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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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i love elephant
My dick is bigger but I'm a manlet, OP
Hot, please fuck my girlfriend while my dicklet lanklet self seethes about it.
I wish he still produced content, because his cock looks SO fucking yummy.
File: real elephant.jpg (461 KB, 1920x1080)
461 KB
461 KB JPG
god likes elephants and i like elephants
God I wish I wasn't a cutfag.....
I just found a higher resolution version of the same image.
That's a troon, not an elephant
women are so impossible nowadays that pic related is very enticing. of course i suspect the reality is that 10/10 troons are just as bad a regular women. that's if you can even find a good troon because 99% of them are men in drag.
>of course i suspect the reality is that 10/10 troons are just as bad a regular women.
They can be picky like regular women, but I'd still say they're better. They still have male sexuality and male sex drives.
>They can be picky like regular women
yeah fuck that. women's standards are insane. no way am i risking going on fucking grindr to find some mythical trap gf.
Just look like chad. They'll be way more interested in you based on how you look than biological women. You don't have to worry about constant shit tests and trying to constantly be better than all the other men just to continue to impress her.
>Just look like chad
how bout i fucking kick your teeth in you little shit
I learned about him shortly after he passed. I was actually studying computer science at university at the time.
source? originally alsjdsad

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