goes on some schizo shit but it's worth it once he starts talking about sigils. there isn't much secret to the whole thing, it's pretty malleable. chaos magic is basically the anarchism of magic

nothing is true, everything is permitted
funny how you can tell the asian girl just by her back.

they're so perfect
Fembots ITT: Would you ever join a harem?
only if the male leader and the girl leaders allow me to be sexual with the girls too
as a girl, i think a harem sounds cool, but my bpdemons just dont let me thinking about my bf having sex w another girl, but if u date normal girls, sounds really good. As I already mentioned, my bpdemons fuck me a lot, but if my boyfriend asked me, I know I would give in, despite being very sad
If you replace the word allow with require then you would likely be in luck. What would you do for him and them?
i dunno im not a lesbian but if there is a man around i wouldnt feel weird about kissing and caressing a girls body because "its all for the guy" even tho i would enjoy it a lot
I knew a BPD woman. She claimed to have no jealousy and was the most jealous human I ever met.
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You should also enjoy being squeezed between their bodies, feeling her juices dripping onto you, and his dick entering you already wet with the girl before you.
I don't know why you replied to me, since I was just talking about chaos magic. But I do agree that Asian women are the superior race for harem building.
How big should the harem be?
like 20 at least we'd have a huge combined income so we can live lavishly and the house would look pristine
we need a few female leaders tho like a core group of 3 to keep the girls in check
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If they came from money you could get the rich girls to give up their money. Make it like a vow of poverty in a culty sense.
they look like GENUINELY happy. girls really love harems

Too bad most guys are pussies and won't try it. Not even Chads build harems anymore. They don't realize it'd be easy and they keep playing with fire getting shitty hookup sex every week
Explain how a guy should build a harem please.
Some of the incels now will still be incels, they will just be less. Chad will have 20+ women harem and fuck others on the side, some 4/10 fucker will have one wife that still try to cheat on him with some 6/10 normie with 2 or 3 women. Half of the women will just get inseminated and be work drones because dating someone below average is less appealing than drinking wine and rubbing the bean to chad.
I would love to have women of every race, height, and weight in mine.
asians only is enough for me.
based as fuck
variety? nah gimme the orientals.
damn they look good desu. even ai asians are the best
gimme all the viet girls
Only cucks like Juden Peterstein think it's "unethical". Also he has to BEG for women to "fall" for these "evil" men. If he has to BEG for that, it means women ARE biologically attracted to haremhavers
That would be the dream! Imagine muting for 2000 seconds and so on the posters of these repetitive bullshit
I don't browse here, but y'all spend too much time here if you can spot "repeating" threads.

Literally go outside and say "hi" to a girl, you might finally touch a titty in her bed.
totally me even in my late 50s. women shows affection/interest and I sperg out
your parents really fucked up huh.

you need help. it's never too late.
jordan peterson is a beta cuck who got rejected by her wife his whole young adult years
this is the ultimate cope deu
this is beautiful. desu
this is what men should do
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my wife is in her 50s and im 30
she says she will help find her replacement when she is old and dying

does this mean she might be open to letting me fuck other women at some point?
>Is it unethical to have a harem?
Only if you're lying to them
how is that unethical
if they dont know it literally doesnt affect them
No, the most I'd want is two gfs, so not really a harem. Also they'd have to be bi and into each other.
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idk man you think that but then you get two and think hmm maybe just one more
personally i just want to get crushed by a lot of fat women at once
You think the effect is what determines if something is ethical or not?

Well, anyone, it is basically guaranteed to affect not only them, but also you, and everyone else in both of your lives either way. Lying has effects that ripple through your entire world, it is unavoidable

Also, I think honesty is probably the #1 most important part of being "ethical." If you're not honest, then none of the things that you have are even real, it's all an illusion, and all that ends up doing is hurting people
I kinda have one, my wife and I live together, Then there are three other "best friends" I still know from school years ago. II had something sexual with all of them, only was together with one though and we remained friends after the breakup. They were the nerdy girls and have grown up to be pretty freaky, one of them is a lesbian btw but still lets me do anything to her. We just went to a kind of fetish club a few times and it kinda started from there. What helped the most was that they all had some kind of relationship between each other before that aswell and trusted me to a great extent. Just had to reassure my girlfriend a lot because of the jealousy and put a ring on her finger. Best decision I`ve ever made tho.
A female friend of mine half-jokingly proposed to her friend in front of me to be my platonic wives. The second one didn't seem opposed to it, just saying it wouldn't work because she'd be jealous or something. Neither of them love me for the record, as we're all just friends, but it's interesting to know the thought comes up with them if you're not a piece of shit. I would never want to do it with a relationship founded on monogamy, but I'm not into modern polyamory either. The only concerns ethics-wise are if you unfairly ignore any of your wives and children, which becomes more difficult as the size increases. Or, if you fuck over a monogamous partnership to add someone in (unfair to your prior commitment).

Frankly, harems seem like a pain, and unless I'm the only dominant male involved, there's just no appeal to me. Basically, think generic Japanese isekai harem manga relationships. I think it'd be neat to do if I was sufficiently rich and powerful enough to manage it, but again, what a fucking pain. It'd be easier to have a wife and concubines instead for sure.

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